Necromancer 0.9

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Prime Requisites: Constitution & Willpower

HP: 1d6
XP: Wizard
THAC0: Wizard
Profs: Wizard

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Abilities Abilities Abilities
Eat Soul Know Lifespan Past Life

Creations Creations Creations

Zombie: Basic Zombie: Large Zombie: Ghoul
Ghost: Phantom Skeleton: Basic Skeleton: Object

Spells Spells Spells

Drain Life Spiritual Weapon Lesser Possession
Detect Spirits Withering Touch Mark of Servitude

Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Abilities Abilities Abilities

Creations Creations Creations

Skeleton: Warrior Ghost: Shade Skeleton: Greater
Ghost: Specter Ghost: Poltergeist

Spells Spells Spells

Clairvoyance False DeathHold Essence
Corpse Whisper Personal Sacrifice Hold Person
Spirit Armor Phantom Feast Reverse Healing
Unholy Strength

Level 7 Level 8 Level 9

Abilities Abilities Abilities
Soul Siphon Raise Undead Satisfy Hunger

Creations Creations Creations

Zombie: Nightmare Zombie: Revenant Zombie: Lord
Skeleton: Specialist Ghost: Ghost Skeleton: Mage

Spells Spells Spells

Mark of Allegiance Sensitivity to Life N/A

Level 10 Level 11 Level 12

Abilities Abilities Abilities
Vampiric Feast Empathic Focus Tooth and Claw
Mind over Matter Vampiric Touch -> 13

Creations Creations Creations

Skeleton: Commander Skeleton: Monster Zombie: Mummy

Spells Spells Spells

Soulbind N/A N/A

Life Force:HP > From the material plane. Traditional bodily life.
Spiritual Force: SP > From the spirit plane. Traditional spirit / mind /


Drain Life
HP: -
SP: 1 year
Convert target HP into caster HP at an unfavorable ratio of 2:1. Drains HP at a
rate of 2 per round. Once started, it can be channeled without having to pay the
casting cost again. The target must be bound, restrained, held, willing, or
otherwise not resisting the caster in order for the channel to continue round to
round. Physical contact must be maintained. When a creature hits 0hp, no more
life can be drained from them and they are dying (although not yet dead).

Detect Spirits
HP: 1 hp
SP: -
By shredding some of their life force and scattering it to the winds, the caster
can follow the path it takes to detect spirits. Life force is strongly attracted
to spiritual force, and will flow in the direction of the strongest/closest
source of spiritual energy in the ethereal or material planes, including any
undead or enchantments made with at least 1 year of spiritual force. Detection
range is 10’ per level of the caster. Especially strong sources may hide or
obscure weaker sources.

Eat Soul
HP: -
SP: -
Sacrifice target to extend your lifespan. The caster must be in touch with the
creatures when it dies. Gain 1 year for every 10 years left in the sacrifice’s
natural life span. Must be caster soul size or greater (e.g. Humans cannot
sacrifice goats or goblins).


Know Lifespan
HP: -
SP: -
By tasting the blood of a living creature, you know how long its natural life is
and how much HP it has, and how close to death it is. At 5th level you can tell
if they belong to one of the following classes: Warrior, Cleric, Wizard, Other.

Spiritual Weapon
HP: -
SP: 1+ years
Create a link between the spirit world and the material world using a weapon
made from a once living creature (e.g. Bone knife) as a conduit. This weapon
drains life energy when it wounds a creature. The amount of energy it drains
depends on the weapon size, effectively doubling the damage of the weapon.
Example: A bone dagger would do 1d4 physical damage, and 1d4 necrotic damage.
Casting this spell is quick and easy, just a prick of blood (drawn with the
weapon), allowing this spell to be cast in the same round the attack is going to
be made. The weapon must be type S or P, as the draining requires contact with
the creature’s blood to work. This effect lasts 1 round per year drained.

Large weapons require 2 years per round.

Withering Touch
HP: -
SP: 2+ years
By siphoning part of their own spirit into the ethereal plane, leaving it
trapped there, and then linking it to the prime material plane, the necromancer
can decay living matter at a touch. By giving up 2 year of their life, the
caster can cause 1d6 points of damage over 2 rounds. Each doubling of the
casting cost adds an additional 1d6 damage. Only one withering touch may affect
a create at a time. Should two effects strike the same creature, the stronger
one takes effect.

Example: The caster gives up 8 years of their life to deal 3d6 damage to a
target over 2 rounds.


Past Life
HP: -
SP: -
Get a brief impression of a former life. Need to handles remains. Gives former
professions and levels (if any).

Lesser Possession
HP: -
SP: 1 year
The caster creates a link between their spirit and the spiritual energy of an
undead under their control. Must touch the creature, creature may not be
ethereal, creature must have at least 1 year of spiritual energy. Once
possessed, the caster’s body falls limp and they can control the undead as if
its body was their own. Cannot speak unless the creature can speak. Control can
be relinquished at any time, but when it is, the magic of the creature is broken
and it dies unless it has returned to the caster’s body and is touching it. The
caster is immediately back in their own body. While possessing a creature, any
mind effecting magic cast on the undead affects the caster, making the creature
effectively susceptible to these types of spells.

