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Nuclear Power Should Be Used As A Source Of


For The Motion

1. Clean Energy Production: Nuclear power plants generate electricity

through nuclear fission, a process that doesn't release greenhouse gases or
air pollutants like coal-fired plants. This significantly reduces their
contribution to climate change.

2. High Energy Density: Compared to fossil fuels, a tiny amount of

nuclear fuel can produce a tremendous amount of energy. This makes
nuclear power plants efficient and reduces the land footprint required for
energy generation compared to sprawling solar or wind farms.

3. Reliable Baseload Power: Nuclear reactors are workhorses,

consistently producing electricity 24/7 regardless of weather conditions.
This contrasts with renewable sources like solar and wind, which can be
intermittent depending on sunlight and wind availability. Nuclear power
provides a reliable base for a nation's energy grid.

4. Job Creation and Economic Benefits: The nuclear industry is a

significant job creator, offering high-paying positions in engineering,
construction, plant operation, and maintenance. Additionally, nuclear
power reduces dependence on foreign oil, boosting energy security and
potentially lowering energy costs in the long run.

5. Technological Advancements: Newer reactor designs are constantly

being developed, focusing on improved safety features, increased
efficiency, and even waste reduction capabilities.

Against The Motion

1. Nuclear Waste: Radioactive waste from nuclear reactions is dangerous

for thousands of years and there's no universally agreed-upon solution for
permanent storage.
2. Accident Risks: While rare, nuclear accidents can have devastating
consequences, like Chernobyl and Fukushima, causing radioactive
contamination and impacting public health.

3. Security Concerns: Nuclear materials could be used to create weapons,

raising security concerns around nuclear facilities.

4. High Upfront Costs: Building nuclear power plants requires a huge

initial investment, which can be a deterrent for some countries.

Points that can be used for rebuttals:

• If the opposite side argues that nuclear power isn’t safe: (Them-
Against the Motion)
Rebuttal: Safety: India has a strong safety record with its nuclear
program. Newer reactor designs like Pressurized Water Reactors
(PWRs) are considered very safe. Strict regulations and safety
measures further minimize accident risks.
• If the opposite side argues that initial costs are too high: (Them-
Against the Motion)
Rebuttal: Cost: The initial investment for nuclear plants is high.
However, the long-term operational costs are lower compared to
fossil fuels. India can explore financing models to make nuclear
power more accessible.
• If the opposite side argues about waste management: (Them- Against
the Motion)
Rebuttal: Waste Management: India is actively researching and
developing solutions like deep geological repositories. Additionally,
newer reactor technologies produce less waste.
• If the opposite side argues about zero-accidents/ less accidents:
(Them-For the Motion)
Rebuttal: Even a minor accident can have significant consequences.
The long-term health effects of radiation exposure are still being
studied. So without knowing the effects and the cure for them, it is
not possible to advocate for nuclear power.

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