Quatermass Episode5 Script

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‘oye QULTERWASS EXPERI" vy NIGEL KNEALE Episode Pive ‘thn Unigentifio’ Species" {RODUGED BY RUDOLPH ©. IE ra R, Grocnouch- suttincs by Ric STUART MORT Re UGH MINE DEESTOU-SHITH avid Ellison SSELL saturdsy. 15th Aust, 1953 praitsMtsstoN = 845 ~ 9.15 Dene _ PCM ICAL, REQUIREMENTS canerns 2, 2, 3 2n4 4 2 Boone Groene ane solcback 1 practical manitor on floor Gentral Telecine Ucchau Roller Caption Rorrd ‘S E ARE ONLY ‘UMITED NUMBERS OF Wis SCRIPT AVAILABLE, PLEASE RETURS Was oct 1S POSSIBLE TO THE TELEVISION Seaih bos UME GROVE. oS “HE QUATERMASS EXCERIMERT* Episode Five 15th _Aucust Revintld T.te Tgnbel bean Duncnn Lenont Kelly professor Bernard Quatcrnnss...+ Judith Carroon Victor Carroon: John Peterson. Dr. Gordon Briscoe: Detective Inspector, De teetive-Surernt Deste.. Jruies FULLALOVCs.eeeeeeers Chunist.. Tanthony Green iibumnrdetic Milnes Jenct. Vchristic Huiphrcy Ter. Eroducerssseeeeees Conentetor. Secretary. Sir Vernon Dodds, “ie NOTE ALL Camera changes ere cuts" oxcept when otherwise stoted. TE) QUATcS SS SPELT" Fade Up Grams - Fade Up 4 "The Planets" vy Roller Caption cue 1/¢ Mecha = Title y4.01 Mnctle Fade Out 4. Qe fe-Up Hecnau hoe a ma ye isode Five Pade Un. 2/¢ Central ="S/pose Cam. 4. ——— Pade Com. 4e on UniSontifio® Specter’ 20 entral FeU. TOLECIIE: Shot lr Title HicaAaRr Unite ¢ stented Iréteia cane sact Victor Crrrccn — ghot_2: Pestcr “nm otrcet— survivor cf the world's first speccm c.rner rocket f1iht ~ has tg, crontly Seon Iadenew, oc vy cconts -2 © Sh.t_3t Ce, dS.¥ ene foreiim wor enzicus t2 sccwe ériver in ocr hia opcoinl Incvlesic = Shot 41 Q2Ld..85, TRISCB, —" SUDITH = Profeaacr Derncr catn= to on oven * thet Grrroc io n> Sein iy vat on ciel: the Livin’ 6: :one, Liforfer rc. ater G/CC ee ee G Lon. Shot 53 woSe¥, TBST, in fespitel vers wy The Tbcnay.ora ore feuné > in she thecimno of @ ercches cox, =celRe ho ico, no of 9 mble t> Mivo c Sriof, terrificd coe-w cf vaet Tallos the Srivert poy, nonsmnesa heals Shot 6: Cai in berber house, —" nolec gho dein;: Incim 69 On, le: ein Lonscns shot 7: LX cn Lhno a ropert rerchos InS;02 — se Section vars thet it hes Yon pocn in the Pi:lico rcte wut cven Shite thio do vain: folLewes Us eee cnet 6; OAFECCH an CISST, — = horstot whe heo vvid dn dy wedtee snot Gs CATACH OM yy roioves wath 0 presents thon, fer eno Goat fran GAnnc.N'e hend, Seletod custoc, 19 vinkecd Uy Strrta ook in horror. gnothereee+ pero ge thc bent, Sororo cheniot frinta 8 2. Tax Gis 7. ove UN OO Deye : (G-520.253C.N Losin ¢.0. carroon. Sete pen ha, eae ae floor - Carroon passes through shot. (Com, 2. to Scotiend Yard) a2- 3 cur otis 2 —prayensery————_ (gisve_cf bottles 1 sicily Scnch with ratte pull as he walks forward tesa Hints oh.t, hic ri nt Frans oely. Spe reSe eacks, Feiss tease S60 a ch nether self 4. Com.3e Singlo Shot Carroon of oq Sabeice nO uts table. Sosice tic sircty on, vam to. Pete mead. 