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Maria Eugenie A.

Altar BSED English 4

ED 213-Activity 1,2,3
Submit these Activities as your written output
1. Activity 2 –
A. Personal Inventory
Participation and Teaching Assistanceship
It is based on the classroom and allows a preservice student to participate in a select number of
practical teaching-learning tasks relating to learning evaluation, generating instructional
materials, building bulletin boards, and other classroom routines. A portfolio including sample
lesson plans, learning objectives, and teaching demos for at least one subject area will have to be
submitted. An action research that starts this semester and ends during the internship will be
2. Activity - Your discussion/learning on the five concepts/topics.
Teaching Learning Activities
-Students can interact with a facilitator during a learning and teaching activity to acquire the
knowledge or skills needed to attain the intended educational objective. Teaching activities are a
part of TLA, as are student activities (learning activities). The choice of teaching and learning
activities in learner-centered courses shouldn't be made at random. The activities we select
should be deliberate and meaningful, aligned with our ILOs, and support students in achieving
those goals. They can be self-managed, peer-managed, or teacher-managed.

Assessments of Learning
-A range of forms of assessment, which aids in student learning and enhances instruction, are
essential to the teaching-learning process. Assessment in the classroom often comes in three
flavors: assessment as learning, assessment for learning, and assessment of learning. Continuous
assessment for learning enables teachers to keep track of their pupils on a daily basis and adjust
their instruction to meet the needs of each individual learner. Students receive the precise, timely
feedback they need to improve their learning from this assessment. To determine how well each
student has accomplished the learning objectives and activities, the teacher, students, and their
parents take a moment in time known as an assessment of learning. It offers details on student
performance. Although it offers useful reporting data, it frequently has little impact on learning.
Students' metacognitive abilities are supported and developed via assessment as they study. This
type of evaluation is essential for assisting students in developing into lifelong learners. Students
develop their ability to interpret information, connect it to existing knowledge, and apply it to
new learning as they participate in peer and self-assessment. When students use teacher, peer,
and self-assessment feedback to make modifications, improvements, and changes to what they
understand, they gain a sense of ownership and efficacy.
Assessment Methods and Tools
- A methodology or method of analyzing information to ascertain how much someone
understands and whether this knowledge fits into the overall framework or theory is known as an
assessment tool. The setting and goal affect which assessment techniques are used. Financial
evaluations, for instance, gauge your knowledge of concepts like saving and investing, while
personality tests use your replies to identify character traits. Regardless of the setting, all
assessment methods rely on a set of well-considered questions to elicit insights and interpret
these insights to reach well-informed conclusions. There are numerous assessment techniques to
take into account, and they often fall into one of two groups: direct and indirect techniques. Any
method of data collection that asks participants to demonstrate their knowledge, behavior, or
cognitive processes is known as a "direct method." Any technique used to collect data that
involves asking participants to consider their attitudes, actions, or thought patterns is known as
an indirect method.
Instructional Materials
- The term "instructional materials" refers to the tools and resources, both human and non-
human, that can be utilized to facilitate, support, enhance, and advance teaching and learning
activities. They are any instructional materials that are used. They cover a wide range of topics
and can be utilized to support efficient education. They show a methodical approach to planning,
carrying out, and utilizing the entire learning and communication process while utilizing both
human and non-human resources to produce a more meaningful and successful training. They are
materials, both human and non-human, that a teacher utilizes to impart knowledge to the students
in his or her class. Resources that organize and support instruction, such as textbooks,
assignments, and supplemental materials, are referred to as instructional materials.
Classroom Routines
- Teaching students how to conduct themselves during everyday activities will facilitate their
achievement and reduce disruptions in the classroom. Clear routines can help maximize
instruction time at key moments such as the start of class, in between lessons, and at the end of
the school day. Students will be able to learn expectations and the classroom's flow if routines
are taught as early in the school year as feasible. Once routines are mastered, children should be
able to change activities quickly throughout the day. To minimize disruptive conduct and
increase the amount of time spent on instruction, classroom routines are defined and taught.
When students know what to expect, daily transitions from one activity to another will be
smoother and you won’t need to correct students as often, which will improve your interactions
with them.

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