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1학년 인천고잔고등학교 1학기 기말고사

영어 내신코치에서는 전국 최신 기출문제를 완전무료로 제공합니다.

1. 1다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [리딩파워 2. 2다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [리딩파
유형편 기본 19-3] 워 유형편 기본 16-2]
Telling schoolchildren that they are smart impairs Consider the tasks of surfing the web and
their future performance, whereas telling them that proofreading a report for errors. The rules for
they work hard or not praising them at all leads surfing include using the mouse to move the
them to work harder in the future. Therefore, cursor, double clicking screen choices, clicking the
attempting to convince people to be impressed with "back" key to return to a previous screen, pushing
themselves can actually make people do worse, another button once to bookmark a page, and so
which isn't all that surprising really. Convincing on. The rules for proofreading are different and
people to rely mostly on their self-esteem is really might include first skimming a page for obvious
telling them that they can't count on other people, mistakes, reading the report one word at a time to
and that is a mighty unhappy thought indeed. check for spelling, and then rereading the report
Worse still, some probably hear the message that paragraph by paragraph to see if one's points are
they should think and act like they are better and clear. Someone who surfs and proofreads at the
more important than other people, or even that same time actually is switching from one task to
ordinary rules don't apply to them. Real another. The decision that it is time to stop, say,
"self-esteem" derives from the esteem of others. proofreading and begin surfing takes a fraction of a
Why shout out your victories if no one hears you? second. And then, the decision to "get in the
mind-set" of surfing, and bring to mind how one
① examples representing beneficial aspects of surfs takes another fraction of a second. Although
self-esteem each switch may waste only a second or so, the
② things resulting from emphasizing self-esteem multitasker makes many switches, wasting much
too much time. What is more efficient? Prioritizing and
③ relations between self-esteem and literary organizing one's time.
④ necessity of improving children's self-esteem ① Can Multiple Tasks Bring about Efficiency?

⑤ positive influence of self-esteem on studying ② Why Proofreading Is Harder than Surfing the
③ Change Your Mind Quickly Enough Not to Lag
④ Difference between Surfing the Web and
⑤ Simultaneous Multitasking: Economical or
3. 3다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [리딩파워 ⓔhe went wrong. For Satyamurti replied, "Do you
know why? Even the sun doesn't trust the British
유형편 기본 13-4]
in the dark."
Some travel companies are very specific about
what's included in the price quoted for a trip, but
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
in other cases, you'll have to ask for details.
"Some meals" might mean dinner but not breakfast
or lunch, and "sightseeing" may mean a guide and 5. 5다음 글의 마지막 부분의 분위기로 가장 적절
local transportation but not admission fees or tips. 한 것은? [4과]
Another good topic to investigate is your There were clear skies and temperatures over
accommodations. Some tour operators don't commit 30˚C that first week. Under the burning sun, we
to specific hotels but simply promise three- or carried bricks, mixed concrete, and dug holes for
four-star properties, so if you're particular about pipes. We had to slowly take apart the family's hut
lodging, ask where the group stayed on past trips. to get more bricks and other materials for the new
And if you and your traveling companion want two house. Every morning, the family and their
separate beds, confirm that up front. neighbors would provide breakfast for everyone.
Then, all of us - the volunteers, community
① Check the details of your travel in advance. members, and the family - would start working. We
② Confirm your companion's preference up front. would share food and stories from time to time.
③ Trust what you're informed by traveling When evening came, we were all very tired and
companies. sweaty, but we were happy. After another week,
④ Consider the best quality meals and the home was finally finished. On the last day, we
accommodations. had a party to celebrate the completion of the new
⑤ Compare specific details when choosing tour house. It was the best way to end such an
products. incredible experience. The entire community was
there. Everyone was dancing or crying tears of joy.
I will never forget the looks on the faces of the
4. 4다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나
family as they waved goodbye to us.
머지 넷과 다른 것은? [리딩파워 유형편 기본 15-4]
Satyamurti was a leading nationalist in India. He
① dull ② scary ③ touching
was known for his great speech. ⓐHis words
④ gloomy ⑤ humorous
carried logic and reason, wit and wisdom. So he
usually got the better of others in arguments. Once
he went to England to present India's case for
freedom. ⓑHe met the leading politicians in Britain.
He pleaded with them to restore self-government
to India. At one meeting, while ⓒhe was presenting
India's case for freedom, a heckler asked, "Do you
know that the sun never sets on the British
Empire?" That was true. For Britain had colonies all
around the globe. And always it was day in some
or the other part of the Empire. Satyamurti looked
in the general direction of the crowd from where
the question had come and ⓓhe smiled. The
heckler felt he had nettled Satyamurti. He thought
Satyamurti would not have a convincing reply. Here
6. 6주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적 ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

