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Published in IET Renewable Power Generation

Received on 31st July 2008
Revised on 21st March 2009
doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2008.0070

ISSN 1752-1416

Review of grid code technical requirements

for wind farms
M. Tsili S. Papathanassiou
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), 9 Iroon Polytechniou str.,
Athens 15773, Greece
E-mail: st@power.ece.ntua.gr

farms to the electricIntegration Issues:examined areOverview
generally compiled by of
Abstract: This study provides an overview of grid code technical requirements regarding the connection of large
power systems. The grid codes transmission
system operators (TSOs) of countries or regions with high wind penetration and therefore incorporate the
accumulated code
experience technical
after requirements,
several years of system Fault
operation at significant wind penetration levels. The
paper focuses on the most important technical requirements for wind farms, included in most grid codes,
ride-through for wind farms - real and
such as active and reactive power regulation, voltage and frequency operating limits and wind farm behaviour
during grid disturbances. The paper also includes a review of modern wind turbine technologies, regarding

turbine technology power regulation, voltage andcomparable to
their capability of satisfying the requirements set by the codes, demonstrating that recent developments in
provide wind farms with stability and regulation capabilities directly
those of conventional generating plants.
frequency operating limits
1 Introduction German grid code by E.ON Netz is realised in [2, 3],
whereas the respective requirements of the Spanish, Irish and
Increasing wind power penetration levels to the power Canadian grid codes are commented in [4–7], respectively.
systems of many regions and countries has led to the The development of national US and regional grid codes
elaboration of specific technical requirements for the concerning the integration of wind power is described in [8,
connection of large wind farms, usually as a part of the grid 9]. British grid code requirements are given in [10], along
codes issued by the transmission system operators (TSOs). with their comparison to the requirements of the German
These requirements typically refer to large wind farms, and Irish grid code, as well as in [11]. Further overview
connected to the transmission system, rather than smaller of grid codes involves comparative presentation and analysis
stations connected to the distribution network. The new of wind farm interconnection regulations: the codes of
grid codes stipulate that wind farms should contribute to Denmark, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, UK and Canadian
power system control (frequency and also voltage), much as TSO AESO are compared in [12]. The codes of Denmark,
the conventional power stations, and emphasise wind farm Germany, Scotland, Ireland and Sweden are compared in
behaviour in case of abnormal operating conditions of the [13, 14]. Reference [15] includes the codes of Denmark,
network (such as in case of voltage dips due to network Ireland, Germany, UK, Spain and Italy. Finally [16] includes
faults). a presentation of selected features from the grid codes of
Denmark, Ireland, Germany, UK, Spain and USA, whereas
Grid code requirements have been a major driver for the [17] focuses on the fault ride through (FRT) requirements of
development of WT technology recently and several relevant the grid codes of Denmark, Ireland, Germany, UK, Spain,
publications are already available. In [1], a technical analysis Italy, USA and Canada. Reference [18] compares the
of the main issues associated with the connection of wind requirements appearing in the grid codes of Germany,
farms to the grid is provided, along with an overview of wind Denmark, Spain, Great Britain, Canada and USA.
turbine technologies. A presentation of the requirements Critical examination and interpretation of wind turbine
imposed by the former and more recent version of the connection requirements concerning the UK and the Danish

IET Renew. Power Gener., pp. 1 – 25 1

doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2008.0070 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

transmission system are included in [19, 20], respectively. It and Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) [32] that
must, however, be noted that different criteria are applied applies to wind farms with rated capacity above 5 MW
when settling grid access in every country [21] and the connected to networks with voltage 69– 240 kV.
national regulatory frameworks are subject to continuous
changes and revisions, raising some difficulties in their direct † USA rule for the interconnection of wind generators
comparison and the extraction of global conclusions. published by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) in June 2005 [33] that applies to wind farms with
The present paper extents the overview to several countries, rated capacity above 20 MW.
providing a presentation and comparison of the most recent
available editions of their grid codes. More specifically, the † Codes from other countries like Spain [34], Italy [35]
following codes have been considered: Sweden [36] and New Zealand [37].

† The German code from E.ON Netz [22] that applies to The article focuses on the technical regulations regarding
networks with voltage levels 380, 220 and 110 kV. Its the connection of large wind farms to the high-voltage
requirements are often used as a reference for other codes. transmission system, including active and reactive power
E.ON Netz has also issued supplementary requirements for regulation, voltage and frequency operating limits and wind
offshore wind farms [23]. A nominal voltage level of farm behaviour during grid disturbances. Requirements for
155 kV is specified for the offshore grid connection point, smaller stations, connected to the distribution network, are
that is the offshore cable sealing end of the grid not included in the paper, since they concentrate on power
interconnection system that also represents the ownership quality, fault level contribution and anti-islanding
boundary between the connectee’s facility and that of the protection, which are not key issues for large wind power
TSO. Germany is the only country that has issued separate stations connected to the transmission system.
offshore grid code.
Several solutions have been proposed and implemented by
† The Great Britain code [24], where the requirements for wind turbine manufacturers, in order to achieve grid code
wind farms are presented in combination with requirements compliance. In the second part of the article, a brief
for other power production units. It applies to networks with presentation is made of available technologies of modern,
voltage levels 400, 275 and 132 kV (32 kV for Scotland). commercially available wind turbines, in terms of their
Notably, an offshore grid code is under development in the electrical system configuration, as far as their response to
UK, aspects of which are included in the paper. grid disturbances and compliance to grid code requirements
is concerned.
† The Irish code published by ESB National Grid [25]
(Section WPFS1, Wind Farm Power Station Grid Code
Provisions) that applies to networks with voltage levels 400, 2 Brief overview of common grid
220 and 110 kV.
code requirements
† The Nordic grid code from Nordel [26] that applies to all Based on the experience from the operation of power systems
wind farms connecting to the Nordic grid (the interconnected with large wind penetration levels, modification of the
system of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland). existing grid codes for connection and operation of wind
power plants in the high-voltage grid have proven necessary
† The codes of Denmark [27, 28], referring to wind turbines [38]. The objective of these provisions is to improve and
connected to grids with voltages below and above 100 kV, stabilise wind turbine behaviour, decrease the amounts of
respectively. Denmark is the only country belonging to the wind power to be lost following system disturbances and
Nordic power system that has issued separate requirements provide the wind power stations with operational
for wind turbines connected to grids with voltages characteristics similar to those of the conventional power
below 100 kV and above 100 kV, which are still active. plants. The most common requirements include fault ride-
Requirements issued by Sweden and Norway TSOs, in through capability, extended system voltage and frequency
2002 and 2001, respectively, also appear in the relevant variation limits, active power regulation and frequency
bibliography [14]; however, no additional information on control, as well as reactive power/power factor and voltage
their applicability after the release of the Nordic grid code regulation capabilities. The nature of these requirements are
is available. already discussed in the literature [1– 3, 10– 17, 21]. Here
a brief review is included for the sake of completeness of
† The grid code of Belgium [29] issued by the Belgian TSO, the presentation.
Elia, applying to networks with voltage levels 30– 70 and
150– 380 kV. The occurrence of a fault (short-circuit) at some point of
the network inevitably results in voltage dips in one or
† The grid codes of two Canadian TSOs, Hydro-Quebec more phases (possibly also to a voltage rise in healthy
[30, 31], applying to networks with voltages above 44 kV phases), depending on the type and location of the fault,

