The inscrutable signatures of patient-ventilator asynchrony 2021

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© 2020 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA Minerva Anestesiologica 2021 March;87(3):278-82

Online version at DOI: 10.23736/S0375-9393.20.15087-9


The inscrutable signatures of patient-ventilator

asynchrony: all the light we cannot see
Kathleen M. VENTRE *

Department of Pediatrics, Critical Care Medicine, Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY, USA
*Corresponding author: Kathleen M. Ventre, Unit of Pediatrics, Critical Care Medicine, Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY, USA.

A t the turn of the 21st century, the ARDS

Network confirmed in a multicenter clini-
cal trial that tidal volume and plateau pressure
that optimization of patient-ventilator interac-
tions among spontaneously breathing patients
may represent the next frontier in reducing ex-
limitation attenuate inflammation and reduce cess ventilator-associated morbidity. Patient-
mortality1, 2 – adding substantially to a wealth of ventilator asynchrony is exceedingly common; in
evidence suggesting that the ventilator can be as controlled settings it has been observed in up to
much a part of the problem as it is the solution 80-100% of the study population.14-16 Most com-
for patients with acute respiratory failure.3-5 Ac- mon asynchrony patterns can be classified as flow
cordingly, a major focus of the lung protective asynchronies, cycling asynchronies, and trigger
era has been the pursuit of supportive care strat- asynchronies (Table I). Flow asynchronies occur
egies that would allow critically ill patients to when the ventilator flow is inadequate to meet
be supported with the minimum effective dose patient demand. Cycling asynchronies occur
and duration of mechanical ventilation. To date, when the set inspiratory time is out of synchrony
several robust clinical trials have demonstrated with the patient’s own “neural” inspiratory time.
that dynamic, goal-directed sedation manage- Trigger asynchronies include ineffective efforts,
ment facilitates earlier liberation from the venti- trigger delay, auto triggering and double trigger-
lator.6-8 This outcome is concordant with the ob- ing, a phenomenon resulting in the delivery of up
servation that when the human body is oriented to twice the intended tidal volume. Each of these
horizontally, spontaneous breathing optimizes patterns can manifest as noticeable increases in
diaphragmatic and respiratory system mechanics patient work, to a degree that often prompts cli-
in a manner that improves matching of ventila- nicians to uptitrate patient sedation and/or the set
tion to perfusion and reduces the applied airway ventilator parameters. Such approaches can pro-
pressures required to maintain functional re- vide some short-term relief for the patient, but
sidual capacity.9 Taken together, these findings over time they can potentially prolong ventilator
justify the now widespread practice of managing dependence and contribute to excess lung injury.
ventilated patients in a state of greater wakeful- Published reports on the prevalence of patient
ness using patient-triggered, “assisted” modes of ventilator asynchronies began to proliferate as
ventilation. the lung protective ventilation era was dawn-
For all that evidence-based supportive care ing. Using esophageal manometry to estimate
practices for ventilated patients have contributed the timing of inspiratory muscle efforts, Fabry et
toward improving outcomes over the past two al. demonstrated significant asynchronies in 9/11
decades,10-13 there remains a growing awareness (82%) of adult patients transitioning to pressure

278 Minerva Anestesiologica March 2021

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Table I.—Patient-ventilator asynchrony patterns.

Type Subtype Description
Trigger asynchrony Ineffective (“missed”) effortsPatient’s inspiratory effort does not trigger delivery of a ventilator
Trigger delay Delivery of the ventilator breath is delayed relative to the timing of
the patient’s inspiratory effort
Auto-triggering Ventilator breath is delivered in the absence of patient’s inspiratory
Double triggering Patient’s inspiratory effort triggers second ventilator breath before
exhalation of the initial triggered breath is complete
Cycling (termination) Early cycling Set or automated inspiratory time is shorter than patient’s neural
asynchrony (premature breath termination) inspiratory time
Late cycling Set or automated inspiratory time is longer than patient’s neural
(delayed breath termination) inspiratory time
Flow asynchrony Set flow rate is insufficient to meet patient demand

