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A solid has the following properties; i) hard ii) conducts electricity, iii) high density,
iv) does not change when heated to 300ºC. The solid is likely to be made up

A cardboard
B metal
C plastic
D wood

2. Eight identical small metal balls are placed into a measuring cylinder containing water.

What is the volume of 1 metal ball?

A 4cm³
B 5cm³
C 32cm³
D 82cm³

3. A Bunsen burner gives a yellow flame when the adjustable collar closes the air hole. A
yellow flame is;

A cool and sooty

B hot and clean
C hot and cool
D Cool and clean

4. Which nutrients are found in the food sample?

A glucose and starch

B iodine and starch
C protein and starch
D starch and protein

5. Tooth decay is caused by a reaction between one of the following pairs

Page 1 of 146
A sugar and bacteria
B sugar and acid
C sugar and toothpaste
D sugar and saliva

6. Which process normally takes place at X in the female reproductive system below?

A Fertilization
B implantation
C menstruation
D ovulation

7. The following are the importance of water in Botswana except

A agriculture
B industry
C domestic
D electricity

8. The diagram shows a toy car running down a track.

At which point does the car have most gravitational potential energy?

A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

9. Which of the following does not have potential energy?

A burnt flour
B brown bread

Page 2 of 146
C wound up watch spring
D crude oil

10. What would you expect to happen to the weight if you were in an aeroplane some
10km above the earth’s surface?

A decrease
B increase
C remain the same
D increase then decrease

11. What gas is produced in the set up below?

A carbon dioxide
B hydrogen
C nitrogen
D oxygen

12. The table below shows the mass, height and cross section area of four cylinders.
Which cylinder has the highest density?


A 1000 1.5 1
B 1000 1.0 2
C 2000 0.5 1
D 2000 1.0 2

13. In which of the following will a burning wooden splint burn most brightly?

A a mixture of carbon dioxide

B pure oxygen
C pure carbon dioxide
D air
Page 3 of 146
Below are four steps for carrying out a test for the presence in green leaves
1 wash in warm water
2 heat in alcohol
3 add iodine
4 boil in water

14. In which order should these steps be carried out

A 1,2,4,3
B 4,2,1,3
C 1,3,4,2
D 4,3,1,2

15. The purpose of step 2 in question 14-heat in alcohol, is to

A kill the cell

B soften the leaves
C test for starch
D removes chlorophyll

16. Which diagram shows the best way to use a funnel?

17. Which one of the following is not a use of ultrasound waves?

A scanning
B measuring sea depth
C bats navigation
D microwave communication

18. Which hormone do girls secrete when they reach puberty?

A adrenaline
B insulin
C oestrogen
D testosterone

19. Which region of the alimentary canal has the greatest surface area for the absorption
of food?
Page 4 of 146
A small intestine
B large intestine
C stomach
D rectum

20. What stage does P represent in the water cycle below?

A convection
B evaporation
C freezing
D precipitation

21. Which numbered part of the heart is correctly matched?


A 1 2
B 1 3
C 2 4
D 3 4

22. Which alternative source of energy

is most abundant in Botswana?

A bio-gas
B firewood
C sun
D wind

23. The gestation period of human embryo is about

A 6 months
B 8 months
C 9 months
D 10 months

24. Which property of the body will be affected by a change in gravity?

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A mass
B temperature
C volume
D weight

25. Water from a solar still is safe to drink because

B heat from the sun kills the micro-organisms

B micro-organisms are left behind when the water evaporates
C it takes so long to get water that the micro-organism die
D solar still contain chlorine to kill micro-organisms

26. In solids, thermal energy is transferred by conduction. What is the cause of


A change in density
B expansion
C Infra-red radiation
D molecular vibration

27. A child complained of a pain in the stomach after eating a large meal, her mother
gave her milk of magnesia, soon the pain stopped. It is like the milk of magnesia

A killed the germs that were causing the pain

B covered the sore part of the stomach and stopped the pain
C causing the extra food to move quickly through the stomach
D neutralized the excess stomach acid which was causing the pain

28. A child is very thin, has limbs like sticks, its ribs sticks out, and it looks like an old
man. Which one of the following diseases is it most likely be suffering from?

A kwashiorkor
B scurvy
C marasmus
D beri-beri

29. Which tooth is used for tearing food in the diagram below?

30. Which one of the following best describes as an organ not a tissue?
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A kidney
B bone
C muscle
D nerve

Use the following information to answer question 31

A crystal of potassium permanganate was place in a beaker half filled with water as
shown. After sometime, the water turned purple.

31. Which process caused the water to turn purple?

A diffusion and convection
B dissolving and convection
C dissolving and diffusion
D melting and evaporation

32. A tuning fork makes 1024 complete vibrations in 4 seconds. The frequency of the
tuning fork is

A 256Hz
B 512Hz
C 1024Hz
D 4096Hz

33. What conclusion can be drawn from the area marked Z on the graph below?

A the volume of gas increase with time

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B the volume of gas remained constant
C the gas particle lost some kinetic energy
D the gas particles gained some kinetic energy

34. Which statement best describe the action of a solar photovoltaic panel on a clinic
A sunlight is changed to electricity
B sunlight is used to heat water
C the panel is used to cool the roof
D sunlight is used to purify water

35. The sense organ in the upper part of the nose is those of;

A sight
B smell
C taste
D touch

36. The diagram below shows water evaporating in different conditions. Which would
have most rapid evaporation?

37. Three boys go for a swim in a lake. The water temperature of the lake is 25ºC.
Boy X has been running in a long distance race.
Boy Y has been sitting in the sun in a temperature of 25C.
Boy Z has been sitting in the shade in a temperature of 15ºC.

To which, if any, will the water feel hottest?

A boy X
B boy Y
C boy Z
D it will feel the same for all

38. We use a balance to measure the quantity of material making up an object. When we
do this we are measuring the object’s

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A length
B mass
C volume
D area

Use the pictures below to answer question 38

39. The animals above show one of the characteristics of life. Which characteristic are
they most likely showing?

A movement
B growth
C reproduction
D excretion

40. Which one of the following provides the body with large amounts of energy?

A roughages
B vitamins
C carbohydrates
D mineral salts

41. Which unit would be useful for expressing the length of a science laboratory?

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A mm
B cm
C km

42. What is the mass of an iron rod of density 7g/cm³ with a volume of 5cm³?

A 5g
B 7g
C 12g
D 35g

43. Which is the distinguishing feature of a person who is a scientist?

A nationality
B age
C method of working
D gender

44. Study the diagram below. Then decide which of the following statements is true.

A iron is less dense than wood

B wood is less dense than iron and water
C water is less dense than cork
D cooking oil is more dense than wood

45. A hypothesis is;

A a fair test
B a record of observation
C a guess that can be tested
D a problem to be solved

46. To do scientific experiments, which one of the following is always necessary?

Page 10 of 146
A special apparatus
B careful observation
C a certificate in science
D mixtures of chemicals

47. Katso finds a bottle in the laboratory with a liquid that looks like water. The bottle
has no label. Which of the following is the best he could do?

A empty the contents into the sink

B label the bottle water
C bring it to the attention of the teacher
D taste it to find out if it taste like water

48. Which on of the following should NOT be used to put out a fire caused by high

A sand
B a fire blanket
C a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
D a water fire extinguisher

49. When a glass beaker is heated with a flame, a metal gauze is placed over the flame.

This is done to
A keep the beaker clean
B save energy
C prevent fires
D spread the heat

50. Which of the following correctly describe the arrangement of particles in solids and

Solids Liquids

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A Closely parked Regularly arranged
B Regularly arranged Loosely parked
C Loosely parked Further apart
D Further apart Closely packed

51. The standard unit of time is

A minute
B seconds
C hour
D day

52. What is the set-up below used for?

A for measuring the density of an object that floats in water

B for measuring the density of an object that sinks in water
C for measuring the volume an object that sinks in water
D for measuring the volume an object that float in water

53. A crystal of copper is carefully placed at the bottom of a beaker full of water. The
beaker is left until there is no further change. One may then observe a

A uniformly blue solution

B colourles liquid with blue crystals unchanged
C blue layer below a colourless layer
D colourless below a blue layer

54. The following are important uses of water in Botswana except

A Agriculture
B Industry
C Domestic
D Electricity

55. What is the reading on the instrument below?

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A 3.30
B 3.60
C 3.75
D 3.90

56. Which organisms are primary and secondary consumers?

Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer

A Bean plant Hare
B Chicken Grasshopper
C Fox Mouse
D Hare eagle

57. Which of the following would happen if all the chickens died?

A All eagles would also die

B The number of grasshoppers would increase
C The number of foxes would increase
D The number of bean plants would increase

58. Which deficiency disease is caused by lack of iodine in the diet?

A Anaemia
B Goitre
C Kwashioorkor
D Rickets

59. Which of the following correctly describes the arrangement of particles in solids and
Solids Liquids
A Closely packed Regularly arranged
B Regularly arranged Loosely packed
C Loosely packed Further apart
D Further apart Closely packed

60. Which type of nerve carries messages from the brain to the muscles?

A Auditory
B Optic
C Motor

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D Sensory

61. A tuning fork makes 1024 complete vibrations in 4 seconds. The frequency of the
tuning fork is

A 256Hz
B 512Hz
C 1024Hz
D 4096Hz

62. Which of the following substances is a mixture?

A Air
B Table salt
C Iron
D Water

63. Which of the following describe a substance that dissolves in a liquid?

A solvent
B solute
C distillate
D solution

64. Which part of the camera has the same function as the eyelids?

A Aperture
B Diaphragm
C Shutter
D Lens

65. Which term refers to the release of a mature ovum from the ovary?

A ovulation
B menstruation
C implantation
D fertilization

66. What eye defect causes inability to focus on horizontal and vertical lines at the same

A Long sight
B Shot sight
C Astigmatism
D Accommodation

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67. A stone of 30g displaces 15cm³ of water in a measuring cylinder. What is the density
of the stone?
A 0.5g/cm³
B 2.0g/cm³
C 15.0g/cm³
D 45g/cm³

68. Which of the following is the correct order of the main stages of birth?

First last

A Baby emerges, placenta expelled, contractions, membrane break

B Placenta expelled, contractions. Membrane break, baby emerges
C Membranes break, baby emerges, contractions, placenta expelled
D Contractions, membrane expelled, baby emerges, placenta expelled

69. Which air component is correctly matched with its percentage composition?

Air component Percentage composition

A Carbon dioxide 0.03%
B Oxygen 1%
C Nitrogen 20%
D Water vapour 78%

70. Which of the following hormones will be secreted into the blood of a runner who is
about to participate in a race?

A Adrenalin
B Insulin
C Oestrogen
D Progesterone

71. Which two substances are correctly classified?

Element Compound
A Table salt Copper
B Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide
C Sulphur Iron
D Zinc Calcium carbonate

72. Which process are represented by X,Y and Z in the cycle?

A Photosynthesis Fossilization Combustion
B Decaying Combustion Fossilization

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C Photosynthesis Decaying Combustion
D Fossilization combustion decaying

73. Which substance is a catalyst in the equation shown?

Manganese (iv) oxide

Hydrogen peroxide water + oxygen

A Hydrogen peroxide
B manganese (iv) oxide
C Oxygen
D Water

74. Which of the following is not a method of communicating with the environment?

A Burning
B Feeling
C Hearing
D Writing

75. An organism has the same colour as trees and bushes it leaves in. Which word
describes the situation?

A Competition
B Camouflage
C Parasite
D Symbiosis

76. Which of the following particle of an atom is correctly matched with its charge?

Particle Charge
A Electron Negative
B Proton Neutral
C Proton Negative
D neutron Positive

77. Which part of the flower develops into a seed after fertilization?

A Anther
B Stigma
C Ovule
D Ovary

78. In what form is energy stored in coal?

A heat

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B light
C kinetic energy
D chemical energy

79. The earth’s most important source of energy is;

A coal
B oil
C hydro-electric power
D the sun

80. Which reservoir is correctly matched with its water source?


A Delta underground
B Lake underground
C River surface
D Borehole surface

81. What energy does the ball in the diagram posses at position X as it falls to the

A gravitational and heat

B kinetic and gravitational
C mechanical and gravitational
D mechanic and kinetic

82. What form of energy does water have at the various stage in that water cycles?

Clouds rain river

A gravitational kinetic
B gravitational kinetic kinetic
C kinetic kinetic gravitational
D kinetic sound kinetic

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82. What is the correct order of the vibration of the cochlea, eardrum and small bones
during hearing?

