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I wish + past simple = quieres un cambio en el presente/futuro

I wish I could fly to NY some day
I wish + past perfect = te lamentas de algo que ha ocurrido en el pasado
I wish I had studied more for the exam (I failed)
I wish + would + inf = te quejas del comportamiento de alguien
I wish you wouldn’t make so much noise while eating

I should have studied more for the exam (I failed)
She should have checked the address before going to Mike’s house
You shouldn’t have taken Mary’s chocolate. She’s going to get upset with you


 Si el sujeto que va con RATHER es el mismo que el del siguiente verbo, se pone
INFINITIVO si hablamos del presente:
I’d rather stay with you (I’d prefer to stay with you)
What would you rather do instead? (What would you prefer to do instead?)
She’d rather not see me (She’s prefer not to see me)

… HAVE + PP si hablamos del pasado:

I’d rather have stayed with you
What would you rather have done instead?
She’d rather not have seen me

 Si el sujeto que va con RATHER es diferente al del siguiente verbo, se pone PAST
SIMPLE si hablamos del presente:
I’d rather (that) you came another time (I’d prefer you to come another time)
She would rather (that) he weren’t so angry (she’d prefer him to be less angry)
Bruno would rather (that) Peter didn’t stay so late at the office

… HAD + PP si hablamos del pasado:

I’d rather (that) you had come another time
She would rather he hadn’t been so angry
Bruno would rather Peter hadn’t stayed so late at the office

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