Example: Hold person cast against a possessed skeleton would cause it to hold.
If the skeleton was killed, the caster would still be held until the spell wears

Mark of Servitude
HP: -
SP: 2 years
Permanent mark made on a willing subject. Undead under the caster’s control will
not auto attack those with the mark. Could be a brand, a tattoo, a scaring, or
any other permanent form of skin marking. As the mark is a direct symbol of the
caster’s life, their mark, once chosen, cannot be changed.


HP: 2 hp
SP: 1 year
See through the eyes of any one of your undead. One casting of the spell to
prepare a body for reception, and one casting to begin to see through them.

Corpse Whisper
HP: 1 hp
SP: 2 years
Speak through one of your undead. One casting of the spell to prepare a body for
reception, and one casting to begin to speak through them. Can be cast on a
possessed but otherwise unmarked undead. Duration of whisper: 1 hour.

Spirit Armor
HP: ¼ max HP [held]
SP: -
The caster transforms some of their life essence (1/4 max HP rounded up) into a
shield around them. For a number of attacks equal to the caster's level, the
shield will reduce incoming damage by the casters level. For purposes of this
spell, and attack is any damage dealing event, be it a sword strike, dragon's
breath, or falling.

As long as spirit armor is active, the lost HP may not be regained, either
naturally or magically. Once the spell has ended, the HP may only be recovered
through natural means. The spell may be dispelled with a word, else it lasts
until its effects are all triggered (which could take days)

Example: Cleo the 5th level necromancer casts Spirit Armor. Each of the next 5
successful attacks against Cleo will have their damage reduced by 5.


Personal Sacrifice
HP: -
SP: Variable
The caster spins part of their spiritual fore into a net that is dragged through
the ethereal plane and into the material plane. This net gathers and traps loose
bits of life on its journey. When it arrives in the material plane, the caster
wraps the net around themselves where it is destroyed. The loose bits of life
force then attach and absorb into the caster. In most cases, 3 years of
spiritual force will be able to capture 1 hp worth of life force. If an area is
especially full of life force (e.g. jungles, cemeteries, etc.), the caster may
only need 2 years of life to weave the net. In areas devoid of life energy (e.g.
wastelands, mountain tops, etc.), the caster may need up to 9 years of life to
weave the net.

Phantom Feast
HP: Variable
SP: 3 years
By presenting a part of their body and declaring a feast, the caster imbues
themselves with magic. The caster, and a number of people up to the caster
level, may eat the flesh of the caster. Each person needs but one mouthful of
flesh to nourish them for a week, although this spell does not stave off the
effects of dehydration. The caster takes an amount of damage equal to the number
of people who feast on them plus three (a 4 person party would deal 7 damage to
the caster). The caster's flesh quickly regrows, but the damage they take is
very real and cannot be healed by magical means. Creatures one size larger than
the caster deal 3 damage when they feast, while smaller creatures still deal 1
point of damage.

It is not uncommon for creatures who use this spell to develop a taste for human
flesh (assuming the caster is human). Those who survive on this spell for too
long may find themselves repulsed by normal food.

Unholy Strength
HP: -
SP: 3 year
A necromancer must touch a willing and living subject in the casting of this
spell, turning their muscles into undead muscles, raising their strength
temporarily. The subject of the spell makes and exchange of HP for Strength. For
every HP they lose, they temporarily gain 1 point of strength, to a maximum of
18/100 (each category of exceptional strength counts as 1 point). Non-warriors
can gain exceptional strength this way. When the duration (1 turn / level)
expires, the subject reverts to their normal strength, and then loses an equal
amount to what they gained. The lost strength returns at a rate of 3 points per
day. It is worth keeping in mind, that any character who reaches 0 strength
Non-willing subjects, including unconscious people, cannot be targeted with the
spell, as part of the magic involves an internal agreement to relinquish HP.
Similarly, the muscles of the subject are decayed and undead, giving the subject
of the spell a stench of death and decay about them.

Example: Lili the Cleric is fighting a giant with her necromancer friend Leoric.
Leoric casts Unholy Strength on Lili, who chooses to give up 11 hp, raising her
strength from 12 to 18/100. When the spell expires after defeating the giant,
Lili looses 11 points of strength, bringing her to 1 strength. The next morning,
she has regained 1 lost point of strength and is at 2 str. Three days later,
she's at 5 strength. A week later, she's back at her full 12 strength.


False Death
HP: -
SP: 5 years
Necromancer puts one willing creatures (self included) into a death like state.
Breathing stops, body cools and stiffens as if dead. Creatures is unaware of
anything and everything and cannot react. Wizards lose memorized spells. After
24 hours, the effects fade, and the creature returns to life. The spell disrupts
bodily functioning, causing 3 points of damage to the subject and preventing
them from healing by normal means for 3 days.