A eardrum, cochlea, small bones

B eardrum, small bones, cochlea
C cochlea, eardrum, small bones
D small bones, eardrum, cochlea

83. Sound travels faster through

A gases
B liquids
C solids
D vacuum

84. The term used to refer to the greatest distance moved by a vibrating particle from the
resting position is

A frequency
B wavelength
C amplitude
D rarefaction

85. A sound produced by a large number of vibrations per second must be

A low pitched
B high pitched
C quiet
D loud

86. Which of the following is an example of renewable source of energy?

A diesel
B paraffin
C coal
D wood

87. Which of the following does not have potential energy?

A burnt flour
B brown bread
C wound up watch spring
D crude oil

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88. Water in a dam has

A kinetic energy
B potential energy
C electrical energy
D light energy

89. Which of the following statement is NOT true about echoes?

A echoes are produced only at night

B echoes travel at same speed as the original sound
C bats use echoes to locate and avoid obstacles
D echoes are used to monitor the development of an embryo

90. The semi-circular canals in the ear help us to

A hear low pitched sounds

B simplify sound vibrations
C keeps our balance
D direct sound waves into ear

91. Which alternative source of energy is most abundant in Botswana?

A bio-gas
B firewood
C sun
D wind

92. A tuning fork makes 1024 complete vibrations in 4 seconds. The frequency of the
tuning fork is

A 256Hz
B 512Hz
C 1024Hz
D 4096Hz

93. The earth’s most important source of energy is

A the sun
B coal
C oil
D hydro-electricity

94. Which process normally takes place at X in the female reproductive system below?

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A fertilization
B implantation
C menstruation
D ovulation

95. People who contact AIDS die from a variety of diseases. This is because AIDS

A destroys body’s immune system

B gives the body acquired immunity
C is a deficiency disease
D Is caused by a number of viruses

96. Which of the following changes occurs in girls only at puberty?

A growth of pubic hair

B widening of hips
C growth of hair under armpits
D body becomes muscular

97. Which hormone controls the development of secondary sexual characteristics in


A progesterone
B testosterone
C oestrogen
D insulin

98. Which of the following is a sexually transmitted disease?

A uterus warts
B testis thrush
C chanchroid
D cold sores

99. Which of the following methods CANNOT transmit HIV?

A unsafe sexual contact

B using infected transfusions
C breast-feeding babies
D using sterilized needles

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100. Birth control is used for

A Preventing sexual diseases

B having large families
C having fewer children
D causing abortion

101. STD’s that can be treated with antibiotics are caused by

A worm
B fungus
C virus
D bacteria

102. Semen leaves the body through

A vagina
B sperm duct
C urethra
D testes

103. The gestation period of human embryo is about

A 6 months
B 8 months
C 9 months
D 10 months

104. Which hormone do girls secrete when they reach puberty?

A adrenaline
B insulin
C oestrogen
D testosterone

105. Which of the following best describes vasectomy?

A testes are cut and removed

B sperms ducts are tied, cut and removed
C sperms ducts are cut and tied
D testes are not allowed any blood supply

106. John and Janet are 14 year old twins. Even though they are always provided with
highly nutritional food, Jane is found to be occasionally anaemic. The explanation for this
could be that Jane is

Page 21 of 146
A too fat
B diabetic
C menstruating
D ovulating

107. I human being fertilization of the ovum occurs in the

A uterus
B vagina
C ovary
D oviduct

108. Which food prevents constipation?

A fibre
B minerals
C proteins
D vitamins

109. Which mineral element is correctly matched with its deficiency diseases?

Minerals deficiency diseases

A calcium scurvy
B fluorine rickets
C iodine marasmus
D iron anemia

Use the information below to answer question 3. The following colours were observed
when testing a food sample.

Test colour observed

i) Iodine blue black
ii) Benedict’s solution blue
iii) Burette violet

110. Which nutrients are found in the food sample?

A glucose and starch

B iodine and starch
C protein and starch
D starch and protein

112. Which food substance is correctly matched with its product after digestion?

Food products

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A fats amino acids
B protein glycerol
C proteins fatty acids
D starch glucose

113. Which numbered parts of the heart are correctly matched?

Right ventricle Left ventricle

A 1 2
B 1 3
C 2 4
D 3 4

114. When the daily energy intake from food exceeds the body’s requirement, which of
the following condition will develop with time?

A anaemia
B obesity
C marasmus
D kwashiorkor

115. Which blood group can be donated to any patient?


116. In which of the following alimentary canal does the digestion of starch begin?

A ileum

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B mouth
C oesophagus
D stomach

117. A blood recipient during blood transfusion is a person

A giving blood
B whose blood is clotting
C who is given blood
D whose blood has tested positive for a disease

118. Oxygenated blood is NOT carried by the

A pulmonary vein
B left ventricle
C right atrium
D aorta

119. Pulse rate is

A the number of heart beat in a minute

B the flow of blood in the body
C the pumping of oxygen to the body by the heart in a second
D the movement of blood in the arteries

120. The most common symptoms of food poisoning is

A constipation
B vomiting
C cramps
D nausea

Below are four steps for carrying out a test for the presence in green leaves
1 wash in warm water
2 heat in alcohol
3 add iodine
4 boil in water

121. In which order should these steps be carried out

A 1,2,4,3
B 4,2,1,3
C 1,3,4,2
D 4,3,1,2

122. Inside a tooth is a pulp cavity which contains

Page 24 of 146
A dentine
B dentures
C blood vessels and nerves
D gums

123. Tooth decay is caused by a reaction between one of the following pairs

A sugar and bacteria

B sugar and acid
C sugar and toothpaste
D sugar and saliva

124. The purpose of step 2 in question 14-heat in alcohol, is to

A kill the cell

B soften the leaves
C test for starch
D removes chlorophyll

125. Which region of the alimentary canal has the greatest surface area for the absorption
of food?

A small intestine
B large intestine
C stomach
D rectum

126. A child complained of a pain in the stomach after eating a large meal, her mother
gave her milk of magnesia, soon the pain stopped. It is like the milk of magnesia

A killed the germs that were causing the pain

B covered the sore part of the stomach and stopped the pain
C causing the extra food to move quickly through the stomach
D neutralized the excess stomach acid which was causing the pain

127. A child is very thin, has limbs like sticks, its ribs sticks out, and it looks like an old
man. Which one of the following diseases is it most likely be suffering from?

A kwashiorkor
B scurvy
C marasmus
D beri-beri

128. Which tooth is used for tearing food in the diagram below?

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129. Which one of the following provides the body with large amounts of energy?
A roughages
B vitamins
C carbohydrates
D mineral salts

130. Which substance will make the surfaces of your teeth stronger if it is included in
tour diet?

A animal fats
B carrots
C fluoride
D vitamin

131. What type of tooth is shown below?

A canine
B incisors
C molar
D premolar

132. Which disease is caused by diet deficient in calcium?

A goitre
B kwashiorkor
C rickets
D scurvy

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133. Why is toothpaste used in brushing teeth?

A to kill bacteria
B to neutralize the acid
C to neutralize the saliva
D to remove the food

A student placed a piece of food in a test tube. She added Benedict’s solution into the
test tube and placed it in a beaker filled with cold water. Use the information to answet
question 26 and 27.

134. The student was testing the food for the presence of

A carbohydrate
B glucose
C starch
D fats

135 How can the student improve the experiment in order to get proper results?

A add more Benedict’s solution

B place the tube next to the window
C add more piece and shake
D heat the beaker filled with cold water

136. In solids, thermal energy is transferred by conduction. What is the cause of


A change in density
B expansion
C infra-red radiation
D molecular vibration

137. A Bunsen burner gives a yellow flame when the adjustable collar closes the air hole.
A yellow flame is;

A cool and sooty

B hot and clean
C hot and cool
D cool and clean

138. Which is the distinguishing feature of a person who is a scientist?

A nationality
B age

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C method of working
D gender

139. A hypothesis is;

A a fair test
B a record of observation
C a guess that can be tested
D a problem to be solved

140. To do scientific experiments, which one of the following is always necessary?

A special apparatus
B careful observation
C a certificate in science
D mixtures of chemicals

141. Katso finds a bottle in the laboratory with a liquid that looks like water. The bottle
has no label. Which of the following is the best he could do?

A empty the contents into the sink

B label the bottle water
C bring it to the attention of the teacher
D taste it to find if it taste like water

142. Which of the following should NOT be used to put out fire caused by high voltage?

A sand
B a fire blanket
C a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
D a water fire extinguisher
143. When a glass beaker is heated with a flame, metal gauze is placed over the flame as
shown below.

This is done to

Page 28 of 146
A keep the beaker clean
B save energy
C prevent
D spread the heat

144. First aid is

A food given to people

B feeding hungry children
C stopping the blood loss of an injured person
D an operation performed by a doctor

145. Which diagram shows the best way to use a funnel?

146. The sense organ in the upper part of the nose is those of;

A sight
B smell
C taste
D touch

147. Which of the statement about a scientific observation would be correct?

A it can be done without using one’s senses

B it can only be done by using one or more of one’s senses
C it is usually the last step of the investigation
D it is of very little importance in an investigation

148. What do the safety symbols below P and Q represent?

A irritant flammable

Page 29 of 146
B corrosive poisonous
C poisonous flammable
D explosive irritant

149. Which step comes first when carrying out a scientific investigation?

A deciding what apparatus to use

B doing an experiment
C identifying a problem
D making a hypothesis

150. Physics is the study of

A chemical changes in matter

B rocks on the earth’s crust
C matter
D animals

151. Which of the following is not a reason for recording what scientist has done?

A so that other people can see and read it

B to help them remember what they have done
C may be useful if they want to do the experiment again
D so that they can show the records to their families

Sturdy the diagram below and answer question 16

152. Which of the following statement corresponds to the massage give by the drawing?

A Do not use the resource

B use more of the resource
C recycle the resource
D avoid wasting the resource

153. A boy stands 5m away from a plane mirror. How far must he walk to be 2m from
the image?

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A 5m
B 4m
C 3m
D 2m

154. Which of the following object is non-luminous?

A burning candle
B moon
C sun
D star

155. Which diagram shows the shape of his eye lens when looking at the airplane and
then at the watch?

156. Which diagram shows the correct position of red and violet colours when a ray of
white light is split by a prism?

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157. Which property of light is illustrated by the diagram below?