support ventilation, a median of three days af- a respiratory pattern that is in greater harmony
ter intubation.17 In seven (63%) of the patients, with their neural inclinations. Neurally adjusted
≥10% of their inspiratory efforts did not trigger ventilatory assist (NAVA) is unique among con-
a breath from the ventilator, a metric that would temporary modes in that it uses the onset and de-
come to be known in the research arena as a sig- cay of diaphragmatic electrical activity (EAdi) to
nificantly elevated missed efforts “asynchrony guide the initiation and termination of each venti-
index.” Subsequent investigators using mainly lator breath, and delivers a breath proportional in
standard ventilator waveform analysis went on to scale to the magnitude of this electrical signal26
confirm the high prevalence of patient-ventilator (Figure 1).27-29 Published studies have consistent-
asynchronies in spontaneously breathing adult ly found that NAVA technology dramatically re-
and pediatric patients, reporting all-cause asyn- duces the prevalence of asynchronies in patients
chrony indices (the proportion of ventilator cycles of all ages, when used in conjunction with either
demonstrating any asynchrony pattern) of ≥10% an invasive30-34 or noninvasive35-37 interface.
in 24% to 80% of patients,15, 16, 18-20 occurring as More widespread use of this mode remains lim-
early as the first 24 hours of mechanical ventila- ited by the need for a specialized catheter fitted
tion.15 The prevalence of asynchronies tends to with an electrode array to detect the EAdi, spe-
depend on both patient and ventilator factors. cialized ventilator software to record and process
Higher prevalence is observed among patients the signal, and expertise in catheter placement
with heightened respiratory drive, airways ob- and titration of support in NAVA mode. In this
struction (e.g. COPD), and low PaO2/FiO2 ratio, issue of Minerva Anestesiologica, Di Nardo et al.
as well as patients ventilated in assisted modes use the transesophageal electromyogram as a di-
with multiple set parameters (e.g. assist-control agnostic instrument, outside the context of NAVA
mode), or those ventilated using PEEP, high lev- mode.38 These investigators added an EAdi trace
els of pressure support, higher tidal volume, and to traditional waveforms recorded from the ven-
reduced tidal volume in combination with short tilator console, in an effort to determine whether
inspiratory time.16, 18, 21-25 The few available this information would improve pediatric in-
studies examining the effect of patient-ventilator tensivists’ ability to diagnose patient-ventilator
asynchrony on patient outcomes have suggested asynchronies.38 They recorded digital pressure,
an association between asynchrony index >10%, flow, and EAdi signals from 10 non-neonatal
prolonged mechanical ventilation,15, 18, 19 pro- patients during their first hour of ventilation in
longed hospitalization15 and mortality.19 PSV mode, where PEEP and FiO2 settings were
To the extent that the prevalence of patient- discretionary, PS was set to target an expiratory
ventilator asynchronies is directly related to the tidal volume of 6-8 mL/kg actual body weight,
number of set parameters, elimination of these inspiratory rise time was set at 0.15s, inspiratory
events would entail allowing patients to assume flow trigger at 0.25 L/min, and expiratory trig-

Vol. 87 - No. 3 Minerva Anestesiologica 279

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↑ NAVA level
The work of Di Nardo et al. adds to published
evidence from adult ICUs suggesting that pa-
tient-ventilator asynchronies frequently go un-
↓ NAVA level
l recognized, even in clinical settings with particu-
Ventilator pressure