절한 것은? [리딩파워 유형편 기본 20-2]

If you're tempted to eat food you've dropped 8. 8다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰
on the floor, you may want to think again: A new 임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [리딩파워 유형편 기본
study disproved the "5-second rule," or the idea 14-4]
that food is safe to eat off the floor if you pick it The reason why people like Sigmund Freud and
up fast enough. Carl Jung became ⓐinterested in the study of
dreams is that they saw them as a source of
(A) Then, they dropped four food types on the self-knowledge. In dreams our subconscious minds
surfaces: watermelon, bread, bread and butter, and may ⓑreveal things to us that our conscious minds
gummy candy. Results showed that, in general, the deny. What the work of Freud, Jung and others
longer the food was allowed to sit on the surface, indicates is that we may not be able to arrive at
the more bacteria was transferred to the food. full self-knowledge ⓒunaided. We may need others
to help us see what and who we are. A very
(B) The study found that bacteria from a surface different approach is taken by Existentialist
can move to food very quickly, in less than a philosophers, who ⓓsupport the very idea that
second in some cases. In the study, the there is such a thing as 'human nature'. According
researchers contaminated four different surfaces - to them, we do not need to discover who we are
stainless steel, ceramic tile, wood and carpet - because we are who we ⓔchoose to be. Each
with bacteria. individual creates his or her own nature through
making certain choices, and what we can make,
(C) But some bacterial infection happened in less we can also change.
than a second. Watermelon picked up the most
bacteria, while gummy candies picked up the least. ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)

9. 9다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [리딩파워 유형편 17-3]
Before you begin teaching your children
7. 7다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은? [리
responsibility, be certain you have the concept ⓐ
딩파워 유형편 18-1] clear in your own mind. What does responsibility
When you remove body language and facial mean to you? What responsibilities do you think
expressions from communication, you remove many children should have, and at what ages? Most
of the signals we use to read other people. ⓐ parents feel that basic responsibilities include
Communication over the phone leaves you and your keeping a clean room and picking up any mess
customer with limited insight into how the person made in other rooms of the house. When our
on the other end of the conversation is reacting. children become students, we want them to ⓑmeet
ⓑIs he in a defensive posture and getting more the requirements of being a learner and to do their
withdrawn as you talk? ⓒIs he reading his email homework religiously. Another responsibility is for
instead of listening to you? ⓓIt's crucial to be well personal ⓒhygiene, being bathed and combed and
acquainted with various body languages because well dressed. There is ⓓfinancial responsibility, in
they differ from culture to culture. ⓔThe more which children learn to budget and to spend wisely
physical cues we remove from our interactions, the their allowances or income from part-time jobs.
easier it is to have misunderstandings. Children need to become responsible with their
time, getting to school before the bell rings,
keeping curfew, ⓔfailing to fit in all their activities and their intuition, these people will make the
and still have down-time left. greatest sacrifices ⓓhelp see the vision become a
reality. With each success, with every tangible
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ demonstration that the vision can in fact become
more reality, the more practical-minded majority
starts to take interest. What was previously just a
dream soon ⓔbecomes a provable and tangible
10. 10다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의
쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [리딩파워 유형편 기
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
본 13-3]
Let's go back to our ancestors, back before
elevators, escalators, cars, and even horses. This
is when our human physiology was coming of age.
Our ancestors had to move to ⓐsurvive. Not
unlike most other mammals, humans had to expend
much energy in order to acquire food and water. 12. 12다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한
These early humans, with whom we share most of 것은? [리딩파워 유형편 기본 20-1]
our physiology, were nomadic, and therefore Democracy in ancient Athens was more
moving was an ⓑessential part of their lives. As extensive than today's version in that individual
descendants of these nomadic people, our involvement occurred as citizens ⓐtook turns
physiology is based on ⓒabundant movement and holding various offices. There were no elected
a diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and officials in ancient Athens. Instead, governmental
infrequent, small portions of meat. To the extent positions, such as ⓑthose of the councilors, were
we have that, we are more ⓓunlikely to be filled by random drawings in which names were
healthy. To the extent we don't, problems ⓔarise. picked from a box. The selected persons served
for about a year, and no person could serve twice
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ in their lifetime. ⓒWhere the knowledge of
professionals was needed, there would be
permanent positions, but most governmental
positions were temporary. Many Athenians felt ⓓ
that the benefits of more experienced politicians
11. 11다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 and officials would be spoiled by a growth in
corruption. Today we sometimes find that long-term
것은? [리딩파워 유형편 기본 16-3]
positions for career politicians ⓔleading to
Dr. King didn't change America by ⓐhimself. He
aspirations of power and selfish actions.
wasn't a legislator, for example, but legislation was
created to give all people in the United States
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
equal rights regardless of skin color. It wasn't Dr.
King who changed America; it was the movement
of millions of others whom he inspired ⓑthat
changed the course of history. But how do you
organize millions of people? Forget millions, how do
you organize hundreds or tens of people? The
vision and charisma of a good leader first attract
innovators and ⓒearly adopters. Trusting their guts
13. 13다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 어색한 and independent, but newly discovered scientific
truths, however small, can be (B)__________ to
것은? [리딩파워 유형편 기본 15-3]
another major developments.
The main reason that students do not study is
not that they do not have enough time; it is ⓐthat
(A) (B)
they would rather be doing something else.
① partial contributor
Consider a student ⓑwho has a French test in two
weeks. We know that the earlier the student starts ② perfect contributor

