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Although / Even though / Though Despite / In spite of

+ Clause  + N.phr./ V-ing phr.
Because (S+V+.. Because of

A. 1./ She didn’t go to school because she was sick.
She didn’t go to school because of her sickness / her being sick / being sick. (bỏ her khi 2 vế cùng chủ từ)

2.1/ I accepted the job although the salary was low

 In spite of the low salary / the salary being low, I accepted the job

2.2/ He left school because his family was poor

 He left school because of his poor family / his family being poor
 “It” không ngôi: She left though it was foggy
a. Chỉ thời tiết: đổi ra  the + N / the + adj. + weather  She left despite the fog / the foggy weather

I couldn’t sleep because it was noisy

b. Không chỉ thời tiết: đổi ra  the + N  I couldn’t sleep because of the noise

 Lưu ý: I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult (vẫn áp dụng theo mẫu 1)

 I couldn’t do the test because of its difficulty / its being difficult

3./ The students arrived on time though there was the traffic jam

 The students arrived on time despite the traffic jam


4.1/ Bỏ “her” khi 2 vế cùng chủ từ She got ill because she worked hard

(not) + V-ing (phủ định thêm not)  Because of (her) working hard, she got ill
4.2/ (not) + having + Ved / 3  (các thì perfect) Though he had finished his work, he stayed up late

 Despite having finished his work, he stayed up late


 Câu có: “but”  “although”: Đặt “although” đầu He often tells lies but many people believe him.
câu, bỏ “but” thay bằng dấu phẩy.
 Although he often tells lies, many people believe him
 Câu có “So”  “Because”: Đặt “Because” đầu câu,
She lives alone, so she’s very sad
bỏ “so”
 Because she lives alone, she’s very sad.
Các cặp tính từ - danh từ thông dụng : adj. - noun
ill - illness lazy - laziness tired - tiredness green - greenness hungry - hunger
sick - sickness rich - richness late - lateness weak - weakness absent - absence
kind - kindness sad - sadness dark - darkness honest - honesty poor - poverty
noisy - noise old - oldness

