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Louis Andro A. Maranca| October 17, 2023
As per Republic Act 10533 Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 Section 5, Item H, Under
Curriculum Development: “The curriculum shall be flexible enough to enable and allow schools
to localize, indigenize and enhance the same based on their respective educational and social
contexts. The production and development of locally produced learning and teaching materials
shall be encouraged, and approval of these materials shall devolve to the regional and division
education units.” The Pitogo Community High School takes on this challenge through Canva. The
school ICT conducted a LAC session about online lesson presentation as the basis for the
development, quality assurance, and contextualization of the learning resource. Held at Pitogo
Community High School - JHS on October 17, 2023.Therefore, basis for the development, quality
assurance, and contextualization of the learning resource.

Teachers are introduced to Canva.

Creating simple presentation made easy
by the application, sharing presentation
to students to extends their learning
outside the school. The activity also
aims for students, to share their
presentation to the teachers to be
checked and create outmost effective
presentation for the class

As the activity flourishes by collaborative ideas, the teaching staff expect to extend the
use of Canva in other activity to increase effectivity and efficiency in teaching.

Enrich the Minds, Build Connections, Make Things Happen, and Pursue the Impossible

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