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AGENDA:- Deliberation on peaceful use of AI in

space exploration programs
PORTFOLIO:-United Kingdoms Of Great Britain
DELEGATES:-Adwaya Roy & Sai Gurudeep

Great Britain lies on the European continental shelf, part

of the Eurasian Plate and off the north-west coast of
continental Europe.The United Kingdom constitutes
of England(),Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland,
making its culture diverse and vast.The official
religion of the country is Christianity, and churches
of all denominations can be found throughout the
UK, such as Catholic, Protestant, Baptist and
Methodist. The other main religions are Islam,
Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Buddhism.It stands
enclosed by waters on all 4 sides.It is mainly
consisted of lowland terrains and upland terrains
located mostly in the north west of the country.The
country was included as the part of NATO in 1949
following by EU(European Union) in 1973.We
consider USA as some of our very important
military allies and also the NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty
Organization)nations.the semiconductor industry has
been playing a significant role in the nations
The Revenue of UK in the market of
Semiconductors is projected to reach the market
value of US$2.59bn in 2024, with an expected
annual growth rate of 11.03%

Space exploration has become a major factor for the
world as the world is progressing towards the age of
technology.Outer space has become the most important
asset of the country as it handles multiple affairs such as
National Security,Communications,and antagonists in
space derived service. In recents times the United
Kingdom space agency has been working upon for the
same and has been creating greater impact on the space
exploration programmes for the betterment of the world
. The UK space sector is worth over £17.5 billion to the
economy, with at least £370 billion of UK GDP supported
by satellite services.The UK has also previously provided
funding for the implementation of the UN Office for Outer Space
Activities (UNOOSA).It is also going to launch CLEAR(Clearing of
the LEO Environment with Active Removal) space program to
deal with the outer space debris which aims to bring back at least
two of the inactive satellites of UK back to the earth.The UK
has been investing extensively in space programmes but
lack in Public relations as UK space industry is yet to
convey the significance of space to the economy and
society giving it a broader potential this actions sums to
result in the limited public understanding and
appreciation .The UK govt is looking forward to integrate
the AI based technology in the future UK space
programmes looking at its striking advantages and
developments made in the economic sector of the
country.National AI strategy provides a roadmap for the
effective governance

The resolution of the committee on International cooperation in the
peaceful uses of outer space laid the foundation for later international
agreements and attempts (to begin something new) related to space
exploration , including the Outer Space Agreement (between countries) of
1967, which further explains details about these ways of thinking/basic
truths/rules and forms the basis of international space law.

non-cooperation in the use of AI for space exploration could lead to missed

opportunities for scientific advancement, technological progress, and
sustainable space exploration practices, affecting both individual space
agencies and the global community interested in space exploration and
SECTION 2(Background)
The UK is currently trying to collaborate with the
major space agencies such as NASA ISRO Etc to
maximize the societal benefits for the world.The UK
has major space programmes aligned for them in the
future such as CLEARSPACE,ARTEMIS-2 and many
more.The UK has done prominent advancements in
the past embarking with :-
1. Establishing the ELDO(European Launcher Development
2. Establishing the space academic network

3. The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory's five-year

program of defense-related space research, which began in 2017
Britain's Astronomer Royal Martin Rees said "Now that robots can
do the things that humans were needed for 50 years ago, the
case for sending people is getting weaker all the time”.Hence he
tried to deliberate on the point that integration of AI in space sector would bring in a lot of
advantages one of the major being no risk of human life.There are several other affairs
dealing with space sector One of them being quoted by Mr Farey Jones “ That this
House, mindful of the fact that ever-improving communications are an
absolute prerequisite for expanding trade both internal and external, and
conscious of this country's past leadership in this vital field, calls upon
Her Majesty's Government to announce plans for a general improvement
in communications”he recognises the graveness of comms services as it directly affects
the internal and external trade and calls upon for immediate action.This statement was
made in UK parliament.some of the other statements:-
1. Professor Chris Rapley addresses ministers at the European Space Summit with
reference to Climate Change.In his speech, Professor Rapley described how space
played a pivotal role in responding to climate change.”underpinned climate
science – “without them we would be flying blind”.During this he
refers to the satellites orbiting the earth.He appealed to ministers to
“ensure that the vantage point of space guides Europe and the world
as we radically change course”


1. The UK and UN joined forces in using space tech to tackle
climate change. A new project to map existing work to tackle
climate action through the use of space technology and identify
what more could be done has been launched by the UK Space
Agency and the United Nations at COP26.
2. 2.India and UK to connect their space clusters: UK
science minister he says “India and the United Kingdom will
connect their space clusters, starting with Leicester space
park”.This decision was taken So that we grow the space
economy and nurture the skills for the new generation of young Indian
scientists working with UK scientists and innovators in a commercial
space economy,It also emphasized on developing both technological
cooperation and regulatory cooperation.

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