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I FULLY AUTOMATED PATHOLOGY LABORATORY & X-RAY 232, Khatiwolo Tonk. Quibi Menzl Saify NagarMain RoocdJndore - 452014 DR. AQUEEL CHANDURWALA Pha(Lob}4093045 , 2763045 Monday to Scturday : am 109 pm Sunday to 1pm MBBS, MO (Pathology) lob} . y 7 Ps 17 8.0m to 1p Ex Pathologist Chathram Hospital, Indore Shop Now B, Holdery Township A-Block, Opposite Treasure Town, Bijalpur Indore - 452012 ogo. 13933, Pha 74704-25345 Mondoy to Scturdey : Bom to Bpm Sunday som to !2ncon SAMPLEID COLLECTED AT RECEIVED ro1s040229 /4un/2024 AUR CHHABRA | REFERRING DR. oer MISS HARMEET KAUR CHHABRA | Be sane cc osu REPORTED 28 Years /F CONSULTANT DR. opisuny2024 07:35 om |AEMATOLOGY PROFILE INVESTIGATIONS RESULTS REFERENCE INTERVAL, Haemoglobin 10.9 gm% 115 - 16.5 9m% R.B.C. Count 3,93 mill:\cunm 3.8- 4.8 millc\cumm Pc 32.1% 26-46% Mev S168 fl 80-98 f MCH 27.74 pa 27-329 McHc 33.96 % 285-37 % TOTAL W.B.C. 11,400 4000 - 11000 DIFFERENTIAL WBC COUNT Neutrophils 83 % 20-75% Lymphocytes. 15% 40-80 Monocytes, 02% 02-08 Eosinophils 00% o1-05 Basophils 00% 00- OL PLATELET COUNT 5.36 Lakh\ 1545 ESR 105 mm at end of ist Males: 0-13 mm br Females : 0-20 mm ay DR. AQUEEL CHANDURWALA MBBS, MD (Pathology) Reg. No, 13933, I FULLY AUTOMATED PATHOLOGY LABORATORY & X-RAY DR. AQUEEL CHANDURWALA ee ; 432014 ES, MD (othe Pha(Lob}4093045 , 2763045 Monday to Scturday : am 109 pm Sunday to 1pm Ex Peiholegist Chothrom Hospital, Indore Shop Now B, Holdery Township A-Block, Opposite Treasure Town, Bijalpur Indore - 452012 ogo. 13933, Pha 74704-25345 Mondoy to Scturdey : Bom to Bpm Sunday som to !2ncon SAMPLEID COLLECTED AT RECEIVED ro1s040229 /4un/2024 o720eM REFERRING DR. MISS HARMEET KAUR CHHABRA | nrc sagas REPORTED 25 Years IF CONSULTANT DR. cj unj2nz4 0759 WIDAL TEST INVESTIGATIONS RESULTS REFERENCE INTERVAL SLIDE AGGLUTINATION METHOD Agglutination with S. TYPHI"O" Antigen tion Reactive Diluton —< 1:80) Agglutination with $. TYPHT"H" Antigen Non Reactive Dillon «<1:160 Agglutination with S. PARATYPHI "AH" Non Reactive Dillon <1:160, Antigen Agglutination with S. PARATYPHI "BH" Non Reactive Dilton <1:160, Antigen ONLY REULTS OF WIDAL BY TUBE METHOD ARE RELIABLE, SLIDE METHOD IS JUST FOR SCREENING, FALSE POSITIVITY BY THIS METHOD IS KNOWN, IN POSITIVE SLIDE TEST REPORT (LITRE ABOVE 160 OF O & ANY H). Ay DR. AQUEFL CHANDURWALA, MBBS, MD (Pathology) Reg. No, 13933 PARAMOUNT MEDILAB FULLY AUTOMATED PATHOLOGY LABORATORY & X-RAY 232, Khatiwalo Tank. Qutbi Mons Soify Nagar/Main Roadndore - 452014 PRUE CAS REAL) Phuliob}4093045 , 2763045 Monday to Saturday :8am 109 pm Sunday to 1pm MBBS, MD (Pathology) x Pathologist Choithram Hospital Indore Shop Nos: B, Hoidery Township A:Block, Opposite Treasure Town, Bijalpur Indore - 452012 RegNo. 13933 Phs 74704-25345 Monday to Saturday :8om to 8pm Sunday +8 am to 1200 Py Name: MISS HARMEET KAUR CHHABRA \ge/Sex: 28 Years /Female Ref. By DR. HABLANI S.C. MBBS Date o2y.sun/2024 DENGUE SEROLOGICAL PROFILE NOCHROMATOGRAPIT DENGUE NSI ANTIGEN : NON - REACTIVE, DENGUE IgG ANTIBODY REACTIVE. DENGUE IgM ANTIBODY : NON - REACTIVF. