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Directions for questions 1 to 3:

In a survey of 100 people each of them watched at least one movie among Tubelight, Jagga
Jasoos, Bahubali, Dunkirk, Jolly LLB and Half Girlfriend. It is known that exactly 90 watched
Tubelight, 80 watched Jagga Jasoos, 70 watched Bahubali, 60 watched Dunkirk, 40 watched Jolly
LLB and 10 watched Half Girlfriend
Q.1) What is the maximum number of people who watched exactly four of the six movies?
Q.2) What is the maximum number of people who watched exactly five of the six movies?
Q.3) What is the minimum number of people who watched Tubelight, Jagga Jasoos and

Directions for questions 4 to 7:

The sketch shows the pipeline carrying material from one location to another. The capacity of each
pipeline is 3500. The demand of the material at B is 1300, at C is 1700, at D is 1600 at E is 1100 and at
F is 1200. The arrow indicates the direction of material flow through pipeline. The flow through
pipelines meets exactly the demand at each location; flow from C to E and B to E is 700.

Q.4) The free capacity available in the pipeline A to D is

a. 900 b. 1000 c. 1200 d. None of these
Q.5) Find the quantity moved from pipeline A to B is
a. 1500 b. 1700 c. 2000 d. 2300
Q.6) If the flow from B to E is not given, then find the maximum flow from pipeline D to E?
a. 1000 b. 1200 c. 1700 d. None of these
Q.7) The flow from C to E is not given, then find the maximum free capacity available from pipeline D
to E
a. 1600 b. 1900 c. 2100 d. 2300

Directions for questions 8 to 11:

Five friends – A, B, C, D, E – go to a playground everyday to play. They are attempting to build a wall
using blocks. Each person arranges a specific number of blocks on top of the existing ones. Every day,
at least four of them play this game. It is also known that:
1. On any day if both A and B arrange blocks, B puts one block less than A
2. On any day if both B and C arrange blocks, B puts two blocks more than C
3. On any day if both D and C arrange blocks, D puts three blocks more than C
4. On any day if both D and E arrange blocks, D puts six blocks more than E
5. On any day if both E and A arrange blocks, A puts five blocks less than E
The following table provides the height of the tower (in terms of number of blocks) at the end of each
Day Height
1 31
2 65
3 98
4 136
5 169

Q.8) How many blocks were arranged by B across all 5 days?

a. 46 b. 65 c. 52 d. 38
Q.9) What is the greatest number of blocks arranged by any of the five friends on any of the 5 days?
a. 9 b. 11 c. 13 d. 15
Q.10) Who among the 5 friends arranged blocks on maximum number of days?
a. C b. D c. E d. None of the given options
Q.11) What is the difference between the highest and least number of total blocks arranged by these
5 friends?
a. 26 b. 16 c. 28 d. 36

Direction (12-15): The following network diagram shows the way in which 7 cities are connected. The
arrow indicates the direction in which the person can move from one city to another (Eg: A person can
go from city A to B, but not from city B to A). The values near the routes indicate the distance between
the 2 cities.

Taxis ply through the routes. The fare system works as follows:
The taxi charges Rs. 100 as the base price. Further, it charges Rs. 10 for every km travelled. If the total
distance exceeds 30 km, an additional premium of Rs. 5 per every additional kilometer is charged over
and above the Rs. 10 for a kilometer.
Eg - If the distance between 2 cities X and Y is 100 km, the fare charged will be 100+100*10 + 70*5 =
Rs. 1450.
Q.12) Dinesh wants to go from city A to F. If it is known that he pays the highest possible amount, the
amount the paid must have been.
a. Rs. 390 b. Rs. 380 c. Rs. 315 d. Rs. 330
Q.13) Kevin goes from city A to G by spending the highest possible amount. The amount he paid must
have been
a. Rs. 460 b. Rs. 480 c. Rs. 475 d. Rs. 450
Q.14) The government found that the traffic along the route ABCG was very high. Therefore, it decides
to construct a toll gate in between B and C and another toll gate between B and E such that the cost
of travelling along A-B-C-G and A-B-E-F-G becomes equal to the cost of travelling along the next
cheapest route. What must be the amount charged in the toll gate between B and E?
a. Rs. 55 b. Rs. 35 c. Rs. 45 d. Rs. 65
Q.15) The government found that the traffic along the route ABCG was very high. Therefore, it decides
to construct a toll gate between B and C and another toll gate between B and E such that the cost of
travelling along A-B-C-G and A-B-E-F-G becomes equal to the cost of travelling along the next cheapest
route. What is the least amount that a person must spend after the toll gates are installed to travel
from B to G?
a. Rs. 300 b. Rs. 355 c. Rs. 325 d. Rs. 335

Directions for Questions 16 to 18: A survey was conducted in a community of 350 people regarding
three games Chess, carrom and Chinese checkers.
 Thrice the no of people who play all the three games is equal to the no of people who play
Chinese checkers.
 The no of people who play Chinese checkers and carrom is equal to the no of people who play
chess only.
 For every three people who play chess and Chinese Checkers only, there are five people who
play none of three games
 In every seven players who play Chinese Checkers, four people play carrom also.
 For every six people who play only carrom, there is one who plays Chinese Checker only
 For every four people who play exactly two games there is one who plays carom and CC only
and two persons who play none of three games.
Q.16) How many people play exactly two games?
a. 100 b. 135 c. 150 d. 185
Q.17) How many people play chess but not carom?
a. 60 b. 80 c. 90 d. 125
Q.18) How many people do not play Chinese Checkers?
a. 255 b. 205 c. 235 d. 245
Directions for Questions 19 to 20: There are 170 members in a club. Each one of them belongs to one
or more categories out of the four categories viz. Service holder, professional degree holder, physically
challenged and married. There are 60 60 service holders, 40 professional degree holders, 50 physically
challenged and 70 married members.
Q.19) If the number of members who belong to all four categories is maximum possible, then how
many members belong to at least three categories?
a. 18 b. 16 c. 17 d. Either a or b e. Either b or c
Q.20) If there are exactly 10 members who belong to all four categories, then find the maximum
possible number of members belonging to only Physically challenged category
a. 40 b. 35 c. 30 d. 38 e. Cannot be determined

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