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Geometric Design

Example Problems
Vertical Example

 A crest vertical curve is to be designed to join a 3%

grade with a 2% grade at a section of a two-lane
highway. Determine the minimum length of the
curve if the design speed of the highway is 60
mi/h, S < L, and a perception-reaction time of 2.5
sec. The deceleration rate for braking (a) is 11.2 ft

 An existing vertical curve on a highway joins a

4.4% grade with a 4.4% grade. If the length of the
curve is 275 ft, what is the maximum safe speed
on this curve?
 What speed should be posted if 5 mph increments
are used?
 Assume a 11.2 ft /sec2, perception-reaction time
2.5 sec, and that S < L.

 A sag vertical curve is to be designed to join a 5%

grade to a 2% grade. If the design speed is 40
mi/h, determine the minimum length of the curve
that will satisfy all criteria. Assume a 11.2 ft /sec2
and perception-reaction time 2.5 sec.

Due to crashes at a railroad crossing, an overpass

(with a surface 24 ft above the existing road) is to
be constructed on an existing level highway. The
existing highway has a design speed of 50 mph.
The overpass structure is to be level, centered
above the railroad, and 200 ft long. What length of
the existing level highway must be reconstructed to
provide an appropriate vertical alignment?
1.Find K values for the crest and sag vertical curve.
• Ksag = 96 for 50 mph
• Kcrest = 84 for 50 mph
2.Because the combination sag & crest curve goes between
two flat grades:
• G1 for the sag = 0
• G2 for the sag = G1 for the crest
• G2 for the crest = 0
• Therefore, A for the crest = A for the sag
3.Use L = KA to express length in terms of K. We know that A
is the same for both because A = G2 – G1 and
• Lsag = 96A
• Lcrest = 84A
4.Use a vertical relationship to get the second equation:
• AL/200 = Yf = AL/200
• Therefore, ALsag/200 + ALcrest/200 = 24 ft
1.Substitute and solve for A
• A(96A)/200 + A(84A)/200 = 24
• A = 5.16% = G2 for the sag = G1 for the crest
2.Find curve lengths
• Lsag = KsagA = (96)(5.16) = 495.36 ft.
• Lcrest = KcrestA = (84)(5.16) = 433.44 ft
3.Find total length of highway that must be reconstructed
• Need one sag and one crest curve on each end =
2(495.36) + 2(433.44) = 1857.6 ft
• Add the 200 ft long flat section at the top = 1857.6 + 200
= 2057.6 ft.

A developer is having a single-lane raceway constructed

with a 100 mph design speed. A curve on the raceway has
a radius of 1000 ft, a central angle of 30 degrees, and PI
stationing at 1125+10. If the design coefficient of side
friction is 0.20, determine the superelevation required at
design speed (do not ignore the normal component of the
centripetal force). Also, compute the degree of curve,
length of curve, and stationing of the PC and PT.
1.The proper equation is
• tan(α) + fs = (V2/gRv)(1 – fstan(α))
• Although In the typical formula the fstan(α) term is ignored
because it is small, this is the normal component of the
centripetal acceleration and will not be ignored here.
2.Solve for α
• tan(α) + 0.20 = ((100 x 1.47)2/(32.2)(1000))(1 – 0.20tan(α)
• tan(α) + 0.20 = 0.671(1 – 0.20tan(α)
• tan(α) + 0.20 = 0.671 – 0.1342tan(α)
• 1.1342 tan(α) = 0.471
• tan(α) = 0.4153
• α = 22.55° as tan α = e/100 So, we get “e”
• e = 41.53
• If we ignored the normal component of centripetal acceleration,
e = 47.11
• As we get into big superelevations then it is no longer practical
to ignore the normal component
1.Degree of curvature
• (π/180)RΔ = 100Δ/D
• D = 5.73
2.Curve length
• L = 100Δ/D = 523.56 ft
• T = Rtan(Δ/2) = 267.95 ft
• PC = PI - T = 112510 – 267.95 = 1122+42.05
• PT = PC + L
• PT = 112510 + 523.56 = 1130+33.56
Geometric Design Example
A 2-lane (10 ft wide lanes) combined horizontal and crest
vertical curve is currently posted for a 35 mph speed limit
and is designed for 40 mph. Curve data are:

•Horizontal: L = 580 ft, Δ = 60°, e = 6%, Ms = 30 ft

•Vertical: L = 580 ft, G1 = 3%, G2 = -2.5%

Is this curve adequately designed for 40 mph?

Compute available SSD for both as well.
1.Determine if horizontal curve is adequate for 40 mph
• R = 180L/πΔ = 553.9 ft (this is the centerline radius)
• Rv = centerline radius – 5 ft = 548.9 ft
• Rv = V2/(g(fs + e))
• Use limiting value of fs from AASHTO = 0.35
• V = 60.9 ft/s = 41.44 mph
• OK
2.Determine adequacy of vertical curve
• K = L/A = 580/(3 - -2.5) = 105.5
• From Table 3.2, K = 44 for 40 mph
• OK
3.What is the available SSD?
• Horizontal curve: SSD = (πRv/90)(cos-1((Rv – Ms)/Rv))
• SSD = (19.16)cos-1(0.9453)
• SSD = 364.6 ft
• This SSD consists of braking distance + reaction time (2.5)
x initial speed
• Vertical curve (assume SSD < L):
• SSD2 = 2158L/A = 2158(580)/5.5 = 227,571
• SSD = 477 ft
• Therefore, horizontal is more limiting and SSDavailable = 364.6 ft

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