1S ockee Contre foreground. Pan Carroon left back. Sy Wagaur rising. lio cmnaicors Sas tor Cree seen, tien Dorceta © all Dovelo st ,crter fre: oheit, roves iz me rack in - nixture in hand then Gy tice cntiro c-usents invo atte cata |_oansente $n59 pon up - Carroon's face. Store TeEr Laguid could bo unter: Pprecy ic erpoeeliine ausstence “petog wry 3c0, ene we ocr Howser jotmoaiun per caynet. tu Toot ts cotioleowsny soos) G.wt!S Diacr pence” Foo suaio (G.Us Dy . fs cine cs toons. Te is Dita in Tho Ley 2 Tentacy ohein in Wuento ssaice (Cons, 1 & 3,to Ropoarch = 9 ‘Station. Outor Room) ut how Sid he Lo or his fcec? W:THILSS: () ied you auro Dr¥1 (studios yhotorre:h) I think otucios yhotorre.D) Tis. Com.2, Pull back Dix: (nosis) Yes, sire QWuMEILES: DAS ne ocy cytiin :? Doxa Ne, dire THGi.3S1 He keyt this rainecet Gver his acne tho whole tino? youditn't sco it? ioorntly) Mo, aire (wu. SS_siy oy ora Gre unsetisrGcery n't Inow ongthin : eb ut his: gentt recily airt we never 3 & wore! Dvon if yeu oa ts 2ne cf theac ,Irecs, I toll you = QU..TgL.SS1 (interru, tins Sone youcuoy?. viet on arth =? Con.2. Pull beck. Tae (pgint @hat's chet she ocdce 1 Sho tid tho fencer ~ ee Sick nese? Giz Gilisy tae and Vonorottes (Cn USIEET?S: __ LCI. nesrly) USILRTTEs (ined nently) * yu Te TA without b-clezot, % yu? zeth of the onor. qith.ut poyins = cIbais (her ly) all ri ht <0 ee nate - (Oo. 2CY, skeotntly) Mec 6: ee foe y writ +6 sont io x10 FO DOC. -3- 9. GUD Cite 4 __, Single shot U-horctte Lonax ontors shot left. Hold Lonax 10. Can 2. Single shot Boot. —s¥ Pon hin loft - Ushoretto . Seu YX, wh: is as towered wwiten) (Zex_turns_te bh: Just a = 6 yrofeasor 4d he cca: te uncor Bod? Rey: (encurged, wh uch stil Pod Re RE he wee haca | sa IT oocic" I Imvcs Setter .1ltcce he sot upe WL TE ILGG: Hew cic he % oe Saly? etot? Tis Sort of - lc! sfmgnSS1 Ge ne @. Te¥z Shen I shoves bt Fncos ct luiuk)- he the sietures Wie scek wey (USHER ST, LOS) USHEETTE: There you exct oll, I citn't reclly “ho’yso just oittin there twoeene. thrcozennics — aun ho ouéccnly hee... fr the oxite Just efter tho police n-ticc ‘sn tho acrecne c 2 Dic you ace hee irec? Usa: Vell, not se oo I e.ule Grote whey our int cr messes th dt wea, I wre © Bicwgored. with ua oh van : qbeut o,fee:on nervly cvory + i, Inorn, yeu om Eelicve in Leoude, -F 0%.0% sy Thooo tx:? Jo rrrticulaco apst: hight, Cao chon: = Sar nether’o writin; for yu 11. Camede amoteira. = agle shot of Boy ext (og they co) Is she « yess? 12. Gan.2. 7 Bee Saist west, Noy and Usher= ey Yoo (Ho ushers 2.