Hold Essence
HP: 3 hp [held]
SP: 5 years
By drinking the blood and eating the heart of a smaller mammal, the necromancer
stores the form of that creature for later use. Using an action (speed 3), the
caster can transform into the animal, bringing all their equipment with them.
This form has the stats of the creature in question with an AC bonus of 4. The
caster retains their mind and their HP, but is otherwise limited to the form
they are in. The caster may change back at any point, or when the spell expires.
This form will last for a number of hours equal to the caster’s level. At 10th
level the caster can hold the essence of 2 creatures (using one at a time). At
14th level they may hold 4. At 18th level they may hold 8. Holding the pattern
of another creature in your body is difficult, causing the max HP of the caster
to be reduced by 3 for each essence held.

Hold Person
HP: -
SP: 5 years
By positioning a creature against a mirror, and marking their forehead with
their own blood, the necromancer entombs the creature inside a mirror. The
mirror must be of a size to hold the creature. Spells that change the size of
the creature prevent the creature from being entombed until the spell is worn
off. Similarly, mirrors that are magically changed in size are unsuitable for
this task.

Once a creature is held in a mirror, it is in a state of two dimensional semi-

stasis. The creature does not heal, does not age, has no need of food, drink, or
bodily functions, yet they may still move and speak (if they were able to
outside of the mirror). Furthermore, those trapped in the mirror find that their
three dimensional belongings no longer function in two dimensional space: books
cannot be read, potions cannot be consumed, itches cannot be scratched, etc.
Creatures with magical abilities (spells, gazes, etc.) will find that their
spells are restricted to the mirror dimension in which they are placed. A
basilisk would not petrify someone looking at it, nor could a mage within a
mirror cast Magic Missile at someone on the other side or at the mirror itself.

Creatures inside the mirror are aware of what is happening on the outside of the
mirror, being able to see, hear, and smell. Similarly, creatures on the outside
of the mirror and see and hear those trapped in it. Those inside the mirror may
walk around within the confines of the mirror, and may come into the foreground
(between the onlooker and their reflection) or stay in the background (behind
the reflection of creatures).

If the mirror is broken or damaged (scratching the glass counts as damaged), the
magic is broken, the mirror shatters, and the creature is freed, in the exact
state it was originally imprisoned.

A shatter spell cast from within the mirror dimension will break the mirror.
Spells that move between dimensions can be used as long as they do not require 3
dimensional space (A spell that opens a portal one walks through would not work,
but a spell that shifts the caster from one dimension to another will).
Teleportation has no effect.

A caster may not imprison themselves in a mirror.

Reverse Healing
HP: 1 hp
SP: 5 years
To cast this spell, the caster must draw their own blood onto their fingertip,
speak the word, and touch the target. If the target fails their saving throw,
they take damage instead of gain life from all nonmagical healing. Magic healing
of 3rd level and below heals the very damage it deals, rendering it ineffective.
4th level healing spells will negate the spell instead of healing damage. 5th
level healing spells and above will remove the spell in addition to their normal
effects. A remove curse or dispel magic spell will also remove the effect.


Mark of Allegiance
HP: -
SP: 3 years
Similar to Mark of Servitude, except this spell gives the owner of the mark
limited control over the caster’s minions. The caster must pick a type, or
types, of undead for the marked individual to control (e.g. basic skeletons and
zombies). The marking is complimentary to the caster’s Mark of Servitude and
must be an elaboration or extension on an existing mark. It then goes without
saying that only a bearer of a Mark of Servitude may receive a Mark of

HP: -
SP: 5 years
Attach a body part to a person missing that part. The attached part functions
and is under the control of the subject, but is dead and decaying. May need to
be replaced eventually. Has super human strength (18/90).

Soul Siphon
HP: -
SP: -
The caster may use the life force of a creature they are sacrificing instead of
paying the cost themselves. As this process bypasses the caster all together, it
is twice as effective as Vampiric touch, producing 2 points of spiritual force
for every 10 years of life left in the creature. All the usual restrictions of
Eat Soul apply.


Raise Undead
HP: -
SP: -
By this point in their career, a necromancer has become very familiar with the
practices of creating their undead followers. The necromancer may now raise
their undead at a much greater rate. With one hour of prep time, the necromancer
can raise 8 undead (of a single type) instead of just 1. The costs do not
change, only the time required. Should the necromancer wish to raise 8
skeletons, they must still pay the 8 small animal cost. For purposes of
conversion, 1 large animal = 3 medium, 1 medium animal = 3 small.

The types of undead that can be raised en-mass are those with level requirements
three less than the caster’s current level. At 8th level, the caster could raise
level 5 creatures or below. A necromancer would need to be level 10 to mass
raise Nightmares.

