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We, ANKIT (200151520002) ,ABHISHEK YADAV (200151520052) and ANJALI (200151520053) students of
final year in Department of Electronics & Communication at Guru Jambheshwar University of Science &
Technology, Hisar (Haryana) hereby declare that the project entitled "LPG GAS LEAKAGE DETECTOR" has
been assembled and tested by us under the guidance of Mr. VIJAYPAL SINGH, assistant professor in
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Guru Jambheshwar University of Science
and Technology, Hisar.

This is to certify that the project work entitled, “LPG GAS LEAKAGE DETECTOR” submitted by the
students of Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology (2020-2024) in partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the degree B.Tech, is work carried out by them under my supervision & guidance.
They have assembled, tested the hardware under my supervision and guidance.

MR. Vijaypal Singh

(Project Guide)

We would like to express our thanks to our mentor Mr. Vijaypal Singh. He has been of great help in our
venture, and an indispensable resource of technical knowledge. He is truly an amazing mentor and
project supervisor to have. We also thank our Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,
entire faculty and staff of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, and also our friends
who devoted their valuable time and helped us in all possible ways towards successful completion of
this project. We thank all those who have contributed either directly or indirectly towards this project.

ANKIT (200151520002)

ABHISHEK (200151520052)


Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a highly flammable gas that is commonly used in homes and
businesses for cooking and heating. LPG leaks can be dangerous and can lead to explosions,
fires, and even deaths. To prevent these hazards, it is important to have a reliable LPG gas
leakage detector in place.

An LPG gas leakage detector is a device that detects the presence of LPG gas in the air. When a
leak is detected, the detector will sound an alarm to warn people of the danger. There are
many different types of LPG gas leakage detectors available, but they all work on the same
basic principle. They use a sensor to detect the presence of LPG gas. The sensor then sends a
signal to a controller, which triggers the alarm.

There are several benefits to using an LPG gas leakage detector. First, they can help to prevent
explosions, fires, and deaths. Second, they can provide peace of mind knowing that you are
protected in the event of a leak. Third, they are relatively inexpensive and easy to install.

If you are considering installing an LPG gas leakage detector, there are a few things to keep in
mind. First, you should choose a detector that is certified by a reputable organization, such as
Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Second, you should install the detector in a location where it
will be able to detect a leak quickly. Third, you should test the detector regularly to ensure that
it is working properly.

Overall, LPG gas leakage detectors are an important safety device that can help to prevent
accidents and protect lives. If you are considering installing one, I encourage you to do so.

1. List Of Figures

2. List Of Tables

3. List Of Symbols

4. List Of Abbreviation

5. Chapter -1 (Introduction)

6. Chapter -2 (Requirement)

7. Chapter -3 (Circuit Diagram & Connections)

8. Chapter -4 (Working)

9. Chapter -5 (Cost Estimation)

10. Chapter -6 (Future Scope & Applications)

11. Chapter -7 (Conclusion)

12. Chapter

13. Appendices

14. References








1.1 Project Overview

1.2 Key Features

1.3 Objectives

1.4 Implementation


2.1 Tools And Technologies Used


3.1 Circuit Diagram

3.2 Connections


4.1 Working

4.2 Program Code



6.1 Future Scope

6.2 Advantages

6.3 Limitations

6.4 Applications



LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is a highly flammable gas that is commonly used in homes and businesses
for cooking and heating. However, LPG leaks can pose a serious safety hazard, leading to explosions,
fires, and even death. To prevent these accidents, it is crucial to have a reliable LPG gas leakage detector
in place.

Project Overview

This project aims to design and implement an LPG gas leakage detection system that utilizes a sensor to
detect the presence of LPG gas and triggers an alarm when a leak is detected. The system will consist of
the following components:

MQ-6 Gas Sensor: This sensor is specifically designed to detect LPG gas and provides an output voltage
that varies with the concentration of LPG gas in the air.

Arduino Uno Microcontroller: The Arduino Uno microcontroller will be used to process the output
voltage from the MQ-6 sensor and determine if the LPG gas concentration has reached a dangerous

Buzzer Alarm: If the Arduino Uno detects a dangerous level of LPG gas, it will activate a buzzer alarm to
alert the user of the potential hazard.


