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Rtr Vanessa Addai DRR Fred Asante IPDRRD Médard TOVI

Rot. Club of Tema Meridian Rot. Club of Accra Labone Rot. Club of Lomé Racines
Editor-In-Chief Publisher Translator and Togo Rep

Rtr Ben Brown Rtr Arthulio de SOUZA Rtr NOURIDINE Illiassou

Rotaract Club of Obuasi Rot. Club of Abomey-Calavi Rot. Club Niamey Croix du
Assistant Editor Plateau-Writer and Translator Sud- Writer and Niger Rep

IPP Dennis Amakye, Rtr Laetitia Elom AMOUSSOU RP Pious Dasah

Rot. Club of Accra Ring Rot. Club of Lomé Racines Rot. Club of Sunyani
Road Central Writer and Editor Writer and Ghana Rep
Public Relations Director
FB/IG/Twitter: @Rotaract9102
Editorial Note …………………..…………………….…….... 4
Message From DRR…………..………………………..…….5
Message from the R.I. President……………………... 6
Rotaractor of the 1st Quarter Awards ……………….7
Trivia ……………………………..…………………………………8
Exploring Togo…………………………………………………..9
District, National & Club Joint Handing Over…….10
Why You Should Read ……………………….……..……..12
R.I. President’s Visit to Ghana…………………………..16
Global Citizen Festival…………….…………………….….18
DTAC Experience………………………………………………19
Fashion tips…………………………………………………….. 20
District League Table…………………………………….….21

pg. 3

Dear Partners in Service,

The Newsletter Team of Rotaract District 9102 is
pleased to present to you, the first edition of “Spotlight”
for the Rotary year 2022/2023.
As Rotaractors, we believe making great impact begins
with our imaginations. We are, therefore, in full support
of this year’s Rotary Theme, which tells us to “Imagine
Each day is a great opportunity for us to make good use
of what we have, help others and to develop our full
DRR Fred Asante’s dream for this Rotary Year is for all
Rotaractors everywhere in the District to work together
towards attaining the goals of Rotary International and
the District.
Similarly, as a team, we extend a hand to you all, for
your constant involvement in the success of this
newsletter. Your feedback, contribution and ideas can
help us make “Spotlight” the ideal newsletter for the
So, let’s roll up our sleeves, hold each other’s hand,
make our imaginations go wild and take the necessary
action to make the world a better place.
This, can make us more relevant to our society.
Best Regards,
Rtr Vanessa Addai
District Secretary
International President Jennifer Jones in Ghana and
In my early District 9102
This is to indicate that the district leadership is
days in Rotaract, delivering on its promises to help clubs and would
some members equally expect Clubs and its members to do same
complained of by delivering on their promise to support the
not being district.
involved in
district activities. I must confess my gratitude to all Rotaract and
Others also Sponsor Clubs in the district for the support so far.
expressed The remaining three quarters of the Rotary year
concerns of a huge gap between the Rotaract promises to be amazing. It will contain my official
, office and Rotaract Clubs. Prior to the start of
District visit to clubs in the district and beyond, the official
my year as District Rotaract Representative, my Rotaract and Interact Week Celebration, the first
biggest burden was on how to bridge the gap as ever Rotaract Africa Summit in Ghana and our all-
stated above and how to possibly involve every club awaiting District Training Assembly and
in the planning and execution of district activities Conference. To those who are already thrilled with
the impactful experience in the first quarter, I say to
One of the measures adopted was to assembly all
. you that a lot more is about to happen to make our
club presidents in the district on one single digital
stay in Rotaract worthwhile. Fellow Rotaractors and
platform (preferably WhatsApp) for direct
Guests, may we be reminded that the vision of the
engagement, feedback and regular interactions. The
2022/2023 District Rotaract Leadership is to revive
other measure is to have an all-inclusive district
the presence, energy and gusto of Rotaract Clubs
newsletter which will capture great activities from
and its members through direct club engagements,
clubs across the district (both past and upcoming
impactful trainings and joint Rotaract activities
events). I strongly believe all clubs have been
involved in putting together this newsletter and that This agenda is to revive and empower clubs (post
it will be given the maximum push and attention. covid) while helping to tell a story of togetherness
within Rotaract to the world. Therefore, lets
Fellow Rotaractors, Interactors and Guests I believe
embrace collaboration and joint efforts in our club
the 1st Quarter of the Rotary Year has been fruitful
administration and service to humanity while
for us all. At the district level, we have achieved all
learning from each other and fostering teamwork in
plans for the 1st Quarter which includes a successful
Rotaract. Remember there is beauty in
district handing over, training for all president elects,
togetherness and strength in unity.
and a successful membership, public image and
project training seminar. Release of the 1st Quarter Wishing every Rotaractor, Interactor and Guest the
district league and DTAC registration were also best of Rotary experience in the coming Months. I
promised and have been delivered excellently, not look forward to meeting you all on my visit.
forgetting the successful hosting of the Rotary
DRR Fred Asante
District Rotaract Representative, 2022/2023