studying for the test, the ⓒless tasks will need to ③ perfect obstacle
be completed each day. The French student, on ④ partial obstacle
the other hand, sees the test as a low priority ⑤ complete hindrance
because it is far away. He would rather watch
television or read a book than ⓓtake 15 minutes
to study for the test. A week and a half later, the
test becomes more important. By that time, the
15. 15다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자
student will need several hours to prepare. He will
한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것
most likely find it more difficult ⓔto fit a
은? [리딩파워 유형편 기본 13-2]
three-hour block of study time into his schedule
A child who hears a stern warning about the
than several 15-minute blocks.
dangers of running in the street will have better
self-esteem than a child who only hears that he's
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
a "bad boy" when he runs into the street. The
child who's a "bad boy" is getting the message
that he and his behavior are not okay. He doesn't
learn the difference between what he does and
what he is. As an adult, his inner critic will attack
14. 14다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 both his behavior and his worth. Parents who
한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 carefully distinguish between inappropriate behavior
은? [리딩파워 유형편 기본 14-1] and the basic goodness of the child raise children
Search for truths about nature is science. It is who feel better about themselves and have a far
a creative activity. When one obtains a new insight gentler inner critic.
into the working of nature, one is as much thrilled
as, say, a painter or a sculptor when he creates a When a child does something bad or dangerous,
masterpiece. However, there is one major parents should discipline just (A)__________, not
difference between science and the arts. Scientific (B)__________.
effort is cumulative and cooperative, whereas each
artistic creation is complete in itself. In science, (A) (B)
every newly established fact, however insignificant ① what he is what he does
it may appear to be at the time, and every new ② his behavior his emotion
idea, however small, is bound sooner or later to ③ his deeds his character
contribute to major advances in our understanding
④ what he has what he feels
of nature. Even such a great physicist as Newton
⑤ his worth his behavior
wrote: "If I can see a little farther, it is by standing
on the shoulders of giants."

Each artistic creation is (A)__________ in itself

16. 16다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 17. 17다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들
한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [리딩파워 유형편 기
은? [3과] 본 18-4]
Many people think that they should look at Even today many refuse to believe his idea.
calming colors when they are angry or irritated.
Because the color red excites the emotions, they Over the past 10,000 years, Homo sapiens has
may think that looking at it will make them angrier. grown so accustomed to being the only human
However, this picture shows that the opposite can species that it's hard for us to think of any other
be true. By looking at the color red here, you can possibility. (A) Our lack of brothers and sisters
release your anger. This picture is actually helping makes it easier to imagine that we are the best
you calm down. The woman in the picture is example of creation, and that a chasm separates
standing in a vividly red room and is placing fruit us from the rest of the animal kingdom. (B) When
in a bowl. She seems to be carrying on her work Charles Darwin indicated that Homo sapiens was
in silence. As you watch the woman working just another kind of animal, people were outraged.
dutifully at her task in this red room, your anger (C) If the Neanderthals had survived, would we still
melts away instead of getting worse. In addition, imagine ourselves to be a creature apart? (D)
the yellow fruit on the table brings out positive and Perhaps this is exactly why our ancestors wiped
cheerful emotions. At the same time, the green out the Neanderthals. (E) They were too familiar to
and blue space outside the window causes healing ignore, but too different to tolerate.
and relaxing feelings. The existence of these cool
colors actually makes the "heaviness" of the red ① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
colors appear a bit lighter. Although the color red
is dominant, it works together with the various
18. 18다음 글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들
contrasting colors to form a harmony. Seeing this
어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? [3과]
balance keeps you from becoming overwhelmed by
During this adventure, he survives a volcanic
your emotions and helps you overcome your anger.
eruption and a fall from a helicopter.