The development of an effective LPG gas leakage detection system is crucial for ensuring safety in
homes, businesses, and industrial facilities where LPG gas is used. By detecting leaks promptly and
triggering an alarm, these systems can help prevent accidents, protect lives, and minimize property
Project Goals

The primary goals of this project are to:

Design and construct a functional LPG gas leakage detection system using an MQ-6 gas sensor, Arduino
Uno microcontroller, and buzzer alarm.

Calibrate the MQ-6 gas sensor to accurately detect LPG gas concentrations within a specified range.

Program the Arduino Uno microcontroller to process sensor data, determine LPG gas concentration
levels, and trigger the buzzer alarm when necessary.

Evaluate the performance of the system in detecting LPG gas leaks under various conditions.

Project Benefits

The successful completion of this project will result in the development of a reliable and effective LPG
gas leakage detection system that offers the following benefits:

Enhanced safety: The system will help prevent LPG gas leaks, explosions, and fires, thereby protecting
lives and property.

Early warning: The alarm system will provide timely warnings of LPG gas leaks, allowing occupants to
take immediate action to prevent accidents.

Peace of mind: The presence of a reliable LPG gas leakage detection system can provide peace of mind
to homeowners, business owners, and industrial personnel.
Reduced insurance costs: The implementation of an LPG gas leakage detection system may lead to lower
insurance premiums due to the reduced risk of accidents.


In a world where Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) plays a pivotal role as a versatile energy source for
cooking, heating, and various industrial applications, safety becomes paramount. LPG, while efficient, is
highly flammable, making the detection and prevention of leaks of utmost importance. Thus, our project
introduces an LPG Leakage Detector and Automatic Shutdown System utilizing a Solenoid Valve. The
core objective of this project is to create a safety net for users by promptly identifying LPG leaks and
taking immediate, automated action to avert potential disasters. At its heart, this system is composed of
several key components. A sensitive LPG gas sensor continually scans the environment for gas presence.
A microcontroller, often Arduino or Raspberry Pi, processes the sensor's data in real-time. Upon
detection of a leak, an alarm system - either audible or visual - is triggered, ensuring that occupants are
alerted to the potential danger. However, what truly sets this project apart is its ability to shut down the
gas supply automatically through a solenoid valve when a leak is detected. This rapid response
effectively prevents the accumulation of gas and, consequently, significantly reduces the risk of fire or
explosion. The significance of this project lies in its capacity to enhance safety, protect lives and
property, and minimize health risks related to LPG exposure. It finds applications in a range of settings,
from residential kitchens to commercial establishments and industrial facilities. In conclusion, our LPG
Leakage Detector and Automatic Shutdown System offer an innovative and crucial solution to mitigate
the inherent risks of LPG usage, ensuring that users can harness the benefits of this energy source with
peace of mind


The project will be implemented using a combination of hardware and software components, including
MQ 2sensors, Arduino,. The hardware design will focus on creating an ergonomic and aesthetically
pleasing LPG gas leakage detector.


In this following chapter we are going to discuss the existing technology and the technology on which
the team worked and all the theory associated with the problem area.

1.1 Tools and Technologies Used

The Arduino Uno microcontroller plays a central role in the LPG gas leakage detector
project, serving as the brain of the system. It processes sensor data, determines the
concentration of LPG gas, and triggers the alarm when necessary.

Key Functions of the Arduino Uno in LPG Gas Leakage Detection:

Data Acquisition: The Arduino Uno receives analog voltage readings from the MQ-6 gas
sensor, which measures the electrical conductivity of a semiconductor material in
response to LPG gas exposure.

Signal Processing: The microcontroller converts the analog voltage readings into digital
values and applies algorithms to calibrate and normalize the sensor data.

Concentration Determination: The Arduino Uno utilizes the processed sensor data to
calculate the concentration of LPG gas in the surrounding air.

Alarm Control: Based on the determined LPG gas concentration, the microcontroller
triggers the buzzer alarm if the concentration exceeds a pre-set threshold, indicating a
potential leak.

Serial Communication: The Arduino Uno can be connected to a computer or other

device via serial communication, allowing for data logging, monitoring, and

The MQ-2 gas sensor is a widely used and versatile sensor for detecting LPG (liquefied
petroleum gas) leaks. It is a semiconductor sensor that operates by detecting changes
in electrical conductivity when exposed to LPG gas. The sensor's sensitivity and
response time make it well-suited for LPG gas leakage detection applications.
Key Features of MQ-2 Gas Sensor for LPG Leak Detection:

High Sensitivity: The MQ-2 sensor exhibits high sensitivity to LPG gas, enabling it to
detect even low concentrations of the gas, typically around 2 ppm (parts per million).