A absorption
B dispersion
C reflection
D reflection

158. Which part of the camera has the same function as the eyelids?

A aperture
B diaphragm
C shutter
D lens

159. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of the image formed by plane

A virtual
B upright
C real
D laterally inverted

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160. The image formed by the plane mirror is

A equal in size as the object

B smaller in size than the object
C slightly bigger in size than the object
D bigger in size than object

161. Short sightedness can be corrected by using

A concave lens
B convex lens
C concave mirror
D convex mirror

162. The thickness of eye lens is controlled by

A retina
B iris
C pupil
D cillary muscles

163. We can see lightning before the thunder because

A light travels faster than sound

B sound travels faster than light
C thunder is produced after lightning
D lightning is produced after thunder

164. Which of the following best describe the image formed on a plane mirror?

A real, erect, laterally inverted and the same size of the object
B virtual, inverted and the same size as the object
C real, erect, and smaller than the object
D virtual, inverted and the same size as the object

164. Which of the following light diagrams is not correct?

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165. Which eye sight defect is corrected by wearing spectacles with concave lenses?

A short sighted
B long sight
C colour blindness
D poor night vision

166. The following are all examples of optical instruments except

A camera
B prism
C Film projector
D hand lens

167. A boy is reading a book. He hears noise far away and looks up to see what is

What changes take place in his eye as he moves his view from the book to the source of
the distant sound?

A the eye lens becomes thicker

B the eye lens becomes thinner
C the pupil becomes larger
D the pupil becomes smaller

168. The following are all the eye diseases except

A Trachoma
B cataract
D conjunctiva

169. Refraction will take place when light

A pass from air to glass

B pass through air
C move through a glass block
D bounces of a mirror

170. Which of the following is a function of a convex mirror?

A headlights in cars
B for anti-theft mirror
C for shaving and make up mirror
D for focusing image on the mirror

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171Which unit would be most useful for expressing the length of a science laboratory?

A mm
B cm
D km

The cuboid in the diagram has a mass of 70kg. It measures 0.5m by 20cm by 100mm.

172. What is its volume?

A 10cm³
B 100cm³
C 1 000cm³
D 10 000cm³

173. What is density?

A 70kg/cm³
B 70g/cm³
C 700g/cm³
D 7g/cm³

174. Which of the following is the greatest fall in temperature?

A 210C to 50ºC
B 60ºC to 110ºC
C 100ºC to 0ºC
D 100ºC to - 100ºC

175. The time of swing of pendulum can be increased by;

A increasing the length of the pendulum

B decreasing the length of the pendulum
C increasing the mass of the pendulum bob
D decreasing the mass of the pendulum bob

Page 35 of 146
176. The temperature of pure boiling water in Botswana is likely to be;

A 32ºC
B 95ºC
C 100ºC
D 212ºC

177. Eight identical small metal balls are placed into a measuring cylinder containing

What is the volume of 1 metal ball?

Page 36 of 146
A 4cm³
B 5cm³
C 32cm³
D 82cm³

178. What is the mass of an iron rod of density 7g/cm³ with a volume of 5cm³?

A 5g
B 7g
D 35g

179. The standard unit of time is

A minute
B seconds
C our
D day

180. What is the set-up below used for?

A for measuring the density of an object that floats in water

B for measuring the density of an object that sinks in water
C for measuring the volume an object that sinks in water
D for measuring the volume an object that float in water

181. What is the reading on the instrument below?

Page 37 of 146
A 3.30
B 3.60
C 3.75
D 3.90

182. The distance between Serowe and Palapye is 44Km. What is the distance in

A 44m
B 440m
C 4 400m
D 44 000m

183. What is the scale reading on the diagram below?

A 5.85g
B 58.5g
C 585g
D 558g

184. One square metre (1m²) equals

A 100cm²
B 1 000cm²
C 10 000cm²
D 100 000cm²

185. The table below shows the mass, height and cross section area of four cylinders.
Which cylinder has the highest density?


A 1000 1.5 1
B 1000 1.0 2
Page 38 of 146
C 2000 0.5 1
D 2000 1.0 2

186. What conclusion can be drawn from the area marked Z on the graph below?

A the volume of gas increase with time

B the volume of gas remained constant
C the gas particle lost some kinetic energy
D the gas particles gained some kinetic energy

187. Three boys go for a swim in a lake. The water temperature of the lake is 25ºC.
Boy X has been running in a long distance race.
Boy Y has been sitting in the sun in a temperature of 25C.
Boy Z has been sitting in the shade in a temperature of 15ºC.

To which, if any, will the water feel hottest?

A boy X
B boy Y
C boy Z
D it will feel the same for all

188. We use a balance to measure the quantity of material making up an object. When we
do this we are measuring the object’s

A length
B mass
C volume
D area

189. How can the sensitivity of a liquid-in-glass thermometer be increased?

A use a bulb with a thinner wall

B use a liquid with a higher boiling point
C use a liquid which is a better conductor of heat
D use a tube with a narrow bore

Page 39 of 146
A Perspex box has a 6cm square base and contains water to a height of 7cm. Use these
information to answer question 19 and 20

190. What is the volume of water?

A 36 cm³
B 252 cm²
C 72 cm³
D 252 cm³

191. A stone is lowed into the water so that it is completed covered and the water rises to
a height of 9cm, what is the volume of water displaced?

A 324 cm³
B 252 cm³
C 72 cm³
D 42 cm³

192. A container of mass 100g contains 80 cm³ of a liquid. The total mass of the liquid
and the container is 140g.

What is the density of the liquid?

A 0,05g/cm³
B 0,80g/cm³
C 1,75g/cm³
D 2,00g/cm³

193. Which part of apparatus is most suitable for accurately measuring out 23,0 cm³ of

Page 40 of 146
194. Why is the straight bore in a clinical thermometer narrow?

A to give linear scale

B to improve the sensitivity of the thermometer
C to increase the thermometer’s range
D to prevent the mercury returning to the bulb

195. What is the reading on this thermometer?

A 30.1ºC
B 35.9ºC
C 37.0ºC
D 40.0ºC

196. A student has a mass of 45kg. What is the weight of the student on earth? (1kg =
10N on earth).

A 0.045N
B 0.45N
C 45N
D 450N

197. The distance between Serowe and Palapye is 44km. What is the distance in

Page 41 of 146
A 44m
B 440m
C 4 400m
D 44 000m

198. A piece of bubble gum is flattened into a very thin sheet. Which property of the
bubble gum remains unchanged?

A mass
B shape
C area
D length

199. Which of the following is a unit of length?

A Square centimetre
B cubic metre
C millimetre
D milliliter

200. What is the reading on the triple beam balance bellow?

A 2.648 g
B 264.8 g
C 26.8 g
D 2648 g

201. Which of the thermometers shown below is measuring room temperature in


Page 42 of 146
102. What are the units of mass and weight?
A kilogram kilogram
B kilogram Newton
C Newton kilogram
D Newton Newton

203. The best way to find the volume of a stone is to use

A string
B ruler
C measuring cylinder
D string and measuring cylinder

204. What is the reading shown on the voltmeter below?

Page 43 of 146
A 0.22V
B 0.24V
C 2.2V
D 2.4V

205. One litre of pure water has a

A volume of 1000mm³
B mass of 10 000g
C mass of 1 000g
D mass of 10 000mg

206. The standard unit of measuring weight is

A kilogram
B joules
C Newton
D grams

207. The thickness of 100 papers is 11.5mm. The thickness of one paper is:

A 115mm
B 11.5mm
C 1.15mm
D 0.115mm

208. The density of the block of 15g mass below is;

Page 44 of 146
A 2g/cm³
B 450g/cm³
C 0.5g/cm³
D 1g/cm³

209. Which of the following animals is a vertebrate?

A a millipede
B a snail
C a crab
D an ostrich

300. Which is not normally a characteristic of a reptile?

A covered in scales
B lay eggs
C body temperature constant
D inhale air

301. Water vapour can be turned into liquid by;

A being placed in a vacuum

B cooling
C heating
D chromatography

302. A solid has the following properties; i) hard ii) conducts electricity, iii) high density,
iv) does not change when heated to 300ºC. The solid is likely to be made up

A cardboard
B metal
C plastic
D wood

303. Which of the following correctly describe the arrangement of particles in solids and

Solids Liquids
A Closely parked Regularly arranged
B Regularly arranged Loosely parked
C Loosely parked Further apart
D Further apart Closely packed

304. A crystal of copper is carefully placed at the bottom of a beaker full of water. The
beaker is left until there are no further changes. One may then observe a

Page 45 of 146
A uniform blue solution
B colourless liquid with blue crystal unchanged
C blue layer below a colourless layer
D colourless layer below a blue layer

The table below gives the melting and boiling points of four substances.

Substance Melting point (ºC) Boiling point (ºC)

1 0 100
2 327 1744
3 -39 357
4 -218 -183

305. Which substance is likely to be water?


306. Which substance is likely to be oxygen?


307. Which substance is likely to be lead?


308. Which arrow in the diagram below represents sublimation?

Page 46 of 146
309. Which property of the body will be affected by a change in gravity?

A mass
B temperature
C volume
D weight

310. Which one of the following best describes as an organ not a tissue?

A kidney
B bone
C muscle
D nerve

Use the following information to answer question 15

A crystal of potassium permanganate was place in a beaker half filled with water as
shown. After sometime, the water turned purple.

311. Which process caused the water to turn purple?

A diffusion and convection
B dissolving and convection
C dissolving and diffusion
D melting and evaporation

312. The diagram below shows water evaporating in different conditions. Which would
have most rapid evaporation?

Page 47 of 146
313. The diagram below was used to demonstrate diffusion in gases. The cover slip was
later removed.

314. Which of the following is NOT matter?

A air
B ice cream
C smoke
D sunlight

315. Which diagram shows the arrangement of particle in a solid?

Page 48 of 146
316. Two large balloons balanced on rule shown below

If air in A is removed, which of the following will be the result?

