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Hello everyone!

Welcome to our presentation

There is a mysterious thing in space which keeps the scientists and astronauts busy .
It’s pretty far from us which we should be grateful for because it’s really dangerous.
Today we are going to talk about blackholes. Our group is called “Peak Performers”.

We’ll introduce our members later,

So let's get into it.

So let’s see the contents..
Read the bolded ones. (S.Y.Y.K)

First impression
What is a black hole?
As we can see the pictures below we know they look like a giant black ball in space.
That’s not wrong though, but black hole isn’t all that. A black hole is a region of
spacetime where gravity is so strong, like really really strong that no particles
and electromagnetic radiation such as light cannot escape from it. Although it’s
called a blackhole , it isn't a hole. The theory of general relativity predicts that a
compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole. Which is also Einstein’s
theory which we will talk about later.
So since we talked about a thing called a giant black ball, we will take a look at how
heavy it is, or the mass of the black hole. A typical stellar type black hole has a mass
about 3 to 10 solar masses. We will learn about what they are later on. Supermassive
black holes exist in the center of every galaxy including our own, milky way. So we can
say they are really heavy. There is a black hole 6.5 billions times bigger than the sun
discovered in 2019, April. (Saw Ye Yint Kyaw)


Now, let’s see the types of blackholes. There are 4 types of blackholes commonly known. They
are Stellar, Intermediate, Supermassive, Miniature. So, now we know the types of them so let’s
see the parts of a blackhole. 1)The first part is called the event horizon.It is the defining
feature of the blackhole. Matter and electromagnetic radiation can only pass into the mass
of the black hole and can no longer escape. Or we can say it's the boundary where the
velocity needed to escape exceeds the speed of light. 2)The second one is the singularity.
Where curvature becomes infinite a place where matter is compressed down to an infinitely tiny
point, and all conceptions of time and space completely break down. 3)Photon sphere is a
spherical boundary, where photons move perpendicularly to the sphere. They are trapped in an
elliptical orbit with respect to the black hole. A rotating black hole has two photon spheres.
4)Ergo sphere is the area where objects are always on the move . The phenomenon is called
frame-dragging. You can enter it and leave if you travelled fast enough (but less than at the speed
of light). 5)So let’s see the last one, Inner stable circular orbit or ISCO. This is where particles
stably orbit at various distances from a center object (Myat Theri Cho)

Now let’s see how they are formed. The blackhole is formed when the core of a star
collapses. So in fact, the black hole is formed when a star dies and we will see how they
die in the next slide. So, how does a star die? A massive star like our sun. their core
starts running out of fuel. So the core turns itself into a mini black hole with gravity
running wildly inside of it. And the mini black hole starts to eat everything left inside of
the star and even before the star realizes what's happening to it, it explodes! Now here
is a fun fact we would like to talk about, that is how a black hole is created and they
are called stellar blackholes.
What does a blackhole do after it’s formed? Once a black hole is formed, it can continue
to increase in size by absorbing matter in its vicinity. Matter can be in any form, whether
electromagnetic radiation, gas, or even interstellar dust. (Zora)

We will take a look at some of blackholes’ physics. So starting with the equation, the
Schwarzschild radius(rg) of an object of mass is given by the following formula
in the picture, in which G is gravitational constant and C is the speed of light which
means RG= 2GM/c2 (c square)this is really complicated indeed. Some more physics,
we learned that they have massive amounts of gravity so we will see how they grab
everything. Everything that has matter has a gravitational radius. And blackholes have
super humongous gravitational pull. And that’s how they suck or grab everything
into it. If it can grab things, what can escape it? Well, nothing.. including light which is
the fastest in the universe . Not even blackholes themselves! (T.W.W)


What would happen if we fell into one of them?

If you lept into it like a hero, your body would be subjected to a process called spaghettification
which will compress your body like spaghetti. Imagine it. It is really creepy .A supermassive
black hole is slightly less horrendous which means we wouldn’t suffer so much but still, same
outcome. Now, comes the interesting part.. How much does the spaghettification stretch you?
Average Stellar blackhole can stretch you over several hundred kilometers in an event horizon. A
supermassive blackhole can stretch you due to its event horizon. So, in a simple way no
matter what atoms enter the blackhole, everything will be stretched into a string of
individual atoms.
So we have known about more things so let's see what would happen if two of them collided.
Blackholes roam around freely in this universe so they might bump into each when they
bump, they will pull each other because of their strong gravity force.If one is bigger than
another, the bigger one is more likely to win If they were the same size, they would spin around
each other pulling one on one and it would happen for 13 billion years and would turn into a
bigger black hole . (M.T.R.C)