2 IET Renew. Power Gener., pp. 1 – 25

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009 doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2008.0070

which may be propagated to fairly remote locations of the Wind power plants can actively take part in grid operation
network, especially in the case of weak grids. The duration and control by regulation of their output power. All grid
of the dips is dependent on the protection system response codes currently impose requirements on the regulation
time and may vary between 0.1 s and several seconds, the capabilities of the active power of wind farms, taking the
most usual duration being in the range of a few tenths of a form of several different modes of control, illustrated in
second. In the event of such dips, generating stations may Fig. 2. Within the constraint of the primarily available active
encounter stability problems, depending on the type, power (i.e. the prevailing wind conditions), output power
magnitude and duration of the dip, as well as on the type can be regulated to a specific value (Fig. 2a) or to bear a
and technology of the power station. fixed relationship to the available power, such as maintaining
a specified reserve, either in MW or as a percentage of the
The large increase in the installed wind capacity in available power (Fig. 2b). Additional requirements include
transmission systems necessitates that wind generation
remains in operation in the event of network disturbances
[39, 40]. For this reason, grid codes issued in the current
decade invariably demand that large wind farms (especially
Q1 those connected to HV grids) must withstand voltage dips
down to a certain percentage of the nominal voltage (0% in
some cases) and for a specified duration. Such requirements
are known as FRT or low voltage ride through (LVRT)
requirements and they are described by a voltage against
time characteristic, denoting the minimum required
immunity of the wind power station to dips of the system
voltage. Fig. 1 depicts a typical FRT limit curve. In case of
dips above the limit line of Fig. 1, wind turbines must
remain in operation, whereas they can disconnect in the
event of dips below this limit. The voltage prescribed in
Fig. 1 generally corresponds to the voltage at the grid
connection point and the voltage dip may either be
symmetric or correspond to the maximum of the phase
voltages at this point, depending on the particular code
requirements. FRT curves are similar to Fig. 1, although
their quantitative characteristics vary among different systems.

FRT requirements also include fast active and reactive

output power restoration to the pre-fault values, after the
system voltage returns to normal operation. Certain codes
impose increased reactive current generation by the wind
turbines during the disturbance, in order to support the
system voltage, in much the same way as a conventional
synchronous generators increases its excitation during faults
Q2 via AVR action.

Figure 2 Typical active power constraints [14, 28]

a Absolute power constraint
b Delta production constraint (active power reserve)
Figure 1 Typical limit curve for FRT requirements c Power gradient constraint

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the limitation of the rate of change of the output power

(Fig. 2c). Ramp rates are possible for power increases, but
operation with a power reserve is necessary to become
effective when the output power decreases.

A direct consequence of the active power control

possibilities is the provision of ancillary services from the
wind farm, such as the participation in frequency control or
the provision of spinning reserve, as already mentioned. As
shown in Fig. 3, frequency response may be requested in the
over-frequency region (reduction of active power in relation
to the positive frequency deviation), but also for under
frequency. In the latter case, the wind farm must operate Figure 4 Typical requirements for power factor variation
with a power reserve when the frequency is in the normal range in relation to the voltage
operating range, which inevitably has economic implications.
In addition to the response, regulation and control
Reactive power regulation capabilities are requested by many
capabilities briefly outlined, grid codes demand also that
grid codes. This is effected either by externally providing a
wind power stations operate over an extended range of
specific reactive power value or by a specific power factor.
system voltage and frequency deviations from the nominal
Further, the reactive power regulation capability may be
values. When the deviations are large, a reduction of the
exploited for voltage control at the wind farm connection
output power may be allowed, or operation for a limited
point to the system, or at a more distant node. Figs. 4 and 5
period may be foreseen.
show typical requirements for the power factor regulation
range, depending on the terminal voltage and the active
output power of the wind farm, respectively.
3 Presentation of grid code
technical requirements
The present section presents the requirements encountered in the
majority of grid codes concerning wind farm interconnection.

3.1 FRT requirements

3.1.1 Germany: According to the E.ON grid code [22],
the FRT requirements are given in Fig. 6 for symmetrical
network faults. The code defines the following:

† Three-phase short circuits or fault-related symmetrical

voltage dips must not lead to instability above limit line 1
Figure 3 Typical power– frequency response curve or to disconnection of the wind farm. After fault clearance,

Figure 5 Typical requirements for power factor variation range in relation to the active power

4 IET Renew. Power Gener., pp. 1 – 25

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Figure 6 Limit curve for FRT requirements of the E.ON grid code [22]

the active power in-feed must increase with a rate of 20% of

the rated power per second.

† Voltage drops within the area between limit line 1 and

limit line 2 should not lead to disconnection, but in case of
wind turbine instability, short-time disconnection is
allowed. The resynchronisation must take place within up
to 2 s and active power in-feed must increase with a rate of
10% of the rated power/s after fault clearance.

† Below limit line 2 disconnection of the wind turbines is

allowed. Figure 7 Limit curve for FRT requirements adopted by the
Irish, AESO (Canada) and FERC (USA) grid codes [25, 32, 33]
According to Fig. 6, wind farms must withstand voltage
drops down to 0% of the nominal voltage at the connection
point, for durations up to 150 ms (7.5 cycles). This must disconnect from the grid in four groups, after 1.5 s,
requirement differs from the FRT curve of the previous 1.8 s, 2.1 s and 2.4 s, respectively. If the voltage on the
version of E.ON code (2003) which defined that wind low voltage side of each generator transformer rises and
farms must withstand voltage drop down to 15% for remains above 120% of the upper value of the voltage
approximately 600 ms (30 cycles), whereas the maximum band (e.g. 690 V  1.05  1.2 ¼ 870 V), the generator
voltage dip duration extended to 3 s (150 cycles) [2]. The affected must disconnect itself from the grid with a time delay
respective characteristic is illustrated in Fig. 7 and has been of 100 ms.
adopted by the current versions of the Irish, AESO
(Canada) and FERC (USA) grid codes.

The automatic protection system mentioned in Fig. 6 3.1.2 UK: Great Britain’s LVRT requirements apply to
operates in the following situations. If the voltage at the networks with a voltage level above 200 kV. The grid code
connection point falls and remains below 85% of the nominal divides voltage dips in two categories (Fig. 8):
voltage, with a simultaneous reactive power absorption, the
wind farm must disconnect with a time delay of 0.5 s. If the † Those lasting less than or equal to 140 ms (seven cycles),
voltage on the low voltage side of each generator transformer caused by symmetrical or unsymmetrical network faults. In
falls and remains below 80% of the lower value of the voltage this case, the wind farm must stay connected for voltage
band (e.g. 690 V  0.95  0.8 ¼ 525 V) the generators drops down to 0%.

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Besides the specifications concerning the active power

restoration rate (ramp rate) during and after fault clearance,
the Irish code describes general guidelines for this rate for
all kinds of operating conditions (start up, shut down and
normal operation). According to these guidelines, two
ramp rate settings are prescribed, the first one applying to
the MW ramp rate average over 1 min and the second one
applying to the MW per minute ramp rate average over
10 min. Both settings may vary independently between 1
and 30 MW/min and are agreed with the TSO.