Fast Response Time: The sensor's response time is relatively quick, allowing it to
provide timely warnings of LPG leaks. It can detect LPG gas within a few seconds of

Simple Operation: The MQ-2 sensor is relatively simple to operate, requiring minimal
circuitry and calibration. It provides an analog output voltage that varies with the
concentration of LPG gas.

Wide Operating Range: The sensor operates effectively within a wide range of LPG gas
concentrations, from 2 ppm to 10,000 ppm.

Durability and Reliability: The MQ-2 sensor is designed for durability and reliability,
ensuring consistent performance over time.


Relay modules (or power relay modules) are ubiquitous electronic components. They are
an exceedingly significant component of any home automation project. Relay modules are
straightforward components. Essentially, they work as switches. Your average relay module
comprises two internal metal contacts. Usually, these contacts do not connect or touch
each other. However, relays include an internal switch connecting these contacts to
complete an electrical circuit that allows current flow. Relay modules do not work like
manual light switches. To illustrate, when you switch on a light, you must press a button to
connect the two metal contacts within it. Inversely, a relay switch uses electric pulses to
turn its internal switch on and off. You power a voltage power current on one side of the
circuit that powers an electromagnetic coil which pulls the metal contacts together.
Consequently, this allows the current to flow on the other side of the relay. Your Arduino
Uno or Raspberry Pi can send a digital signal to the relay, which can then power whatever
application you need. As you may expect, there are different relay module types. We will
cover that further down this guide.

Batteries play a crucial role in LPG gas leakage detector projects, providing power to the
system's components and enabling its operation. The specific type of battery used depends
on the design and power requirements of the detector.
A jump wire is an electrical wire, or group of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at
each end, which is normally used to interconnect the components of a breadboard or other
prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or components, without

3.1. Circuit Diagram:

3.2. Connections

4.1. Working:

1. Gas Sensing: The gas sensor continuously samples the surrounding air.

2. Signal Processing: Upon detecting LPG gas, the sensor generates an electrical signal proportional to
the gas concentration.

3. Microcontroller Analysis: The microcontroller receives the sensor signal, digitizes it, and applies
algorithms to determine the exact LPG gas concentration.

4. Alarm Activation: If the LPG gas concentration exceeds the preset alarm threshold, the
microcontroller triggers the alarm system.

5.User Alert: The alarm, whether a buzzer or a combination of buzzer and LED lights, alerts the user to
the potential gas leak, prompting them to take immediate action.

// Define the analog input pin for the MQ-6 sensor

const int sensorPin = A0;

// Define the digital pin for the buzzer

const int buzzerPin = 9;

// Define the threshold value for triggering the alarm

const int alarmThreshold = 400;

void setup() {

// Initialize serial communication


// Set the buzzer pin as output

pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

// Read the sensor value

int sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);

// Convert sensor value to voltage

float sensorVoltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1024.0);

// Convert voltage to gas concentration

float gasConcentration = sensorVoltage / 0.0051;

// Print the sensor value, voltage, and gas concentration to the serial monitor

Serial.print("Sensor Value: ");


Serial.print(" Sensor Voltage: ");


Serial.print(" Gas Concentration: ");


// Check if the gas concentration has exceeded the alarm threshold

if (gasConcentration >= alarmThreshold) {

// Trigger the buzzer

digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);

// Print an alarm message to the serial monitor

Serial.println("GAS LEAK DETECTED!");

} else {

// Turn off the buzzer

digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);

// Wait for one second before taking the next reading



The setup() function initializes serial communication and sets the buzzer pin as an output.

The loop() function reads the sensor value, converts it to voltage and gas concentration, and prints the
values to the serial monitor.

The loop() function checks if the gas concentration has exceeded the alarm threshold. If so, it triggers
the buzzer and prints an alarm message to the serial monitor. Otherwise, it turns off the buzzer.

The loop() function waits for one second before taking the next reading.

Additional Considerations:

The alarm threshold should be adjusted based on the specific requirements of the application.

The sensor should be calibrated periodically to ensure accurate readings.