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Since we have known about the physics of it we will talk about their lifespan. So how
long do they last? Stephen Hawking said blackholes don’t live forever. And he was
right. They evaporate under Hawking radiation. A solar mass black hole will evaporate
over 1064 billion years which is longer than the age of the universe. A supermassive
black hole with a mass of 100 billion will evaporate in around 2 times of 10100 years.
What would happen when a black hole dies? A new simulation that incorporates
quantum gravity indicates that when a black hole dies, it produces a gravitational shock
wave that radiates information for scientists.
So…can we destroy them?It was long thought black holes are impossible to destroy
but we know they evaporate.
We can predict that tiny particles and light are continually created and destroyed on sub
atomic scales. Some of the light created has a very small chance of escaping before it
gets destroyed. To an outsider, it is as though the event horizon glows. The energy
carried away by the glow decreases the black hole’s mass until it is completely gone.
Now we have reached the theories which could be the most interesting part in
this presentation, starting off with Einstein's theory.
Einstein theory of general relativity 6 states that matter wraps around time and space,
creating what we call gravity.blackholes are incredibly dense conglomerations of matter,
hence their incredible gravitational pull.this seems hard to understand but we got more.
So next is quantum theory .
It says that blackhole spontaneously emit elementary particles. The typical energy of
these particles is proportional to planck’s constant, so the effect is purely quantum
mechanical in nature. The rate of particle emission by a black hole of astronomical size
is extraordinarily small, far too small to be detected . Now you may wonder why we are
talking about this. Well these theories are an important part of the blackhole
explorations. (Scar)


As of now our journey is almost done. So starting off with the topic.
Can we see blackholes?
Scientist cant directly observe blackholes with telescopes . However, we can infer the
presence of blackholes and study them by detecting their effect on other matter nearby
.if we cant see them directly , so how do we know about them?
Astronomers believe that supermassive blackholes lie at the center of all large
galaxies . Even in our own galaxy, the Milky Way and astronomers can detect them by
watching for their effect on nearby stars and gas. We know about blackholes, so how
did we find out? Albert Einstein first predicted the existence of blackholes in 1916 with
his general theory of relativity. The term blackhole was coined many years later in
1967,by American astronomer John Wheeler after decades of blackholes being known
only as a theoretical object. That’s 51 years apart tho.a little bit more history.
When was the first picture of black hole was captured with a telescope from
In 2019 the event horizon telescope EHT made headlines when it succeeded in
producing the first ever image of the event horizon of an elliptical galaxy Messier 87.
When was the sound recording of blackhole produced?
Well space isn't entirely silent. Planets and stars have sounds. Even our own earth. So
NASA has an audio clip of blackholes and we will talk about how they got them. 2003
when sound waves were discovered. They spent 53 hours observing researchers with
NASA’s Chandra X-ray observatory . discovered that pressure waves sent out by the
blockholes caused ripples in the cluster's hot gas that could be transported into a note.
From the very center of the cluster, sound waves were extracted outwards and they
were scaled up by 57 and 58 octaves for us to hear better and also, by scanning the
image in a rader-like manner, we are able to hear the wave finally.
So what are the purposes of these giant black thingy that suck everything? They
are like laboratories for testing fundamental theories that explain how the universe
works on the largest and the smallest scales.

Since we have blackholes do we have white holes?

Please note that white holes exist only as a theory. People say that they work differently
with the blackhole. Blackholes pull things into it but White holes push things out. Some
people say that they are the exit of the blackholes, when somebody falls into the
blackhole they get out of the white hole. In short, we can say nothing can escape the
blackhole and nothing can enter the white hole. However, this theory is quite
questionable. And also, some people say they are formed at the end of a blackhole.
When a blackhole dies, it becomes small as micrograms in size and will no longer obey
the law of physics. Because of its size, it will lose its gravity and will start to spit out
everything it swallowed with a big bang! This theory can be compared with the big bang
theory. (S.Y.Y.K)

So as a conclusion, blackholes are very dangerous for living things, however they can be very
useful for studying the universe. Even though they can be very deadly, they play an important
role in our universe. They can either boost or throttle the birth of new stars, depending on other
factors. So please don’t think they are useless and dangerous. (M.T.R.C)

Outro: Now, I want everyone to remember the fact that we have different theories on the white
hole. Well, that brings us to the end. If anyone has any questions, we’d be happy to open up the
discussion. Thank you for your attention.


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