317. A liquid is more difficult to compress than a gas because the molecules of a liquid

Page 49 of 146
A close together than in a gas
B moving rapidly
C very small
D random arranged

318. When a phase change take place

A heat is always gained

B heat is either gained or lost
C there is a small change in mass
D there is no change in volume

319. Diffusion occurs faster in

A solids
B liquids
C gases
D a vacuum

320. To change water from a liquid to a solid state one has to

A condense water vapour

B cool water to 4ºC
C cool water to temperature below 0ºC
D cool boiling water to room temperature

321. The spaces between particles in a gas are;

A large than in a solid

B smaller than in liquids
C the same size as in a solid
D the same size as in a liquid

322. The life cycle of a fly is;

A egg–larva-pupa-adult
B pupa-egg-larva-adult
C larva-pupa-egg-adult
D egg-larva-adult-pupa

323. What gas is produced in the set up below?

Page 50 of 146
A carbon dioxide
B hydrogen
C nitrogen
D oxygen

324. When a small quantity of salt is placed in warm water it;

A condenses
B dissolves
C evaporates
D filtrates

325. Which of the following will not help solid to dissolve quickly in water?

A use a small piece of solid

B use warm water
C stirring the water
D use a large beaker

326. Water from a solar still is safe to drink because

B heat from the sun kills the micro-organisms

B micro-organisms are left behind when the water evaporates
C it takes so long to get water that the micro-organism die
D solar still contain chlorine to kill micro-organisms

327. Why is chlorine added to drinking water?

A to make it taste
B to remove smell

Page 51 of 146
C to destroy germs
D to make it white

328. Why is borehole safe to drink?

A it is filtered as it goes down the ground

B germs cannot live under the ground
C the engine destroys contained in the water
D the water is covered by the ground

329. The following are the importance of water in Botswana except

A agriculture
B industry
C domestic
D electricity

330. Which of the following is the largest water storage dam in Botswana?

A Mopipi
B Shashe
C Nnywane
D Gaborone

331. What stage does P represent in the water cycle below?

A convection
B evaporation
C freezing
D precipitation

The diagram below shows a first aid technique applied after an accident. Use it to
answer question 332

Page 52 of 146
332. What condition is treated with the technique shown?

A breathing problems
B broken nose
C eye injuries
D insect bites

333. Which method of birth control prevents sperms from entering the uterus?

A diaphragm
B intra-uterine device
C the pill
D tubal ligation

334. Which diagram shows the correct position of an eye when reading the volume of a
liquid in a measuring cylinder?

335. What is the smallest division on the instrument shown?

Page 53 of 146
A 1.0 cm
B 0.1 cm
C 0.01 cm
D 0.001 cm

The diagram below shows the level of water before and after heating. Use it to
answer question 336

336. after the water was heated its level rose because the particles

A moved further apart

B lost kinetic energy
C increased in size
D increased in number

337. Which reproductive part deposits sperms into the vagina?

A testis
B sperm duct
C prostate gland
D penis

338. What part is labeled X in the diagram of the eye shown below?

Page 54 of 146
A cornea
B iris
C lens
D pupil

339. Which elements are present in the compound NaHCO3?

A Sodium, Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen

B Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Calcium, Oxygen
C Sodium, Helium, Carbon, Oxygen
D Nitrogen, Helium, Calcium, Oxygen

339. Which property of an object does NOT change when a force is applied on the

A shape
B| speed
C mass
D direction

340. Which of the following organisms has moist skin, is cold blooded and lays eggs?

A duck
B frog
C fish
D snake

341. Which instrument is used to measure force?

Page 55 of 146
342. Which energy changes occur when a person falls from the top of a tree?

A gravitational → kinetic → sound

B gravitational → sound → kinetic
C kinetic → gravitational → sound
D kinetic → sound → gravitational

The diagram below shows a set-up used to separate components of a mixture. Use it
to answer questions 343 and 344.

343. Which process occurs at X and Y?

Page 56 of 146
A Evaporation Condensation
B Boiling Evaporation
C Condensation Sublimation
D sublimation boiling

344. What term is used to describe substance Z?

A precipitation
B distillate
C solution
D filtrate

345. Which is the correct order of steps in a water purification system?

A sedimentation, filtration, chlorination

B sedimentation, chlorination, filtration
C filtration, chlorination, sedimentation
D chlorination, filtration, sedimentation

The diagram below shows stages of water cycle. Use it to answer question 346.

346. What process occurs at R?

A condensation
B evaporation
C precipitation
D transpiration
347. What is the function of the part labeled Y in the diagram of plane cell below?

Page 57 of 146
A to maintain the shape of the cell
B to control activities in the cell
C to store chlorophyll used during photosynthesis
D to control the movement of substances in and out of the cell

348. What colour coat would make an object to absorb most heat energy?

A black
B grey
C red
D white

The diagram below shows a set-up used to investigate digestion of starch. Use it to
answer question 349 and 350.

349. Why is the test tube placed in warm water?

A to denature enzymes
B to increase enzymes activity
C to reduce enzyme activity
D to stop the substances from reacting
350. What colour change will be observed when the mixture in the test tube is heated?

Page 58 of 146
A blue to orange
B brown to blue-black
C blue to purple
D colourless to brown

351. How many sperm cells and ova are needed for the formation of identical twins?

Number of sperm cells Number of ova

A 1 1
B 1 2
C 2 1
D 2 2

351. Which characteristic of carbon dioxide distinguishes it from other gases?

A it dissolves in water
B it does not have odour
C it turns limewater milky
D it does not support burning

The graph below shows the number of bubbles produced per minute when
magnesium metal reacts with hydrochloric acid. Use it to answer question 352

352. Why does the number of bubbles decrease with time?

Page 59 of 146
A the gas produced prevents further reaction
B the concentration of the acids increases
C the reaction era being used up
D the reaction has stopped

353. Jane and john sit next to each other in class. Which disease is john likely to contract
from Jane if she has got it?

A bilharzia
B gonorrhea
C marasmus
D polio

354. In the diagram of cell below, what is the part labeled X?

A Cell membrane
B Cell wall
C Cytoplasm
D Nucleus

355. If one drinks too much salty water, the excess water and salts are removed from the
body by the kidneys. This is an example of…..
A Respiration
B Excretion
C Urinating
D Elimination

356. On the diagram below, which part of the tooth would be the first to be corroded?

Page 60 of 146
357. Which group of food is rich in proteins?

A Bread, Potatoes, Maize

B Cabbage, Spinach, Carrots
C Groundnuts, Rice, Mealie meal
D Meat, Eggs, Mophane worm

358. Four beakers with water at different temperatures were filled with 20g of sugar. In
which beaker did the sugar dissolve fastest?

359. Which of the following objects is non-luminous?

Page 61 of 146
A Burning candle
B moon
C sun
D Star

160. If different masses of salt are added into different volume of water shown below,
which test tube will contain the most concentrated solution?

161. Which instrument is used to focus on enlarged image onto a screen?

A Camera
B Microscope
C Periscope
D Projector

162. Which of the following colour is NOT a component of white light?

A Blue
B Black
C Green
D Yellow

Use the diagram of the cross-section through a human ear to answer question 163 and

Page 62 of 146
163. Which part of the ear would be damaged by using sharp objects to remove wax?


164. What is the function of the of the ear flap?

A To amplify the vibration of the sound waves

B To direct sound waves into the ear
C To transmit sound waves to the brain
D To maintain pressure within the ear

165. What food would give a positive test for glucose in the set-up below?

Page 63 of 146
A Apple
B Bread
C Egg
D Groundnut

366. The diagram shows the section through the human tooth. What is the name of the
part labeled S?

A Cement
B Dentine
C Enamel
D Pulp cavity

367. A boy fires a gun and a girl standing 100m away hears the sound three seconds later.
What is the speed of sound?

A 3000m/s
B 333m/s
C 33.3m/s
D 3.33m/s

368. Accommodation in the eye is the ability to…..

A Adjust the focal of the eye lens

B Control the amount of light entering the eye
C Distinguish between different colours
D Make an upright image on the retina

369. The following diagram shows an incident ray striking a mirror at an angle of 25º.
What is the angle of reflection?

Page 64 of 146
A 25º
B 40º
C 65º
D 90º

370. Which of the following is an element?

A water
B carbon
C carbon dioxide
D air

371. Which of the following is a mixture?

A hydrogen
B oxygen
C nitrogen
D air

The following diagram shows what happens to a parallel beam of light when it passes
through a piece of glass, Y. use it to answer question 372.

372. What type of lens does Y represent?

Page 65 of 146
373. A sample of water contains many millions of H2O:

A atoms
B molecules
C elements
D compounds

374. Subatomic particles with positive charge are named:

A elements
B electrons
C protons
D neutrons

375. What process is likely to take place at X?

A sublimation
B evaporation

Page 66 of 146
C condensation
D precipitation

376. A Substance containing two or more elements chemically combined is called:

A an element
B an atom
C a mixture
D a compound

377. Which of the diagram could represent atoms of the same element?

A (1) and (2)

B (1) and (3)
C (2) and (3)
D (1) , (2) and (3)

378. Which of the following statement is NOT correct about a pure substance?

A It can be either an element or compound

B It has definite melting and boiling points
C Its melting and boiling points are not affected by the rate of heating
D Its melting and boiling points are not affected by the presence of impurities

379. Which of the following statement is TRUE about physical changes?

A physical, but not chemical properties of substances change

B physical and chemical properties of substances change
C new substances form
D it is not easily reversed

380. What is the name of the instrument below?

Page 67 of 146
A triple beam balance
B electronic balance
C lever arm balance
D bathroom scale

381. The thickness of 100 papers is 44.5 mm. the thickness of one paper is:

A 445 mm
B 44.5 mm
C 4.45 mm
D 0.445 mm

Study the diagram and use it to answer question 382 and 383.

382. Which of the following methods of birth control has been used in the diagram?

A condom
B diaphragm
C sterilization
D spermicide

Page 68 of 146
383. The part labeled X is the

A sperm duct
B ureter
C urethra
D fallopian tube

384. What are the changes of state labeled X and Y in the diagram below?

A condensation melting
B evaporation freezing
C freezing evaporation
D melting condensation

385. The table below shows the number of chloroplast in four different cells W, X, Y and
Z. Which one is animal cell?

Cell Number of chloroplasts

A W 723
B X 354
C Y 175
D Z 0

The diagrams below show the thickness of the uterus lining at various stages of the
menstrual cycle. Use it to answer question 386 and 387.

Page 69 of 146
386. At which stage is implantation likely to occur?

A P only
B Q only
C R and S
D Q and R

387. Which stage shows the uterus lining immediately after menstruation?


The diagram below shows the particle of two gases the beginning and the end of an
experiment. At the beginning of the experiment the two gases were separated by a
glass cover. The glass cover is then removed. Use the diagram to answer question

Page 70 of 146
388. Which process occurred at the end of the experiment?

A boiling
B diffusion
C evaporation
D sublimation

389. What type of a force is exerted when two plastic rulers are rubbed together?

A elastic
B electrostatic
C gravitational
D magnetic

390. Which substance is used to remove fur from a kittle?

A soap
B sodium chloride
C vinegar
D washing soda

391. What is the function of respiration?

A to produce carbon dioxide for photosynthesis

B to release energy needed by the organism
C to produce water used by photosynthesis
D to use oxygen produced by photosynthesis

392. Which part of the ear changes sound waves into nerves impulse?

A cochlea
B ear canal
C ear drum
D small bones

Page 71 of 146
393. What is the name of the force F which is acting on the flying aeroplane shown in the

A static
B frictional
C gravitational
D magnetic

394. What happens to the mass and weight of an object when it is moved from the Earth
to the moon?

Mass Weight
A Increases Stays the same
B Decreases Increase
C Increase Decrease
D Stays the same decrease

395. What gas is produced when fuels burn in insufficient oxygen?

A water vapor
B sulphur dioxide
C carbon dioxide
D carbon dioxide

396. Which characteristic of carbon dioxide distinguishes it from other gases?

A it dissolve in water
B it does not have odour
C it turns limewater milky
D it does not support burning

397. Which quality is correctly matched with the symbols of its unit?

Quality Units
A Length cm²
B Weight N
C Volume Cm

Page 72 of 146
D Mass g/cm³

398. Which of the following processes occurs in both plants and animals?

A. breathing
B. Photosynthesis
C. Respiration
D. transpiration

Use the information below to answer question 23. The following experiment was used to
investigate one of the products of Photosynthesis. The tube was allowed to fill with the

399. What would be the results when the gas is tested with a glowing splint?

A. A pop sound is produced

B. The gas in the tube burns
C. The splint burst into flames
D. The splint goes off

400. Which of the following safety symbols represents a toxic substance?

The set-up below shows a method used for measuring the boiling point of a liquid.
Use it to answer question 401.