Sensitivity to Life
HP: 3 hp
SP: 10+ years
By enchanting a set of eyeballs (must be laid out before the caster) and then
inserting them into the eye sockets of a creature (unwilling creatures get a
save vs. spell), the creature gains a sensitivity the Life Force. This
sensitivity is strongest in the eyes, but does extend to the whole of the body
as the eyes “settle in”. These eyes can see with infravision 10’ per level of
the caster. This type of infravision is created by drawing out the occupant’s
spiritual force to somewhat ethereally shifted. The shift allows the spiritual
force of the recipient to tug on the life force those around it, in much the
opposite way of a comet’s tail. This “pull” on the life force creates a distinct
outline around living things. A nasty side effect of this spell is that high
energy sources of life become dangerous for the caster, especially to look at.
Looking at the sun directly immediately destroys the eyes and deals 1d6 damage
per caster level to the recipient. Clean flowing water, a nymph’s spring, a
dryad’s meadow, and other high energy life forces cause discomfort when looked
at, and pain when surrounded by. This pain can even cause damage or death if the
caster is fully immersed in a strong source. This spell lasts for 1 year for
each additional year of life beyond 10 they sacrifice when casting. The eyes
used can be the eyes of the subject, or someone else's, but they must fit, and
their source conveys no additional benefits. Once the spell expires, the eyes
rot, and fall from the head of the recipient.

The recipient of the set of eyes takes 5 damage when their eyeballs are first
removed, but none when the spell expires or the eyes are removed in other ways.


Satisfy Hunger
HP: -
SP: -
By eating the heart of a creature with a similar soul size, the caster can
permanently increase their max HP by 1. This number is limited only by the
character’s maximum potential HP - the amount of HP the caster would have if
they rolled max on all their hit dice. The requirements for this spell can be
obtained after using Vampiric Touch on a creature. After gorging on the heart,
the caster must spend a day of bed rest while their body absorbs and transforms.
Gains in HP are all in the spiritual plane, imbalancing the caster’s anima.
Without enough Life Force to shield the Spiritual Force, the caster begins to
grow weak to sunlight. First suffering combat penalties, eventually taking
damage, and finally being destroyed by it.


HP: -
SP: 5 years
The eyes are the window to the soul, and by the means of this spell the caster
enchants their own eyes. When a person with a soul looks into the casters eyes,
their spirit becomes intertwined with the casters on a small level. The target
is allowed a saving throw (willpower or spell) to negate. If the target fails,
they feel a deep, personal, but unspoken connection to the caster. The effects
will fade over the course of 1 week per caster level. If at any point during
this effect the target meets the casters gaze again (without the spell being
cast), the bond is restrengthened and renewed. Further castings create a more
intense bond, eventually achieving a thrall like state. The more the target is
bound to the caster, the less extreme their own emotions. Deeply bound
individuals may be listless and without purpose when left to their own devices,
barely sustaining themselves. At no point in time can the caster directly
control the actions of those bound to them.

Vampiric Feast
HP: -
SP: -
By drinking the blood of another living creature, the necromancer heals and
restores themselves. With a willing target, the caster can drain 8hp per round;
with an unwilling target, the caster drains 1d8 hp/round. For every hit point
drained, the caster gains 1 hp. If the target is of the same species as the
caster, they can instead convert the drained HP into lifespan at a rate of 1
year gained per 2 hp drained. Those that make use of this spell may conflate the
euphoria of gaining hp/years with the taste of blood and gain a taste for it at
best, or an addiction to it at worst.


Empathetic Focus
HP: - / ½ max hp
SP: - / 20
While the spiritual plane is too alien to be understood by mere mortals, an
experienced necromancer has many useful insights. The material and spiritual
words are parallel to each other, and so when the body communicates on the
material plane with words and gestures, so too does the spirit communicate with
emotions. If a necromancer wishes, they can attune their soul to these
communications, which has a profound effect on their being. This door once
opened cannot be shut, and there is no going back.
Emotional Numbing: The necromancer will be feeling all their own emotions, and
the emotions of those around them, much more strongly. Even minor emotions can
be overwhelming. The only way to deal with these intense levels of emotion is to
desensitize on self to all of them.

Intense Feelings: When a necromancer does engage with an emotion, they deal with
it in extremes. Hunger is ravenous. Anger is murderous. Sadness is soul

Emotional Projection: As emotions are a form of communication, the necromancer

can project theirs onto others, just as one can shout over another’s speaking.
When the caster projects an emotion, they force the target to make a willpower
save (adjusted for level) or be overcome with the emotion. Characters currently
opposed to the necromancer may save with a bonus ranging from +10 to +20. Elves
and other empathetic creatures have advantage on this save. The easiest emotions
to project are fear, desire, and indifference. Creatures feeling fear either
flee or fight with penalties (-2 to hit and damage). Other emotions need context
to be understood. Is the necromancer causing sexual desire while trying to
seduce the target? Are they causing greedy desire while discussing a reward or
payment given to a hireling? Are they causing hunger desire while inviting
someone in for dinner? Careful consideration needs be taken when projecting
emotions. Other emotions can be projected, but are saved against with a
significant bonus.

Passive Projection: Even when not trying to project an emotion, the necromancer
still speaks more clearly to others on the spiritual plane. This has the effect
of people taking notice of them more. With a little practice, this passive
projection can be attuned in one direction or the other, giving them a light
aura of emotion. This could be mistaken for being highly attractive (desire),
cause discomfort (fear), or discontentment (indifference).