- old age
SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION : Although/Despite – Because/Because of
1. Although she was ill, she went to school.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
2. He didn’t come because he was sick.
 He didn’t come because of ....................................................................................................................
3. She didn’t eat much though she was hungry.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
4. The train was late because the fog was thick.
 Because of .............................................................................................................................................
5. I accepted the job although the salary was low.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
6. The plane couldn’t take off because the weather was bad.
 Because of .............................................................................................................................................
7. She stay at home because her mother was sick.
 Because of .............................................................................................................................................
8. He didn’t leave school even though his family was poor.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
9. All the teachers love him because his conduct is good.
Because of ..............................................................................................................................................
10. The flight was not delayed though it was foggy.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
11. We couldn’t study because it was noisy.
Because of ..............................................................................................................................................
12. Even though it was cold, I went swimming.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
13. These students didn’t arrive late although there was the traffic jam.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
14. Mary can’t sleep because there was the noise.
 Because of .............................................................................................................................................
15. She didn’t get ill though she worked very hard.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
16. His wife usually gives him a list because he often forgets things.
 Because of .............................................................................................................................................
17. Though he had much experience, he didn’t succeed in repairing the machine.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
18. Though Kid has failed so often, he has never been disappointed.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
19. Though I hadn’t eaten anything for 24 hours, I didn’t feel hungry.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
20. He ate all the fruits though they were green.
 He ate all the fruits despite ...................................................................................................................
21. He left school because his life was hard.
 Because of .............................................................................................................................................
22. Although he hadn’t finished the paper, he went to sleep.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
23. Although the streets are narrow, many people drive cars in this city.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
24. Because he got up early, he wasn’t late for the first train.
 Because of .............................................................................................................................................
25. Although he is strong, I’m not afraid of him.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
26. I can sleep although it is hot.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
27. I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult.
 I couldn’t do the test because of............................................................................................................
28. He always studies hard though he encounters difficulties.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
29. Although it got dark, they continued to work.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
30. Although he’s got an English name, he is in fact German.
 Despite. .................................................................................................................................................
31. Nick is often punished because he is lazy.
 Because of .............................................................................................................................................
32. We bought the house though its rooms were small.
We bought the house despite ..................................................................................................................
33. Karen works on Sundays because she gets paid extra.
 Because of .............................................................................................................................................
34. Although he had planed everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
35. Although the prices are high, my daughters insist on going to the movie.
 Despite ..................................................................................................................................................
36. Although they study hard, they can’t get good marks.
 In spite of ..............................................................................................................................................
37. He is dismissed because of being late for work often.
 Because .................................................................................................................................................
38. Because of driving too fast, he caused a serious accident.
 Because .................................................................................................................................................
39. My neighbor couldn’t return home because of losing all of his money.
Because ..................................................................................................................................................
40. He carried the bed onto the roof of his house because of the hot weather.
 Because .................................................................................................................................................
41. Because of not knowing Russian, I’ve had to have the document translated into French.
Because ..................................................................................................................................................
42. Because of having an accident, these students arrived late.
 Because .................................................................................................................................................
43. The accident happened because of his being negligent in his driving.
 Because .................................................................................................................................................
44. She ate much because of her hunger.
 Because ................................................................................................................................................
45. In spite of her telling the truth, the policeman didn’t believe her.
 Even though ..........................................................................................................................................
MULTIPLE CHOICE : Although/Despite
1. _____ he hasn’t any formal qualifications, he has managed to do very well for himself.
A. Despite B. Whereas C. Because D. Although
2. I can’t ride my bicycle ____ there isn’t any air in one of the tires.
A. despite B. because C. although D. but
3. ____ it is in the spring now, the flowers outside aren’t blooming.
A. While B. Although C. Whereas D. However
4. She can’t run fast because of her fatness.
A. Because she can’t run fast, she is fat. B. Because she is fat, she can’t run fast.
C. Because of she is fat, she can’t run fast. D. Because her fatness, she can’t run fast.
5. ______ you have no key, you will have to get back before I go out.
A. As B. Although C. Owing to D. Provided
6. I turned on the fan ____ the room was hot.
A. due to B. despite C. even though D. because
7. _____ her bad leg, she couldn’t walk so fast as the others.
A. Because B. Because of C. Although D. Since
8. Carol showed up for the meeting _____ I asked her not to be there.
A. even though B. despite C. provided that D. because
9. ____ what she prepared for the job interview, Megan didn’t pass it.
A. Despite of B. In spite of C. Though D. However
10. _____ they'd only known each other for two months, they got engaged.
A. Because B. Despite C. Although D. Because of
11. He was kept in after school ________ his bad behaviour.
A. due to B. since C. even though D. despite
12. ______ Daisy didn’t like Scott, she agreed to work with him on the project.
A. In spite of B. Because C. Owing to D. Even though
13. I think I did okay in my speech last night _____ I’d had almost no sleep for 24 hours.
A. due to B. in spite of C. on account of D. despite the fact that
14. _____ the weather is cold, Annie is wearing a coat.
A. Because B. Although C. Moreover D. Besides
15. ____ Marge is an honest person, I still wonder whether she’s telling the truth about the incident.
A. In spite of B. Since C. Though D. In the event that
16. ______ her grades were low, she was admitted to the university.
A. Though B. Since C. While D. However
17. It looks like they’re going to succeed _____ their present difficulties.
A. despite B. because of C. even though D. yet
18. Bruce was not praised _____ he was a hard worker.
A. although B. because C. in spite of D. on account of
19. William didn’t go to work _____ he had a bad cold.
A. although B. because C. instead of D. because of
20. _____ the Internet is very popular, many old people do not know how to use it.
A. Due to B. Because C. Though D. Despite
21. _______, he passed with the highest marks.
A. Even although the difficult course B. Despite the course was difficult
C. In spite of the course was difficult D. Although the corse was difficult
22. ________ the car was expensive, he bought it.
A. Even though B. As though C. Despite D. In spite of
23. ________, Rafael smokes 2 packs a day.
A. Despite of cigarettes are dangerous B. Though the fact that cigarettes are dangerous
C. Despite the fact that cigarettes are dangerous D. In spite that cigarettes are dangerous
24. Some people are not convinced that there is a serious risk to their health from smoking _______ tobacco firms put a
health warning on every packet of cigarettes.
A. even though B. but C. despite that D. in spite of
25. Despite the fact that he had ill health _______.
A. and he continued to work B. but he continued to work
C. he continued to work D. so that he continued to work

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