Page 73 of 146
401. The boiling point of the liquid is as shown because the liquid has a

A density of more than 1g/cm³

B density of less than 1g/cm³
C boiling point of lower than 96ºC
D boiling point of higher than 96ºC

402. What is the part labeled X in the diagram of the digestive system below?

A bile duct
B gall bladder
C liver
D pancreas

403. A block of 1 kg is hung on a spring balance.

Page 74 of 146
Which diagram shows the correct the force on the spring balance?

404. Which micro-organism causes ring worm?

A bacteria
B virus
C protozoa
D fungus

405. Which part of the plant transport water and minerals?

A leaves
B phloem
C roots
D xylem

The diagram below shows a laboratory thermometer. Use it to answer questions 406 and

406. What is the reading on the thermometer at Z?

A 90.4ºC
B 90.4ºC
C 92ºC
D 94ºC

Page 75 of 146
407. What is the temperature difference between points X and Y?

A 27.5ºC
B 26.5ºC
C 14.3ºC
D 22.0ºC

408. John can participate in a cross country race without getting tired very easily.
Which type of drug could he be taking?

A antibiotic
B painkiller
C sedatives
D stimulants

409. Which two conditions are necessary for the growth of microbes?

A dark and dry

B dry and warm
C hot and moist
D warm and moist

410. What changes of state is represented by the arrangement of particle in the diagram

A condensation
B freezing
C melting
D sublimation

411. Mary notices some sparks of light when taking off her shit in the dark.
What type of force leads to the production of sparks?

A Gravitation
B friction
C electrostatic
D elastic

412. What process does letter P represent in the carbon cycle below?

Page 76 of 146
A respiration
B photosynthesis
C fossilization
D decomposition

413. To what colour does the universal indicator change when placed in sodium
hydroxide solution?

A yellow
B violet
C red
D green

414. Which of the following is a voluntary action?

A sneezing
B running
C heart beat
D breathing

415. A student found that sea-water boils at 105ºC. What makes sea-water to have higher
boiling point than ordinary water?

A uneven stirring of water

B faulty thermometer used by student
C different amount of heat used by student
D dissolved impurities

The graph below shows the volume of gas changes with temperature.

Page 77 of 146
416. When the temperature increases by 60ºC, the volume of gas increase by:

A 0.2 litres
B 1.0 litres
C 1.13 litres
D 1.2 litres

417. Which of the following is NOT a method of communicating with the environment?

A burning
B feeling
C hearing
D writing

The diagram shows a woman drawing water from a well. Use it to answer the question

Page 78 of 146
418. What energy changes take place when the bucket is moving upwards?

A chemical to gravitational
B gravitational to chemical
C kinetic to gravitational
D gravitational

419. Which one of the following is true about evaporation of water?

A It only takes place when the water is boiling

B It is faster when the water is boiling
C water vapour is formed only when water is boiling
D When water evaporates its particle become bigger

420. What energy changes take place when raindrop falls?

A kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy

B Gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy
C gravitational potential energy to sound energy
D sound energy to gravitational

421. Identify the parts of a cell labeled X, Y and Z.

Page 79 of 146
A cytoplasm nucleus membrane
B cytoplasm membrane nucleus
C membrane nucleus cytoplasm
D membrane cytoplasm nucleus

422. Four copper rods of the same diameter are placed in a hot water bath.
Which one will show the greatest increase in length?

423. What happens to sulphuric acid when it is added to water? It becomes

A diluted
B neutralised
C a stronger acid
D a weaker acid

424. When sodium hydroxide solution spills on the table, it could be neutralized by

A lemon juice
B fresh milk
C milk of magnesia
D sulfuric acid

425. Four boiling tubes with equal volumes of water and ice are heated at different
positions as shown. With set up show that water is a poor conductor of heat?

Page 80 of 146
426. Which of the following forces does not act at a distance?

A electrostatic force
B friction force
C gravitational force
D magnetic force

427. Which type of rocks was not formed under great pressure?

A igneous rock
B sedimentary rocks
C metamorphic rocks
D sedimentary and metamorphic rocks

428. Different size copper sulphate crystals were placed in beakers containing water at
different temperatures. Which crystals dissolved faster?

Page 81 of 146
429. An unknown colours solution turns a piece of red litmus paper blue. The solution is

A alkaline
B neutral
C a strong acid
D a weak acid

430. Force F is pulling a box in the direction shown. Which letter represents weight?

431. Which food substance is correctly matched with its product after digestion?

Food Products
A Fats Amino acids
B Proteins Glycerol
C Proteins Fatty acids
D Starch Glucose

432. Which food nutrient is correctly matched with its deficiency disease?

Food nutrient Deficiency disease

Page 82 of 146
A Vitamin D Marasmus
B Iron Anaemia
C Vitamin C Rickets
D calcium Night blindness

433. Which diagram below shows the correct reflection?

434. What is formed when a piece of magnesium burns in air?

A an element
B a mixture
C a gas
D a compound

435. How does an eye lens focus image of objects?

A by moving towards the retina

B by moving way from the retina
C by changing its thickness
D by pulling the ciliar muscles

436. Which of the following correctly matches the type of power station with its source
of energy?

Hydro-electric power station Thermal power station

A Coal Water
B Water Coal
C Water Sun
D Sun coal

437. Which alternative source of energy is most abundant in Botswana?

Page 83 of 146
A bio-gas
B firewood
C sun
D wind

438. Which list of factors increases the rate of transpiration?

A low humidity, wind, small surface area

B low temperature, wind, large surface area
C wind, high temperature, large surface area
D high temperature, high humidity, small surface area

439. How is heat transferred through Z in the vacuum flak shown?

A conduction
B convection
C evaporation
D radiation

440. Fractional distillation is used to separated substances because of their different

A boiling points
B densities
C melting points
D solubility

441. What substance do letters X and Y represent in the equation below?

Sodium carbonate + X → sodium chloride + carbonate hydroxide + Y

Page 84 of 146
A hydrochloric acid sodium hydroxide
B sulphuric acid water
C hydrochloric acid water
D sulphuric acid sodium hydroxide

442. In the experiment below, the mass of the conical flask and its contents was recorded
at 2 minutes intervals

Which graph best describes the results?

443. What is the reaction between an acid and alkali called?

A decomposition
B neutralization
C oxidation
D reduction

444. What does optical fibres used to transmit signals?

A electricity
B light
C micro waves
D radio waves

Page 85 of 146
Use the feeding relationship below to answer question 445.

445. Which organism uses energy from the sun?

A bean plant
B grasshopper
C hare
D mouse

446. Which pair is excreted by the kidneys?

A sweat and carbon dioxide

B urea and sweat
C water and carbon dioxide
D water and urea

The diagram shows blood vessels leading in and out of the heat. Use it to answer question

447 Which vessel carries oxygenated blood?

Page 86 of 146
A W and X
B X and Y
C Y and Z
D W and Z

448. Which air component is correctly matched with its percentages composition?

Air component Percentage composition

A Carbon dioxide 0.03%
B Oxygen 1%
C Nitrogen 20%
D Water vapour 78%

449. Which process occurs when a ray of white light emerges through a prism as shown

A conversion
B dispersion
C diversion
D reflection

450. Which of the following hormone will be secreted into the blood of a runner who is
about to participate in a race?

A adrenalin
B insulin
C oestrogen
D progesterone

451. Which two substances are correctly classified?

Element Compound
A Table Copper
B Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide
C Sulphur Iron
D Zinc Calcium carbonate

Page 87 of 146
452. Which of the following diagram represent the stable food pyramid?

The diagram shows the carbon cycle. Use it to answer question 453.

453. Which process are represented by X, Y and Z in the cycle?

A Photosynthesis Fossilization Combustion
B Decaying Combustion Fossilization
C Photosynthesis Decaying Combustion
D fossilization composition decaying

454. Which set-up is used to obtain sand water from their mixture?

Page 88 of 146
455. An organism has the same colour as trees and bushes it leaves in. which word
describes the situation?

A competition
B camouflage
C parasite
D symbiosis

456. The flow chart shows the classification of matter. What do X and Y represent?

A Atoms Molecules
B Mixture Elements
C Elements Atoms
D Molecules Elements

457. Which part of the flower develops into a seed after fertilization?

A anther
B stigma
C ovule
D ovary
458. Which process refers to the change in shape of the lens as the eye focuses on image?

A accommodation
B dispersion
C reflection
D refraction

459. Which diagram shows a cell that engulfs harmful bacteria in the human body?

Page 89 of 146
460. What is the original source of energy in a coal power station?

A animals
B photosynthesis
C plants
D sun

461. Which property of light is illustrated by the diagram?

A absorption
B dispersion
C reflection
D reflection

462. A student is provided with two solutions, X and Y, in boiling tubes. He performed a
number of tests on them. The results are recorded in the table below.
Test with iodine Test with Benedict’s solution
Solution X Blue/black colour No change(blue)
Solution Y No colour(brown) No change(blue)
A mixture of X & Y No change(brown) Orange/red colour

The best explanation of these results is:

A X is saliva solution, Y is glucose solution

B X is glucose solution, Y is starch solution

Page 90 of 146
C X is starch solution, Y is glucose solution
D X is starch solution, Y is saliva solution

463. Identical balls bearings are put in liquids X and Y at the same time.
Explain why ball bearing in liquid X reaches the bottom first.

A forces between particles in liquid X are weaker than in liquid Y

B force between particles in X is stronger than in liquid Y
C particles in liquid X are closely parked than in liquid Y
D particles in liquid X are bigger than in liquid Y

464. The graph below represents coolong for equal volume of hot water placed in
different containers. The containers are coloured black, brown, green and white.
Which curve is for water in a white container?

470. Which planet is nearest to the sun?

A. Earth
B. Jupiter

Page 91 of 146
C. Mars
D. Mercury

471. Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

A. Combustion
B. Decomposition
C. Photosynthesis
D. Respiration

472. What is the reading on the ammeter shown below?

A. 0.70 A
B. 0.75 A
C. 0.80 A
D. 0.85 A

473. Which of the following process indicates the occurrence of a chemical reaction?

A. Crystallization
B. Dissolving
C. effervescence
D. Melting

474. Which sodium salt is contained in soap?

A. Sodium Citrate
B. Sodium tartrate
C. Sodium hypochloride
D. Sodium stearate

Use the following below to answer question 475.