Passive Perception: When in the company of others, the necromancer can instantly
detect any unconcealed feelings directed at them. A person angry at the
necromancer who was sitting across the room would stand out like a candle in the
dark. Characters actively suppressing their emotions may remain undetected.

Emotional Reading: By staring into the eyes of another character and listening
to their soul carefully, the caster can read the character’s emotions with
exacting detail bordering on reading their mind. The target character gets a
willpower save. If eye contact cannot be maintained, a grip on a vital part of
the character may suffice (neck, face, inner thigh, hand, etc.). A character who
understands what is happening and actively resist makes their save at +10.

Personal Space: All creatures have a sense of personal space, which the
necromancer can feel closely. They know exactly how far someone’s personal space
extends and exactly when they push up against it. This ought to be a minor
footnote along with other interesting effects of communicating on the spiritual
plane except for one thing: blessings of the gods. Any consecrated space is
scattered with bits of life force and acts as a blinding wall of white noise
should the necromancer enter into it. In practice this prevents the necromancer
from entering sacred areas, and causes them pain and discomfort when presented
with sacred objects. Perhaps most important of all is the blessing of Nerual,
the goddess of the home, the hearth, family, and society. She blesses each and
every home that is actively lived in. This protection is that feeling of being
home people get, a certain comfort and ease that is so elementary we barely
notice it when we have it, and desperately want it when we don’t have it. Unlike
other sacred spaces, the blessing on the home is only a problem when the
necromancer is an outsider. If the members of the home are favorable to the
necromancer, or have invited the necromancer within the space, the blessing
ignores them.

Mind over Matter

HP: -
SP: -
This ability projects the target’s spiritual force throughout their body. This
shuts down all bodily functions (healing, heat generation, aging, etc.) and
renders the target resistant to all non-magical* sources of damage. As the soul
is self repairing, damage sustained by the target heals at 1hp / turn.
Furthermore, as the target’s spirit is masking their body, they become very
sensitive to silver and unable to move against it. A single silver thread draped
over the torso of a fallen target would prevent them from moving, and the target
would be unreflected in a mirror. This silver sensitivity lets weapons made
fully of silver (not just lined with it) cause full damage to the target. This
spell is permanent once cast. Targets resisting must pass a saving throw vs.

This spell takes a week of prep in a special place, a full day of casting, and a
recovery period of ~1 hour.


Tooth and Claw

HP: -
SP: 6 years
By channeling six year of their life into a momentary outburst of energy, the
caster grows claws and fangs for a turn. The caster is proficient in these melee
attacks, and deals 1d6 damage with them. This spell can be cast instantly and
continued without recasting, although each turn it is maintained drains another
six years of life. Furthermore, these melee attacks can be made in conjunction
with touch attack spells, allowing a necromancer to: Cast Tooth & Claw, attack
with the fangs, hit for 1d6 damage and cast Vampiric Feast. Since the teeth and
claws are living or once living matter, they can also be enchanted with
Spiritual Weapon, although spiritual weapon cannot be cast in the same round as
other spells.


Vampiric Touch ??? Do we need this? Doesn’t this just replace Eat Soul?
HP: -
SP: -
The caster can create a small and stable portal between the material and
spiritual planes and is able to open and close it at will. With just a touch of
another living creature, the caster can cause it to age 1d10 years, adding one
tenth of that value to their life span if the creature has a similar or larger
soul size. A creature that is not resisting can be aged up to 100 years a
minute. When a creature is drained of life by means of this ability, they
visibly age before the eye. If their whole life is drained, they are left as
nothing but a dry husk.

Decomposition: Zombie Skeleton Ghost
Method of creation: Restless Raised Cursed
Agency: Mindless Bound Free

Control Undead
Opposed willpower check (including level)

Zombies: The caster infuses part of their life force into the zombie. This is
done by drawing out the caster’s blood, enchanting it, and applying it directly
to the corpse’s brain. Usually this requires some small amount of surgery. The
life force reanimates the nervous system with supernatural strength. Any part of
the body that is removed from it will cease to function, unless reattached.
Zombies must be the same size as (or smaller than) the caster.

Int Basic
Stats 18/90 6 10 0 0 12 8
Move ½ base creature (no run, jump, climb, or swim)
HP 20 / 6 (head)
AC 6 / 12 (head)
Melee +2, 1d4+4 (smash, bite, claw, etc.)
Regen —
Vessel Intact brain, medium creature.
HP -
SP 1 year

While slow, sluggish, and unsuited to most tasks, zombies are difficult to
destroy and have incredible strength. They make excellent diggers, lifters, and
pushers - perfect for exhuming freshly buried bodies.

A zombie may be killed with 6 points of damage to their head, or with 20 point
of damage to the zombie as a whole. The later case assumes the body is being
badly damaged or even destroyed by the time the brain is destroyed. Every time 6
damage or more is done by a single source, a limb is damaged or destroyed (equal
chance of limb). The listed HP for the zombie’s body is for a fresh corpse.
Corpses that are decomposing will have fewer HP.

