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Curso: A1
Formador: Joana Cabo
Data de Realização da Ficha: June 15 , 2024

Name: N.º:
Teacher’s signature: Overall Score:
Reading: Listening:

Use of English: Writing:

A. Listen and choose the correct answer (A, B or C) for each question. You will hear the
recording twice.
_____ 1 What time did they arrive?
_____ 2 How many students were there?
_____ 3 What did they do in the evening?
_____ 4 What beds did they stay in?
_____ 5 What did they hear in the night?

Read the text and answer the questions

Last summer
One day, last summer, Daniel and I were bored. It was the school holidays. We liked going
swimming, but it was raining. We liked playing computer games, but we finished all the
levels. We didn’t want to stay in the (a)_____________. So, we visited some places in the
town. There is an old castle in the town and we visited it in the morning. We visited with
my (b) _____________. The castle was big, but it looked (c) _____________. Maybe
because it was so old. The walls were brown and there weren’t any curtains or mats like
we have. There wasn’t even a (d) _____________ – I think people cooked outside in the
old days! I liked the castle, but Daniel thought it was (e) _____________. So, we visited a
museum later. The museum was fun and there were lots of things to do. Finally, Daniel
was (f) _____________!

B. Complete the text with the words from the pictures.

C. Answer the questions about the text.

1. When was the story?
2. Why didn’t they go swimming?


D. Match the adjectives (1–5) with their opposites (A–E).
______ 1. big A. slow
______ 2. dirty B. quiet
______ 3. new C. small
______ 4. quick D. old
______ 5. loud E. clean ____/5

E. Complete the sentences with these words.

computer /computer game/ mobile phone/ radio/ TV

1. In the evenings, I watch ______________. My favourite
show is The Simpsons.
2. My parents like listening to the______________. in the
mornings. They love old songs.
3. My favourite______________. is Rocket League. It is about
sports but also has cars!
4. I use my ______________. to take pictures and text my friends.
5. I want a new ______________. to play games and study. ____/5

F. Complete the conversation. Use was/were/wasn’t/weren’t.

Hannah: Hi Chloe. How was school yesterday?
Chloe: Fine. Why (a) ______________ you there? I
missed you!
Hannah: I (b) ______________ with my parents. We (c)
______________ visiting my grandparents.
Chloe: Lovely!
Hannah: Yes, I usually don’t miss school, but yesterday (d) ______________my
grandfather’s birthday!
Chloe: Well, it (e) ______________ fun at school. We had really difficult classes, and it
rained all day. ____/10

G. Write the verbs in brackets in the past.
Yesterday was Saturday so I didn’t have school, but (a) ____________(do) my homework
in the morning. The afternoon and evening were fun. I (b) ____________(go) to the
cinema in the afternoon. It was really good! I (c) ____________ (buy) some chocolate
and lemonade, and aft er the film I (d) ____________(have) dinner with my family. I also
(e) ____________(see) some of my friends in the evening and we played games.

H. Write a text about someone famous you admire (50 words).
• What’s his/her name?
• Where’s he /she from?
• Where did he/she grow up?
• When was he/she born?
• What is his/her job?
• Why do you like him/her?


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