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DO NOW: add in the missing words to paragraph below

pyjamas Shmuel search ‘march’ gas chamber rain soldiers Jews

clothes friends

Despite the _________, Bruno is still able to go and see Shmuel on their last day

together. When he arrives at the fence, __________ hands him some __________

and he gets changed, leaving his __________ at the fence. Whilst they __________

for evidence for Shmuel’s father, Bruno witnesses the laughing __________ and

traumatised __________ in the camp: he very much does not like it at all, but he is

__________ because he is with __________. Then, they two boys, along with

everyone else is sent on a ________ …to what turns out to be a

____________________, although it is clear that neither Bruno nor Shmuel realise

this. The chapter ends with the two __________ holding hands.

Chapter 20 – ‘The Last Chapter’

Task 1 – Vocabulary
Match the word to the correct definition.

Examined To reach a decision according to reason.

Mercilessly To look at something closely for information.

Occur Without kindness.

Logically For something to happen.

 Write down the definition for a word you have previously learned.


Use two or more of the words from the vocabulary above and write them in a sentence.



Task 2 – Comprehension Questions

1. Where do the soldiers find Bruno’s clothes?


2. Why will Gretel not stop crying?

3. What is the initial theory for what has happened to Bruno?

4. Where does Bruno’s father end up sitting?


5. What has happened to Bruno?


6. Why does Bruno’s mother stay at Out-With for several months?



7. Why does Bruno’s father start to become very disliked by the soldiers at Out-



8. Why do Bruno’s father’s legs “stop working right”?


9. Why do you think Bruno’s father made “no complaint” when he is ordered to
leave Out-With?



10. Why do you think he was demoted and ordered to leave Out-With?



Extension Question: did Bruno’s father deserve what happened to him? Was losing
Bruno in the way he lost him some form of justice?

Task 3 – Analysis

What do you learn from the extract below?

And that’s the end of the story about Bruno and his family. Of course all this happened a long time
ago and nothing like that could ever happen again.

Not in this day and age.

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________


Task 1 – Plot

Summarise what happens in the novel in 10 bullet-points.










Now highlight what you think are the three most significant.

Task 2 – Characters

Write down three words to summarise each of the characters below from the book.

 Bruno –

 Shmuel –

 Bruno’s father –

 Bruno’s mother –

 Lieutenant Kotler –

 Pavel –

 The Fury –

Task 3 – Review

For each of the questions below write one beautiful written and crafted sentence to
answer it.

What did you think of the book?


What was your favourite part of the book?


What was your least favourite part of the book?


What did you was the most significant moment in the book?

What did you the message of the book is?


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