Zombie, Large
Int Basic
Stats 18/90 6 10 0 0 12 8
Move ½ base creature (no run, jump, climb, or swim)
HP 40 / 10 (head)
AC 6 / 12 (head)
Melee +4, 1d8+4 (predator)
+2, 1d4+4 (prey)
Regen -
Vessel Large creature with intact brain.
HP 1 hp
SP 1 year

Large zombies are created by the same method, but use corpses that are larger in
size. This includes animals, so zombie horses can be created and ridden.
Regardless of the number of attacks the creature once had in life, zombie
creatures only get 1 attack per round. When creating larger zombies, the
creature being animated determines some properties. Creatures that were humanoid
or predators in life (ogres, crocodiles, snakes) use one attack block, while
creatures that were prey use a lesser attack block. Aquatic creatures maintain
their ability to swim while mounts can carry riders.

Zombie, Ghoul
Int Simple
Stats 15 12 10 3 0 13 12
Move 12 (no swim)
HP 1d8+5
AC 8
Melee +3, 1d4 - save or be paralyzed
Regen When consuming bodies
Vessel Freshly dead medium body with intact brain. (10 days under normal
HP ¼
SP 1 year

Ghouls are faster, smarter, and more agile zombies. This is caused by
decentralizing the nervous system so that the ghoul’s spiritual force is spread
throughout the body. The downside of this is that it makes ghouls easier to
kill. The other upside is that this spiritual force can be channeled into a new
attack form.

When a ghoul hits a target, it rips a small hole between the material and
spiritual planes. This rupture causes a sudden tug on the life force of the
creature. Failing a saving throw (Willpower) causes the creature to be stunned
and paralyzed for the next round.

Taking advantage of this new attack form requires a small amount of the caster’s
life force. If the caster prepares 4 bodies at once, they can be animated at the
same time.

Zombie, Nightmare
Int Simple
Stats 18 10 10 3 3 14 13
Move 21 (silent)
HP 30
AC 8
Melee +5, 1d6+2 x2 (kick)
Regen 1/hour
Vessel Pregnant mare with black fur, living or freshly dead.
HP 5
SP 3 years

Hooves fade into smoky mist, doesn’t touch ground. Telepathically bound to the
caster when in LoS. Provides for an unnaturally smooth ride.

Skeletons: Ancient remains given life again. Removed limbs remain active until
the creature is destroyed. When reanimated, separated pieces join together,
meaning broken skeletons are made whole. Damage to this repaired body is
permanent, unless the skeleton is raised again. Cannot have any flesh on or
around any joints or breaks when created - the flesh interferes with the binding

Skeletons are weak to bludgeoning damage and are destroyed by being submerged in
water (crossing a river, fall into a lake, etc.)

Skeleton, Basic
Int Basic
Stats 13 8 10 0 0 10 10
Move 14
HP 6 (weak to B, resistance to P)
AC 10
Melee +1, 1d4 (claw)
+1, 1d6 (weapon)
+0, 1d4 (bow)
Regen 1/day
Vessel Skeleton, medium
HP Small animal
SP None

Skeletal Object
Int None
Stats -
Move -
HP Variable
AC -
Melee -
Regen 1 / hour
Vessel Bones
HP -
SP 1 (medium object)
8 (large object)
27 (huge object)
64 (gargantuan object)

Using the same ideas as creating basic skeletons, the necromancer can focus on
the connections between the bones more than the animation of them, and create an
object out of bones with no fasteners.

The only limit is the number of bones the caster has, and the life span they can
spare. Proper building techniques must be observed. A necromancer couldn’t build
a bridge across a wide canyon just by extending it from one side.

Example: using the finger bones of two people, a necromancer casts this spell
and connects them end to end to form a ring of finger bones that they then use
as a crown.

Skeleton, Warrior
Int Simple
Stats 14 8 10 3 3 10 12
Move 14
HP 12
AC 12 (weak to B, resistance to P)
Melee +3, 1d4 x2 (claw)
+3, 1d8+2 (weapon)
+3, 1d6 x2 (bow)
Regen 1/hour
Vessel Skeleton, medium warrior
HP Medium animal
SP 1 year

These undead are visually distinct, with a violate bioluminescence coating their
eye sockets

Skeleton, Blood Knight

Int Simple
Stats 15 8 10 3 3 10 12
Move 14
HP 20
AC 14 (weak to B, resistance to P)
Melee +5, 1d6 x2 (claw)
+5, 1d10+2 (weapon)
+5, 1d6 x2 (bow)
Regen 10/hour
Vessel Skeleton, 1st level warrior
HP Large animal
SP 5 years

These undead are visually distinct, with a crimson bioluminescence coating their
eye sockets

Skeletal Specialist
Int Advanced
Stats 13 8 10 6 6 10 13
Move 14
HP 6 (weak to B, resistance to P)
AC 10
Melee +1, 1d4 (claw)
+1, 1d6 (weapon)
+0, 1d4 (bow)
Regen 1/hour
Vessel Skeleton, medium
HP 1 hp
SP 5 years

These undead are visually distinct, with a deep green bioluminescence coating
their eye sockets

Useful to tackle complex projects like construction and navigation. Not

particularly useful in combat, except to command lower undead.