pg. 5

R ecently, Nick and I spent time in Guatemala, where

we met wonderful fellow Rotary members and families

who unofficially adopted me as “Tía Jennifer.” On the
third day, after visiting Patzún in the mountainous
western highlands, we set out for Lake Atitlán, which we
needed to reach by nightfall. If we took a back road we
could get there faster. Locals told us it had just been
repaved and assured us, “You’ll have no problem.”

At first, it was a breeze. We wound through misty-green

coffee and corn fields covering the hillside like a
patchwork quilt. But at a river crossing, we found a
bridge washed away. The only way to continue would
be to ford the river in our small bus. There were a few
“This adventure reminds me of two tense moments, but we decided to give it a try and,
thankfully, we made it across safely.
important truths in Rotary. One, we
rely on local, on-the-ground This adventure reminds me of two important truths in
expertise to do what we do best. And Rotary. One, we rely on local, on-the-ground expertise
two, sometimes you have to take to do what we do best. And two, sometimes you have
uncomfortable chances to reach to take uncomfortable chances to reach important
important goals”. goals.

Every day, I am honored to learn from our Rotary family.

-Jennifer Jones Every lesson is an opportunity to grow, and each story
Rotary International President adds a chapter to our collective Imagine Rotary year.

humanity at large
C Congratulations To The Following Rotaractors!!!!

Rtr Laetitia AMOUSSOU Eudon Marcus AHOKPOSSI RP Patience Dibabe Rtr NOURIDINE Illiassou
Rot. Club of Lomé Racines, Club Rotaract of Abomey Rot. Club of Accra Ring Road Rot. Club Niamey Croix
Togo Calavi Plateau, Benin Central, Ghana du Sud, Niger


Do you think you know much about Rotary/Rotaract? Try your hands on these Trivia questions and win amazing prizes from us.
Kindly send your answers to +233 541182029/secretary@rotaract
NB: The first 3 people to answer correctly will be awarded

In which year was Rotary formed?

Who was the first President of Rotary International?

Who was the first African R.I. President? Kindly state his/her country.

Who is the current R.I. President and what is her home country?

What are the seven areas of focus for Rotary Foundation Global
What does the acronym RYLA stand for?

What is the Rotaract motto?

Who set-up the four-way test?

Where will the next DTAC take place?

How old is Rotaract District 9102?

pg. 7
Join us as we journey through the countries in District 9102. In this edition, we’re visiting Togo. Take a deep breath,
put on your seat belt and enjoy this amazing and insightful voyage

With Lomé as its capital, TOGO is a small country in West Africa with
an area of 56,790km2 and a population of 8.28 million. The country
owes its name to a small village in Togo, which is today called
“Togoville”: a place located on the shores of the Great Togo Lake.

Administratively, Togo is divided into five regions: the Savannas, the

Kara, the Centre, the Plateaus and the Maritime region.

The official language of Togo is French but with its recent membership
in the Commonwealth, the country is likely to adopt English as its
second language in a few years. There are also 53 languages spoken
in Togo, which includes Ewe (22%), Kabyè (14%), Ouatchi (10%) and
Mina, the Ewe dialect mainly spoken in Lomé (6%).

Despite the emergence of Christianity and Islam, populations have

remained deeply attached to their animist beliefs and ancestral
practices. Almost all the ethnic groups practice vodoo and cults,
based on the worship of deities such as Legba, Hébiesso, Dan and

Traditional dances such as the knife dance (Adossa), the fire dance,
Sakpata and the Dance of Virgins have an important place in the
Togolese culture, and are performed during certain voodoo initiation
ceremonies. Other types of dances like Kamou, Agbadja, Akpèssè,
Bobobo and Adjogbo are for popular prosperity events

In terms of clothing, Togo stands out with its Lokpo or Sata, which is
a traditional loincloth, woven in towns like Bafilo and Sokodé.