3.1.4 Nordel: The Nordic grid code from Nordel [26]

applies to all wind farms connecting to the Nordic grid
(the interconnected system of Denmark, Sweden, Norway
Figure 8 LVRT requirements of the British grid code [24]
and Finland). The first edition of the Nordic grid code to
issue specific requirements on wind turbine connection was
released in 2006, followed by the most recent edition of
† Those lasting more than 140 ms (seven cycles), caused by
2007. As stated in [26], the code outlines the minimum
symmetrical faults. In this case, disconnection is not allowed
technical requirements that new wind turbines together
above the curve shown in Fig. 8.
with their supplemental installations have to fulfil at the
connection point to the transmission network, in order to
After restoration of the voltage, the active power must be
provide for adequate safe operation and reliability of the
restored to at least 90% of the level available before the dip,
interconnected Nordic power system. The Nordic TSOs
within 1 s.
may publish connection codes for the electricity system
within their responsibility having additional requirements.
The UK grid code, unlike other codes, defines that the
profile of Fig. 8 is not an rms voltage– time response
The Nordic grid code defines the LVRT requirement of
envelope that would be obtained by plotting the transient
Fig. 9. Wind farms must withstand voltage drops at the
voltage response at a point on the transmission system
connection point down to 0% of the nominal voltage for
against time. Rather, it is clarified that each point on the
250 ms (12.5 cycles), followed by an increase to 95%
characteristic represents a combination of voltage level and
within the next 0.5 s (25 cycles). No further specifications
associated time duration, which the connected wind power
for active power production during or after the fault are
station must ride through.
As mentioned in the Section 1, an offshore grid code is
currently being drafted in the UK [41]. The FRT 3.1.5 Denmark: As mentioned in Section 1, Denmark is
provisions, as well as other technical requirements, resemble the only country belonging to the Nordic system that has
in principle those applicable to onshore stations, using as issued requirements for wind farms, other than those in the
grid connection point the interface point to the onshore Nordic grid code. The Danish requirements [27, 28] apply
Q3 transmission system. Hence, HVDC interconnection of to grids with voltages below 100 kV and above 100 kV and
offshore wind farms is directly catered for. It is interesting concern both parts of the Danish system, belonging to
to note that such a rationale is not explicitly present in the UCTE and Nordel. Fig. 10 illustrates the LVRT
EO.N offshore code [23], where system voltage and
frequency are measured at the grid connection point,
defined as the offshore end of the interconnecting
submarine cables, formally belonging to the TSO.

3.1.3 Ireland: The LVRT curve specified by the Irish grid

code is illustrated in Fig. 7, corresponding to voltage dips in
one or more phases at the point of connection of the wind
farm to the system (high-voltage side of the connection
transformer). It is required that the wind farm provides
active power during the disturbance in proportion to the
voltage level. It is also defined that after the restoration of
voltage to normal operation levels, the active power must
be restored to at least 90% of the level available before
the dip within 1 s at the latest, as in the case of the UK
grid code. Figure 9 LVRT requirements of the Nordic grid code [26]

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† At least two two-phase short-circuits within 2-min interval

† At least two three-phase short-circuit within 2-min


Additionally, sufficient energy reserves (emergency power,

hydraulics and pneumatics) are demanded for the following
three independent sequences:

† At least six one-phase earth faults with 5-min intervals

† At least six two-phase short circuits with 5-min intervals

Figure 10 LVRT requirements of the Danish grid code for
† At least six three-phase short circuits with 5-min intervals.
wind turbines connected to grids below 100 kV (Eltra and
Elkraft) [27]
3.1.6 Belgium: The grid code of Belgium distinguishes
between two kinds of voltage disturbances, namely voltage
requirements for wind farms connected to voltage levels dips of ‘limited’ and ‘important’ magnitude, as shown in
below 100 kV according to the Eltra and Elkraft grid Fig. 11 (the respective LVRT curves refer to the voltage at
codes. For voltages below 100 kV, apart from the LVRT the wind farm connection point). During each kind of
requirement of Fig. 10, wind farms should disconnect if disturbance, the wind farms must remain connected and be
the voltage increases above 1.2 p.u. able to operate at their full operating range, as long as the
voltage at the connection point remains in the shaded area of
Additional requirements for voltages below 100 kV define the LVRT diagrams. The distinction between limited and
that a wind turbine must remain connected after the faults or important magnitude of voltage dips is applicable only if the
sequence of faults in the distribution system listed below. curves of Fig. 11 are considered as envelopes of the voltage
time variation and not as a voltage–time response curves. No
† Three-phase short circuit lasting 100 ms (five cycles) further specifications for active power production during or
after the fault are provided.
† Two-phase short circuit with/without earth lasting
100 ms (five cycles), followed by a new fault 300 – 500 ms 3.1.7 Canada: In Canada, several interconnection
later (15 – 25 cycles), lasting also 100 ms (five cycles) requirements have been developed [42] by different TSOs
(e.g. BC Hydro, AESO, SaskPower, Manitoba Hydro,
† At least two two-phase short circuits within 2 min Hydro One and Hydro-Québec). Alberta and Quebec have
drafted wind-specific interconnection standards, following
† At least two three-phase short circuits within 2 min proposals made by the Canadian Wind Energy Association
(CanWEA) [31], with the Quebec document being a
† At least six two-phase short circuits at 5-min intervals supplement to its general transmission level interconnection
† At least six two-phase short circuits at 5-min intervals.
Fig. 12 provides a comparison of the LVRT limit curves
For system voltages above 100 kV, the grid code defines specified by Hydro Quebec and AESO. Hydro Quebec
that a wind turbine must remain connected after the faults
or sequence of faults in the transmission system listed below:

† Three-phase short circuit lasting 100 ms (five cycles)

† Two-phase short circuit with/without earth lasting

100 ms (five cycles), followed by a new fault 300 – 500 ms
later (15 – 25 cycles), lasting also 100 ms (five cycles)

† One-phase short-circuit for up to 100 ms (five cycles)

followed after 300– 500 ms (15 – 25 cycles) by a new short
circuit, lasting also 100 ms (five cycles)

† At least two one-phase short-circuits within 2-min

interval Figure 11 LVRT requirements of the Belgian grid code [29]

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respective requirement by the Italian grid code, addressing

wind power installations with a rated power over 25 MW, is
depicted in Fig. 14. The Swedish code issued by the
Swedish TSO Svk distinguishes the LVRT requirements for
wind farms of rated power less or above 100 MW, as
depicted in Fig. 15, with stiffer requirement for the latter
ones, since their disconnection affects significantly power
system stability.

According to the Spanish grid code, during balanced

three-phase faults, and later, in the voltage recovery period
after clearance of the fault, the wind farms will not absorb
Figure 12 LVRT requirements set by the Hydro Quebec and reactive power. However, reactive power absorptions can be
AESO codes [30, 32] admitted during a period of 150 ms (7.5 cycles) after the
beginning of the fault, and a period of 150 ms (7.5 cycles)
prescribes LVRT requirements for three-phase and after fault clearance (provided that it does not exceed 60%
unsymmetrical faults that occur on the transmission system of rated power). In terms of active power, during the fault
(including the high-voltage side of the grid connection and in the voltage recovery period after the clearance, the
transformer). It also sets out requirements for remote wind farm will not absorb active power, at the point of
symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults with larger clearance interconnection with the transmission system. However,
times. Moreover, in case of overvoltages up to 1.4 p.u. it active power absorption can be admitted during a period of
specifies a minimum interval within which the wind farms 150 ms (7.5 cycles) after the beginning of the fault, and a
must not trip. The curve of Fig. 12 corresponds to ‘the period of 150 ms after fault clearance. Additionally, during
positive sequence voltage on the high-voltage side of the three-phase faults, active power consumption is admitted
switchyard’. AESO grid code requires the wind farms to with a maximum value of 10% of the installation rated
withstand voltage drop down to 15% for 0.625 s (37.5 power [43].
cycles) (following the requirements of the old version of the
E.ON code, Fig. 7) and mentions that in case of voltage
rise above 1.1 p.u. wind turbines must trip.

3.1.8 USA: According to the current FERC rule, issued in

June 2005, the wind power plants ‘shall be able to remain
online during voltage disturbances up to the time periods
and associated voltage levels’ shown in Fig. 7 (former
E.ON requirement). Also, the ‘wind generating plant must
be able to operate continuously at 90% of the rated line
voltage, measured at the high-voltage side of the wind
plant substation transformer’.