Skeleton, Mage
Int Advanced
Stats 13 8 10 9 9 10 13
Move 14
HP 20 (weak to B, resistance to P)
AC 14
Melee +5, 1d6 x2 (claw)
Regen 5/hour
Vessel Skeleton, medium spell caster
HP 5
SP 5 years

These undead are visually distinct, with a golden bioluminescence coating their
eye sockets.

Has very limited pool of spells. Casting spells consumes the mage’s hp.
Levitate, some sort of fire throwing thing…

Skeleton, Commander
Int Complex
Stats 18 16 10 14 14 10 14
Move 14
HP 60 (weak to B, resistance to P)
AC 16
Melee +8, 1d6+2 x2 (claw)
+8, 1d10+4 (weapon)
+8, 1d6+2 x2 (bow)
Regen 10/hour
Vessel Skeleton, 5th level warrior
HP 10
SP 15 years

These undead are visually distinct, with a darkness clouding their eye sockets,
and burning flames where their eyes should be.

Ghosts: These creatures exist mostly in the ethereal plane, but have ties to
either the material or spiritual planes as well. Furthermore, those not within
the material plane can still project into it.
Ghost: Phantom
Int None
Stats 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Move 12
HP 1
AC 8
Melee -
Regen -
Vessel 1 living creature
HP -
SP 1 year

A phantom is a necromancer’s first foray into the world of ghosts. That said,
the Phantom is a rather useless creation. In essence, a Phantom is the spirit of
a creature unaware that it is dead, acting out moments of its life in a chaotic
and twisted show. It could be reliving its final moments of death, creating
visuals outside of itself to fit its narrative, but does so without knowing or
understanding. Or it could be pacing the halls of an area endlessly. A phantom
may be of any living creature sacrificed. It has no awareness, cannot be
commanded, and cannot interact with objects, and only makes vague wails, moans,
and stepping, dragging, or scraping sounds. It is a stepping stone to greater
creations and a bit of a curiosity.

Phantoms exist fully on the ethereal plane, but projects almost all the way into
the material plane. It is only semi transparent, with well defined edges.

A phantom exists in the general vicinity of where the creature that was
sacrificed for it died. If the surroundings are familiar to the spirit, it may
have more interesting and complicated movements or actions.

Ghost: Specter
Int Basic
Stats 0 10 10 0 0 10 10
Move 12
HP 1
AC 10
Melee -
Regen -
Vessel -
HP 1 hp
SP 1 year

The caster prepares a magic circle that lets them access the ethereal plane, and
opens a wound on their body over the circle. Inside the circle, the caster opens
a wound with a specially prepared silver knife to bleed a part of their life
force into their spirit. The resulting creation is a plain faced ghostly
creature. Under the guise of a detect magic, or similar spells, the specter
looks like it’s creator. They do not interact with the material world, but do
not wander like phantoms. They can be possessed, or enchanted with a
clairvoyance spell, allowing the caster to safely venture into dangerous areas,
or keep a lookout in a key location.

Specters exist in the ethereal plane and barely projects into the material one
at all, making them very difficult to see.

Because specters have such basic intelligence, they perform poorly when sent out
on their own, often standing in the middle of walkways or moving through crowds.
This puts them in a position to be detected, which is usually a bad idea for a
scout / lookout.
Ghost: Shade
Int Simple
Stats 0 10 10 3 3 10 10
Move 12
HP Variable
AC 14
Melee -
Regen 1/day
Vessel None
HP 1 hp or member of the caster’s species
SP Variable

The process for creating a shade is identical to that of creating a specter, but
instead of forming the ghost of the life force and binding it with the spiritual
force, the shade is made of spiritual force and given form with life force. The
resulting creation is an ethereal creature with the form and face of the caster.
Shades are mostly transparent with a very slight red illumination. The blood
gives the shade enough of projection in the material world that they can see and
be seen. Shades have 1 hp for each year of life the caster sacrificed.

Alternatively, the caster may create a larger magic circle and place within it a
living member of their species. The same process is used, but the creatures
entire life force is withdrawn. The resulting shade has the form and face of the
person used in the sacrifice, and hp equal to the creature’s max.

Shades are still fairly stupid undead, but they are just smart enough to grasp
the concept of following while avoiding detection. A shade properly marked with
a clairvoyance spell can be sent to follow a person and then used to gaze upon
them from a safe distance. Similarly, they can patrol large areas, or to look at
certain areas over and over again, allowing the necromancer to “check in” on
locations far from them.