Every year, festivals like Evala, Epé-Ekpé, Ayizan, Tezan are described
to perpetuate cultural heritage.
There’s also the Aného, a charming seaside resort with
colonial houses including the house of slaves or woold home,
the fishing port and the magnificent work of nature, which
lies between the Togo Lake and the Atlantic Ocean. Nature
lovers will definitely enjoy beautiful hikes around Atakpamé
to discover its historic ruins of kamina, a former German
military base and the Nangbeto dam where you can see
hippos. Kpalimé is also a good place for hiking.

Over there, you can discover the tropical fauna and flora,
Mount Agou (the highest Mountain in Togo), waterfalls and
the legendary Château Viale

The Kara region, notably the home of the Koutammakou

landscape (UNESCO World Heritage) has the Aledjo fault,
nature reserves of Keran and Srarkawa. The center is also full
of cultural assets, the most important of which is the
national park of Fazao-Malfakassa, which often hosts safaris.
The far northern part of Togo is rich in historical and cultural
treasures, and abounds in sites, most of which have been
listed as part of the Heritage of UNESCO. La Fosse aux Lions,
the rock paintings of Namoudjoga, the caves of Nok and
Maproug are all sites that attract tourists.

Here are a few Togolese dishes: Togolese gastronomy is rich

and varied due to the great diversity of its people. The
akoumè (wo or banku), a staplefood of the Togolese, it is
eaten with sauces such as okra (which is called gombo) or
adémé. Ayimolou (Agassi/waakye) is recognized as an
excellent breakfast by a good part of the population. The
Cities and tourist sites: Togo offers its tourists a wide variety
djekoumè (amiwo), the fufu, khom (kenkey), pinon, and ablo
of landscapes. In Lomé, it is recommended to visit the are also delicious traditional Togolese dishes. As local drinks,
museum, the monument of independence, the palace of the Togo has palm wiine (deha), tchoukoutchou, sodabi or
apevia. Aside from these alcoholic drinks, there is a non-
governors which was built in 1898, renovated and
exhaustive list of other drinks without alchohol, which are
transformed into a center of art and the ruins of the Wharf. also Togolese.
When you move towards Beguida and Avepozo, there are We hope you enjoyed this journey. Watch out for more
superb equipped beaches, lined with coconut and palm insights as we visit Benin, Niger and Ghana in our
subsequent editions.
trees and are lively especially on weekends.
Written by:
Rtr Laetitia Elom AMOUSSOU
Rotaract Club de Lomé Racines

pg. 9

The event dubbed “Night of Class and Bliss” took place on July 9, 2022 at the Tema Rotary Center in Ghana (Tema Community
5). Several clubs across the District were given the chance to come together to partake in and to witness this special
ceremony, as the District Board, Ghana National Team and Board Members of Ghanaian Clubs for the Rotary Year, 2021/2022
handed over to the new District, National and Club Board. Rotaractors across the regions of Ghana, Togo and Benin were
present at the dinner.

District Governor Victor Yaw Asante, District Governor Nominee Dave Amankwah, District Rotaract Chair Rtn PP Kwame Baah-
Acheamfuor, Rtn Immediate Past President Christiana Adams and a number of Rotarians also graced the occasion with their
pg. 11

Kevin’s palms got sweaty as he stared at the book his teacher gave to him. He rubbed his
palms on his trousers and took in a deep breath. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as
he attempted to read the first sentence. He hated to read and saw it as a huge task. The
whole class stared at him. While others laughed, some cheered him to give it a try. “Go
Kevin!” They cheered. After a few minutes, everyone went silent. There was a huge thud.
The ground shook. Everyone rushed to Kevin’s desk. He had fainted.
Most of us knew people like Kevin when we were in primary school. Today, our stories have
changed but is it better than that of Kevin? We prefer to watch funny videos, nice movies
and listen to music but we can barely recall the last time we read a book. We sometimes
wonder if reading is necessary. Let’s see what NOURIDINE Illiassou has to say about
Research shows that reading plays a very important role in a child's development - it awakens
his senses, develops his imagination and stimulates his brain.
For both Adults and children, reading is paramount to writing, knowledge and culture. It is
very relevant to the build-up of the brain. It helps us unlearn bad habits and undo limiting
beliefs. "Reading is important. If you know how to read, then the whole world opens up to
you” said former USA president, Barack Obama.
Reading engages
engages your
your critical
critical and
and analytical
analytical mind. Each page
mind. Each page you
you turn
turn or
or scroll
scroll through
strengthens the
the fabric
fabric of
of knowledge
knowledge in
in your
your mind
mind and
and ultimately helps you
ultimately helps you better
better understand
the world around you.
the world around you.
Scientists believe
believe that
that reading
reading can
can be
be aa great
great way
way to
to improve
improve brain
brain function. It helps
function. It helps to
increase concentration and stimulates the mind. Reading can also aid in gaining
increase concentration and stimulates the mind. Reading can also aid in gaining new new
knowledge andand increasing
increasing vocabulary.
Again, reading allows you to share the emotions invested in books.
According to Pierre Sève, "reading remains an intimate, truly
subjective activity" but it is also a social practice. Whether a story
is listened to or read, it is an incredible experience that takes the
recipient on an extraordinary journey which can change the
person's life forever!
Written by: NOURIDINE Illiassou
Rotaract Club Niamey Croix du Sud, Niger