¥ & USI cette - door. = Lili: (runnin, finvor ever pan right ~ Tonsz Hae, art otrects. yrorlenhup@eeee gugidinss (isin din Lhin) wart sre you veins | Aga vhele pan Lonax left - Tuk wotve been svor, thet Quaternass Geen round the vawbee hiusce QU:REGLSS! It's th.c t2 ley me Ball certo scorch cicin. + I iut foruera tho ccso for eo eftoracn - cad f suot rotty ar nm have toon Mhlloct QUATTASS: Three + aiysa Died - while ete stin: the Geeastion sf c netioncl hero. gp.id..o5: I Ince ~ T men ~ pan left - single shot Jalaza Thetts whet he still to = t° Lonsx. FUTH sahiion joc,le. If you're roinr; to attrek thet volic?y you've ot to grove every wre of yas ecco. Grn you? 13. Canede St Lorns, I've never wishes Sots nor interns 2° PEoly to fink syoolt wzenty = or oon 99 cortcin Ives ri cht. Diycu think I heven't bean, heunted, by thio cvor since the roe cet Inncec? Divo ceatrcyos. sy frionto... now T heve to tee exty oven their :.2.cnt of sleryees (otter cores) Tes 9 fcun. Sut cayenin:; :cre? Lonax ontors shot loft. U.P eS2 Ho's otall tryin:. [ets Seok et the rosocreh ateticn? (QUTL12S5 note) (Gon. 2, to Chemist shop) neacrreh Stotion C.U. Cacti. pan’ right = oingle Driscoo. -5- -6- (Pen_to 215 ‘gIi-o unser + yarecca: I don't im y ‘9 ell in ter.. cooitle. If vh the rocket wes-coll-tissuc thet hed uncefjeno_oc:0 - trenot é coliuisr otructuxe of Hold Briscoe enc if th extcining CLS, ePsoC oC. Disseosion Tnotrniento nc Ssrooltin trays Roling pipentacetin scree ve jerctaaey ot << foun. in intion, ‘ne CF these encti were subject to tho otro sutetion BEXXEGAX Judith caters shot right. (cfsro he rushos then into print, I want to are the frota, oa I aco thot. and Quoternass. -12- Lik Quaternoss, I wen't be a Lonax leaves shot left porty to this! : QUATEH:.SS: and trust to his sense OF reaponoibility not to publish them. Gordon. (LG. goes) ¥to FULL.LOVZ) Come on - I'12 tell you in tho-cor, Can 2 to Scotland Yara) fr 3 to St. Janes ran 35.) ‘RIX C.M: 4 Scotlend Yerd, Night. (S.C. BRISCOE) 5 T: ot Ti = ; + THEls shot Briacce. BRISCOE: Tho absorption of that Solution by any nornel hunan nin right. syaten would noon ropid deoth. whoy'd covtainly have found the dody-by now. But I don't belicve thot wes o blind inpulse - to suicides med destructiveness or cnything olce. P Pan hin left, (Gerke in FULLLOZE, sected, ooo oawwd_nocrby, In owr theory's right, the: s intclligunee there = énd trcincd uetontizie oxpericnee, Suppose nov, this intcrecliuler umicn = tho ono thet gen in ilies Wilde's heuse lost night - - FULIALOVS: You nern, whet heppoued @ hend? BRISCON Suppose thet process hgd Tailed-+- dovolop? Suppoao it Zound. it nbeded ¢ chomicel ortrlyst nicht verthetmm te help the change on = cocided what thet ectelyst sheulé bo = FULLALGVE: and vant nc got ites. “BRISCOE: Excotley GeeFaue.8S1 So fer, we've nothing like proor - .nly ¢ frenowork of ohrounstenticl frets ene iuplicrti:ns. Noll, dtyou_ propose going into print, Kr. FulleLovo? FUL..LOZ: (shakes hend) It's o Repicte ie 2U.TEEL.BB: I h-pot y ure ony thet. Quatornass entors shot loft. Hold Fullnlove ns he risos -12- ORiyo Pullalove ontors shot left Pullalcve leaves shot right Pull back and pen Lonax right Quaternass enters shot loft 37 CAM 4 Single shot Quaternase — ven hin loft. 38 CAM 2 “Single shot Lonax Queternass ontors shot left Track in - St. Jnnos Park Arca on wall map. 39 MIX 