Ghost: Poltergeist
Int Simple
Stats 5 10 10 3 3 10 10
Move 12
HP Variable
AC 14
Melee -
Regen 1/day
Vessel None
HP Variable
SP 5 years

Poltergeists are creations that move between the ethereal and material planes
with ease. They are made of the caster’s spiritual force and directly chained to
an object also bound to the caster. The poltergeist cannot move more than 120
yards from that object. Even the caster cannot order their poltergeist to move
beyond this distance. If they are ever separated by a greater distance (e.g.
object is teleported away), the poltergeist’s bond with the caster is broken and
it becomes a free undead. Being made of, and chained, to the caster’s spirit
allows the caster to issue commands telepathically and lets the poltergeist
navigate based on the necromancer’s knowledge as long as the caster is within
120 yards of the object they are bound to.

Poltergeists are creates of the ethereal plane, but they may shift into the
material plane up to 75%. When so shifted they may interact with physical
objects, and are affected by physical attacks, although these attacks can at
best drive it back into the ethereal plane. After taking enough physical damage
to be destroyed, the poltergeist loses its ability to materialize and becomes
unchained from the caster. They are now free roaming undead who can interact
with the material world as if they had 2 strength.

Creating a poltergeist requires the caster to sacrifice 5 years of their

spiritual force, and a variable amount of their life force. The sacrificed life
force becomes the poltergeist’s HP.

Ghost, Ghost
Int Advanced
Stats 0 10 10 6 6 14 13
Move 12
HP 20
AC 15
Melee Special
Regen -
Vessel Humanoid
HP -
SP 10 years

By using the remains of a dead person, the caster is able to draw their spirit
out of the spiritual plane, provided it has not yet been reformed into a new
soul. This spirit then crosses the boundary into of the spirit world to enter
the ethereal plane, where it then projects into the material plane. The ghost is
40% spiritual, 50% ethereal, 10% physical. The majority of its energy is
ethereal, so it can only be harmed things that effect ethereal creatures. Ghosts
retain the visage they had in life, including any equipment they were initially
buried with. The equipment is purely visual, and has no effect on the ghost’s
abilities or stat blocks.

Because the spirit bridges the spiritual and physical planes, it is a strong
(negative) vortex of energy, projecting a large aura of cold around it, and
draining spiritual life from anything it touches: Save vs. Spell or lose 1d10
years of life, giving the ghost twice as much HP. Creatures failing their save
stand transfixed staring into the ghosts eyes. If the ghost drains enough
spiritual energy to bring it above its maximum HP, the excess hp fades from it
at a rate of 1hp/round. The lesser ghost has a image of the humanoid sacrificed
to make it.
Ethereal Creatures: As Ethereal/Spiritual beings, these creatures are sensitive
to high energy life sources (e.g. The Sun / Illumis). Direct sunlight forces
them to recall their projection into the material world, or suffer 1d8 damage
per round. Additionally, sunlit ethereal creatures are invisible to the naked
eye, and are blinded.

Intelligence: Undead may command lesser undead at caster’s discretion.

Basic Focus on one simple task or object interaction. Only aware of things
directly perceivable. Travel in most direct path, navigating basic
objects and terrain. Does not recognize or avoid danger.

Actions: Coil a rope, chop down trees (until told to stop), dig a
hole, row oar (needs supervision to manage many oars in sync),
lift/push/pull object, open door, climb ladder/wall etc.

Navigation: If told to cross a river, will attempt to walk directly

across it. Can follow a person or group.

Tactics: Will attack the most available enemy. If placed in an

ambush, will attack targets the moment they become available.

Simple Can focus on a single simple task made up of basic tasks. Simple
logic, math, coordination, and conditional clauses. Can be given a
series of orders and follow them.

Actions: Tie up these people, fill these bags with sand, fell a tree
to block the road, sharpen these stakes, dig a trench, row in sync
with others, etc.

Navigation: If told to cross a river, will look for a suitable

crossing place (e.g. look for a bridge). Take a right at the first
intersection and enter the 3rd room on the right side. Walk five
miles down this road.

Tactics: Defend location or guard object. If placed in an ambush,

will wait until a specific condition is met before attacking. With
explicit orders, can focus targets based on equipment, danger, or

Advanced Understands basic concepts and priorities, and has advanced use of
tools and objects. Has limited independence and can formulate plans
to achieve objectives.

Actions: Tie up the prisoners, build a palisade wall, operate sails,

ride mounts, mix martinis, etc. Communicate yes/no.

Navigation: If told to cross a river, will first look for ways to

cross (bridges, boats, etc.). If none are found, will attempt to
create a way to cross (chop down tree to act as a bridge, create a
basic raft/barge, etc.). Go to my laboratory. Find the well in this

Tactics: If placed in an ambush, will attack when conditions are

favorable. Can prioritize targets in combat and command simple undead
to focus them. Acts in the present with no understanding of long term
planning or delayed gratification.

Complex Can be given broad objectives and develop their own solutions.
Capable of constructing buildings, bridges, mines, siege weapons,
etc. Required for advanced spell casting. Understands the priority
the caster places on their existence vs. their task and will act

Actions: Read, write, fully communicate.

Navigation: If told to cross a river, will identify options, assess

them, and choose the most favorable.

Tactics: Any

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