Assignment 3 Reflection

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Higher education cover sheet

for submission of work assessment
School School of Business and Management Office use only

Program name Tourism and Hospitality Program code BP312

Course/unit name International Tourism and Hospitality Course/unit code FOHO1024B

Name of lecturer/teacher. Justin Matthew Pang

Date stamp
Name of tutor/marker Justin Matthew Pang

Assignment no. 2 Due date (DD/MM/YYYY) 30/08/20 Class day/time Monday 08:00 Campus SGS

Family name Nguyen Pham Given name My Tin Student no. S3802817

Family name Given name Student no.

Family name Given name Student no.

Family name Given name Student no.

Family name Given name Student no.

Family name Given name Student no.

Declaration and statement of authorship

1. I/we hold a copy of this work that can be produced if the original is lost/damaged.
2. This work is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source
except where due acknowledgement is made.
3. No part of this work has been written for me/us by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by
the lecturer/teacher concerned.
4. I/we have correctly acknowledged the re-use of any of my/our own previously submitted work within this submission.
5. I/we give permission for this work to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for the purpose of detecting plagiarism.
6. I/we give permission for a copy of my/our marked work to be retained by the school for review and comparison, including
review by external examiners.
I/we understand that:
7. plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is my/our own. It is a form of cheating and
is a very serious academic offence that may lead to exclusion from the University. Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and
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8. plagiarism includes the act of assisting or allowing another person to plagiarise or to copy my/our work.

Student signature/s
I/we declare that I/we have read and understood the declaration and statement of authorship.

1 Nguyen Pham My Tin 4

2 5

3 6

Further information relating to the penalties for plagiarism, that range from a notation on your student file to expulsion from the University, is
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Integrity | Higher education cover sheet for submission of work for assessment 0806 0220 | 1 of 1
International food and beverage are a course that relate a lot in Vietnam since
this country has large proportion of small restaurants and vendors that proves to be
tough competitors for foreign food chains (Das 2017). With the knowledge acquired, I
would be able to comprehend with how to operate a business in this competitive
market as well as seeking for opportunities from other successful anecdotes of other
business. Therefore, this reflection aims to deliver personal opinion regarding this
course along with team activities that happening during works.

This program has mostly cover all of topics that restauranteurs need to know.
Although all aspects of F&B industry may not all be discussed, but one thing is sure
that this course is strong at: practical implication. The assignments are linked to
creativity of each person and see how they can adapt their imagination to reality but
still ensure the relatability of theories learned in class. Furthermore, the slides are
designed to follow a logical flow that really easy to understand. Especially, one concept
that I believe will support me most in my future career is calculating food cost. Different
with other information such as theme and serving, food cost calculation is essential for
any businesses to survive. With the help of Excel and food cost sheet, students are
able to have standardized foundation to fully cover every cost that could impact the
operation of my future business.

Team activities is a crucial part of this course since two of the main assignments
require cooperative efforts in order to come up with suitable strategies for the
restaurant as well as most appropriate concept. With this course, I was able to learn
how to interact with other teammates through Internet platforms as well as interacting
with technology. Furthermore, since there are many confusions amongst teammates
due to unclear explanation in the first meeting, this has caused the whole group to be
delayed compared to the established schedule. This has provided me with experience
to generate connected place for each member to come and provide their own ideas as
well as comprehending carefully of the group’s initiations. Besides good teamwork is
said to create more active participants, more productive day-to-day efficiency, a sense
of control, stronger end outcomes and, eventually, greater income (Goodman 2020).

In conclusion, I find this course is very helpful for my future career and offered me
with plenty of opportunities for learning insights of F&B industry and how-to teamwork
properly. The theories and practical applications have promoted creativity of students
to come up with their own restaurant designs along with sharpening their team working
skills. My career is more visible thanks to this course and provide me with more options
for the future.


Das, K 2017, ‘Growing Food & Beverage Sector in Vietnam’, Vietnam Briefing, October
11, viewed September 7, 2020, <

Goodman, P 2020, ‘15 Advantages of Teamwork in the Workplace’, Tough Nickel,

June 17, viewed September 7, 2020, <

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