DWGN - The Flood

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COLLECTED COMIC STRIPS FROM THE PAGES OF DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE CLAYTON HICKMAN SCOTT GRAY PERI GODBOLD CLAYTON HICKMAN MARTIN GERAGHTY JAMES OFFREDI MARK IRVINE ALAN O'KEEFE MIKE RIDDELL MARTIN GERAGHTY, ROGER LANGRIDGE, JOHN ROSS, ADRIAN SALMON, TOM SPILSBURY, RUSSELL T DAVIES Doctor Who Graphic Notel #7: “The Flood Published in 2007 by Panini Publishing Ld. Office of publication: Paini House, Coach les, Tunbridge Wels, Kent TN2 SU}. All Decor Who material © BECK. Decor Who logo © BEC 196. Tardis image © BBC 196. try Dave and Kit Pdlet DOCTOR WHO and TARDIS and the DOCTOR WHO and TAROIS logos are trade marks ofthe Britsh ‘on and are used under licence. Licensed by 8 Worldwide Limited. Scott Gray commentary, Desti pitch docu Flood srpt © Scott Gray 2007 Al rights reserved. Al other materials © Panini Publishing Led uness otherwise Indicated. No simian betwee al names, persons andjor institutions herein wth those of any ing or dead persons or nsituton Is intended ard ary such silty reproduced by any means in whole or pat without the witen permision ofthe publishers. This book may nt be ol, except ject the candi that shall not be sold or stibuted with any part of markings removed, nor ina mutated con ISBN 1.905239.455, Horses Passage, sold sub fn, Pinted i tay creas Jive Laud of rkaypy endings 64 6 scorT@RAU SCOTTGRAY MARTIN GERAGHTY ROGER LANGRIDGE FAZ CHOUDHURY |”) DAVID A. ROACH DAVID A. ROACH CLAUTON HICKMAN DARUL JOUCE (-8) ADRIAN SALMON ROGER LANGRIDGE © 0" CLAUTON HICKMAN pum cea DWM #387 13 GARETH ROBERTS MIKE COLLIN SCOTT GRAY MARTIN GERAGHTY ROBINSMITH DULAN TEAGUE DAVID A. ROACH ‘ADRIAN SALMON ROGER LANGRIDGE ROGER LANGRIDGE CLAYTON HICKMAN CLAYTON HICKMAN 2° SCOTT GRAY DWM #330 - 882 DWM «age - 842 35 107 scoTT GRAY SCOTTGRAY “) JOHN ROSS ADRIAN SALMON ADRIAN SALMON ROGER LANGRIDGE ROGER LANGRIDGE CLAYTON HICKMAN CLAUTON HICKMAN DWM «aaa DWM #43 - 845, 42 12g SCOTT GRAY ANTHONY WILLIAMS SCOTT GRAY MARTIN GERAGHTY DAVID A. ROACH ADRIAN SALMON DAVIO A. ROACH ADRIAN SALMON ROGER LANGRIDGE 0" CLAUTON HICKMAN ROGER LANGRIDGE CLAUTON HICKMAN DWM #384 - 886 DWM #aas - 58 196 ANY i | | Mt a bee oe On ta Veer ce reas) 4 Lf eee PE EE EE 5 vA whe wlan Coal 7TELL Me Wave YOU SEEN STRANGE MereOR STogMs> reansome Meqaclic GeeaToRes netne abynaue NUSUaE SPALL? TREN, UST ArTER Coney, ‘Tee elds cor BovenT UP. ‘Gunes COULDN'T REFUSE 126 Finnie WORSE. Say ae is De curren ereaeeriaa hy son " ccetttimoe \al | Sane See. Seo ee — Mee P Y'ASK Me Tunes SUMMIN — 800 as0UT Fem Two. ‘SuaxesPeane ‘paornens? “70 EVEN GREATER eiouTe, waNTaaaee or excriNe New rite WOwaea Sopa nionee = WHAT See ‘bet crearen PLAYING Ate Jessies? “ - ag & \ “etoaesD ie opr A f ES 7 “if rc Tee Manes save nor ver | SruPibadiesee tas ‘Tie GALACTIC POLICE/, O a, hi 2 | os rr. aS ‘ous team-mares ane gene oeierere ‘Gescns's Suave Ponce eae eat ‘BUT TO wnat PURPOSE ‘ sien At hd ry mo x *} ry *y et IVE geen conve vee! SUSEESSFUL SOUT APRA cre ne ts OVER, "wave ri scannen MY Mo. We'he veay same cece nar ‘Ova Sera Oatarowe wine Unive sel Sexdaicy. it swory bivioes roe ino one AOAPTATONSL oF Ss ‘ORIGINAL ‘bener JOIN THE DOCTOR FOR A BRAND-NEW ADVENTURE NEXT ISSUE, CHUMS! a r\ a AK LO w 7 > i J Ms Wty pas Ta SIV 4 |x JOUER fe 1 4, E No DousT you wisn To Give Hanes: For My OVINE PROTECTORSHIP. Too Lone Have x BEEN Away FROM THiS. VAND.” You HaVe BEEN Lost wirHouT Me” ‘BUT Now Z HAVE RETURNED To GIVE You NEW PURPOSE. THE NILE IS Tye Welt Spang (OF ALL LIFEIN ZAM THE THIS LAND. caovess oF FERTILITY. (1S MY DOMAIN, AND THOSE WHO age QUESTION TT SHALL FEEL My HOLY WaATH Look watt, my Peort AND ‘LEARN, AND ALL. irs CREATURES: ARE MINE TO COMMAND) > vy . ae Oa - GOS foge BEI /\ AV Dos oo en one La a oe qqvvy The Grioas ete | 0 js ‘Ss ripg-Neeleds Jac Be ve Ne on ed Goel es : > ‘BPI Pt em Sem Gy | 0 The Grious Tale of = Be Bit Ga, Io ee J Po Pa A | > a A \ \ ©) 2 ee N ; a . SN cee Beg 7 aC eN eo ! VAamlual aay Noe 2 2 2 2 2 ° 9 Q Q >» i (| id ul F mpaman | | VG _ Ls (= aN TROUBLE 1S THE : nag reat WY « ae = ten S y NT B \ - : bill A KEN wy AG ae hes D> Pac ye \\ APM AeS ny TAM THE QNE TRUE