Pressure control
lar expertise in ventilator management. In prior
work, Colombo et al. similarly recorded EAdi-
enhanced waveform tracings from a population
of 24 adults ventilated in PSV mode, to devel-
op an expert consensus regarding the presence
VA and type of identifiable asynchrony patterns.23
Comparing this reference standard against the
Patient effort responses of 10 experienced intensivists and 10
Figure 1.—Relationship between ventilator pressure and pa- first year postgraduate trainees evaluating only
tient effort, as governed by the equation of motion for the re- the pressure and flow waveforms, the investi-
spiratory system.27-29 At a given elastic and resistive load, the
transrespiratory system pressure delivered by the ventilator gators found that each provider type accurately
is inversely related to patient effort in “volume controlled” diagnosed the asynchrony pattern with 88% and
modes of ventilation. In “pressure controlled” modes, venti- 93% specificity (P=0.10) but only 28% and 16%
lator pressure is unrelated to the magnitude of patient effort.
An essential distinction between either of these modes and sensitivity (P=0.03), respectively. The study also
NAVA mode is that in NAVA mode, ventilator pressure is confirmed the observation that clinicians have
directly related to patient effort. The curved arrow illustrates
that increasing the gain (“NAVA level”) allows the operator particular difficulty detecting auto-triggering and
to increase the intensity of mechanical support (i.e. the slope missed efforts, events whose signature on stan-
of the ventilator pressure vs. patient effort relationship) as
necessary for acute disease states and weaning the NAVA dard pressure or flow waveforms is often subtle
level reduces the intensity of support. The graphic illustrates or absent.23, 38 One of the study’s most compel-
the potential limitations of “volume controlled” modes in ling findings was that the rate of accurate asyn-
their capacity to unload respiratory muscles, and the theo-
retical advantages of NAVA in this regard. Modified from chrony detection decreased as the asynchrony
Kacmarek et al., Skorko et al., Younes et al.27-29 prevalence increased on any given trace, sug-
gesting that breathing patterns in which instances
ger at 25% of peak inspiratory flow. Data from of patient-ventilator asynchrony are not anoma-
two of the patients were excluded due to EAdi lous can easily evade human perception.
artifacts. Recordings from each of the remaining Together with studies of similar design, the
eight patients were segmented into 240 screen work of Di Nardo et al. raises the important
captures showing 15 seconds of pressure, flow, possibility that published prevalence estimates
and EAdi tracings. From the 1920 individual based on identification of asynchrony patterns
screen captures, the investigators used a consen- through expert analysis of traditional ventilator
sus process to curate a select group of six shots waveforms may underestimate the magnitude of
that demonstrated no more than one of three im- the patient-ventilator asynchrony problem. In its
portant asynchronies: double triggering, autotrig- present form, NAVA technology offers important
gering, and missed efforts. Versions of the final diagnostic and therapeutic advantages that po-
screen captures that included and excluded the sition it to play a prominent role in future mul-
EAdi signal were presented in random order to ticenter clinical trials powered to provide new
60 experienced pediatric intensivists as part of a insights into the relationship between patient-
10-minute written survey requiring them to iden- ventilator asynchrony and clinical outcomes.
tify the type of asynchrony in each figure. Results Looking further ahead, more reliable detection
of the survey indicated that inclusion of the EAdi of dysfunctional patient-ventilator interactions in
signal increased clinicians’ ability to detect auto- settings where NAVA is not feasible may depend
triggering (13% to 67% [P<0.0001]) and missed on the development and refinement of integrated
efforts (43% to 95%; P<0.0001) but did not add software packages capable of identifying asyn-
much to their ability to identify double triggering chrony patterns that would otherwise remain out-
(78% without vs. 85% with EAdi; P=0.52).38 side the limits of human apprehension.39, 40 For

280 Minerva Anestesiologica March 2021

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Conflicts of interest.—The author certifies that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material
discussed in the manuscript.
Authors’ contributions.—The author read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Comment on: Di Nardo M, Lonero M, Staffieri F, Di Mussi R, Murgolo F, Lorusso P, et al. Can visual inspection of the electrical
activity of the diaphragm improve the detection of patient-ventilator asynchronies by pediatric critical care physicians? Minerva
Anestesiol 2021;87:319-24. DOI: 10.23736/S0375-9393.20.14543-7.
History.—Article first published online: October 15, 2020. - Manuscript accepted: September 30, 2020. - Manuscript received: July
31, 2020.
(Cite this article as: Ventre KM. The inscrutable signatures of patient-ventilator asynchrony: all the light we cannot see. Minerva
Anestesiol 2021;87:278-82. DOI: 10.23736/S0375-9393.20.15087-9)

282 Minerva Anestesiologica March 2021

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