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Video Analysis Checklist

Classroom prerequisites and learning environment

Best practices √/X Comments

1 Materials and equipment appropriate for the activities

and age of the pupils

2 Access to secondary sources of information such as

books, computers, posters

3 Classroom arranged for pupils to work in groups

4 Giving sufficient time is for discussing pupils’ ideas,

clarifying the question being investigated, collecting
data, discussing what has been done and found out

5 Pupils have note books or folders for keeping their


6 Pupils are taught techniques for using equipment,

including measuring instruments, safely and

7 Pupils are helped to use appropriate scientific terms

and representations

8 Tolerance and mutual respect are encouraged

9 Pupils’ work is displayed in the classroom

Teacher’s role
Best practices √/X Comments

1 Asking for pupils’ own ideas

2 Helping pupils to express their ideas clearly

3 Giving pupils positive feedback

4 Encouraging pupil to ask questions

5 Involving pupils in planning investigations

6 Ensuring pupils check their results / observations

7 Helping pupils to keep notes and systematic records


Learners’ experience
Best practices √/X Comments

1 Pursuing questions which they have identified as

their own even if introduced by the teacher

2 Raising further questions which can lead to


3 Making predictions based on what they think or find


4 Taking part in planning investigations with

appropriate controls to answer specific questions

5 Carrying out investigations

6 Gathering evidence by observing real events or

using other sources which enables them to test their

7 Considering how their results answer the

investigation question

8 Trying to explain their results

9 Collaborating in group work

10 Talking to each other or to the teacher about what

they are observing or investigating

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