WINDIGQO! My TIME: 1s, ALMogt "AT WAND. N/a wow “) ] Eco |. aaa : ai : a) | ae | yee B eE 3 KA ) \ a io f) Wis S aN ‘ ( Maal Acevda2 [Ls | Oper isha 5 ; atti ele EN cer Gee SE m eRe? Aye A K ‘ 4 > ZN —_ aS SS rr Ae i= i rOO00UsUs 0 NS ss & Ceo > Ne) ye res WSF ns DBs 5 ; ee: Ss eZ, QRH INGE WS. Wis ae ya Petes | ; < ah SS re Zag es A Shag a" iS a4 (fo fn / = "a © ae ne Pb SS A aS WW Sarai yk OM RY he yy WAN AN YTS ae “ gv lnk RerF LLL ert aes \ = ——— a Psu pA | lia ye a UC ele oi RY 4 ; i ea ee 2 AN oh ey ai ay ts) | A PEgEs Gare 7d Nh y ¥I cmH Uuoue! ™~ oN } Loh \ Taian s S de Rv) | Ve ae er aa 7 aaa BF Bass AG a a re ‘ahr A ae. cd Aaa Sa U; Sal Z Ne (7 FE we f @G' Va y ] ; HA A , nS - cs Gal y 4 —— @ ir S wes 4 WA | area oy w ir hs NY 'f ee aD) rs maa An 2.).) \ BUTI CAN MAKE . IT OFFICIAL! _ Ji KS BM ois bY WOR KS j \\ nO . rer ee Free ort YOU'VE ALSO ANGERED ME/ “4 above This was yet another ambition fulfilled ~a Doctor Who western. We'd occasionally firted with western imagery (in Wormwood and The Glorious Dead) but had never done enture.| 4 genuine build-yourgallows-high Wild wasn't keen on a generic desert shanty town stor though hour was Daryl Joyce. Daryl hand-painted the strip giving ita textured, vibrant look that blew us ‘away when he brought the pages into the office. Stunning stuf Who needs Photoshop? I remember Martin forgot to draw the Doctors all-important and no one spotted it! The story about to go to the printers before eased, and set to work inserting it digitally Clay had to imitate Darl's colouring technique on the first panel ofthe final page the same way. We need Photoshop! 5 the original one | confess While te story you saw | got brief sidetracked with another plo. It featured john and Glia ving inside a vital ealty world, playing the ‘Dr Who" game. The Fist Doctor stops following the rules and morphs into the Eighth. The Doctor confronts John and points out that he's nota child anymore. john turns into a 50-year-old man, and finally accepts the truth: Gillian died years ago. The Doctor leads John out of the game and back into the real word Yeah... That would have been areal heartwarme ch? | casvally described it to Clay one afternoon over lunch and he made a face ike he'd just eaten a giant lemon soaked in vinegar With onions. We happily decided to stick with Pan A ghe Mereiis The final page caught alot of readers by surprise. eae I recall reading an internet message board where couple of people admitted to crying atthe end. think a desire for a simpler, cleaner childhood world is something shared by everyone ~ but especially Doctor Who fans. The Land of Happy Endings won the Best Strip category in that year’s DWM Re: Poll. was glad about that. No hat, though How did we miss the hat? SG 204 COMMENTARY as I wanted a specific time and place, a proper historical setting. Looking for reference material, | came across The West by Geoffrey C Ward. I's a tremendously powerful book that explores the early movement of settlers across ‘America, and thie coliion withthe county's indigenous tribes. I's a story of endless broken promises, disease, famine and war. One setting leapt out at me ~ the Black Hill of Dakota; a place of ancient spirits disturbed by greedy men, And with two famous historical figures to boot! It was crying out tobe turned into a actor Who story. | wanted the Lakota braves to talk as naturalisticallyas possible, steering clear ofthe old “white man speak with forked tongue” routine. Sitting Bull was alot offun to write for. He and the Doctor (looking. fab in his cowboy hat) made an enjoyable duo, with their two very different ways of ness going on around them. Custer was by most accounts an arrogant, abrasive man who only seemed to inspire second:in-command Major Marcus Reno (seen briefly in the story) couldn't stand him. I read Custer’s book, My Life on the Plans. t's the story of his adventures on the wild frontier fille with people he never met, } ris battles with Indian tribes. He somehow manages to-make it breathtakingly tedious. Custer was the living embodiment of the insane "Manifest Destiny mentality that’s stil going in the United States today. I had no problem making him Jodafra's dupe Custer