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE # The test detects the presence of Dengue NS-1 antigen and antibodies to Dengue virus (IgG & igM) in the specimen and should not be used as the sole criteria for the diagnosis of Dengue virus infection, # Serological cross-reactivity across the Havivirus group (Dengue Virus.St.Louis encephalitis. Japanese encephalitis.west Nile and Yellow fever virus) is common. * As with all the diagnostic tests.all results must be correlatedwith other clinical findings.If the test result is negative and clinical symptoms persistadditional follow up testing using other elinical methods is recommended. negative result at any time does not preclude the possibility of an early infectionof Dengue virus. * This is only a screening test. Therefore isolation of virusaantigen detection in fixed tissues, RT- PCR and more specific alternative diagnosis method must be used in order to obtain a confirmation of Dengue virus infection, # Incarly infections and some secondly infections.detectable levels of IgM antibodies may be low. Some patients may not produce detectable levels of antibody within the first seven to ten days afier infection.|F clinical symptoms persists.patients should be re-tested in 3-4 days with the first specimen. I FULLY AUTOMATED PATHOLOGY LABORATORY & X-RAY 232, Khatiwolo Tonk. Quibi Menzl Saify NagarMain RoocdJndore - 452014 Phallob}4093045 , 2763045 Monday fo Scturday :8am 109 pm Sunday :8 om 10 1pm Shop Nos: B, Hoidery Township A-Block, Opposite Treasure Town, Bijalpur Indore ~ 452012 Pha 74704-25345 Mondoy to Scturdey : Bom to Bpm Sunday som to !2ncon DR. AQUEEL CHANDURWALA ‘MBBS, MD (Pathology) Ex Pathologist Chathram Hospital, Indore ogo. 13933, MISS HARMEET KAUR CHHABRA SAMPLEID COLLECTED AT RECEIVED ro1s040229 aytun/2024 97:20 REFERRING DR. REPORTED OR. HABLANI S.C, MBBS 25 Years IF CONSULTANT DR. o2yaunj2008 ovo om URINE EXAMINATION INVESTIGATIONS RESULTS REFERENCE INTERVAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION 10 mi Pale Yelow Appearance Slightly Turbid Deposits Absent Specific Gravity 1020 CHEMICAL EXAMINATION Reaction Acidic Sugar ni Albumin wi Ketones, Strongly Postive Bile Pigment & salt Negative Chemical test for Blood Negative MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION Epithelial Cells, 10-12)hpF Pus Cells, Occasional Red Blood Cells occasional Spermatozoa Absent crystals ni Amorphous Material Absent casts Absent Bacteria Present + y DR. AQUEEL CHANDURWALA MBBS, MD (Pathology) Reg. No, 13933 I FULLY AUTOMATED PATHOLOGY LABORATORY & X-RAY 232, Khatiwolo Tonk. Quibi Monzil. Saify Nagar Main RoaclJndore - 452014 PhalLob}4093045 , 2763045 Monday to Scturday +m 109 pm Sunday :8 am 10 1pm DR. AQUEEL CHANDURWALA ‘MBBS, MD (Pathology) {Ec Pethologis! Choithram Hospital, Indore ‘Shop No. B, Hoidery Township A-Block, Opposite Treasure Town, Bijalpur, indore - 452012 Reg No, 13933 Phi 74704-25345 Mondoy to Saturday 1 to Bpm Sunday 18 om to 12000 SAMPLED COLLECTED AT RECEIVED, T211040223 ozisuny2024 TT UABMELT AIR | REFERRING OR. 07.20 Ft MISS HARMEET KAUR DR. HABLANT S.C MBBS. CHHABRA 25 Years /F CONSULTANT DR. REPORTED ozisuny2024 07:40 Pt INVESTIGATIONS RESULTS TREFERENCE INTERVAL HAEMATOLOGY. MALARIAL PARASITE Negative BIOCHEMISTRY 16.0 U/L, 0-49.0 YL \ ew DR. AQUFFL CH Minn, M1 r~ TANDURWALA, (Pathology) Reg. No, 13933

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