3.1.9 Other countries: According to the Spanish

regulation, the wind turbines must remain connected during Figure 14 LVRT requirements of the Italian grid code [17]
faults for a voltage profile as shown in Fig. 13. The

Figure 13 LVRT requirements of the Spanish grid code [17] Figure 15 LVRT requirements of the Swedish grid code [13]

8 IET Renew. Power Gener., pp. 1 – 25

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The specifications of New Zealand (referring to connections Section 3.1. Table 1 summarises the main characteristics of
at 110 kV) link the LVRT curve with the voltage profile the curves of Fig. 17. The requirements depend on the
corresponding to three-phase faults that may occur at several specific characteristics of each power system and the
points of the network (faults at the medium voltage feeders protection employed and they deviate significantly from
are also considered). These profiles are used for the extraction each other.
of a ‘combined voltage profile’ for all faults, corresponding to
the ‘maximum actual range’ of Fig. 16. However, the More demanding appear to be the requirements of the
specified LVRT curve corresponds to a more relaxed German, UK, Nordic, Danish, Belgian, Hydro-Quebec,
requirement, described by the ‘minimum design target’ of Swedish and New Zealand grid codes, which stipulate that
Fig. 16. wind farms must remain connected during voltage dips down
to 0%. However, it must be noted that these requirements
3.1.10 Comparison of FRT requirements: Fig. 17 apply for the connection point to the network, generally at
presents in the same graph all LVRT requirements cited in HV level. Taking into account the typical impedance values
for the step-up transformers and interconnecting lines, a
relatively simple calculation indicates that the corresponding
voltage dip at lower voltage levels, near the WT terminals, are
likely to be somewhat above 15% [10], facilitating compliance
to the LVRT requirements. Specifications may vary according
to the voltage level or the wind farm power, for example wind
farms connected to the Danish grid at voltages below 100 kV
are required to withstand less severe voltage dips than the
ones connected at higher voltages, in terms of voltage dip
magnitude and duration. Similar differences can be observed
in the regulation governing the connection of wind farms
below and above 100 MW in the Swedish transmission
system. Apart from the FRT curve, the codes of Denmark
and Hydro-Quebec define specific kinds of faults
(or sequences of faults, in the Danish code) that the
Figure 16 LVRT requirements of the New Zealand grid wind farm must withstand (including remote faults in
code [37] the case of the Hydro-Quebec code, cleared by slow

Figure 17 LVRT requirements of various grid codes

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Table 1 Characteristics of fault ride-through curves in various grid codes

Grid code Fault duration Fault duration Min voltage level (% of Voltage restoration
(ms) (cycles) Vnom) (s)
Germany (Eon) 150 7.5 0 1.5
UK 140 7 0 1.2
Ireland 625 31.25 15 3
Nordel 250 12.5 0 0.75
Denmark (,100 kV) 140 7 25 0.75
Denmark (.100 kV) 100 5 0 10
Belgium (large voltage 200 10 0 0.7
Belgium (small voltage 1500 75 70 1.5
Canada (AESO) 625 37. 5 15 3
Canada (Hydro-Quebec) 150 9 0 1
USA 625 37.5 15 3
Spain 500 25 20 1
Italy 500 25 20 0.8
Sweden (,100 MW) 250 12.5 25 0.25
Sweden (.100 MW) 250 12.5 0 0.8
New Zealand 200 10 0 1

protective devices). These more detailed requirements could be Fig. 18, as well as via increased reactive power consumption
attributed to the isolation of the Hydro-Québec transmission in the event of a voltage swell. The voltage control must
system, which has no synchronous link to neighbouring take place within 20 ms (one cycle) after fault recognition
systems [7]. by providing additional reactive current on the low-voltage
side of the wind turbine transformer, amounting to at least
Another important difference lies in the active power 2% of the rated current for each percent of the voltage dip.
restoration rates specified by the German and British/Irish A reactive power output of at least 100% of the rated
grid codes, whereas the British code requires immediate current must be possible if necessary. The above applies
restoration (at 90% in 0.5 s after voltage recovery), E.ON
Netz requires restoration with a rate at least equal to 20%
of the nominal output power (reaching 100% in 5 s after
voltage recovery). The less severe requirement of the
German code may be attributed to the physical location of
the German grid and its strong interconnection to the
UCTE system, as opposed to the weakly interconnected
British system, where the need for active power restoration
to the pre-fault values is more crucial for system stability.

3.1.11 Requirements for reactive current supply

during voltage dips: Some grid codes prescribe that
wind farms should support the grid by generating reactive
power during a network fault, to support and restore fast
the grid voltage. Figure 18 Reactive output current during voltage
disturbances according to the E.ON grid code [22]
E.ON requires that wind farms support grid voltage with Note: In case of offshore installations, the +10% dead band is
additional reactive current during a voltage dip, as shown in reduced to +5% [23]

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outside a +10% dead band around nominal voltage. In the power with a gradient of 40% of the available power of the
case of offshore wind farms the dead band is reduced to wind turbines per Hz. In case of offshore wind farms,
+5%. The characteristic refers to the voltage at the grid active power must be reduced with a gradient of 98% per
connection point, that is at the wind farm side of the Hz and at a rate of 25% per second, based on the active
submarine interconnection. power available at the moment. The knee point for
providing frequency response is 50.1 Hz, instead of 50.2 Hz.
According to the Spanish grid code, the wind power plants
are required to stop drawing reactive power within 100 ms The British code requires from wind farms to have a
(five cycles) of a drop voltage and to be able to inject frequency control device that can supply primary and
reactive power within 150 ms (7.5 cycles) of grid recovery secondary frequency control as well as over-frequency
as shown in Fig. 19. control. It is remarkable that it also prescribes tests, which
validate that wind farms indeed have the capability of the
Finally, Great Britain and Ireland specify in their grid demanded frequency response. The UK offshore grid code
codes that wind farms must produce their maximum working group stipulates real-time communication of the
reactive current during a voltage dip caused by a network system frequency measurement to the wind farm, to
fault. address the case of HVDC interconnections, where the
wind farm and onshore system sides of the HVDC link
3.2 Active power and frequency control may operate at different frequencies (a requirement not
explicitly stated in the EO.N offshore code).
These requirements refer to the ability of wind farms to
regulate (usually, but not exclusively, reduce) their power
The Irish code demands a frequency response system,
output to a defined level (active power curtailment), either
which will control active power according to response curve
by disconnecting wind turbines or by pitch control action.
shown in Fig. 20. Under ‘normal’ frequency operation, the
In addition, it is required from wind farms to provide
wind farm shall operate with an active power output as set
frequency response that is to regulate their active output
by line ‘B’ – ’C’ in Fig. 20. If the frequency falls below point
power according to the frequency deviations.
‘B’, then the frequency response system shall act to ramp
up the wind farm active power output, in accordance with
The grid codes of the following countries demand the
the droop characteristic defined by line ‘B’ – ‘A’. Once the
wind farms to have the ability of active power curtailment:
frequency rises to a level above the point ‘C’, the frequency
response system shall act to ramp down the wind farm’s
† Germany, with a ramp rate 10% of grid connection
active power output in accordance with the frequency-active
capacity per minute
power characteristic defined by line ‘C’ – ‘D’ – ‘E’. At
frequencies greater than or equal to ‘D’ – ’E’, there shall be
† Ireland, with a ramp rate 1 – 30 MW/min
no active power output from the wind farm.
† Nordic grid code, with a ramp rate 10% of rated power per
minute The Danish grid codes also require the active power to
be controlled according to frequency, as shown in Fig. 21.
† Denmark, with a ramp rate 10– 100% of rated power per
minute. According to the Hydro-Quebec grid code, wind farms
with rated power greater than 10 MW must have a
According to the German code when frequency exceeds frequency control system that helps reduce large (.0.5 Hz)
the value 50.2 Hz wind farms must reduce their active and short-term (,10 s) frequency deviations in the power
system. As a general remark, it is clear that most grid codes

Figure 19 Reactive output current during voltage Figure 20 Example power – frequency response curve
disturbances according to the Spanish grid code [17] according to the Irish grid code [25]

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normal operation of the system where they connect to.

Further, they should remain in operation even in case of
voltage and frequency excursions outside the normal
operation limits, albeit for a limited time and in some cases
at reduced output power capability.