I Abuse of alcohol

Page 92 of 146
II Unsafe sex practices
III Unscreened blood transfusion
IV Mosquito bite

475. Which of the above will lead to the spread of HIV?

A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

476. Which hormone is correctly matched with the organ that produces it?

Organ Hormone
A Kidney Testosterone
B Testis Progesterone
C Ovary Adrenaline
D Pancreas Insulin
477. How does washing soda soften hard water?

A. By removing scum
B. by removing with the salts
C. by the formation of fur
D. by reacting with the water

478. In the diagram of the arm below, which number represents the load?

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4

479. What structure is shown in the diagram below?

Page 93 of 146
A. Cells
B. An organ
C. A system
D. Tissue

Use the diagram of the camera below to answer questions 480 and 481.

480. Which label represents the shutter in the diagram of the simple camera above?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3

481. Which structure of the eye has a similar function as structure 1?

A. Cornea
B. Eyelid
C. Iris
D. Pupil

482. The diagram below shows two donkeys, X and Y pulling a cart with equal forces in
directions they are facing. Which arrow shows the direction the cart will take?

Page 94 of 146
483. A student connected the circuit shown below. The strands of steel wool glows and

Why did the strands if steel wool glow and burn? Because it
A. is made of metal.
B. has high resistance.
C. has low resistance.
D. has a high melting point.

484. Which gas is collected at X in the diagram below?

Page 95 of 146
A carbon dioxide
B nitrogen
C oxygen
D water vapour

485. When air is pumped into a football, the football becomes hard and round. This is
because the

A air particles expand to increase the pressure.

B air particles bounce against the inside surface of the ball.
C air inside the ball expands because of heat.
D air particles gain more energy and move faster.

486. The bouncing back of light is referred to as:

A reflection
B bending
C refraction
D spectrum

487. Which diagram below shows the BEST way of collecting carbon dioxide gas?
Test tube 1 contains dilute hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate.

Page 96 of 146
488. At night, a plant

A gives out oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide

B gives out carbon dioxide and takes in oxygen
C gives out both oxygen and carbon dioxide
D takes in both oxygen and carbon dioxide

489. Untreated sexually transmitted diseases may result in

A constipation
B sterility
C headaches
D the body healing its self

490. Respiration takes place in the

A liver
B small intestine
C cells
D lungs

491. During breathing, the exchange of gases takes place in

A cells
B lungs
C trachea
D nose

Page 97 of 146
492. Which of the following habits will not increase the chances of getting heart attack?

A cigarette smoking
B eating too much salt
C eating too much animal fat
D exercising regularly

The diagram below shows the mouth of someone suffering from deficiency diseases

493. The disease is probably caused by caused by a deficiency of

A vitamin A
B vitamin C
C calcium
D protein

In the laboratory on Earth balances show that an object has a mass of 2kg and a
weight of 20N. The same balance and object are taken to the moon.

494. Are the mass and the weight of the objects the same, or less than before?


A less less
B less same
C same less
D same same

495. In which unit would be most useful for expressing the length of a science

Page 98 of 146
A mm
B cm
D km

496. A liquid is more difficult to compress than gas because the molecules of liquid are

A closer together than in gas

B moving rapidly
C very small
D randomly arranged

The diagram shows a pea seed from which parts have been removed

497. Which part grows to become the shoot?


Structure found in cells is listed below.

1 cell wall 4 cytoplasm

2 cell membrane 5 nucleus
3 chloroplast 6 sap vacuole

498. Which of the structure are found in both animals’ cells and in plant cells?

A 2, 4 and 6
B 1, 5 and 4
C 3, 4 and 5
D 2, 3 and 4

Page 99 of 146
499. Which pathogens cause AIDS, gonorrhea and syphilis?


A bacteria bacteria bacteria

B bacteria bacteria virus
C virus virus virus
D virus bacteria bacteria

The diagram below shows part of the reproductive system of a woman about to give

500. Which parts is uterus on the cervix?

Uterus Cervix

A1 2
B2 3
C3 4
D4 5

The diagram shows a section through a flower

Page 100 of 146

501. When self-pollination occurs, pollen is transferred from

A R to Q
B Q to S
C Q to R
D R to S

502. Which one of the following is the most accurate description of dispersal?

A the way fruits and seeds are attached to the plant

B the way seed are attached to the fruit
C the development of fruits and seeds
D the spreading of fruits and seeds from the parent plant

The table below shows the number of males and females of different ages with HIV in
Botswana. Use it to answer question 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508 and 509.

Page 101 of 146

503. How many cases of HIV were reported in the 15 -29 age group for males?

A 540
B 1566
C 1026
D 440

504. What is the age group with the most reported cases for females?

A 30 - 49
B 15 - 29
C 5 - 14
D 59+

505. Which age group has the least number of female cases reported?

B 5 - 14
C 15 - 29
D 50+

506. Which group has the most HIV cases?

A females aged 30 - 49
B males aged 15 -29
C females aged 15 - 29
D males aged 30 – 49

507. In which group are the reported male cases double the number of the female cases?

A 0 -14
B 15 - 29
C 5 -14
D 50+

508. What is the total number of reported cases for the age group 30 – 49?

A 540
B 1024
C 3746
D 1166

509. What is the overall message that the table shows?

A women are more at risk than men

B men are more at risk than women

Page 102 of 146

C men and women are equally at risk
D young women between the age of 30 and 49 are most at risk

510. Which substance will be liquid at room temperature?

Substance Melting point

A 6ºC
B 47ºC
C 59ºC
D 63ºC

511. Which pair of flowers parts makes up the pistil?

A anther and filament

B anther and style
C ovary and filament
D ovary and style

512. Which of the following ammeters would be most suitable for measuring a current of
0.5 A?

513. Which of the following is a symbol for a resistor?

514. Which of the following not the function of the human skeleton?

A absorption of food
B movement of body parts
C protection of internal organs
D support of internal organs

515. Which of the following represent a correct food chain?

A bean → fox → rabbit → vulture

B rabbit → vulture → grass → fox
C fox → grass → vulture → rabbit
D grass → rabbit → fox → vulture

516. Which of the following is a symbol for a resistor?

Page 103 of 146

517. Which of the following is not a function of the human skeleton?

A absorption of food
B movement of the body parts
C protection of the internal organs
D support of internal organs

The diagram below shows how voltages with current. Use it to answer question 518.

518. Which state expresses the relationship shown by the graph?

A When the voltage decreases the current stays the same

B when the voltage increases the current stays the same
C when the voltage decreases the current increases
D when the voltage increases the current increases

519. Which diagram shows the correct of light rays when a person is reading a book?

Page 104 of 146

520. What eye defect causes inability to focus on horizontal and vertical lines at the same

A long sight
B short sight
C astigmatism
D accommodation

521. Which optical instrument is correctly matched with its uses?

Instrument Use
A Telescope Records images
B Film projector Makes images large
C Camera Magnifies small objects
D Microscope See distant objects

522. Which micro-organism causes ringworm?

A bacteria
B virus
C protozoa

Page 105 of 146

D fungus

523. Which of the following processes does not use oxygen?

A rusting
B burning firewood
C photosynthesis
D respiration

524. In which circuit are all the bulbs connected parallel to each other?

525. Which of the following is an effect of exercise in the body?

A increase in blood circulation

B decrease in the intake of oxygen
C increase in the thickness of blood vessels
D decrease in the rate of heart beat

The graph below shows the volume of gas produced when metals P, Q, R and S were
each reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid. Use it to answer question 526.

Page 106 of 146

526. Which metal reacts faster with dilute hydrochloric acid?

The table shows the pH of three substances. Use it to answer question 527.

Substance pH
W 2
X 6
Y 8
Z 13

527. Which substances can corrode the skin if not handled with care?

A X and Y
B W and Z
C Y and Z
D W and X

528. A bulb rated 60W and an electric heater rated 3 00W are used for one hour. How
many times more power does the heater use than the light bulb?

A 50
B 60
C 3 600
D 180 000

Page 107 of 146

529. Which of the following does not cause pollution in Botswana?

A car exhaust fumes

B chemical fertilizers
C nuclear waste
D sulphur dioxide

530. Which circuit diagram could be used to find out if a piece of wire is a conductor of
electricity by connecting it between point X and Y?

531. A student has a mass of 45kg. What is the weight of the student on Earth? (1kg =
10N on Earth)

A 0.045N
B 0.45N
C 45N
D 4 50N

532. The graphs below represent the results of cooling water in water in two containers of
different colours, one black and the other silver. What conclusion can be drawn about the
two containers?

Page 108 of 146

A a black surface is a better absorber of heat
B a black surface is a better radiator of heat
C a silver surface is a better absorber of heat
D a silver surface is a better radiator of heat

533. Which of the following rocks is an example of igneous?

A graphite
B limestone
C marble
D sandstone

534. Which of the following terms is used to describe all the plants and animals living
together in a habitat?

A community
B population
C ecosystem
D ecology

535. The diagram below shows a human arm. What happens to the biceps and triceps
when the arm is lowed?

Page 109 of 146

A the biceps contract and the triceps relax
B the biceps relax and the triceps contract
C both muscles contract
D both muscles relax

536. Which part of the digestive system is correctly matched with its function?

Part Function
A Large intestine Helps roll food into balls
B Rectum Stores faeces
C Stomach Absorbs excess water
D Tongue Mixes and acidifies food

537. Which of the following food chains is correct for the habitat below?

A grass → zebra → lion → oxpecker

B grass → zebra → tick → oxpecker
C oxpecker → lion → zebra → grass
D oxpecker → tick → zebra → grass

538. A plant was covered with a plastic bag and in the open as shown below. Which
process result in the formation of water droplets?

Page 110 of 146

A photosynthesis
B respiration
C sweating
D transpiration

539. The following diagram shows a bimetallic strip made up of brass and steel before
and after heating. Why does the bimetallic strip bend when heated?

A both brass and steel expand at the same rate

B brass expands more than steel
C steel does not expand when heated
D steel expand more than brass

540. An electric lamp uses 48W on a 12V supply. What is the current passing through the

A 4A
B 36A
C 60A
D 576A

Page 111 of 146

541. What is the name of the planet marked P on the diagram of the solar system below?

A. Earth
B. Jupiter
C. Mercury
D. Venus

542. Which properties of aluminum make it useful for making a frying pan?

A. It does not rust

B. It does not loose heat very fast
C. It is a good conductor of heat
D. it is a good conductor of electricity

543. Which gas is correctly matched with its percentage in air?

Gas Percentage composition

A Carbon dioxide 21
B Nitrogen 78
C Oxygen 0.03
D Water vapour 10.0

544. Which of the following appliances uses an electromagnet?

A. Bicycle dynamo
B. Electric fan
C. Electric bell
D. Electric drill

545. Which of the following statements describes the eclipse of the sun?

A. When the moon is between the earth and the sun

B. When the side of the moon facing the earth receives no light
C. When the earth is in between the moon and the sun
D. When the sun is in between the earth and the moon

546. In which diagram of the three-pin plug is the fuse correctly connected?

Page 112 of 146

547. What does a telephone hand set contain?

A. Microphone and monitor

B. Loud speaker and microphone
C. loud speaker and transmitter
D. transmitter and receiver

548. What conclusion can be from graph of experiment P and Q shown below?

A. At the end of the experiment, equal volumes of gas were produced.

B. In Q, the volume of gas produced is directly proportional to time
C. The volume of gas produced in Q is less than that of P at any given time
D. The rate of reaction is high for experiment Q

549. Which method preserves food by excluding micro- organisms?

A. Canning
B. Drying
C. Freezing
D. Salting

550. Which instrument is used to measure electric current?

A. Ammeter
B. Balance

Page 113 of 146

C. thermometer
D. Voltmeter

551. In the diagram of a vibrating meter rule below, what does the distance Y represent?

A. Amplitude
B. Frequency
C. Vibration
D. Wavelength

552. In the diagram of a house below, the arrow indicate the movement of heat through
the house. What is the main method of heat transfer?