When you are (A)__________, the painting can

Walter Mitty has developed the pictures used
help you (B)__________ your uncomfortable
on the front cover of Life magazine for the past
sixteen years. Other than that, he leads a boring
life filled with daydreams. (A) However, his world is
(A) (B)
about to change: Life will soon become an
① upset ease
online-only publication. (B) Unfortunately, the picture
② jealous heal
for the final cover is missing. Walter decides to hit
③ irritated cause
the road to find the picture. (C) He believes the
④ shameful express photographer still has it and follows his trail. (D)
⑤ exhausted release This is how Walter's wild dash across Greenland,
Iceland, and the Himalayas begins. (E) Although he
finally finds the photographer, Walter realizes he
has, more importantly, become the person he
always imagined he could be.

① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
19. 19다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 20. 20다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한
것은? [리딩파워 유형편 기본 20-3] 것은? [21년 6월 37번]
An often-repeated statistic says that four out of People spend much of their time interacting with
five small businesses will fail within five years. This media, but that does not mean that people have
80 percent is a frightening prospect for anyone the critical skills to analyze and understand it. One
thinking about starting a business. But a study by well-known study from Stanford University in 2016
Bruce A. Kirchhoff of the New Jersey Institute of demonstrated that youth are easily fooled by
Technology found the failure rate for small misinformation, especially when it comes through
businesses to be only 18 percent during their first social media channels. This weakness is not found
eight years. Why the huge gap? It turns out that only in youth, however. Research from New York
studies by the U.S. government and others University found that people over 65 shared seven
________________________________ ______. Any times as much misinformation as their younger
closing of a business, even if it occurred because counterparts. All of this raises a question: What's
someone died, sold the business, or retired, was the solution to the misinformation problem?
recorded as a business failure. In fact, only 18 Governments and tech platforms certainly have a
percent of the 814,000 small businesses tracked by role to play in blocking misinformation. However,
Kirchhoff for eight years went out of business with every individual needs to take responsibility for
unpaid bills. This should be a comfort to would-be combating this threat by
entrepreneurs. ____________________________.