The detector should be installed in a well-ventilated area to allow for proper sensor operation.


6.1.Future Scope

Here are some of the future scopes of the LPG gas leakage detector project:

• Wireless connectivity: LPG gas leakage detectors can be made wireless so that they can send
alerts to a smartphone or other device even when the user is not home. This would allow users
to take action to prevent an accident even if they are not physically present.
• Integration with smart home systems: LPG gas leakage detectors can be integrated with smart
home systems so that they can be triggered automatically to turn off the gas supply if a leak is
detected. This would help to prevent explosions and fires.
• Development of more sensitive sensors: Researchers are developing more sensitive sensors that
can detect LPG gas leaks at even lower concentrations. This would make LPG gas leakage
detectors even more effective at preventing accidents.
• Development of self-learning algorithms: Researchers are also developing self-learning
algorithms that can help LPG gas leakage detectors to adapt to changing environmental
conditions. This would make them more reliable and accurate.
• Development of wearable LPG gas leakage detectors: Wearable LPG gas leakage detectors could
be developed to protect people who work in high-risk environments, such as firefighters and
• Overall, the future of LPG gas leakage detector technology is bright. With continued research
and development, these devices can become even more effective at preventing accidents and
saving lives.

• Here are some additional thoughts on the future of LPG gas leakage detector technology:

• Artificial intelligence (AI) could be used to develop more sophisticated algorithms for detecting
LPG gas leaks. AI could also be used to develop predictive models that could identify homes and
businesses that are at high risk of LPG gas leaks.

• The Internet of Things (IoT) could be used to connect LPG gas leakage detectors to other devices
in the home or business. This would allow the devices to share data and work together to
prevent accidents.

• Nanotechnology could be used to develop smaller, more powerful, and more energy-efficient
LPG gas leakage detectors. This would make the devices more affordable and easier to install.
6.2. Advantages

LPG gas leakage detectors are essential safety devices that can help prevent explosions, fires, and even
death. Here are some of the key advantages of using an LPG gas leakage detector:

• Early detection of gas leaks: LPG gas leakage detectors are designed to detect gas leaks early
before they reach dangerous levels. This early detection can give you time to take action to
prevent an accident.
• Peace of mind: Knowing that you have an LPG gas leakage detector in place can give you peace
of mind. You can rest assured that you will be alerted if there is a gas leak in your home or

• Reduced insurance costs: Many insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners and
businesses that have LPG gas leakage detectors installed. This is because these devices can help
to reduce the risk of accidents.

• Increased safety for your family and employees: LPG gas leaks can be deadly, so it is important
to take steps to protect your loved ones and employees. An LPG gas leakage detector is an
essential part of any safety plan.

• Easy to install and use: LPG gas leakage detectors are typically very easy to install and use. You
can usually install one yourself in just a few minutes.

• Affordable: LPG gas leakage detectors are relatively affordable, especially when you consider
the potential cost of an accident.

In addition to these advantages, LPG gas leakage detectors can also help to:

• Reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning: LPG gas can produce carbon monoxide, which is
a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly. An LPG gas leakage detector can help to detect
carbon monoxide leaks so that you can take action to ventilate the area.
• Improve indoor air quality: LPG gas can also contribute to indoor air pollution. An LPG gas
leakage detector can help to identify and eliminate sources of indoor air pollution.

6.3. Limitations

LPG gas leakage detectors are important safety devices that can help to prevent accidents. However,
they do have some limitations.

Limitations of LPG gas leakage detectors:

False alarms: LPG gas leakage detectors can sometimes trigger false alarms. This can be due to a variety
of factors, such as dust, humidity, or other gases.

False alarms can be a nuisance, and they can also lead to complacency.

Sensor degradation: The sensors in LPG gas leakage detectors can degrade over time. This can make
them less sensitive to LPG gas leaks.

Power outages: LPG gas leakage detectors that are powered by batteries will not work during a power
outage. This is a significant limitation, as LPG gas leaks are more likely to occur during power outages.

Placement: LPG gas leakage detectors must be placed in the correct location to be effective. If they are
placed too close to a source of LPG gas, they may not detect a leak until it is too late. If they are placed
too far from a source of LPG gas, they may not detect a leak at all.

Additional limitations:

Cost: LPG gas leakage detectors can be expensive. This can make them prohibitive for some people.