A. Conduction
B. convection
C. Expansion
D. Radiation

The diagram below represents changes of state of water. Use it to answer questions
553 and 554.

Page 114 of 146

553. What happens to particles at stage X?

A. they move faster

B. they stop moving
C. they move away from each other
D. they move closer to each other

554. What is true about the stage of water in the diagram?

A. Water is iced at W
B. water is liquid at Z
C. water is gas at Y
D. Water is steam at W

555. Which of the following materials is good conductor of electricity?

A Lead
B paper
C Plastic
D Rubber

556. Which of the following electronic devices is used for receiving information?

A. floppy disc
B. Radio
C. transmitter
D. Video cassette

557. What energy changes takes place when a candle burns?

A. Chemical potential energy heat and light energy

B. Heat and light energy chemical potential energy
C. Chemical potential energy mechanical potential energy
D. Mechanical potential energy heat and light energy

558. Which sequence correctly shows the pathway of a reflex action?

A. Stimulus motor nerve spinal cord sensory nerve

B. Sensory nerve stimulus spinal cord motor nerve
C. Stimulus sensory nerve motor nerve spinal cord

Page 115 of 146

D. Spinal cord motor nerve sensory nerve stimulus

559. What is the correct order of processes used to separate the colour components of
black ink from a mixture of black ink and sand?

A. Chromatography and then evaporation

B. Distillation and then filtration
C. Evaporation and then distillation
D. Filtration and the chromatography

Use the information below to answer question 560.

A flower has the following characteristics

- Yellow and red petals

- - Sticky pollen grains
- -Short and firm stamens

560. Which is the most likely method of pollination for the flower?
A. Insects
B. Itself
C. Water
D. Wind

561. The diagram shows the movement of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere.
At which stage does respiration occur?

562. At which point in the circuit diagram shown should a switch be connected so that all
bulbs can be switched off at the same time?

Page 116 of 146

562. Which bottle will produce sound of the lowest pitch when air is blown in?

563. Which method is NOT used to soften hard water hard water?

A addition of washing soda

B addition of chlorine
C boiling
D distillation

The diagram shows ray P reflected by two parallel mirrors. Use it to answer question 564
and 565.

564. What is the value of angle Q?

Page 117 of 146

A 45º
B 55º
C 90º
D 110º

565. What is the name of the ray marked R?

A emergent
B incident
C refracted
D reflected

566. Why is it important to provide a pregnant woman with a protein rich diet?

A to give woman energy to carry the foetus

B to keep the growing healthy
C to protect the foetus from disease
D to keep the woman and baby warm

567. Which colours of a three pin plug pin matched with their terminals?

Brown Blue Yellow and green

A Earth Live Neutral
B Live Neutral Earth
C Neutral Earth Live
D Earth Neutral Live

568. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. A solvent forms a solution when it dissolves in a solute

B. A solute dissolves in a solvent and form a solution
C. Water is a solvent for all solutes
D. A substance is insoluble if it dissolves in a solvent

569. People who have contacted AIDS can die of a variety of diseases.
This is because AIDS

A. destroys the body’s immune system

B. Gives the body acquired immunity
C. Is a deficiency disease
D. Is caused by virus

570. By what route does oxygen reach the embryo developing inside its mother’s womb?

A. Amnion ---------- umbilical cord ---------- embryo

B. Amnion -------- placenta --------- embryo

Page 118 of 146

C. Umbilical cord------- placenta -------- embryo
D. Placenta --------umbilical cord ------- embryo

571. Which one of the following statements about changes of state is correct?

A. When a gas turns into a liquid the particles get smaller

B. When a liquid turns to a gas the particles move further apart
C. When a liquid turns solid the particles freeze
D. When a solid melts the particles change state

572. A pot of water has been boiling for 5 minutes. The bubbles rising to the surface
contain mainly

A. Steam
B. Air
C. oxygen
D. Nitrogen

573. To change water from a liquid state to a solid state one has to

A. Cool boiling water to room temperature

B. Condense water vapour
C. Cool water to 4ºC
D. Cool water to a temperature below 0ºC

574. Which of the following is NOT true about oxygen?

A. People need to breath it in to live

B. It allows things to burn
C. It is used by plants to make food
D. In the presence of water it causes iron to rust.

575. In chemical reactions in our bodies, sugars are broken down into simpler substances.
Which of the following represents this reaction?

A. Oxygen + water + energy ------- carbon dioxide + sugar

B. Sugar+ oxygen -------- carbon dioxide + water + energy
C. Water + carbon dioxide ------- sugar + oxygen + energy
D. sugar + oxygen + energy ------- carbon dioxide + water

576. If a convex lens increases in thickness, it will

A. bends light more

B. bends light less
C. has a longer focal length
D. become more transparent

Page 119 of 146

577. Refraction will take place when light

A. moves through a glass block

B. bounce off a mirror
C. passes through air
D. Passes from air to glass

578. A pupil set up the experiment shown below to observe the image formed by a
convex lens.

On moving the lens closer to the object (candle), the image formed on the screen is

A. real, upright and magnified

B. real, inverted and diminished
C. real, inverted and magnified
D. virtual, upright and diminished

579. The part of the eye which works like an aperture in the camera is the

A. iris
B. eyelid
C. retina
D. pupil

580. Which of the following are all excretory products?

A. carbon dioxide, faeces, urea

B. carbon dioxide, faeces, water
C. faeces, urea, water
D. carbon dioxide, urea, water

581. Which region of the alimentary canal has the greatest surface area available for the
absorption of food?

Page 120 of 146

A. Small intestine
B. large intestine
C. Stomach
D. rectum

582. The leaves of some plants may be small or folded. This is to

A. reduce loss of water

B. makes gases diffuse easily
C. protect the plant
D. store starch for the plant

583. Choose the one which is not a form of energy

A. kinetic
B. Sound
C. Magnetic
D. heat

584. Which of the following is a property of alkalis?

A. They are all hydroxides

B. They all turn Universal indicators green
C. They all react with acids to make carbon dioxide
D. They all turn red litmus paper blue

585. Which of the following would you observe when magnesium is added to
hydrochloric acid?

A no reactions take place

B the magnesium dissolves and a brown gas is produced
C the magnesium dissolves and a colourless gas is produced
D the magnesium dissolves and no gas is produced

586. Baking powder contains

A sodium carbonate and tartaric acid

B bicarbonate of soda and tartaric acid
C bicarbonate of soda and citric acid
D sodium carbonate and citric acid

587. A sample of soil was place in a measuring cylinder and shaken with water. It was
then left to settle. Layers appear as shown in the diagram below.

Page 121 of 146

Which of the following lists correctly names the part of the soil?

A W = humus X = clay Y = silt Z = sand

B W = clay X = silt Y = sand Z = humus
C W = sand X = silt Y = clay Z = humus
D W = humus X = sand Y = silt Z = clay

588. Which of the following statements about fossil fuels is correct?

A. oil and coal are formed from dead animals

B. Oils and coal were formed by volcanoes
C. Coal is formed from the remains of swamp plants
D. oil takes about one thousand years to form

589. A feature which helps a plant or an animal to survive in its surroundings is called

A. an adaptation
B. an observation
C. a habitat
D. a classification

590. Heat energy may be transferred through a vacuum by

A. radiation only
B. convection only
C. conduction only
D. conduction, convection and radiation.

591. Which of the following statements is correct about the cooling system of a car?

A. Water in the radiator rises by convection

Page 122 of 146

B. A radiator is black in colour so that it can absorb heat from water
C. the fan produces cool air which cools the radiator
D. Water inside the cooling system may be above 100ºC

592. In which of the following example is frictional force a disadvantage?

A. between the brake and the wheel

B. Between the tyres and the road
C. Between an open parachute and the air
D. Between the wheel and bearings.

593. Which of these substances is correctly matched with its use in the body?

A. Minerals – Protection
B. Fata – body building
C. proteins – storage
D. Vitamins - energy

594. The disease ‘Athlete’s foot’ is caused by

A. a flea
B. a louse
C. a bacterium
D. a fungus

595. Which of the objects in the table below could be living?

Object What is its colour Does it respire Does it reproduce Is it sensitive
A Green Yes No Yes
B Green No Yes Yes
C Brown Yes Yes No
D Red Yes Yes Yes

596. A solution of green food colouring and sugar is poured through a filter paper in a
funnel. The filtrate will be

A. green and tasteless

B. colourless and tasteless
C. green and sweet
D. colourless and sweet

The bar graph below shows variation in shoe sizes in a form 2 class. Study it and answer
questions 31 and 32

Page 123 of 146

597. What is the most common shoe size in this class?

A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8

598. How many pupils are there in this class?

A. 6
B. 19
C. 21
D. 36

599. Some of the events which occur during sexual reproduction in flowering plants are
listed below.

I. Male sex cell fuses with female sex cell.

II. Anthers split open

600. Which of the structures shown on the diagram below is an artery?

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601. Banyana thought the water was warm. She rushed into the shower and opened the
tap. When the icy cold water hit her shouted “Tshikee!”

Look at the flow- chart below and decide which is the most likely pathways followed by
the information leading to the shout.

A U, V, W
B U, V, Y, Z
C U, X, Z
D U, X, Y, W

602. Look carefully at this diagram of a torch.

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The torch will not light because the

A switch is open
B bulb is not connected
C one of the cells is the wrong way around
D both of the cells are wrong way around

603. The diagram shows the solar panel used in schools.

To use an electrical appliance with this panel during the day-time, we connect the
appliance to the terminal. When we do this we are using electrical energy

A direct from the sun.

B direct from the solar cells.
C direct from the re-chargeable cells.
D which was first converted into chemical potential energy.

603. Which of the ammeters below shows the largest current reading?

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604. Four identical are connected in the circuit below.

Which of the following statement about the circuit is FALSE?

A the cells are connected in series.

B the four bulbs can be lit if one of them is faulty.
C the four bulbs are equal in brightness.
D current passing through each of the bulbs is equal.

605. Mandrigan is given a liquid that he is told is strongly corrosive. Which of the
following statement is correct?

‘This liquid is ………’.

Page 127 of 146

A a strong acid
B a strong alkali
C either a strong acid or a strong alkali
D neutral

606. A certain acid – alkali indicator was used to test four colourless liquids. The results
were recorded in the table below.

Substance Hydrochloric acid Water Sodium hydroxide Liquid X

Indicator colour red Purple blue Blue

The result show that liquid X is

A sodium chloride
B alkaline
C acidic
D neutral

607. The diagram below shows how Lame and Laone prepared oxygen.

The correct solid substance used in this experiment is

A magnesium (iv) oxide

B sodium hydroxide
C iron oxide
D copper oxide

608. How will the image of the picture below appear when seen in a plane mirror?

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609. A pupil runs as fast as she can for 200 metres. When she stops her partner then
measures her heart beat for ten minutes and plot the results on a graph.