pg. 13


Tree Planting Exercise

Rotaract Clubs in Cotonou, Benin Rotaract Club of Ho & Interact Club of Sonrise Rotaract Club of Niamey Gaweye, Niger
Christian High School, Ghana

Basic Education and Literacy

Rotaract Club of Accra Ring Road Central,

Rotaract Club of UEW, Ghana Rotaract Club of Obuasi, Ghana
Clean-up/Sanitation Projects

Rotaract Clubs in Togo Rotaract Club of Abomey-Calavi, Rotaract Club of Accra Adabraka, Ghana
Cotonou le Nautile & Sème Podji,
Polio Immunization

Rotaract Club of Tema, Ghana

Rotaract Club of Kumasi, Ghana

Leadership and Communication Training for Rotaract and Interact Clubs in Niger

pg. 15

Days before Rotary International (R.I.) appreciation for their continuous support and
dedication to the impactful works Rotary is
GUESSJennifer Jones,GHANA
WHO VISITED arrived in Ghana, the
Ghanaian media publicized her visit in the
newspapers, online and on television. Two It was a night of fun and reflection on how
billboards were mounted on the Liberation Road significant Rotary has been in making the world
leading to the Kotoka International Airport and a safe and better place for all.
the 37 Military Hospital. Tuesday, 13th September, 2022
The R.I. President commissioned the Children’s
Sunday, 11th September 2022
Ward of the 37 Military Hospital, which has
Jennifer Jones arrived in Ghana with her husband
been refurbished and adopted by the Rotary
and other members of her board including Past
Club of Accra Airport.
RI Director, Brad Howard, and was welcomed by
District Governor (DG) Victor Yaw Asante, and his She expressed her gratitude and encouraged
team. Rotarians to do more.
“I am travelling coast to coast, stopping at 12 “What you have created is dignity. What you
hubs along the way to meet with local officials have created is hope. That is what a child and
and participants in projects that address pressing mother need when they come into this facility.
issues,” she stated on arrival. We know that when we go there, it is not for
good reasons. However, you need to have a
Speaking to the press, she emphasized the need
place that provides comfort. You do not have to
for Rotary to take action in solving long term
live under a tree and get closer to a child. This is
problems and for problem-solving to spread
a true meaning for impactful work. Together we
across the world.
inspire, together we can inspire,” she remarked.
Monday, 12th September 2022
This was later followed by the commissioning of
Accompanied by her team, Jennifer Jones Kokrobite Health Center Staff Quarters and the
unveiled the “END POLIO BILLBOARD” to create Malaria Eradication Exercise and a Tree Planting
awareness of polio and to advocate for its Project at Weija.
RI President, Jennifer Jones, left Ghana later
In the course of the day, she paid a courtesy call that day
to the USAID, Canadian High Commission and the
Unanchored, slowly her ship set sail back to her
President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo,
roots at dusk.
Written by:
She later fellowshipped and dined with the
Rotary clubs in Ghana, and expressed her Rtr Pearl Achaab
(Rotaract Club of Accra Airport)

pg. 17
During R.I. President’s visit, DRR Fred Asante was nominated to lead a team of Ghanaian Rotaractors to support the
social media campaign towards the Global Citizen’s Festival. A committee comprising 10 members was created to help
create massive social media publicity and to take charge of the distribution of 100 tickets to Rotarians, Rotaractors
and Guests. The event took place at the Black Star Square, Accra. Global Citizens Festival was aimed at empowering
girls, protecting the planet and reducing poverty. It took place for the first time in Ghana and happened at both Accra
and New York City on the same day (September 24, 2022). Celebrities like the President of Ghana, Usher, Stormzy,
Sarkodie, Gyakie, Stonebwoy, H.E.R., SZA, TEMS, among others attended the event.

