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def solveMazeWithPath(maze):

R, C = len(maze), len(maze[0])

start = (0, 0)
for r in range(R):
for c in range(C):
if maze[r][c] == 'S':
start = (r, c)
return None

queue = deque()
queue.appendleft((start[0], start[1], 0, [start[0] * C + start[1]]))
directions = [[0, 1], [0, -1], [1, 0], [-1, 0]]
visited = [[False] * C for _ in range(R)]

while len(queue) != 0:
coord = queue.pop()
visited[coord[0]][coord[1]] = True

if maze[coord[0]][coord[1]] == "E":
return coord[2], [[i//C, i%C] for i in coord[3]] # Return path length, boxes on path

for dir in directions:

nr, nc = coord[0] + dir[0], coord[1] + dir[1]
if (nr < 0 or nr >= R or nc < 0 or nc >= C or maze[nr][nc] == "#" or visited[nr][nc]): continue
queue.appendleft((nr, nc, coord[2] + 1, coord[3] + [nr * C + nc]))

with open("maze.txt") as f:
maze = []
for line in f:
maze.append([i for i in line.strip("\n")])
pathLen, pathItems = solveMazeWithPath(maze)
print("Length of path:", pathLen)
print("Path Items:", *pathItems)

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