Which of the graph below is most likely to show the results of this experiment?

610. Some snakes poison destroys red blood cells. Why does this kill the victim?

A. There will be no protection from germs

B. there is too much loss of blood after the bite
C. The body tissues no longer receive oxygen
D. there are no antibodies produced

611. Four substances A, B, C and D were heated in oxygen. They behaved as given
below. Which one of them could NOT have been an element?

A. Melted but did not form a new substance

B. Remainder solid and did not form a new substance.
C. Burned to form sulphur dioxide and water
Page 129 of 146
D. burned to form a single oxide

612. In the diagram below what will happen to the compass needle when the switch is

A. It remains I the same position because the electric current is cut.

B. It remains in the same position because the magnetic field runs in the wire
C. it moves because the electric current demagnetized it
D. it moves because the electric current creates a magnetic field.

613. Look carefully at the circuit diagram below

If the reading on ammeter X is 0.2 A, the reading on ammeter Y will be

A. 0
B. 0.1 A
C. 0.2 A
D. 0.4 A

614. 100cm³ of soil was poured in a measuring cylinder containing 100 cm³ of water. The
resulting volume was 170 cm³. The loss in volume was due to the fact that the soil

A. 30 cm³ of air

Page 130 of 146

B. 70 cm³ of air
C. a lot of soluble substances
D. dissolved air

615. Which of these houses in Botswana will remain coolest on a hot summer day?

616. A 1000 watt electricity iron was switched on for 4 hours. How much electrical
energy was used during the 4 hours?

A. 0.25 KWh
B. 4 KWh
C. 250 KWh
D. 4000KWh

617. When a car engine burns fuel, 35% of the energy is lost as unburned fuel. If a
Toyota Hilux uses 20 litres of petrol to travel 300km. how many litres are lost as
unburned fuel?

A. 15
B. 7
C. 3.5
D. 1.75

618. Sarah takes 300 ml of a certain drink. It does contain carbohydrate, but no protein or
fat. The drink could probably be

A. Tea with salt

B. Tea with milk
C. tea with sugar
D. tea with milk and sugar

619. In the experiment shown below, which of the following is most likely to happen?

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A. Pin X will fall off and pin Y will remain attached
B. Pin Y will fall and pin X will remain attached
C. Pin X will fall off followed by pin Y
D. Pin Y will fall followed by pin X

620. Which part of the human ear is filled up with a liquid which vibrates and stimulates
the nerve ending in it?

A. Ear drum
B. Oscicles
C. Cochlea
D. Auditory nerve

621. Which of the following should not be used to put out fire caused by high voltage
electrical fault?

A. sand
B. a fire blanket
C. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
D. a water fire extinguisher

622. The following are the important uses of water in Botswana except

A. Agriculture
B. Industry
C. Domestic
D. Electricity

Brain wanted to calculate the density of a small iron cube. He first measured the mass, of
which was 54g and measured the volume which is indicated by the diagrams below.

623. What is the volume of the iron cube?

A. 34ml
B. 40ml

Page 132 of 146

C. 6ml
D. 14ml

The diagram below shows variation in shoes sizes in form one class. Study it and answer
question 11 and 12.

624. Which is the most common shoe size in the class?

A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8

625. How many pupils are there in this class?

A. 6
B. 19
C. 21
D. 36

626. What is the reading on the scale below?

A. 3.1
B. 3.3
C. 3.5
D. 3.6

627. After a serious accident the best way to check whether the person’s heart is working
is to;-

A. watching for their body to move

B. Checking for a pulse
C. Listening for signs of breathing
D. Talk to them

The following table shows a sense organ and stimuli. Which pair is not properly


A Ear Sound
B Skin Touch
C Tongue Smell
D Eye Light

The bar chart below shows a ministry of health records of the most common cause of the
most admission in Botswana

Page 133 of 146

628. Which disease is the most common among children in Botswana?

A. pneumonia
B. Measles
C. Intestinal infection diseases
D. injury and poisoning

629. STOP, DROP AND ROLL is the method used to;-

A. Put out a chemical fire

B. Dodge bullets in the science room
C. Put out electricity
D. Put out fire on clothes

630. If you burn your finger you should immediately

A. put your finger in your mouth

B. prickle any blister that form
C. cool the burn part with cold water
D. apply lotion or cream on the burnt part

631. Where in the diagram below is friction useful?

632. Which list of factor increases the rate of transpiration?

A low humidity, wind, small surface area

B low temperature, wind, large surface area
C wind, high temperature, large surface area
D high temperature, high humidity, small surface area

633. At which stage in a water purification system are dirt particles removed?

Page 134 of 146

A sedimentation and chlorination
B filtration and storage
C sedimentation and filtration
D chlorination and filtration

634. Which of the following best describes the energy changes taking place in this lamp
when it is lit?

A electrical energy changes to light energy

B chemical potential energy changes to light
C chemical potential energy changes to light and heat energy
D electrical energy changes to light and heat energy

The apparatus shown below used to show that carbon-dioxide is needed for

The purpose of flask Y is to

A confirm the results in flask X
B Show that green leaf needs sodium hydroxide to make starch
C show that a green leaf in a flask cannot make starch
D show that a green leaf in normal air can make starch

636. The nucleus of most atoms consists of

A neutron only
B protons and neutrons
C protons and electrons
D neutrons and electrons
Page 135 of 146
637. A son can inherit traits
A only form his father
B only from his mother
C from both father and mother
D from either his father or his mother, but not from both

638. A person sorted some animals into the groups listed on the table. Which
characteristic of animals was used for the sorting”?

Group 1 Group 2
Humans Snakes
Dogs Worms
flies fish

A legs
B eyes
C nervous system
D skin

639. Which change of state is represented by the arrangement of particles in the diagram

A melting
B freezing
C evaporation
D condensation

The diagram below shows a plant and an identification key for plants. Use it to
answer question 640.

Page 136 of 146

640. What is the name of the plant?

A fir
B spruce
C pine
D tamarack

641. Which of the following substances is not changed during chemical reactions in the
human body?

A fats
B proteins
C vitamins
D roughage

642. Which of the following diagrams shown represents a method used to separate the
composition of crude oil?

Page 137 of 146

643 which of the following is the last stage during birth?

A dilation of the cervix

B emergence of the baby
C expulsion of the placenta
D breaking of the membrane

The table below shows the temperature recorded when heating an impure liquid.
Use it to answer question 644.

Time in 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Temperature 35 58 99 99 105 111 118 118 118 118
in 0C

644. During which time interval(s) did the liquid boil?

A 10 to 20 minutes
B 35 to 45 minutes
C 0 to 5 and 25 to 30 minutes
D10 to 20 and 35 to 45 minutes

Use the information below to answer question 645

The table below shows the volume of substances P. Q, R and S before and after heating.
The substance were all exposed to the same amount of heat and were all heated for 5

Substance Initial volume/cm3 Final volume/cm3

P 12 14
Q 6 8
R 7 11

Page 138 of 146

S 5 5

645. Which of the substances is most likely to be a gas?


646. Which of the substance’s solubility is slightly affected by temperature change?


647. Which factor, other than temperature, is indicated in the diagram?

A pressure
B particle size
C nature of salt
D concentration

648. Which of the following is a disadvantage of hard water?

A it contains more bacteria

B it makes beer to taste bitter
C it requires more soap to lather
D it removes the white part of the tooth

649. A paint dissolves in paraffin.

Which term is used to describe the paint?

A solute
B solvent
C solution
D suspension

The diagram below shows a boy stretching a catapult with a stone in it. Use it to
answer question 650.

Page 139 of 146

650. What energy changes occur when the catapult is released?

A elastic to kinetic
B kinetic to gravitational
C mechanical to elastic
D gravitational to mechanical

The diagram below shows the letter F in front of a plane mirror. Use it to answer question

651. Which of the diagrams represents the correct image of the letter F?

652. Which optical instrument is used to view distance objects?

A hand lens

Page 140 of 146

B microscope
C periscope
D telescope

653. Which material is most suitable for marking a lightning conductor?

A copper
B iron
C magnesium
D zinc

654. Which of the symbols shown below represents a fuse?

655. In which of the circuit diagram below are the bulbs connected in series?

656. Which part in the diagram of a wave shown below determines the loudness?

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657. Which diagram below correctly shows the refraction of light rays through a convex

Use the diagram of a cooling system of a car engine below to answer question 658.

658. through which method(s) is heat transferred from the cylinders to the water?

Page 142 of 146

A conductos only
B convection only
C radiation and convection
D radiation and conduction

The diagram below shows a ray of light by a plane mirror. Use it to answer question

659. Which of the following statement is not correct about the diagram?
A line MK is the reflected ray
B angle Y is the angle of incident
C angle X is always equal to angle Y
D line JM represents the normal line

Use the information to answer question 659.

A student was looking at friend who was standing outside the classroom. Suddenly she
changed to look at her book, in her palm.

659. What happens to both the cilliary muscle and the eye lens of the student?

Ciliary muscles Lens

A contracts Becomes thicker
B contracts Becomes thinner
C Relaxes Becomes thinner
D Relaxes Becomes thicker

Page 143 of 146

Use the diagram of a battery torch below to answer question 660.

660. Why would the bulb not light?

A the switch is open

B the metal spring is broken
C one of the cells is connected wrongly
D the bulb’s filament is blown out

661. Which disease is correctly matched with its causative agent?

Disease Causative agent

A Tuberculosis Virus
B Polio Bacteria
C Measles Fungus
D Malaria Protozoa

The table below shows the results obtained when a sample of food was tested for
different nutrients. Use it to answer question 662.

test Observation
Add iodine solution Brown
Add benedict’s solution and then heat to Orange
Add potassium hydroxide solution and then Violet
add copper sulphate solution
Add ethanol and the water Colourless

662. Which nutrients were present in the sample of food?

A fats and starch

B fats and protein
C reducing sugar and starch
D reducing sugar and protein

663. Which component of the blood transport hormones from the glands to the targeted
A plasma

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B plateletes
C red blood cells
D white blood cells

664. which part on the diagram of a flower below attracts agents of pollination?

The table below shows the nutritional values of different food substances. Use it to
answer question 665 and 666.

Food Amount per 100 g

substance Proteins Fats Energy Calcium Iron
(g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg)
V 3.4 3.7 276 120 0.1
W 3.5 0.2 146 124 0.1
X 0.4 85.1 3318 15 0.2
Y 0.2 85.2 3326 4 0.3
Z 25.4 34.5 1778 810 16.6

665. Which food substances is the least likely to contribute to a heart disease?


666. Which food substance will be most suitable for a pregnant mother?


667. Which force keeps the planets in orbit arround the sun?

A electrostatic
B frictional
C gravitational
D magnetic

The diagram below shows one of the processes that occurs during reproduction. Use the
it to answer question 668.

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668. in which part of a female reproductive system does this process occurs?

A ovary
B oviduct
C uterus
D vagina

The diagram below shows a food web. Use it to answer question 669 and 670.


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