We asked about everyone’s DTAC experience and here’s what
we received. You can tell us your story too. …and don’t forget
to register. The early bird discount ends on December 31, I made amazing friends who have now become like
2022. Until then, the DTAC Team will be visiting your clubs to family. – Anonymous, DTAC 2018
tell you more about DTAC. We can’t wait to see you there!!!

DTAC was fun. The first time I attended DTAC was in

2019 at Kumasi. I had lots of fun, I learned a lot from
experienced speakers who took us through various
topics on leadership and I made some good friends. I
encourage everyone to be present at DTAC, coming
2023. – Anonymous, DTAC 2019

I met a business partner at DTAC. We shared business

ideas and I’m looking forward to meeting him again in
a few weeks. Rotary opens doors of opportunities!
– Anonymous, DTAC 2017

I met my crush. Hehehe. He was so charming and had

everything I wanted in a man. We had so much fun
too. But…I…later realized he was dating another lady.
No worries. I’ll come for another DTAC….and…who
knows? I might meet someone else.
– Anonymous, DTAC 2022

We had fun in a swimming pool the whole night. It was

cold and yet fun. I will pay millions for that priceless
– Anonymous, DTAC 2019

I got the chance to travel outside of my country and to

network with Rotaractors from different countries in
the District.
– Anonymous, DTAC 2022

pg. 19
By PP Daniella Sowah, Rotaract Club of UEW, Ghana

F ashion lifestyle has evolved over the years, from the old school to the Gucci’s. In all these
trends, looking good has been the main goal. Dressing stylishly or nicely uplifts your mood
and builds your confidence but sometimes, most people find it difficult to decide their
perfect look. Here are a few tips to consider when choosing that perfect outfit:
1. Avoid too many colour combinations
It is not advisable to combine more than three colours, except black and white,
which are technically considered monotones and can be intermixed with a fourth

2. Always dress according to your body type

Different kinds of menswear and womenswear suit different body types. It's
good to identify what works for your type of body. Wear clothes that put a
spotlight your shape and favourite features. You can identify your body shape
by looking in a mirror.

3. Wear well-fitted clothing

Pants or trousers that drag on the ground and dresses that bunch up
awkwardly won’t make you feel and look stylish. If you want to look your best,
you need clothes that are the right fit for you to bring out your perfect outlook.

4. Avoid showing off your undergarment

It is not appropriate to wear clothes that show off your underwear. Besides, it's
called underwear for a reason.

5. Wear clothes that reflect your personality

We all have different personalities and it is important to wear clothes that bring
your personality to light. Confident people can wear mini-skirts, slip dresses or
more fitted silhouettes like bodycon, conservative people can wear full-
sleeves, knee length clothes and colder tones like blue and optimistic people
can wear summer colours like yellow, sky blue and lilac since these colours
radiate positivity.

6. Dress according to your skin tone

Always remember to look for specific colours that stand out in your skin tone
as indicated below:

Position Rotaract Club Name Points Country

1st Rotaract Club of Accra Ring Road Central 40 Ghana

2nd Rotaract Club of Lome Racines 32 Togo

3rd Rotaract Club of Abomey Calavi 31 Benin

4th Rotaract Club of University of Education, 25 Ghana


5th Rotaract Club of Accra East Legon 23 Ghana

5th Rotaract Club of Cotonou Lagune 23 Benin

6th Rotaract Club of Accra-East 22 Ghana

6th Rotaract Club of Ho 22 Ghana

6th Rotaract Club of Niamey 22 Niger

7th Rotaract Club of Cotonou Le Nautile 21 Benin

7th Rotaract Club of UDS, Wa Campus 21 Ghana

8th Rotaract Club of Cotonou Rive Droite 19 Benin

8th Rotaract Club of Niamey Gaweye 19 Niger

9th Rotaract Club of Abomey-Calavi Plateau 18 Benin

10th Rotaract Club of Accra-Adabraka 17 Ghana

pg. 21
FB/IG/Twitter: @Rotaract9102

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