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Generic Supplemental For use as an Contraindicated with Dermatologic: Rash
Name: potassium in electrolyte allergy to tartrazine, GI: Nausea, vomiting, Assessment
Potassium the form of replenisher and aspirin (tartrazine is diarrhea, abdominal  Assess for signs and symptoms of hypokalaemia (weakness,
chloride high in the treatment found in some discomfort, GI fatigue, U wave on ECG, arrhythmias, polyuria, polydipsia) and
potassium of hypokalemia. preparations marketed obstruction, GI hyperkalaemia (see Toxicity and Overdose).
Brand food or as Kaon-Cl, Klor- bleeding, GI  Monitor pulse, blood pressure, and ECG periodically during IV
Name: potassium Con); severe renal ulceration or therapy.
Potassium chloride may impairment with perforation
Chloride , be able to oliguria, anuria, Hematologic: Lab Test Considerations:
Kaon, K-G restore normal azotemia; untreated Hyperkalemia—  Monitor serum potassium before and periodically during therapy.
Elixir, potassium Addison’s disease; increased serum K+, Monitor renal function, serum bicarbonate, and ph.
Kolyum, Tri- levels. hyperkalemia; ECG changes (peaking  Determine serum magnesium level if patient has refractory
K, Twin-K Treatment of adynamia episodica of T waves, loss of P hypokalaemia; hypomagnesaemia should be corrected to facilitate
cardiac hereditaria; acute waves, depression of effectiveness of potassium replacement.
Classificatio arrhythmias dehydration; heat ST segment,  Monitor serum chloride because hypochloremia may occur if
n: due to cardiac cramps; GI disorders prolongation of QTc replacing potassium without con- current chloride.
Electrolytes glycosides that delay passage in interval)
the GI tract. Local: Tissue Toxicity and Overdose:
Route: Use cautiously with sloughing, local  Symptoms of toxicity are those of hyperkalaemia (slow, irregular
IV, P.O cardiac disorders, necrosis, local heartbeat; fatigue; muscle weakness; paraesthesia; confusion;
especially if treated phlebitis, and dyspnoea; peaked T waves; de- pressed ST segments; prolonged
with digitalis, venospasm with QT segments; widened QRS complexes; loss of P waves; and
pregnancy, lactation. injection cardiac arrhythmias).
 Treatment includes discontinuation of potassium, administration of
sodium bicarbonate to correct acidosis, dextrose and insulin to
facilitate passage of potassium into cells, calcium salts to reverse
ECG effects (in patients who are not receiving digoxin), sodium
polystyrene used as an exchange resin, and/or dialysis for patient
with impaired renal function.

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