was killed by Sitting Bul’ forces less than a year after the events of Bod Blood. Wal Ldenk fre aboot you bak 1 on ag cere COMMENTARY 208, V'd been musing on Destri becoming the next ‘companion for the longest time ~ ever since Uroboros, really, when | realised how much fun | was having pairing her off with the Doctor. By the time we got to Oblivion | was certain Destri would be the perfect replacement for 22y Clay was less convinced, We'd spent along time in the strip with Izzy in Destri’s body, land he was concerned that it would seem too visually repetitive to have the Doctor travelling with another fish gid. That was a fair point, butone | knew we could work around. | wrote out a ‘Dest pitch" to explain my reasoning, and even drew some ills to show how A the new-look Dest might appear. (W's printed to your right. Please don't mock the drawings too loudly they're sensitive) | showed the pitch to Clay onthe ten, (Have wwe ever discussed the comic strip in the office? Ever?) He started reading it. waited, He read some mote. | waited some more. | found I was getting absurdly tense having Destri asa regular character suddenly seemed absolutely vital to me. Cy finished, looked at ‘me, and said, "Yeah, okay, then” Result! While Jodafa wasnt really the Doctor's enemy in his fist appearance in Oblivion, | had always intended for him to become a proper adversary — basically, a replacement for the Master. Sory folks, but while ke the guy, I think there's a fundamental problem with that character ‘clear motivation forthe hero's arch-enemy {is essential to any story. We understand why Lex Luthor hates Superman. We know why Sideshow ob wants to kill Bart Simpson. But why does the Master want to eradicate, humiliate and annihilate the Doctor? Shhh, it's a secret! ‘Something happened in their past! We can't talk about it | can appreciate how keeping the Doctor’ history a blank slate makes him a powerful, conic figure, butt also seems to diminish the Master as a result. So | decided to give the Doctor anew time-traveling opponent, ‘one whose reason for hating him would be crystal clear. Everthing in Bod Blood was building towards that final page, and Martin, David and ‘Adrian really went to town on it I's about as shocking and disturbing a scene as we're ever likely to depict inthe strip. ‘And that was it for the hats. The holiday was over. 8S aa -e eens ene a ‘You can see where I'm going here, right? Yeah that's it Destri. know you're not sold onthe idea, but hear ‘me out. | didn't create Destri withthe intention of having her end up as a companion - she was meant to be Izzy's evil twin, nothing more. It wasnt until | was plotting out Uroboros that the thought even occurred tome that she could have a future inthe strip. But as soon as it did | got very exited, which is always a good sign. Ideas started ‘coming thick and fast. The character immediately expanded in potential. So this is how see Itall mapping out. When the Doctor and Destri meet again in the ester story, Destrii won't hhave appeared to have ‘changed at all~she'l beas ruthless as helping Jodafa with his plans, and mocking the Doctor {who's been captured). She's dressed Up inan Annie Oakey out, waving a pair of sie guns around. She's having bal, living out one of her favourte daydreams ~ an adventure in the wild west. But Destri's encounter with ty has akered hher— their mind-swap has given her some insight into avery diferent way of fe and its opened up a sense of empathy she's never before alowed COMMENTARY 207 0 experience, ‘One real chink in Destri's emotional ‘armour that’s now children. Seeing kids being threatened or abused will gether very very ‘angry for obvious reasons. And this is how the split with Jodafa occurs. Jodafrais using 2 group of Sioux Indians in Some kindof experiment - maybe a ‘mutation thing, or timewarp test, or ‘maybe he's just feeding them to some big monster Whatever. Destri willbe Fine with this — hey, hey'e only lowdown, dy Inuns afterall, the type she’s seen john Wayne mow down courtles times on TV. But then she discovers that it's the children, not the adit, Jodafa plans to ‘se. The elitist Jodafra cant understand her problem with this. He and ‘Dest