B1 June Test

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Curso: Maine B1
Formador: Raquel Seabra
Data de Realização da Ficha: 21-06-2024

Teacher’s signature: Overall Score:
Reading: Listening:

Use of English: Writing:

Task 1
You are going to listen to a woman called Ella talking about a project to help the environment.
Complete the sentences. Write one or two words
or a number or a date or a time.

Collecting rubbish in the park

Ella helps to collect rubbish in the park (1) a month.

The most common type of rubbish they find is recycled into (2) .

Ella is surprised they don’t find more rubbish from (3) when they’re cleaning parks.

The charity provides (4) so volunteers don’t need to bring them.

After collecting rubbish, Ella’s team always go to a

(5) .

For more information, email (6) @parkrubbish.com

Task 2
You are going to listen to an interview with Gregory, a teenager who has already been to forty
countries. For questions 7–12, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you

7 When did Gregory’s family begin visiting other countries?

A When the local school shut.
B After they received some money.
C When his mum and dad found new jobs.

8 Gregory thought that Japan

A was a difficult country to travel in.
B gave him important new feelings.
C had fewer activities than his own country.

9 How did Gregory continue his education while he was travelling for a year?
A His parents taught him.
B He took school books with him.
C He used the internet and his experiences.
10 Gregory says that travelling has allowed him to
A learn to be more careful.
B make lots of close friends.
C become more independent.

11 What kind of country does Gregory like visiting most?

A One that has a friendly atmosphere.
B One which has famous places to visit.
C One where he can speak the language.

12 What advice does Gregory give teenage travellers?

A Don’t be frightened of travelling.
B Take plenty of things to do with you.
C Try not to spend to too long in one place.

Task 3
Listen to the interview again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

13 Japanese people got annoyed when Gregory tried to speak their language.

14 Gregory says that he met lots of people while he was travelling.

15 Gregory says that he doesn’t move from place to place as quickly as before.

Task 4
Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the sentences.

16 From their hotel room, they could see the on the beach. (golden, lovely, sand)
17 There are lots of around the farm. (fields, green, huge)
18 We went out from the dark house into the . (warm, sunshine, beautiful)
19 The was very difficult to drive along. (narrow, road, dangerous)
20 A river looks like a
when you see it on a map. (blue, long, line)
21 She was a child when she was a baby. (child, pretty, blue-eyed)
22 They put all the food for the party on the
. (brown, table, long)
23 Suddenly, a appeared from nowhere. (old, man, frightening)

Read the article :

Going Greener

My name’s Galia, and I’m studying all about the damage that people are doing to our planet at the moment. A
lot of the things I’ve found out about are extremely interesting. (1) So that’s why I wanted to
share with you some of the things I’ve started doing to help protect the environment a bit more. Maybe you
can start doing some of these things too.

The first thing I try to do is to use less electricity. When most electricity is made, it adds a harmful gas called
carbon dioxide to the air. If we have too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the Earth gets warmer. This
makes the weather around the world different to before. (2) So now I switch off lights and
electrical equipment when I’m not using it.
Mum used to give me a lift to school. She had to drive a few extra kilometres to take me there because the
school isn’t really on her way to work. Cars release lots of carbon dioxide. (3) That’s why I’ve
started cycling there now.

I also eat less meat than I did before. (4) That’s because the animals we use for meat need a lot
of land and extra food, so it’s better to have one meat-free day and eat more fruit, vegetables and cereals like

I made a really nice jewellery box using some of the little plastic food pots that I usually just throw away.
(5) It may sound funny, but with a bit of glue to stick them all together and some paint, it actually
looks great!

So come on everyone, it’s time to go greener!

Task 1

Read the article. Choose from the sentences (A–H) the one which fits each gap (1–5). There are three
extra sentences which you do not need to use.

A Producing it costs a lot and is also bad for the environment.

B It’s this climate change that is causing lots of problems in many places.

C This plastic can get into seas a rivers and harm wildlife.

D So I’ve actually recycled some of my own rubbish!

E So the sun heats up these clouds and destroys them.

F But the most important of these is that we can all do something about it.

G This is why it’s better to only have chicken.

H They also produce other types of pollution, which is bad for our health.

Task 2
Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.