Maintenance: LPG gas leakage detectors require regular maintenance to ensure that they are
functioning properly. This can be a time-consuming and costly process.


LPG gas leakage detectors are essential safety devices that play a crucial role in preventing gas leaks,
explosions, and fires. They are widely used in various settings, including homes, businesses, industrial
facilities, and vehicles. Here's a comprehensive overview of the applications of LPG gas leakage

1. Domestic Applications:

In homes, LPG gas leakage detectors are primarily used in kitchens where LPG gas stoves are commonly
used. These detectors are typically installed near gas lines and appliances to detect leaks promptly.
When a leak is detected, the detector triggers an audible alarm, alerting occupants to take immediate
action, such as turning off the gas supply and evacuating the premises.

2. Commercial Applications:

LPG gas leakage detectors are extensively used in commercial establishments, including restaurants,
hotels, and other businesses that utilize LPG gas for cooking or heating purposes. These detectors are
essential for ensuring the safety of employees, customers, and the overall property.
3. Industrial Applications:

Industrial facilities that handle or store LPG gas rely heavily on LPG gas leakage detectors to prevent
hazardous situations. These detectors are installed in areas where LPG gas is present, such as storage
tanks, pipelines, and processing units. They continuously monitor the gas concentration and trigger
alarms in case of a leak, allowing for prompt mitigation measures.

4. Vehicle Applications:

LPG-powered vehicles, including cars, trucks, and forklifts, require LPG gas leakage detectors to ensure
safety while driving or operating in enclosed spaces. These detectors are typically installed near the gas
tank and engine compartment to detect leaks promptly and alert the driver or operator.

In addition to these primary applications, LPG gas leakage detectors are also used in various specialized
settings, such as laboratories, chemical plants, and marine vessels. They play a critical role in
maintaining safety standards and preventing accidents in these environments.

The development and implementation of an effective LPG gas leakage detection system is crucial for
enhancing safety in various settings, including homes, businesses, and industrial facilities. This project
aimed to design and construct a reliable and functional LPG gas leakage detector using an MQ-6 gas
sensor, Arduino Uno microcontroller, and buzzer alarm.

Key Achievements

Successful Design and Construction: The project successfully designed and constructed an LPG gas
leakage detection system using the specified components.

Sensor Calibration: The MQ-6 gas sensor was calibrated to accurately detect LPG gas concentrations
within a specified range.

Microcontroller Programming: The Arduino Uno microcontroller was programmed to process sensor
data, determine LPG gas concentration levels, and trigger the buzzer alarm when necessary.

System Evaluation: The performance of the system was evaluated in detecting LPG gas leaks under
various conditions, demonstrating its effectiveness and reliability.

Overall Impact

The successful completion of this project has resulted in the development of a reliable and effective LPG
gas leakage detection system that offers several significant benefits:

Enhanced Safety: The system effectively detects and alerts users of LPG gas leaks, preventing potential
accidents and protecting lives and property.
Early Warning: The system provides timely warnings of LPG gas leaks, allowing occupants to take
immediate action to prevent accidents.

Peace of Mind: The presence of a reliable LPG gas leakage detection system can provide peace of mind
to homeowners, business owners, and industrial personnel.

Reduced Insurance Costs: The implementation of an LPG gas leakage detection system may lead to
lower insurance premiums due to the reduced risk of accidents.

Future Directions

Wireless Connectivity: Integrating wireless connectivity into the system would allow for remote
monitoring and alerts, enhancing its overall effectiveness.

Smart Home Integration: Integrating the system with smart home technologies would enable automated
actions, such as turning off gas valves or triggering ventilation systems.

Sensor Sensitivity Enhancement: Developing more sensitive and robust sensors would further improve
the system's detection capabilities.

Self-Learning Algorithms: Incorporating self-learning algorithms would allow the system to adapt to
changing environmental conditions and improve its accuracy.

Wearable Detector Development: Creating wearable LPG gas leakage detectors would provide
additional protection for individuals working in hazardous environments.

In conclusion, the development of an effective LPG gas leakage detection system has made significant
strides in enhancing safety and preventing accidents associated with LPG gas leaks. As technology
advances, the potential exists to further refine and improve these systems to ensure the utmost safety
in various settings.



Circuit Diagram


Cost Estimation

Future Scope


Jumper Wire

Key Features




Program Code

Project Overview

Relay Module








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