are royalty; they have the right todo as they pease, and these savages are no better than the peasants they left behind on Oblivion esti disagrees, and screws up his plan. They come to blows. jodaa, furious at her disobedience, neal kills her he leaves her for dead, ‘maybe dehydrating out in a desert. The Dector finds he atthe end “our hero, The Doctor is an egalitarian fool emacs rom te. Ifthey meet again, there will be no quarter given... ing storys set aboard a futuristic medical space station. The Doctor has detailed data on Destrl's anatomy (from his time working wth Alison in Children ofthe Revolution), so the ‘medical team are able to save her. But that's the last ofthe Doctor's ‘worries. The medical station is soon under assault from saboteurs, and the Doc is plunged ito a tiling adventure packed with intrigue, spies, weird aliens, zero-gravity action scenes, etc. At the tend we find out thatthe station is engaged in an on-going cold war witha rival space hospital - they're competing for funding from some higher authority. Desti wll hve proven tobe essential tothe Doctor's victor saving not only herself but others as well~ she demonstrates some genuine heroism. ‘After some thought, the Doctor wil offer her a place aboard the TARDIS, She'll be stunned but quickly accep, jumping for joy. (One ofthe saboteurs in this story will ave disguised itself as one ‘of the nurses —a young black woman ~via some type of hologram device, Destrit will obtain this and hang on to it, giving her a human disguise fr future stories. I'll resemble her real body in shape and size maybe she'lleven keep her dreadlocks. She'll enjoy the disguise, seeing it as an extension of dressing up ina new outfit. Desri’s clothing will be waaaay more upmarket than Izzy's - she'll be in Prada leather jackets, designer ‘Tshirts, slacks, high heels or Gucci boots. Nothing but the best, So what will her relationship With the Doctor be like? —— 208 COMMENTARY Well, she's naturally curious, and willbe full of questions (unlike Izzy Having a companion who can challenge him on a physical level might who tended to research planets and species before they even landed). _ force the Dactor to reassess his own physicality. I'd be fun to see him Destri knows next to nothing about the universe— every day will bea get more active in confrontations. This isn't Willan Hartnell we're series of discoveries. The Doctor will enjoy her enthusiasm. However, dealing with here, after all -this Doctors got a she's a tourist, nota scholar, and her attention span is pretty short. That will probably frustrate him a bt. Desi presents the Doctor with a type of challenge he's never before faced. He's been fighting evil for counties years, but always ina relatively straightforward physical intellectual conflict. Blowing up an army of Cybermen is one thing, but this is a diferent kind of battle, Destri is balancing on a moral highwire ~ she could become a decent, honourable ‘young, powerful body I'd be good to see him looking more impressive in fight scenes. The Doctor and Destri could even spar inside the ~ TARDIS between adventures (a TARDIS dojo? Why not). ‘Their relationship is further complicated bby her amorous intentions toward him, This willbe kept light ~ definitely no teenage angst here, itllbe a source person or slip back into her old callous " ‘of humour. Destri willbe jealous habits. She needs (and of any other woman spending time wants) arole model. She's with the Doctor, and won't be able begun to look outside herself to realise that other lives have value. The Doctor understands that Destrii was a product ‘of her environment. Oblivion was a callous culture, and she was the lovers around the palace, but nobody who made Primatrix Incarnate ~ she was trained from childhood to perceive people any impact on he. She's an aggressive git— if 4s objects. Now that's changing. The Doctor i also aware that Destril is she finds a guy attractive she won't be shy about letting him know. to understand how he's resisting her advances. Is he '500%6 gay or something? Destri is vey confident ‘ona sexual level. She probably had plenty of an outcast ~ she can't go home. Her only link to her past, the