10 CAM 1. “2 shot Janet and Tod. Yan thon loft. LOLX: Yel2, the favor I'vo got fra: - 3 up xr pspers) yn seer hel aeill here? FULSnLOVa: (ints shot)I'a ToxTite it TAC HoIC it, Pr Quetorncss. i'l) soe ycu gocn. (He _g0ca) LOL (shrugoy turns) How - they Goy thet sturt would heve idlice tny nernsl persen in fivo :inutco. ‘U..THRIL.GS1 (ant: shot, t. ucp sn Yelly wie h SP Eaete ths sees Fonced? LOLI: (trnces ¢ guepter ‘eirele in ric z cigor) Shia tren — ver Inccoc. ( St.Jnnos's Fe Ghe ccntrel pert ¢f St.Jones's Pork cn opony oni too public. (Rinto Kenodngten side) I tat gtroote cre cur tcrrit heros if Brisece md better be fra “UaTETIL.SS1Inspootcrs Yoahoule bo rivht you'’ rondy for repic covelopuients. ony queter, St eny tince Loixt Don't worry, hat. Votll find hi: UsTSR.S! St HE? Lolz Jo hed c perfectly cler: oocripti .n frcn the chauist - QUATRLSS: Cen you cot ropsrta on Gveny imef-ont 1a the croc? Further artold, too. (ir: 3 in s.9 ho tepo itp) No foe, Gross how Se aye aay tains CLL noticed by non on cuty. Lz, feT2, ‘wo! pitte CUs eee = wabnbly Lost: Linting susie -u4e Ghdis. Dicer Big Ben otrilday Bs heLf-how. (Be 5_of bushes enciin, frintly Trai h. Tehing On Camere 1 Gris: DISC: Bid: Feint leppiny, of wetor mx uccldny, or cucks, held a —— JeNDI (0.82) Well, if the first 2AM (0282) SHEL, “then I'@ Like the 2 fue-t0 bo boyo. voceok on not @DDt Voll, I dents 2 ENUM (quictly) Ty nev nell BED:(I'C juateo VEkoyfully) I's: perticl t2 JaNBT: Bo soricus, Tod. @EDs Tho Inkto le.ta nice, JNBTGo cn, thens y tietts not vory bricnt io coy 19-41%? ts Go my chver our futureL" E381 Bofore wo ae ‘oxnotly why TID: (at no lest atteiot ot the AULT wha ht yous ot qoncr ee but otilL 2aBn (Garey gm = how nenyy thither we Ba tite 2 w n i Boro tocar iene) Mie -15- EANEDS Dea't ord. » Tete Tat Ten’ think wo sucht to Worry too such, You'll soc, thins ota) ell work sate FENDI It'a ta> oray +2 ory thet. gaps (lo jin Seer tyy wound in then tunge Foo let's nut worry ~ just bo happy. ORI) Door penca Bust of gueclink. (Loko +: those bircs = © without o Lot 3 naturel nocd Z. They gust - (Heats widon TABI Ghetto the satior, Tol? Tole? You seve & sort of - chiver. aa Iolend) Lb, 7 tt th cli vi ht Worry. There's no it, you coc. - ps, his cyes te ree eee ater = just Ay tho tolene. QENBMTtta oo cork. GRIJiS “prser BiliDs ovens (Crtchin 92D's elem) thet's thet? TED: Contt bo sees enythd 40 3 (KEEPER coreg quictly int> shot) ngie sho eeper —~ IGXPER: Quoc neiaca those birts > Acn't it? Pop hin right ~ Jonet ane Tees ED: (who otro’ at scour? tanta Toros) Yeas PER Tht wea c ZED: Oh. itust heve Yoon vhet I Baie biG — bir (Con 1 = Isicne) oper wien. PER: Or A policrn = ga:10 2 those ver on tho dolenc, toc. Quite corde 4f you con't Imay that, about thio tino. - QANSTs(guiotly) Lot's so, Ter. Hold Koopor MD: Yoo (29 thoy j:9) G2.cnichte “156 -16- TQEPER: Goutnicht. “” (ig 1010 nerosa ot islend) Rust Discs “pau: 4 burot of qunckinz:;, hooting, feintly = thon face up full on CUT 42 OUR Cults 7 Tap Salone Mth, (Bootcround_of bushes) ngio shot Garroon EFFECT: Rwtlin-: of ecves ol ose (Con.3. = Outer Roon) at hand. Big; Bon otrilain-; throe-quartcro. (Heerdns the sound, CAnROOn ones Blovly uy, then coat, co aodrehin, f5r docpor chottcrs fecbe tag teres sane Geere TR gocthin, Go ci~ Scotlond Yord. Nipht. (Lis: hoo 0 holfo-pty coffee ‘Sup in front cr hig) (Ante pheno) Infornetion Roon? wnything in yot? Imew iF there idee. Gwiss “DIsCe D.uD: Big Bon otrilins :deniche. Gront Scott = :ténicht. Dest - cot hire while you orn. Brel: cn the job fivot thins in t.¢ romdinc. ero'1l probaly be & flocd of nongonoichl reports t2 copa with. Quater:tag zat be rnd. BEST: (into shet) You oteyin; hore? LOL (nods) I supyoa0 DESI Gosanisnt. Hold Lonax zt Go-dninht, Doot. Sica Track in - Close-up Lonax FADE OUT 4. {DE UP Cilia Tho Ielend Tie Track slowly to Closo-up of cyos. PADS CUT 44 2 in Doras: Cu! hoa Single shot quakemiss (Cam 1 _- Outer Room) al} = (DEST pees. § 2un' LOW julia a rope E Goaine te rirds Mis hee sles Bete: wierter ty mrs fens Gridist Diser Lap, ing of wter. Ocenciontl gus 1S. Discr a Benet {i Bon chines, atrikes three. 2 eyea GRU. Dicor ec Eorioat bird noise caxetible wth diréelifo tn Islenc. (Hot_"levoratory" on. cf set) eluteht DPFOCT: Sicll clock repicly atrilain seven. TES.SS: (tumin:;)"I_recuse Detosesr quatemeas! Dy Jann Potorgony Senior Gncinocr, ctcs, Tho Sritish ;oople htve ne bo told how & project vital to thoir country'o eee Pont noteayts seta. <"bcek Bropergticn, . y low the & ca wv Bhosen = (uoska ug) — the eae (xiovenco! Te saben” fail in ciorgonoy?" (Ho oru:ploa papor, throws fegom) : 45. (ako in JUDITH) CAM 1 CASgio sneF Gicternes TNT WMe otrins of folco cxyurento Yon hin loft to Judith ho'o boon rozortin:: to hi::oclf over osnce at nay ONO -17« AT Hold Quatornass Tull back and pan hin left. Judith ontors shot right. Pan Quaternass right. Cait 2 seotte. stngie shot Lonax Bost onters shot right Best leaves shot right -18- Yord. Dey Treek in - single Lonnx 2 shot Dest ond Lonnx EN besthoth = hello?” & 18 + JUDITH: inything rethor than believe =the -othor. WUATEUSS: To + By Petorson :wust out cf his ita. QUIT: Tt'o whekedly wmtruc! Yhon Dulletove printo your stataont, 1t'1i be clecr - it os for ao torrificc QUATEYSS: (oerily) It's just 0 pity thet 0 ig-on the wron> froundo. “hy con't thoy soyt Wqueter:nsa ia tn-cixiehine who rocdily cecozte srerifice frat sthora, those mectlin.: curicoityhos tuoulted in = rt lonot, the 1ca3 of throc loyal tné veluavle lives: ct tho worat = sc ‘othin: inccacritebly horrible. JUDITH: There wes erick. Like ell explorers, thoy it willincly. QUAfBLSS: Only they'é less TP ay ok lorera ithe sarkits hdatory hot :4ht lic chord .f.the:! “hy dccan't Leis rin — ho :ust havo sqwthin:: by now! (Picks uw: phono, rattios reeciver Feo: fot no Beotient Vere, will yeu. (LO: ot dest, which ia hep ‘Wh routine reports, No hes ond In