Fig. 22 provides a comparison of operating frequency limits

(the scale is only indicative of the duration that wind power
plants are required to remain in operation) in countries with
50 Hz power systems (therefore Canada and USA limits are
not included, as well as those of New Zealand, where the
requirements are different in the north and southern part of
Figure 21 Power – frequency response according to the
the country). Where possible, voltage limits in relation to
Danish grid code [27]
frequency limits appear, as well (they are not included in the
case of Germany, although they are available, because
require wind farms (especially those of high capacity) to different % values are specified for the three transmission
provide frequency response, that is to contribute to the system nominal voltage levels). Spain and Italy are also not
regulation of system frequency. It should be emphasised included in Fig. 22, due to lack of relevant information. It is
that the active power ramp rates must comply with the also noted that, in the case of Germany, the E.ON offshore
respective rates applicable to conventional power units. code [23] prescribes an extended frequency range for
offshore wind farms, stipulating limited time operation up to
3.3 Voltage and frequency operating 10 s for frequency excursions in the ranges 51.5–53.5 Hz or
47.5–46.5 Hz, as depicted in Fig. 22. Upon reaching a
range frequency at the grid connection point of less than 46.5 Hz
Wind farms must be capable of operating continuously within or greater than 53.5 Hz, offshore wind farms must
the voltage and frequency variation limits encountered during disconnect from the grid with a time delay of 300 ms.

Figure 22 Comparison of operating frequency limits imposed by various grid codes

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Table 2 Frequency and active power ranges for Fig. 20 [25] Q4

Frequency (Hz) Active power (% of the available active power)

MEC . 10 MW 5 MW , MEC  10 MW
FA 47.0 – 51.0 PA 50 – 100 100
FB 49.5 – 51.0 PB 50 – 100 100
FC 49.5 – 51.0 PC
FD 50.5 – 52.0 PD 20 – 100 20– 100
FE PE 0 0
MEC ¼ maximum export capacity

Table 3 Values applying to Fig. 21 [27]

Setting range Default
lower frequency limit for the control range during under frequency ( fn) 50.00. . .47.00 Hz 48.70 Hz
upper frequency range for the control range during over frequency ( fu) 50.00. . .52.00 Hz 51.30 Hz
lower frequency limit for the deadband during under-frequency ( fd2) 50.00. . .52.00 Hz 50.15 Hz
upper frequency limit for the deadband during over-frequency ( fdþ) 50.00. . .52.00 Hz 50.15 Hz
control factor for the production applying to frequencies in the range Over frequency:
fn . . .fd2 and fdþ . . .fu  
f  fdþ
fu  fdþ

(Control factor ¼ 1 corresponds to max. possible production – or to power set point, Under frequency:
if specified)  
f  fd
fn  fd

regulating speed calculated from exceeding a limit value to completed control action 10% of the rated power per

It is obvious that the most extreme frequency limits are from wind farms to provide reactive power control
46.5 and 54 Hz. In countries like Ireland, characterised by capabilities, often in response to the power system voltage,
an isolated power system with weak interconnections, much as conventional power plants. The reactive power
frequency limits are expectedly wider. It is remarkable that control requirements are related to the characteristics of each
New Zealand’s grid code prescribes a frequency range of network, since the influence of the reactive power injection
45– 55 Hz. The strictest continuous operation frequency to the voltage level is dependent on the network short-
limits appear in the British code (47.5 –52 Hz), whereas circuit capacity and impedance [44]. Some codes prescribe
the strictest continuous operation voltage limits appear in that the TSO may define a set-point value for voltage or
the Danish code (90 – 105% nominal voltage). power factor or reactive power at the wind farm’s connection
point. Reactive power control is an important issue for wind
In Table 4, the frequency limits of Hydro-Quebec and farms, because not all wind turbine technologies have the
AESO grid codes are shown in more detail. same capabilities, whereas wind farms are often installed
in remote areas and therefore reactive power has to be
transported over long distances resulting in power losses.
3.4 Reactive power control and voltage
regulation Fig. 23 compares the permissible wind farms power factor
Voltage regulation in power systems is directly related to the range (based on rated power) in relation to grid voltage,
control of reactive power. The recent grid codes demand according to the German (grey line) and British (light grey

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Table 4 Frequency limits according to Hydro-Quebec and AESO grid codes [30, 32]

Hydro-Quebec AESO
Frequency (Hz) Minimum time without tripping Frequency (Hz) Minimum time without tripping
f , 55.5 disconnection f , 57 disconnection
55.5  f , 56.5 0.35 s 57  f , 57.3 0.75 s
56.5  f , 57.0 2s 57.3  f , 57.8 7.5 s
57.0  f , 57.5 10 s 57.8  f  58.4 30 s
57.5  f  58.5 1.5 min 58.4 , f  59.4 3 min
58.5 , f  59.4 11 min 59.4 < f  60.6 continuous operation Q5
59.4 < f  60.6 continuous operation 60.6 , f  61.6 3 min
60.6 , f  61.5 11 min 61.6 , f  61.7 30 s
61.5 , f  61.7 1.5 min f . 61.7 disconnection
f . 61.7 disconnection

Figure 23 Requirements for power factor variation range in relation to the voltage, according to the German and British grid
codes [10]

line) grid codes. The nominal voltages are 380, 220, 110 kV
for onshore wind farms and 155 kV for offshore wind farms
in Germany and 400, 275 kV for Great Britain. The British
code refers to wind farms with rated power above 50 MW.
The German code specifies that wind farms may function
in lagging or leading power factor in case of overvoltages.
According to the British code, power plants must be able
to provide their full reactive power at voltages +5% around
the nominal, for voltage levels 400 and 275 kV.

According to the German code, the operating point for the

steady-state reactive power can be defined in terms of power
factor or reactive power level (Q in Mvar) or voltage level (U
in kV). Fig. 24 describes additional specifications imposed by Figure 24 EO.N offshore requirement [23]: minimum
the E.ON offshore grid code concerning the reactive power useable P/Q-operating range of a generation unit, within
of generating units, within a voltage range of +5% around a +5% range around the nominal voltage (at the
nominal (at the terminals of the generating unit). The generation unit)

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operating points are defined either by agreement of a value or voltage at the connection point. According to the Danish
of a schedule, or by online (remote) set-point determination. code, the reactive power must be limited within the band
The British code requires the high-capacity wind farms to shown in Fig. 26 (where Prated corresponds to the total
have an automatic system, which regulates the voltage at rated power of the wind farm). The red line is equivalent to
the connection point (or the grid interface point, in the 0.995 power factor. Reactive power control can be carried
case of offshore plants). The Irish code further stipulates a out by each turbine individually, or centrally at wind farm
voltage regulation system, which will accept a set-point level. The Belgian code mentions that wind farms with a
(reference) value for the voltage at the connection point. rated power above 25 MW must be able to produce or
absorb reactive power from 210% to 45% of their rated
The reactive power variation capability according to the capacity. For slow voltage variations the following factor aeq
British and the Irish codes is shown in Fig. 25, where is defined, which must have a value between 18 and 25

i. Point A is equivalent (in Mvar) to: 0.95 leading power DQnet =(0:45xP)
factor at rated MW output aeq ¼  (1)
DUnet =Unorm, exp
ii. Point B is equivalent (in Mvar) to: 0.95 lagging power
factor at rated MW output
where Qnet is the reactive power measured in the high-voltage
iii. Point C is equivalent (in Mvar) to: 25% of rated MW side of the grid connection transformer, P is the wind farm
output rated power, Unet is the voltage measured at the high-
voltage side of the grid connection transformer and
iv. Point D is equivalent (in Mvar) to: þ5% of rated MW Unorm.exp is the nominal grid voltage.
Hydro-Quebec requires (especially for wind farms with a
v. Point E is equivalent (in Mvar) to: 212% of rated MW rated power above 10 MW) the existence of an automatic
output voltage regulation system that operates within power factor
limits of at least 0.95 (based on the available rated power)
The above points apply to the British code. The Irish code leading or lagging. It is emphasised that wind farms have
requires a power factor equal to 0.835 lagging or leading, at to contribute to voltage regulation in normal but also in
active power output levels below 50% of the rated. abnormal and dynamic operating conditions. AESO
prescribes that voltage regulation and reactive power
The methodology used in the UK offshore grid code draft performance of a wind farm will be assessed at the low-
[41] proposes that the reactive power range is expressed in voltage side of the grid connection transformer. Fig. 27
terms of power factor, in order to represent more effectively illustrates the reactive power requirements, which are
the active power exchange between the offshore and divided in continuous reactive capability and dynamic
onshore TSO. reactive capability. The minimum range for the former is
0.9 cap. to 0.95 ind. power factor, whereas for the latter it
The Nordic grid code demands that wind farms are able to is 0.95 cap. to 0.985 ind. power factor, based on the MW
control their reactive output power, in order to regulate the output.