only friend Deep down, though (at a level Destri hasn't acknowledged), her she ever had —Jadafra is now an enemy. The Doctor can, of course, wanting to bed the Doctor ish rooted in genuine sexual desire at all relate ~ this is reall all about winning his approval. Destri’s looking for love This edgier, less predictable relationship could also lead to some. fom a father figure. She'll want to please the Doctor, to be seen as interesting changes in the Doctor. We'll havea nice opportunity to worthy of him. examine the ‘outsider’ aspect of his nature. He and Dest are two aliens at large on Earth, They can explore (and study) humanity from a more detached perspective. That's something the Doctor wasn’t capable of doing with Izzy —he always has to be appear more ‘human’ with Earth companions: But shedding that Eric Cartmanesque who-gives-acrap nature won't be easy, ‘of course. And it could lead to some ‘subversive (and funny) moments ~ Destril just won't actin the way we expect of a Doctor Who companion: Doe: “Just be careful, Desi. Humans are usually avery nice species as individual, but they undergo a strange regression in large groups. ‘They'e very wibally orientated, with strong Inherent xenophobic drives. Destri: "Yeah, I've noticed they scratch Destri: “So how did you feebs tend up on this asteroid?” 7 ‘Alien: “We ae the Ketinni, Centuries ago our homeworld was destroyed by terrible —" themselves alt, too. Are they going Destri: "No, wait, stop. | to start picking the fleas out ofeach just realised something. others’ har?” 1m not interested.” ‘The Doctor's mischievous side could stat to reassert itself he might enjoy misleading Destriina casual way, taking advantage of her ignorance: Destrii considers herselfan ‘expert on Earth culture, but infact ‘everything she knows has been gleaned from 1960-70s TV shows ~ and they were mostly scifi and westerns. She's in fora lot of surprises. She'll be very naive regarding Destri “That's Mount Rushmore, acceptable social behaviour on Earth: huh? It must have taken forever for these goons to carve.” Doc: “Actually t's @ natural formation.” esti: “What?” Doe: “Yes, extraordinary, isnt it Centuries of erosion whittling away the roc, resulting in shapes that resemble faces, The natives worship them, ofcourse Destri: “That's amazing!” Doc: “They even choose thet leaders based on their resemblance to ther, Destrit: “Hey, you look like Hop Sing!” ‘Chinese Man: “Pardon me?" Destrit: "You know, Hop Sing, the CCartwrights’ cook on Bonanza! You've got those funny slanted eyes!" Wearing a black body will probably or ang stow lead to. story where she encounters front tre some racism, andi bean eye-opener “Dest Pic’ for her. Oblivion hada clear cass system, etches by but no racial divisions. This won't gether SoH? Grow. COMMENTARY 209 ‘angry in that be befuddled by ‘mammals. As time goes Desi wil defect but there are two 1 aus holo-bods. She's seeing a new face inthe mirror her real body Also, she thinks the Doctor wil find her more at won't admit to any ofthis, ofcourse, Destri isan alien, but she's been raised on fragm won't be very far removed from the readers’ lang be able to make references to anything fun from t the Adric/Nyssa trap where, because the chi audience couldn't relate to them in a p ‘While Desti's command of spoken Time Lord gift of translation), she almost completl literate in any Earth ston, (or amusing) complications in one or what money is ~ everything was just given ‘operated on a barter system, Physically she's as strong as avery weightlifter strength. She isn't superstrong. but she's hell on wheels asa fighter; an imagine. Thanks to Jodafra, she also has a «an fly (some) spaceships, operate ac understanding of weaponry. She's a good t shel be extremely useful SINS OF THE FATHERS by Scobt Gray shi ows Piet Ze Which is ely (Die screen Stee so remem patet al raped ibn hows coat" Zo Fach pert epee cin of ane at bd unripe Or somabing ey Crh amon The Zeer Spee Mote sreveore unger were mch wre conte able re Doser an Dee Seto And wth ade jr Rove enboe woreda want scnes td tate one peri ob di eta th 3th mph diner sete gttnto 210 covmeNTARY

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