ocoh ont. Dost occa Sshot with others, LOL: (grotno) Not sore of the: - BESM Mat’s tho lot. HOLS, Totitn: from the cotual ‘Goaren, of course! Hero = trke a bunch mea ait fom. Porh yeu een find c elu 3 ro ees Hollo = Laws o, ordcin:: hy Quetor woo! I'vo hee reports sent in fre: evo: otaticn in nino borousha. a ovorni-ht inciZzont. (Peon. nt renéa:) licn in~ hia 0 an Welbem — wrunke fren cll ovor = inZocont ox: omuro, Clorkenvoll = Ociothin: nbeut & lot of cont. & # chotruction onanod by trevorts 2 Cuel:a? ergy (Binds 1¢ 09 BES? Tate shot) DESTE Thet was onc of the iect te Cac in = I took it com :ysols, © fow rinutes ace. LQUStSe10 opr constelle Levins to Salon fo.l of ninsolf — (into Bhong) Dtyou vent x0 to rood Tt? 48 CUT Cutis Rosoereh ¢ (QUATERLSS hontins: shone to shot Quatornass Sorscony and Driscoo FRISCOD: Yeo?.... Ye: + There ny bo sqiothing in this. Vill you" ¢ along there onc investincte? - "11 Join you oo c0:n co we con, (Phono Com) st. Je:oe'a Perk! UTX TELECINE: Central Shot_l: Close shot fried nep, yonning on to york itself. Shot 2: LeS, Fork. KEEFM ond es POLICEIAN wotohin: wetor Shot 3: Low anglo i.0.8, fron north bonke VOTH OF SEMI: Itto cnilos thet, HE at oF -0¢ sooures atta not rosliy. To wat it pargouoly ~-it's on dotfema. .goins the fer vonk rt ono point. Shot Trio ohot 5. DEST (ociing ot ‘ghole—dtuclee zt Doot, I vont_ycu to ~ct TERR to the'varde Phek up Quatorsings and Drisccc ea oc-n Qa thoy crrivo. I'11 scot you on the fer venk (To KEEP) Dust: Yoo, sir. (Hurrics off) RELPIR: Youtro ccing to conl wth sir’ - bor: Lol: Yoo, con't worry. Hew oa For Oo I ro:otbor, there'o © couble security sate = : IEELEY That'o risht, aire DISSCLVE TO: Shit 83 .C.S. Scours ty Totont. It (or netucl logzo-l coon) Ld. $008 & otoy cr two dnoide, strndo with back to ca@ora, lozkin7 rounds Shot 9: Car ;ullin’; up at spood, fa notr os yoseible to Geto. Dpir Gene DEST, QU.TIULsS nnd TAISCCE_oprerr ond h feross shot. TAIGCCE hes orzyle bexems Shct 10: ..0 on’ WaTESS end 8. Lei: tuna. AISCCS ints shot. Lett Holls, Quetorseoo. ATENSS1 Voll? Eats m.thin: yots but thie aocin To Tkolioat ‘since. (Lents way inetd) Shote 11 @ 12: Sacte ¢ zarty om |= Toleat, softrohinc. Shote 13, 14 & 15: DUISCCS :.ckos * Bee ee Wahco, ohcwa othora, ¢uts whot ho finds into sanjlo Sexes. Shot 16:Soourity nto. Tho yarty Tocvoy -wrdacoo hurryiny: firoty ccrryin; tho boxes. == ‘Outor Ro. Single shot Judith Pull back tc - 3 shot 50 Cans ‘Bho 51 CaM 2. 2 shot Briscoe & Quaternass Pull back as Briscoe walke round and hold hin, -a- nberetory one crt with re te cial, | UII, SIs, Ene jUeInoS, in Tebe sats Gre ona Inin, tho Contonts of The incubator throw ¢ Flattonod ca:0 of xc thr-us Eore. cc UDITH: (ohinkfi1y} I've never sccn t™; 7-O0 Rormi tle! Like “rey a It s.vod = it UL.G$: There's no aivn of ERISCCE: I'11 ,ut tho oxygen su, Up te the 1iut. (.cjusts valvo) & you fine? JUDITH: het oloc ci QU.TEWLSS! Sovorel cf the Dushco ‘hi tho doled hed Yocn