Figure 25 Reactive power in relation to active power according to the British and Irish codes [10]

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Figure 26 Reactive power requirements against active output power, according to the Danish code [27]

Figure 27 Reactive power requirements of the Canadian AESO grid code. Area 1 defines the anticipated continuous reactive
capability and area 2 the anticipated dynamic reactive capability [32]

In addition, the AESO code demands that wind farms A comparison of the above reactive power requirements is
must have a continuously acting voltage regulation system, shown in Fig. 28 which includes all available active power-
which will operate only in the voltage set-point control reactive power curves imposed by national grid codes.
mode. The system shall be calibrated such that a change in
reactive power will achieve 95% of its final value no sooner
than 0.1 s and no later than 1 s following a step change in
3.5 Other requirements
voltage. FERC rule mentions that wind farms must be able The Eltra and Elkraft grid codes [27, 28] prescribe a virtual
to operate with power factor 0.95 lagging to 0.95 leading if ‘type test’ that verifies the behaviour of the wind turbines
the TSO judges that this is necessary for the transmission during voltage dips. It consists in the simulation of a three-
system operation. phase short circuit, with the wind turbine operating at rated

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Figure 28 Comparison of reactive power requirements imposed by national or regional grid codes

power, nominal rotor speed and with full compensation. The apart from the requirement to submit the software used for
calculation is conducted with the use of the equivalent circuit the calculation.
of Fig. 29a. The system is represented by a Thevenin
equivalent with a 0.1 þ j1.0 V impedance (at the 10 kV In addition, the Danish grid code for system voltages above
level). The RMS value of the Thevenin internal voltage 100 kV demands additional simulations, proving that the
must vary as shown in Fig. 29b. The result is successful if wind farm is able to withstand the impacts from the
the wind turbine reaches its rated power 10 s at most after following asymmetric faults in the grid, without requiring
the voltage recovers and withstands two three-phase short disconnection of wind turbines in the wind farm:
circuits (with an interval of 2 min between them). No
further details for the wind turbine model are specified, † Two-phase fault on a line in the transmission grid with
unsuccessful reclosure.

† Single-phase fault on a line in the transmission grid with

unsuccessful reclosure.

It is also defined that, if the connection point is on the

secondary side of a transformer belonging to the transmission
grid, the vector group and phase shift in the transformer
(typically YNd11) will be taken into consideration at the
examination of asymmetric faults.

Most grid codes prescribe data exchange between wind farms

and system operators, that is signals that the wind farm must
supply through a telecommunication or SCADA system to Q6
the TSO. Usually these include data concerning voltage,
current, active and reactive power output, set-point values, as
well as wind speed and operating status signals for the main
switchgear and protection systems.

4 Wind turbine technologies and

grid requirements
Figure 29 Specifications for the simulation of the wind In this section, a brief review is presented of wind turbine
turbine behaviour during a three-phase short circuit, technology aspects, associated with grid code compliance.
according to the Danish grid code [27] A basic categorisation of wind turbines, related to the
a Thevenin equivalent electrical schemes used and their behaviour in case of grid
b Voltage profile for the voltage source in (a) disturbances, is in constant and variable speed machines.

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Constant-speed wind turbines are equipped with squirrel aerodynamic control of variable speed machine is based on
cage induction generators directly connected to the grid blade pitch control (although stall operation is in principle
(Fig. 30a). The rotational speed of the rotor is practically possible, but not preferred in practice).
fixed, since they operate at a slip around 1%. Since the
induction machine absorbs reactive power from the grid, In case of DFIGs, the generator’s stator is directly connected
connection of compensating capacitor banks at the wind to the grid whereas the rotor is connected through a cascade of
turbine (or wind farm) terminals is necessary. Their two voltage source converters (VSCs) (rectifier-inverter,
aerodynamic control is based on stall, active stall or pitch connected back-to-back, as in Fig. 31). The rotor-side
control. converter excites the generator rotor winding at variable
frequency, thus permitting variation of its rotational speed. At
A variation of this scheme utilises a wound rotor induction the same time, the converter regulates the torque and reactive
generator and electronically controlled external resistors to power developed by the generator. The grid-side converter
the rotor terminals [45]. This configuration permits a very operates in synchronism to the grid, transferring active and
limited variation of speed (typically up to 10% above the possibly reactive power. In this scheme, the power handled by
synchronous), basically for stress alleviation and power the rotor circuits and converters varies in direct proportion to
quality improvement. the operating slip. Hence, for a slip variation typically of the
order of +30%, the converter is dimensioned at
In variable speed wind turbines the rotor speed varies approximately 30% of the rated wind turbine power.
considerably, depending on the prevailing wind conditions.
Two basic configurations for this type of machines are Wind turbines with full converter, as in Fig. 30c, use either
available, as illustrated in Figs. 30b and c. The first utilises a a synchronous or an asynchronous generator, whose stator is
doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) and a rotor converter connected to the grid via an AC/DC/AC converter cascade.
cascade of reduced rating, whereas the second employs a In this case, however, the converter handles the total
synchronous or induction generator, the stator of which is generator power to the grid and therefore no size
interfaced to the grid via a full converter cascade. The economies are possible. On the other hand, this scheme

Figure 30 Basic wind turbine technologies

a Constant speed wind turbine with squirrel cage induction generator
b Wind turbine with DFIG
c Wind turbine with full power converter

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Figure 31 Configuration of the electrical part of a DFIG wind turbine

