Summative Test #3 ENGLISH

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Department of Education


Division of Romblon
District of Corcuera
Mangansag, Corcuera, Romblon

3rd Summative Test in English 4 (Week 5 & 6)

Third Quarter

Name: _____________________________________________________ Score: ________

A. Directions: Identify the appropriate graphic organizer stated in each

number and write your answer on the space provided.

__________________________1. It is a cause-and-effect organizer.

__________________________2. It is use to compare two or more items.

__________________________3. It is a visual thinking tools that make pictures of


__________________________4. It is an overlapping circle that illustrate similarity

and differences.

__________________________5. It is a side-by-side graphical representation about

the key themes.

B. Directions: Read the paragraph and infer the speaker’s tone, mood, and
purpose. Write your answer in the space provided.

_____1. It was the first football game for the Gators. The coach asked if
everyone was ready. The players jumped and replied, “Yes!” In what tone did
the Gators’s reply?
a. calm c. happy
b. serious d. enthusiastic
_____2. The blue jay is jumping on the tree singing and dancing happily. What
is the blue jay’s tone while singing?
a. joyful c. confused
b. dreamy d. hurt
_____3. The alarm buzzed. Jordan smashed her first down on it-hard. It flew off
the nightstand and bounced off her cat, Armstrong. The cat yowled indignantly
and rocketed out the room.
a. eerie c. passionate
b. sarcastic d. humorous
_____4. Wow! With a top speed of one hundred fifty miles per hour, that car can
almost fly! Which tone is represented in the following passage?
a. calm c. scary
b. annoyed d. excited
_____5. If the author has no emotion regarding the story he is telling; his tone
can be described as.
a. playful c. ironic
b. objective d. mysterious
_____6. What is the tone of the following text? “I will not!” she shouted. “I will
not be left at the mercy of our enemies while you slink away!”
a. pleased c. happy
b. angry d. suspicious
_____7. She hesitated, listening for sounds of the creature. The forest seemed
empty, but she could sense something else out there. Something watching and
waiting. What is the mood for the passage?
a. romantic c. joyful
b. depressing d. suspenseful
_____8. Which word accurately describes the son’s tone in the following
dialogue? Father: We are going to Disney World! Son: Yehey!
a. irritated c. uninterested
b. annoyed d. excited
_____9. She delicately placed the cooing baby on a soft, freshly cleaned blanket.
a. calm c. scary
b. annoyed d. excited
_____10. A hurricane threatened, the wind’s blast caused angry fifteen-foot
waves to crash over the small houses near the shore.
a. calm c. scary
b. annoyed d. excited

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Philippians 4:13
Key to Correction
1. Fishbone
2. Venn Diagram
3. Graphic Organizer
4. Venn Diagram
5. Semantic Web
1. d
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. d
6. b
7. d
8. d
9. a
10. c

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