nd:oot atrip.od. Thoro wore ferthora cnc —- 1 wee yrotty horrible DPM Wo £-.tprinter Me - ota Of ony yorsen? W.TILSSi0. Gorscn, ern wo —— fatto Wie tevlurcture? gAISOCE: It'o os hich now oo wo earo<. = QU.ADIILSS1inother five rcgreca? zarsecan0. QU:2TEIE.8S: Why not? BISCCE It's rlronty nt troy: eat Gnoico.thero = tnt wo di imew whet wotro Conlin: withe wo cra't oven olnscify it co z1tmt bre mnincl = MUATEILGS: Votve cot to try ma i: tae paugccardut tho ocndticns wo're sa ry heve the opposite offoot. PAs, ro sound thyoe of thene Whaiiche inn redcty coverdorating oonditin. fvo cf then ore now dn oe hendo of Hono Office patholocdotas 1 ee = 22+ TAB CC They've feese SRinteis aeeeltaipore QUATHIL.SS: In their widdont ‘D-up to us to very conditions sn this ono. qilseces (ator a zonent) .nother HTOO -uoGroos Thon (aegusts hectin; emtrol) 52 5 ee Pte werscse ant vaares —— Gnas (oun ) “het ern those nts? PRISCCHFran the nein indivicucl? 0 = tho otructuro'o fcr tov str Thoy'ro moro likely t> vo - let's cr it = tricl ruis. Sozarcte- ettaite ot & now intor-cellulsr uni ne QUDITHin~ this tice - it's succedcer QU.TEILSS: Thetts v Quatermass enters above Judith Gircit--i. ive: finally cénvincod. JUDITH: Tut thoy rust 20 able ts Gut vhore = I% con't have Zone we're whe. for = QUATEIVSS: Thoytre coin: te Co cvorything thoy car. TUDIN Wot Imowine: what They're 53 Yoolin:; for. (Turne, loka inte CAM 1. ineubeter’ a5 pigenOu seems ~ WaTEILSSt Uy ta nary thot's tho only -ovidencos.«(gUDT?H turaa, m SESE) ese oo whet Agplte inte inow.0kse Looko inte 4: wetro to TUITE I thowht I ony - (Storta Dok} Ut cid - it Roved. Quick track in single a W553 (Quictly tc incubr.tor) shot of Quaternass ond io gulag oat eine poor eee YOO, Jedeee dneubator (te SRISOCL) You sce = wo fre cn tho ; ¢ moot act fii: Cait 2 dectiend Yor (Goce ohot of LcILct sorted on Bhot Lonax nnd Tepector “cooky Cle, (into shene) Hello... hcllo? maveLco tho soooivor root) I'vo Poon out-off-= T-wea throuch to tho BE Hollo? Chtbf Incvootor Leas ayining about this crohitceturel Fomersio that's boin;: toleviood tron wogwunoter abuey tondsdit = con you toll i:0 what tine your poople gro Cuo to finish? - 22 Hold Lonax Pan Lonax right - nap 55 CiM 4. 2 shot. 56 Cm 2. ‘Single shot Dost "S00 Theat crunk enc dioorderly Lonax ontors shot right Idling: It's in cc: ‘Setrch wetro melcin’ crt went to intorfcro winocoss y TWocs to zap) Scuné. 8 sorlo ciiriny, otertin: at 7.30. In tny erase, vy thet t Fiok cf tho’ ovening: ahcul = for tottor or worse. dot IS. uePe} (else et ini) Dtction, 7 oslock "t tho recostion Se tr: to Weterloc? Lunes It's for tu. Is. Cheifs fro Coot «fri: Colonial Cffiee won't chen;:o thet :4 ht ive Ast BISiLCRC.: Goin: t3 Le o lore Crom Li (st:nificcntly) .n% ez Op ortunity.s UST MNGi wORG: This ccocrt:; +: ‘Soon Lasuodt "olicvod ts 49 Gout the s:cat Scfinite te Lolli T lmove 222 your = ge Ta ‘Wetoh for anythin” thet cuettes Buspicien — end thoy :ustn't tels. Wo