permits full variation of the generator speed and therefore a † Supply of reactive power through static compensation
wider speed control range. The most common alternative is devices at the wind turbine or wind farm terminals, such as
the application of a wound-field synchronous generator (in SVCs or STATCOMs. Such a device would provide high
which case the generator-side converter is considerably amounts of reactive power during faults, to effectively
simplified) but permanent magnet excitation is also possible support the terminal voltage and therefore limit the
and gains momentum lately. If an asynchronous generator magnitude of the voltage dip experienced by the wind
is employed, then a squirrel cage machine is used, much as turbines. Nevertheless, FACTS are complicated and costly
in the case of industrial motor drives. devices, whereas there is an obvious limitation to the
voltage correction they can achieve, particularly in the event
As described in the previous sections, the grid codes require of nearby system faults. Further, this is a solution to be
that wind farms must remain connected during and after severe examined on a per case basis and tailored to the
grid disturbances, ensure fast restoration of active power to the characteristics of each specific installation [46 – 49].
pre-fault levels, as soon as the fault is cleared, and in certain cases
produce reactive current in order to support grid voltage during Other grid code requirements, such as active power
disturbances. Depending on their type and technology, wind regulation and frequency response, are possible to be met
turbines can fulfil these requirements to different degrees, as via the aerodynamic control systems of the wind turbines.
explained in the following. More challenging are the reactive power regulation tasks
that require the installation of suitably size FACTS devices.
Starting with constant speed wind turbines, their low-
voltage behaviour is dominated by the presence of the grid- Variable speed wind turbines, on the other hand, present
connected induction generator. In the event of a voltage dip, the distinct advantages of direct generator torque and
the generator torque and power reduces considerably (by the reactive current control and the possibility to endure large
square of its terminal voltage) resulting in the acceleration of rotor speed variations without any stability consequences.
the rotor, which may in turn result in rotor instability, unless For this reason, grid disturbances affect much less their
the voltage is restored fast or the accelerating mechanical operation and, generally speaking, they are capable of
torque is rapidly reduced below the levels of the available meeting the most stringent grid code requirements.
electromagnetic torque of the generator. Further, operation
of the machine at increased slip values results in increased In case of voltage disturbances, rotor over speed becomes
reactive power absorption, particularly after fault clearance an issue of much smaller significance, since a limited
and partial restoration of the system voltage. This effectively increase of speed is possible (e.g. 10– 15%) without any
prevents fast voltage recovery and may affect other consequences, the rotor inertia acting as an energy buffer
neighbouring generators, whose terminal voltage remains for the surplus accelerating power, until the pitch regulation
depressed. Since the dynamic behaviour of the induction becomes effective. In case of severe voltage dips, an energy
generator itself cannot be improved, possible measures to surplus may occur within the electrical part of the machine,
enhance the fault ride-through capabilities of constant speed with the potential to cause a dc capacitor over voltage. This
wind turbines are the following: is dealt with via proper redesign of the converter
controllers, increase of the local energy storage capacity
† Improvement in the response of the wind turbine (e.g. capacitor size) or even by providing a local power
aerodynamic control system, in order to perform fast dissipation means (typically a dc chopper and breaking
limitation of the accelerating mechanical torque, to prevent resistor, connected in parallel to the dc capacitors).
rotor over speed. Physical limitations of the blades and the
pitch regulation mechanism impose a limit on the However, even with variable speed wind turbines there still
effectiveness of such an approach. exist LVRT issues affecting their response. In the case of

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DFIG wind turbines, the direct connection of the generator faults, as the ones imposed by the Spanish grid code [51].
stator to the grid inevitably results in severe transients in case Improved control algorithms of DFIG turbines can
of large grid disturbances. Hence, the stator contributes a significantly reduce the mechanical stresses, especially in
high initial short circuit current, whereas large currents and the case of the predominantly asymmetrical grid faults [52].
voltages are also induced in the rotor windings, as a The inclusion of energy storage at the dc bus significantly
consequence of the fundamental flux linkage dynamics of enhances the fault ride-through capability of the WT,
the generator. Furthermore, the depressed terminal voltage whereas several other improvements to the generator
reduces accordingly the power output of the grid side configuration and control during the fault and recovery
converter in the rotor circuits, leading to an increase of the periods are proposed (e.g. [53 – 55]).
dc bus capacitor, possibly to dangerous levels.
Variable speed wind turbines with full power converters,
To protect the power converters from over voltages and Fig. 30c, presents the distinct advantage that the converter
over currents, DFIGs are always equipped with a device totally decouples the generator from the grid. Hence, grid
known as the crowbar, which short circuits the rotor disturbances have no direct effect on the generator, whose
terminals as soon as such situations are detected. Once the current and torque variations during voltage dips are much
crowbar is activated, the rotor-side converter is deactivated lower compared with the DFIG and the respective
and the DFIG behaves like a conventional induction transients fade out faster [56]. The converters, on the other
machine, that is control is lost over the generator. Notably, hand, are almost (but not entirely) immune to grid
crowbar activation may occur not only at the instant of a transients, due to the high bandwidth of the PWM current
voltage dip, but also in case of abrupt voltage recovery, after controllers. The only essential issue that still remains is the
clearance of a fault. Conceptually, two crowbar options are imbalance between the generator power, injected to the dc
available: side, and the output power to the grid, which may be
drastically reduced, leading to overcharging of the dc bus
† The passive crowbar, utilising a diode rectifier or a pair of capacitor. This can be resolved with fast pitch control and
antiparallel thyristors to shorten the rotor terminals. The limited rotor over speed, to reduce the generator power, as
disadvantage of this option is the lack of control on the well as via increased storage and possibly power dissipation
deactivation of the crowbar, leading to sustained operation means at the dc link. From the point of view of the reactive
with short-circuited rotor, much as a squirrel cage output power, the grid side converter has the ability to
induction machine. produce reactive current during the voltage dip, up to its
rated current capacity, exhibiting a behaviour superior to
† The active crowbar that uses IGBT switches to short the that of the DFIG wind turbines, particularly when dealing
rotor. This enhances considerably the operation of the with stringent reactive power support requirements during
device, with a faster elimination of the rotor transients faults, such as those of the E.ON grid code. It is noted
(typically within 100 ms) and therefore faster regain of that this wind turbine type may exhibit better voltage
control. After deactivation of the crowbar, full control capabilities than conventional synchronous
controllability over the wind turbine behaviour is resumed. generators [57, 58]. Hence, they can provide grid support
(improvement of the voltage level and faster voltage
Hence, although voltage dips inevitably cause torque and recovery), with a positive impact on nearby connected stall
power transients in the DFIG wind turbine, which excite wind turbines, reducing the probability of tripping for
the rotor crowbar protection for a limited time, the various those turbines [59]. Moreover, oversizing of the grid side
implementations of the active crowbar can improve the converter provides enhanced active and reactive power
stability of the wind turbine and its response to sudden infeed capability, as shown in [60]. Another notable
voltage changes [50]. advantage compared with the DFIG-based wind turbines is
related with the behaviour of the latter in case of
Another important improvement can be achieved by the unbalanced disturbances. In such situations, the low
addition of a stator switch, as shown in Fig. 31 [3]. The negative sequence impedance of the induction generator
stator is disconnected for a short period (short-term may give rise to large rotor currents, whose frequency lies
interruption – STI) through the stator switch and the rotor outside the controllers’ bandwidth, resulting in the
is demagnetised. After that, the generator side inverter is activation of the crowbar (or the disconnection of the
restarted, the stator is reconnected and the operation is stator) until the disturbance is cleared.
resumed. During the stator disconnection, the grid side
converter stays active and feeds reactive power to the grid. Wind turbines can control their active power output by
This implementation results in the limitation of transients, pitch control, whereas variable speed wind turbines have
both in magnitude and duration, and permits to keep full the additional capability for such control via variation of
control over the generator during the greatest part of the their rotor speed. Hence, power curtailment, ramp rate
disturbance interval. Moreover, with proper control limitations and contribution to frequency regulation is
strategies of the rotor and grid-side converters, the DFIG possible, even for constant speed machines. In the latter
can satisfy requirements for reactive power injection during case, however, the grid frequency is directly related to the

