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Head and neck anatomy part 1 – end of session test

1. The foramen magnum is a bony hole in the base of the cranium which allows the exit
of the spinal cord from the base of the brain and into the vertebral column of the
spine. In which bone is this foramen situated?
A Frontal bone
B Occipital bone
C Parietal bone
D Sphenoid bone
E Temporal bone

2. The temporomandibular joint is surrounded by several pairs of muscles of

mastication that allow chewing movements to occur. Contraction of which of the
following muscle pulls the mandible backwards and closed?
A Buccinator
B Lateral pterygoid
C Masseter
D Medial pterygoid
E Temporalis

3. The suprahyoid muscles are situated around the mandible and the hyoid bone of the
upper neck and effect various jaw movements including opening the mouth. Which
of the suprahyoid muscles forms the floor of the mouth?
A Anterior digastric
B Genioglossus
C Geniohyoid
D Mylohyoid
E Posterior digastric

4. Abnormal clenching and grinding habits are seen in many patients and are often related to
stress. Many patients are unaware that they perform these abnormal jaw movements, but
the dental team will suspect that they occur when which type of tooth wear is seen in the
A Abfraction
B Abrasion
C Attrition
D Cavitation
E Erosion

5. During normal jaw movements, the head of the mandibular condyle moves against its
articulation point with the temporal bone. Which anatomical feature prevents the jaw from
dislocating during these movements?
A Articular eminence
B Glenoid fossa
C Meniscus
D Ramus of the mandible
E Sigmoid notch
6. The bone forming the jaws and the cranium is composed of two different layers; a harder
outer layer and a softer inner layer, sponge-like in appearance. What is the correct term of
the sponge-like bone?
a. Compact bone
b. Hard bone
c. Cancellous bone
d. Suture
e. Foramen

7. The two maxilla bones present a hollow space within, also called sinuses or maxillary
antrum. Which teeth from the following are associated with risks during extractions, such as
fracturing the floor of the sinus?
a. Upper molars and premolars
b. Lower molars
c. Upper molars and second premolar
d. Lower premolars

8. The temporomandibular joint is the hinge-type joint that allows the mouth to open and
close. It is formed between the temporal bone of the cranium and the mandible. Which one
of the options listed is the anatomical structure that forms the mandibular component of the
a. Hyoid bone
b. Lingula
c. Ramus
d. Mental symphysis
e. Condyle

9. Which one of the following muscles of mastication will bring the jaw forwards and the teeth
biting edge-to-edge?
a. Masseter
b. Lateral pterygoid
c. Medial pterygoid
d. Buccinator
e. Temporalis

10. Extraction of specific teeth in the upper jaw can sometimes be the cause of an unwanted
communication created between the sinus and the mouth also known under the name of:
a. Foramen magnum
b. Maxillary tuberosity
c. Oroantral fistula
d. Sinusitis
e. Mental symphysis
End of session test - answers

1. The foramen magnum is a bony hole in the base of the cranium which allows the exit
of the spinal cord from the base of the brain and into the vertebral column of the
spine. In which bone is this foramen situated?
A Frontal bone
B Occipital bone
C Parietal bone
D Sphenoid bone
E Temporal bone

2. The temporomandibular joint is surrounded by several pairs of muscles of

mastication that allow chewing movements to occur. Contraction of which of the
following muscle pulls the mandible backwards and closed?
A Buccinator
B Lateral pterygoid
C Masseter
D Medial pterygoid
E Temporalis
The correct answer is E. Temporalis runs from the temporal bone, under the zygomatic arch
to insert onto the coronoid process of the mandible.

3. The suprahyoid muscles are situated around the mandible and the hyoid bone of the
upper neck and effect various jaw movements including opening the mouth. Which
of the suprahyoid muscles forms the floor of the mouth?
A Anterior digastric
B Genioglossus
C Geniohyoid
D Mylohyoid
E Posterior digastric
The correct answer is D. The mylohyoid muscle lies below the tongue and attaches to the
mylohyoid ridge on the inner surface of the mandible. It lies above the submandibular
salivary gland.

4. Abnormal clenching and grinding habits are seen in many patients and are often related to
stress. Many patients are unaware that they perform these abnormal jaw movements, but
the dental team will suspect that they occur when which type of tooth wear is seen in the
A Abfraction
B Abrasion
C Attrition
D Cavitation
E Erosion
The correct answer is C. Attrition is the non-carious loss of the occlusal and incisal surfaces
of the teeth, caused by the constant grinding action of the upper and lower teeth against
each other during bruxing. Visibly, canine and premolar cusps are often flattened, incisors
may appear worn to exactly the same height, and shiny wear facets are often present.
5. During normal jaw movements, the head of the mandibular condyle moves against its
articulation point with the temporal bone. Which anatomical feature prevents the jaw from
dislocating during these movements?
A Articular eminence
B Glenoid fossa
C Meniscus
D Ramus of the mandible
E Sigmoid notch
The correct answer is A. The articular eminence is a ridge of bone at the front of the glenoid
fossa which prevents the condylar head from slipping out of the fossa during normal jaw

6. The bone forming the jaws and the cranium is composed of two different layers; a harder
outer layer and a softer inner layer, sponge-like in appearance. What is the correct term of
the sponge-like bone?

a) Compact bone
b) Hard bone
c) Cancellous bone
d) Suture
e) Foramen

7. The two maxilla bones present a hollow space within, also called sinuses or maxillary
antrum. Which teeth from the following are associated with risks during extractions, such as
fracturing the floor of the sinus?
a. Upper molars and premolars
b. Lower molars
c. Upper molars and second premolar
d. Lower premolars

8. The temporomandibular joint is the hinge-type joint that allows the mouth to open and
close. It is formed between the temporal bone of the cranium and the mandible. Which one
of the options listed is the anatomical structure that forms the mandibular component of the
a) Hyoid bone
b) Lingula
c) Ramus
d) Mental symphysis
e) Condyle

8. Which one of the following muscles of mastication will bring the jaw forwards and the
teeth biting edge-to-edge?
a. Masseter
b. Lateral pterygoid
c. Medial pterygoid
d. Buccinator
e. Temporalis
9. Extraction of specific teeth in the upper jaw can sometimes be the cause of an
unwanted communication created between the sinus and the mouth also known under
the name of:
a) Foramen magnum
b) Maxillary tuberosity
c) Oroantral fistula
d) Sinusitis
e) Mental symphysis

Class activity diagram answers

1- Parietal bone
2- Frontal bone
3- Sphenoid bone
4- Temporal bone
5- Coronoid sutures
6- Nasal bones
7- Zygomatic bone
8- Maxilla
9- Mandible
10- Occipital bone
11- TMJ, condyle
12- Mental foramen

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