don't went to ors noccless: Sloman runcura. low - (te I'21 just run over the | Gan’ oxmect in tho cree $2: about 615, Horactorry nec Bo bieolied'tor aw tins vy tho goldvory 3f n cicnt frotory boiler = (Sound “of Gos “svoning. He 19. oat inte shot} Shed ~ he'a sutoize nav. Lelisis (pnnoyod) ch, Lor 28M Seuncs eo if there A cnt Lo ‘Sasothiny ~23- gall rivat - triny hin ine (2082_g203) hia wen't teko & 57 CAMA eo 7 mane ani Tnepootor. — jtoked hin up abcut four tho Horning - sont salon: fre: Cenn-n now AS? INS, 207: ‘onto' + Gne of your wiucucl DUST Insite, nove (ho Dau 45 _hustlec inte sit. fhe oe SOtsrgloc wemuler violtor Soto olics Gourta. whiten Frect, he lv.to us an olor 38 ge tho pelies) ge Aw frisnte ) ast ell thi: eho ponax o J.T ‘rishtonod) t's his Torr [ite Torsceut: = I never Qone mnythin; = POL ALL richt, cit cow here, at you? ny con't I just hive SPtoonxcent a0:e 69 pau (atta) io ono Cayta 4: Youal? I nicht’ evon yay tho Tine for m cheno - I jot the five vob on io = Lucy In ¢ fow -dnutco. Kav Fas thio otory you told the cu Dou: I Imow = he swede out I woo to of zo I've only arpz, tnt Iin for it. Bolus: Con you rorecLer whet y Fold hi::? DAU’, The resoon I_wea runnin'? Tes frihtenoc., I rm on! run ‘olf o ailo = lo.}in'-for sore (Ho roio word qe Looks unoafortebly an tho (angotion oF Ses iicgy ant mien I Founc eno, To cnly run ne ine DAVIE Voll, Mko I tolé tir, it, Fae ae — it woo this - (Ho ovellons) Gort of see. rustiin' noice in to single shot of — BGLaue Con you toll io whore you Vora At this tino? TAYE Cno of tho: little otrcots, “ouaiinotor tall wey. I'é din sitant in a Gowrvey, ‘oon I rnon't foolin' - to. woll.. me.I accns.(Sunllona ‘Trac! 53 CAM g. shot Dest and Tomax 34 Cam 2 inglo sho 55 1@MNC.21 Roscerch stction. CUECE nom. eye Single sot Briscoo (Cana. 2 and 4 to Interior Scanner) Pull back and pan left to Quaternass nnd Judith 56 Labs ZOU it tho cnd of the strece or G oocend — I couldn't even cut tho ohazo =roparly ~ just the: it woo bic, on? thon it went round tho comore.«(Roictbers)chy :y horvanal his ficure Blewly? quickly? QBUIE: (oteros plant; walkin’? Toy-coule at so I toll-you? It ves ‘ih us cn the wall Zor (4_zeuse) Tnust "a con cutl... Must tn licen Gnitis: Stocr linidn 2 (int phono) scones tS Tow lon: ey:0?... T aco. He Fosuacitction wes possible, I sup. on0? v6, set ts the Mn: eon ticn?, Athoroc ne dry. (Zen tounrca inovvetor, vhich te 7 zoho neg” Toy tho ono vo hove 40 of412 owviving It'o cotually inercagos in cizo ~ Wory repicly iaceot “win: tio leet halfhowr. © Sy ‘oven sr cdynt gontinctroo. “int ? tho th ee. Cf course oo be eins” aut a soparemeat aac au ee SP toe GR RERRES ET USTEOE TE, BOOS WEARING h t C46 thoy ony? paISCDs (into hot) Moya 1ine + Trapest BL REL) Meyrd ane to GU.2.25-.83: I'l] heve no intorforence apace that you mating there's a noo that oy ohen7o hore say aloo bo takin: plros in tho rain eat -B-

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