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12/5/23, 11:06 PM Mahabharat - Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha) - IndiaDivine.

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By Guest guest, February 24, 2007 in Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)

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Guest guest Posted February 24, 2007 Report post 

Well first let me gracefully accept the facts as written by Bhaskar. It is

true that Pandavas had the Lord Krishna on their side....and hence, it was

bound to win the war. The most realized of Lord Krishna's capabilities
were Pitamaha Bhishma, Vidura, Dronacharya...(mainly).

The point I was making when said technically weaker side in normal

comparision of strengths between the two, Pandavas appear to be weak, when

seen from Dashing Duryodhan's view point. How can a person(s) like -

gifted "Isha Mrityu" like Pitamaha Bhisma, who won against Great Sage

Parashuram ( Lord Incarnate himself ) on matters of Principles, Invisible

Guru Dronacharya, "Sahasra Kundalu or Shields" endowed Karna, "Deathless"

Ashwathama, Guru Kripacharya,....etc.., such proven skillsets of great

warriors.....against one notable person Lord Krishna, who committed not to

don/touch/take the weapons /missiles...etc.. during the war.

It was a brilliant move of Lord Krishna to send Veer "Balak" Abhimanyu to

the battle field. How can such a young lad brave and demolish the

distinguished Maharathi's on opponents side ?? Well, he was trained by Lord

Krishna himself for this single D-day. This single most "sin / blunder" on

Kauravas side for NOT or BREAKING the rules of war, ( for Nine Maharathi's

fought against single person - for the rule said - one to one ), which

turned the stride of the war.

Now coming back to astrology.....Saturn transit in Leo is accepted to bring Join WhatsApp Group

downfall of the ruling government. There are two possibilities. Congress

lose the elections at the end of their 5 year rule or tenure. Else,

something tangible to happen intermediately. So far the Congress had a

cosy relationship or time. With advent of toppling ideas of "UP Govt" i.e.

Sardar Mulayam Singh Yadav - A known "Ustaad" of "KUSHTI" ( in fact my

favorite for other "humor" reasons !!), Congress has committed their first
blunder. Second the raising inflation or cost of living or food items....(
Week Month Year All
students of economics would understand this phenonmenon better). Third the
Vishnu Sahasranamam (MP3)
police arresting bofor's kingpin "Quattrocchi" in Argentina, with Congress  By User Submitted
 590  33
delaying the announcement for over 14 days till now, finally when the media

Lalitha Sahasranamam (MP3)

blown it up.....
 By User Submitted
 380  0

All this indicates as to how the planets suddenly take a is Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra (PDF)
 By User Submitted
interesting to watch the events as they unfold......  333  0 1/4
12/5/23, 11:06 PM Mahabharat - Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha) -

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra with English Tra…

with regards,
 By User Submitted
 265  4
sreeram srinivas
Bhagavad Gita by Gita Press (PDF)
 By User Submitted
 223  0


[] On Behalf Of Bhaskar

Saturday, February 24, 2007 12:50 PM

Re: RE:Mahabharat


I do not know technically the rules of blowing the Conch,

but I know that Bhishma also revered Lord Krishna (Shri

VishnuSahasranaam sung by Bhishma Pitamnha)and everyone

present there as a devotee knew who was stronger and who

was going to win. Unfortunately, due to eating salt of

Dhritrashtra the great warriors had to fight from

Duryodhanas side, also Karna even after realising the

knowledge of being Kuntis son, could not change sides, again

to remain faithfuly to dignity empowered by Duryodhana on him.

The warriors given by Krishna (As chosen by Duryodhana)

also knew who was the looser, but they prefereed to die

from the Armys hands where their Lord was stationed, so that

they would get a death of glory and gain emancipation

as a warriors death.

The Pandavas were never weak, no body can be with Lord

Krishna at His side, I am not being emotional, but stating

true facts,they wanted compromise only because they did not want

unnecessary bloodshed and neither wanted to hurt their own kinsmen,

which was the reason and not because they were weak.

All the Wise men who were present there in Kurukshetra

knew the ultimate outcome of the Great War, but all were bound by

their principles, attachment moral or emotional or ethical ones

related to serving their Masters, or eating ones salt, or being

Shishya of one, or Guru of one,or for upholding the righteousness,

or for showing the riught way to the world, or whatever, but The

Pandavas singularly too were very strong, and with Lord Krishna

at their side, The Unbeatable Force by anyone in the whole Universe.

Sorry somehow, can never think of The Pandavas or Krishna in 2/4
12/5/23, 11:06 PM Mahabharat - Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha) -
any other vein. They are like family members for me.



@ <%40>

, "sreeram srinivas"

<sreeram64 wrote:


> The raising of war conch is generally done by the weaker side (


> weaker ), for the benefit to call for a fight is generally given

by the

> weaker of the two !!


> Hence, in this case it was Lord Krishna who has given the clarion

> call.....It was Bhishma who has responded to the clarion war


> Further, if you see the was Pandavas who have sent Lord


> to Dashing or Daring Duryodhan for a compromise, with a strong


> for eventful war......, which Daring/Dashing Duryodhan refused to

return the

> land......hence, the call for fight is given first by Pandavas......


> with regards,

> sreeram srinivas


> _____


> amit trehan [amittre]

> Friday, February 23, 2007 8:26 PM

> sreeram srinivas

> Re: Divisional Charts Analysis



> Sir,

> i understand that...

> Today I read ur article in group regarding the mahabharta adn



> i remember when in exile(13th year) arjuna came to fight kaurva


> Bhisma reminded Duryodhna that one year is complete..(thus bhsiama

was well

> versed in astrology)


> But when krishna raised his coonch in warthat was in response to 3/4
12/5/23, 11:06 PM Mahabharat - Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha) -

> coonch.. and Krishna was not the first to do it.

> some where i read(dont remember where)... in ramayana Bharata says


> came in our life as Ketu mahadasha.


> any way...

> Keep the good work going

> regards

> Amit






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