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generator slip and hence a change in frequency will test can be carried out using the set-ups outlined in
transiently affect the active power produced by the wind Fig. 32. Notably, the test is basically for providing a basis
turbine. In the case of variable speed machines, on the for wind turbine numerical simulation model validation,
other hand, the generator torque and power is regulated by although optional tests may be carried out for assessing
the converters and therefore their primary frequency compliance with specific grid code requirements. In the
response is entirely adjustable via proper design of the draft standard [63] it is recommended that the test is
control systems. For instance, in [61], the wind farm carried out on the complete wind turbine rather than on its
capability of providing short-term active power reserve drive train only, since other reasons for cut-out may exist,
utilising the kinetic energy of the turbine rotors, is besides the electrical drive train.
quantified on a multi-megawatt commercial variable speed
wind turbine. Reference [62] examines the frequency In the case of offshore wind farms, the configuration of the
response of constant speed and variable speed wind interconnection to the transmission system is also an issue of
turbines equipped with synchronous generators or DFIGs interest in terms of grid code compliance. Interconnection
and concludes that the best frequency response can be realised either with HV AC submarine cables,
characteristics are achieved by synchronous generator-based typically including dynamic VAR compensation, or with
machines (full-power converter scheme), then by constant HVDC schemes, based on VSC [14]. The VSC-based
speed wind turbines and last from DFIG wind turbines. HVDC interconnection demonstrates superior dynamic
performance, providing fault ride-through capabilities even
Up to now, wind turbine compatibility to the various grid to wind farms utilising simple asynchronous generator-
code requirements is established only through specific tests or based wind turbines [64].
simulations that are performed by the manufacturers or other
independent laboratories, upon demand of system operators. The installation of properly sized centralised FACTS
Standardised-type tests have not been developed yet, due to devices, with the capability to provide wind turbine power
the diversity of requirements appearing in grid codes and factor control and voltage regulation and enhanced LVRT
the relatively limited time they have been in force. capability may provide grid-code compliance even for wind
Moreover, testing the actual behaviour of wind turbines farms comprising turbines which are partly compliant to
during system faults presents significant difficulties, since code requirements [65]. In general, the requirements on
on site tests on installed machines are necessary, which reactive power compensation/regulation for large wind
would involve variation of power system variables, such as farms may exceed the reactive power capabilities of the wind
voltage and frequency. A first reference to such type tests turbines themselves, in which case external reactive
appears in the draft of the IEC 61400-21, 2nd Ed. [63],
which is under development. According to this standard,
the response of the wind turbine to the temporary voltage
dips specified in Table 5 is to be measured. The stated
response includes time series of active power, reactive power
and voltage at wind turbine terminals for the time shortly
prior to the voltage dip and until the effect of the voltage
dip has abated. The test should be carried out for the wind Figure 32 Short circuit emulator for testing wind turbine
turbine operating at 20% and 100% of rated power. The response to temporary voltage dips [63]

Table 5 Specification of voltage dips according to [63]. The specified magnitudes, durations and shapes apply for voltage dips
occurring when the wind turbine under test is not connected

Case Magnitude of phase to phase voltage Magnitude of voltage Duration Shape

(fraction of voltage before the dip) (positive sequence) (s)
symmetrical three phase 0.90 + 0.05 0.90 0.5 + 0.05
voltage dip 1
symmetrical three phase 0.50 + 0.05 0.50 0.5 + 0.05
voltage dip 2
symmetrical three phase 0.20 + 0.05 0.20 0.2 + 0.05
voltage dip 3
two phase voltage dip 1 0.90 + 0.05 0.95 0.5 + 0.05
two phase voltage dip 2 0.50 + 0.05 0.75 0.5 + 0.05
two phase voltage dip 3 0.20 + 0.05 0.60 0.2 + 0.05

IET Renew. Power Gener., pp. 1 – 25 21

doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2008.0070 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

compensation systems are employed, consisting of FACTS proposal could be introduced at European level, it would
devices (SVCs or inverter-based dynamic compensators) and set a strong precedent for the rest of the world [68]. It
possibly also multiple-switched capacitor banks to meet the would also enhance the European internal electricity
overall reactive power requirements for large wind farms [66]. market, where national networks are interlinked and must
be operated as part of an integrated European grid to
enable the necessary cross-border exchanges. However, it
5 Critical view on grid code must be stressed that a complete European technical
harmonisation is not practical in the short term and could
development only lead to the implementation of the most stringent
The grid code overview provided in Section 3 reveals that the requirements from each nation. Currently, it is realistic to
requirements imposed on wind farms differ considerably expect a harmonisation on the major categories of
from one country to another, which inevitably opens the capabilities and the circumstances in a power system that
discussion on the need for harmonisation of the grid-code these may become necessary. Exact values for parameters,
provisions. To a certain extent, differences are reasonable limits, set-points etc. needed not be standardised, since
and inevitable, since the requirements are directly related to they depend on system characteristics (for instance, a faster
the particular technical and operational characteristics of frequency response will be necessary for systems with a low
the systems, as already discussed in Section 3. For instance, inertia).
it is reasonable that primary frequency response
requirements will be increased in a weakly interconnected In any case, there exist certain issues and principles to be
system, such as Ireland, compared to a large and strongly taken into account in the future grid code development.
interconnected system belonging to UCTE. Codes should be comprehensive, transparent and explicit to
avoid misinterpretation. Clear and commonly shared
On the other hand, the diversity of the existing requirements terminology and definitions are necessary in all aspects, wind
poses a disproportionate burden on WT manufacturers, which farm or power system related. The requirements imposed
are constantly challenged to adapt the design of their turbines to should reflect an optimum balance between cost and technical
the latest requirements of the network operators and strive to performance. A reasonable amount of development time is
develop wind turbines suited for specific markets, rather than also needed, by planning grid code requirements in advance.
‘universal’ products. Manufacturer difficulties start with Specific areas that require additional consideration include the
interpreting the underlying meaning of the various code large offshore installations and their extended HVDC
documents, managing the differences in grid code formats networks, already starting to be addressed in certain countries
(terminology and definitions, designation, parameterisation (Germany, UK). Proper consideration should also be given to
etc.), understanding the particularities of each power system regional networks belonging to larger interconnected systems,
and then move to the development of hardware and software such as the UCTE network. In such cases, major events (e.g.
solutions for the specific requirements of each code [67–69]. faults) may be experienced by several neighbouring TSOs and
therefore the grid code provisions should ensure a coordinated
Besides the harmonisation issue, another point of dispute overall system response. Obviously, the collaboration among
between system operators and the wind industry is the TSOs and UCTE is necessary to this end [70]. Finally, grid-
extent and the strictness of the requirements. The wind code compliance verification remains a major open issue for
industry argues that the requirements imposed on wind wind turbines and wind farms. This concerns specific wind
turbines in some cases exceed those for conventional power power plant capabilities and will require the development of
stations, while the time granted for meeting them has been standards for testing, from the level of the component up to
minimal. Further, there is also a view that the demand for the entire wind power plant.
provision of ancillary services from wind farms lies beyond
the actual needs of today’s systems. TSOs, on the other
hand, claim that wind power penetration levels in several
6 Conclusions
systems are high enough to warrant a treatment of wind InFinally
this paper,
here the grid code technical requirements were
farms similar to that of conventional stations. Further, even presented for the connection of wind farms to the power
if certain grid-code provisions are indeed ahead of their systems, basically at the HV level. A comparative overview
time, retrofitting installed wind farms for their satisfaction and analysis of the main requirements was conducted,
may not be possible in the future and thus they need to be comprising several national and regional codes from many
in place from today. countries where high wind penetration levels have been
achieved or are expected in the future. The objective of these
In this context, a discussion has already started on the issue requirements is to provide wind farms with the control and
of further development and harmonisation of wind farm- regulation capabilities encountered in conventional power
related grid code requirements. For example, EWEA has plants and necessary for the safe, reliable and economic
proposed the development of a ‘Generic European Wind operation of the system. Current wind turbine technology,
Grid Code’, built on a technical basis elaborated jointly and particularly its development over the last 5 –10 years,
from TSOs and the wind power industry. If such a has been heavily influenced by these requirements. Modern

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IET Renew. Power Gener., pp. 1 – 25 25

doi: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2008.0070 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

Author Queries
M. Tsili, S. Papathanassiou

Q1 Please provide the full form of “HV”.

Q2 Please provide full form of “AVR”.
Q3 Please provide full form of “HVDC”.
Q4 Tables 2 and 3 are not cited in text. Please check.
Q5 Please provide significance of bold characters in table 4.
Q6 Please provide full form of “SCADA”.
Q7 Please provide author names for reference [10, 22– 38, 41, 68– 71].
Q8 Reference [71] is not cited in text. Please check.
Dr. Stavros Papathanassiou
Electrical & Computer Engineering
9, Iroon Polytechniou st.

Reference: Item Number 0070U Ref. Id: RPG-2008-0070

A review of grid code technical requirements for wind farms


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