① resulted in small business failures. ① becoming more information literate

② applied statistics to economics too much ② showing off the available information
③ utilized the definite computational statistics ③ getting accustomed to tech platforms
④ indicated business failures much too broadly ④ expanding various social media channels
⑤ overestimated the outcome of statistical analysis ⑤ blocking others' help to correct misinformation
21. 21다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 22. 22다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한
것은? [21년 6월 36번] 것은? [21년 6월 39번]
Starting from birth, babies Food chain means the transfer of food energy
___________________________. Scientists were able from the source in plants through a series of
to show this by having babies look at two simple organisms with the repeated process of eating and
images, one that looks more like a face than the being eaten. In a grassland, grass is eaten by
other. By measuring where the babies looked, rabbits while rabbits in turn are eaten by foxes.
scientists found that the babies looked at the This is an example of a simple food chain. This
face-like image more than they looked at the food chain implies the sequence in which food
non-face image. Even though babies have poor energy is transferred from producer to consumer
eyesight, they prefer to look at faces. But why? or higher trophic level. It has been observed that
One reason babies might like faces is because of at each level of transfer, a large proportion, 80-
something called evolution. Evolution involves 90 percent, of the potential energy is lost as heat.
changes to the structures of an organism(such as Hence the number of steps or links in a sequence
the brain) that occur over many generations. These is restricted, usually to four or five. The shorter
changes help the organisms to survive, making the food chain or the nearer the organism is to
them alert to enemies. By being able to recognize the beginning of the chain,
faces from afar or in the dark, humans were able ____________________________________.
to know someone was coming and protect
themselves from possible danger. ① the more the food energy loss is
② the greater the available energy intake is
① can communicate with each other ③ the more slowly the energy transfer occurs
② may understand facial expressions ④ the harder it is to keep the food energy level
③ are immediately attracted to faces ⑤ the more various the source of energy supply is
④ don't realize they are a separate person
⑤ can't organize the visual images into meaningful
23. 23다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 the way you are. This is what makes you special.
Once ________________________________, learn as
것은? [21년 6월 24번]
much as you can about it. Keep perfecting that
When people think about the development of
special skill that makes you different from the rest
cities, rarely do they consider
of the crowd.
_______________________________. In fact, each
day, more than 7 billion elevator journeys are
taken in tall buildings all over the world. Efficient
1. what, embrace, different를 한 번씩 사용할 것.
vertical transportation can expand our ability to
2. 주어진 단어를 포함하여 6단어의 문장으로 완
build taller and taller skyscrapers. Antony Wood, a
성할 것.
Professor of Architecture at the Illinois Institute of
Technology, explains that advances in elevators
정답: ______________________________________
over the past 20 years are probably the greatest
advances we have seen in tall buildings. For
example, elevators in the Jeddah Tower in Jeddah, 25. 25다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <조건>
Saudi Arabia, under construction, will reach a 에 맞게 문장으로 서술하시오. [리딩파워 유형편
height record of 60m. 기본 15-2]
One reason many of us have a higher regard
① the critical function of an urban transportation for our own character than that of others is that
② the crucial part of vertical transportation __________________________________, especially
③ improved energy efficiency of elevators those acts we find annoying. For example, if we
④ how elevators should be constructed don't visit a friend or relative in the hospital, we

⑤ problems caused by vertical mobility usually don't think of ourselves as having done
something wrong. Instead, we rationalize, "I really
did think of paying a visit; I just didn't have
enough time. But I wanted to go." Yet, when we
are a hospital patient, and others don't visit, most
24. 24다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <조건>
of us don't spend time devising explanations for
에 맞게 완성하시오. [3과]
the non-visitors' behavior. Instead, we are apt to
Jonathan Livingston Seagull knows that he's dismiss them as selfish or "fair-weather" friends.
different from others. Instead of fighting over food Therefore, in the future, make an effort to judge
with the other seagulls, Jonathan spends all his others by their intentions when their actions upset
time learning about flying. Every day, he practices you, in the same way most of us judge ourselves
new skills by rolling, spinning, and diving high when we have done something that has upset
above the sea. During one of his practices, another.
Jonathan flies through his flock. He expects the
others to praise his amazing ability. Instead, they <조건>
look at him coldly as they now consider him unfit 1. 재귀대명사, others, and를 한 번씩 사용할 것.
to be a part of the flock. Jonathan tries his best 2. 본문에 있는 단어들로만 11단어 이내로 작성
to rejoin the flock, but he's no longer satisfied 할 것.
flying in formation with the other seagulls as he
knows how wonderful soaring above the clouds
정답: ______________________________________
really feels. If you have ever felt a little bit
different, take Jonathan Livingston Seagull's
message to heart. Don't be afraid of being
different. There is no need to apologize for being
26. 26다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 글의 요지를
<조건>에 맞추어 문장으로 서술하시오. [리딩파워
유형편 기본 19-4]
Help your teen verbally label emotions. This isn't
as easy as it sounds because hurting teens often
feel multiple emotions at the same time. Develop a
rich, accurate vocabulary for emotions, and allow
your teen to "name" what he is feeling. Various
studies have shown that
___________________________________ on the
nervous system, which can in turn help teens
recover faster from emotional stress. This has to
do with the brain's structure and how emotions are
processed. By verbalizing an emotion, the language
area in the left side of the brain is engaged, which
also impacts logic and other higher-level types of
thinking. Activating the connections between the
logic areas and emotional processing areas of the
brain may help your teen think about his emotion in
a different way, thus leading to a calming effect.

1. verbal, quiet의 형태를 바꾸어 포함할 것.
2. 본문에 있는 단어들로만 총 7~8 단어로 작성
할 것.

정답: ______________________________________
23 ②

24 you embrace what makes you different

25 we judge ourselves by our intention(s) and others

by their act(s) (또는 behaviors)

26 verbally naming an emotion (또는 verbalizing an

emotion, verbally labeling emotions) has a quieting
1 ② effect (impact, influence)

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