6 Make a list of the ways in which Galia is helping the environment?

7 How did Galia travel to school before?

Task 3
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

My unusual hobby
16-year-old Bridget Peters writes about her hobby, making soap sculptures

I have a slightly unusual hobby – you probably only use it to wash your face or hands, but I make small
sculptures out of soap. I’m a bit of an expert these days, having read about it in many different books, and I’ve
even managed to get several friends interested in doing it. I didn’t even know people made sculptures from
soap until I found a short online film about it by accident and thought it was something I’d like to try. More
people are becoming interested these days and a documentary has even been made about it.
It’s especially popular in a country called Thailand. They often make sculptures of flowers there so I decided
to try that. Although I’ve seen sculptures of many other things since, like birds, flowers seemed like the best
thing to start with. I wasn’t expecting my first sculpture to be brilliant, but I surprised myself with how good it
was. I felt more confident about trying other things after my family told me how good it looked. It took quite a
long time, and I didn’t really have the right tools, but I enjoyed making it.
After lots of practice, I became quite good and had my first exhibition when I was fifteen. It went extremely
well, even though the place where it was held was rather small. I made some nice posters with photos of my
designs on, and put them up wherever I could. So although very few people had heard of soap sculpture, they
could see exactly what it was. The posters worked, because lots of people came. We’d only just finished
putting the sculptures in place when the first people arrived.
Lots of people ask me why I don’t try making sculptures using stone or metal. It’s never really attracted me,
though. I prefer learning by doing rather than going to classes, so I can’t see me ever doing a degree in
sculpture but I’d love to show people how to create the kinds of things I make. Everything I do is small,
because soap is hard to work with once it goes past a certain size. Whatever happens, I’m sure I’ll love my
hobby for years to come.

8 Bridget first became interested in soap sculptures when she

A read about it in a book.
B saw a video on it on the internet.
C watched a TV programme about it.
D learnt about it from someone she knows.

9 How did Bridget feel about the first soap sculpture she made?
A disappointed with the quality
B unsure she’d chosen the right design
C surprised by how easy it was to make
D pleased by what other people said about it

10 Why does Bridget think her first exhibition was a success?

A It was organised so long before the event.
B The gallery was so good.
C She had advertised it well.
D Soap sculpture had become popular.

11 In the future, Bridget would like to

A teach sculpture to others.
B study sculpture at university.
C make larger soap sculptures.
D create sculptures in other materials.

12 What would Bridget’s best friend say about her?

A Bridget never talks about her hobby much to me or her other friends. She really loves it though and wants to
continue doing it.
B I was amazed how good the sculptures were at Bridget’s little exhibition last year. Even the poster for it was
C I think Bridget’s starting to get bored of making things with soap, but she’s looking forward to using metal
D Now she’s got the right equipment, Bridget’s sculptures are actually really good. The first one was a bit of a
disaster, though.
Use of English
Task 1
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 Millions of tons of plastic throws / are thrown away every single day.
2 People throw / are thrown away too much rubbish.
3 Many stars are formed / were formed billions of years ago.
4 The world’s highest mountains find / are found in Asia.
5 Scientists believe / are believed that there will soon be more plastic than fish in the ocean.
6 The first plastic invented / was invented in 1907.
7 Many people waste / are wasted lots of electricity.
8 Too many trees cut / are cut down every year.
9 I stopped / was stopped by a police officer who wanted to ask me some questions.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with one word.

10 Sometimes, turtles accidentally caught in fishermen’s nets.

11 Many rare animals killed last year by hunters.
12 In lots of countries, electricity produced using sunlight.
13 About eleven percent of land around the world used to grow food.
14 A long time ago, I told that eating too much sugar can be unhealthy.
15 Although the government introduced new rules about the environment, they weren’t followed
many companies.
Task 3
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use negative forms if

15 Pilots wear uniforms for most airlines or they get into trouble. (HAVE)
16 Adrian leave his friend’s house quite soon – it’s getting late. (NEED)
17 Passengers walk across the railway – it’s very dangerous! (MUST)
18 Mark buy a ticket when he got on the train – the ticket office was closed.
19 You buy a sandwich from the station café for me – I’m not hungry. (HAVE)
20 Steve buy a new ticket yesterday, because he lost his first one. (NEED)

Task 4
Choose the words to complete the text.

About three years ago, new neighbours (21) moved / had moved into the house next door to mine.
I (22) already lived / had already lived in the street for a few years, so I (23) knew / had known everyone
there pretty well. Anyway, the new family (24) spent / had spent the previous three years living in a country in
South America, called Chile.

They had a son called Danny, who (25) was / had been the same age as me – sixteen. We soon
(26) became / had become friends. He (27) learnt / had learnt to speak Spanish while living in Chile and I
(28) asked / had asked him to teach me Spanish too. He (29) enjoyed / had enjoyed his life in Chile and
really missed his friends there.
You see this notice on an English-language website.

Articles wanted!

What’s the most interesting trip you’ve ever made?

Who did you go with and how did you travel there?

What did you do there?

Why was it so special?

Tell us what you think!

Write an article answering these questions and we will publish the best ones on our website.

Write your article in approximately 100 words.


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