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Student Guide

BSBTWK502 Manage Team Effectiveness

Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Australian Learning Group Pty Ltd

RTO 91165, CRICOS 03071E ACN 112 741 723
Topic 1: Establish team performance plan ....................................................................................... 4
Topic 2: Develop team cohesion.........................................................................................................11
Topic 3: Facilitate teamwork and liaise with stakeholders ......................................................... 23

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The Student Guide should be used in conjunction with the recommended reading and any further
course notes or activities given by the trainer/assessor.

Application of the unit

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead teams in the workplace and to actively
engage with the management of the organisation.

The unit applies to individuals working at a managerial level who lead and build a positive culture
within their work teams. At this level, work will normally be carried out using complex and diverse
methods and procedures requiring the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement. It will
also involve using a range of problem solving and decision-making strategies.

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of

Learning goals
Learning goals include:

• The student is able to establish team performance plan.

• The student is able to develop and facilitate team cohesion.

• The student is able to facilitate teamwork.

• The student is able to liaise with stakeholders.

Structured Study and Self-Study requirements

As part of the course you are studying, you are required to complete the Structured Study and
components. Tasks completed will be discussed in the classroom, to form part of your learning. For
success, aim to stay on top of your online study each week. Structured Study and Self-Study tasks
be found on Canvas.

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Topic 1: Establish team performance plan

Goal setting is one of the first

steps in reaching performance
expectations set by an
organisation. A team needs
goals and clear objectives so
that performance and
achievements can be tracked.
It provides:

• clear direction

• goal attainment

• increased Image by Austin Distel on Unsplash


• teamwork

• clear objectives.

Strategic or business plans outline the general strategies to be followed to achieve an

organisation's vision and mission statements. A business plan is typically used to look up to 5 years
ahead, providing direction and focus for the organisation and employees.

Therefore, teams need to align their goals and activities to the organisation's business plan.
Managers need to ensure that teams fulfil this role when undertaking projects to ensure they are
contributing to the overall goals of the organisation.

Activity: Group work

Work in your teams:

Research a few examples of business plans, look at the headings used to identify
the primary purpose of the plan. Find one plan that the team thinks is the best
example, and each keeps a copy for future reference.
Explore how team performance plans link to overall business objectives.

Team performance plans

Goals and objectives as above can be documented in a team performance plan. A team
performance plan is a detailed plan that specifies team goals and objectives, as well as actions to
achieve these, responsibilities (which team members are responsible for attaining actions),
timelines for achieving actions and performance indicators that will be used to measure

Activity: Read

Review information about team performance plans at:

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Take any notes to summarise what you have read and keep for future reference.

Team players
Teams will consist of people with particular strengths and weaknesses. Team members vary in the
role that they play for example some could be practical and organised whereas others could be a
good communicators or problem.

Activity: Research and discuss

Using the Internet, search for your ideal career or job position. Read the job
description – did it match your expectations of the desired role? Make notes.

Belbin Test
Several different theories have been developed, which categorise the different types of roles and
personalities people display. The Belbin test was designed to identify the different types of roles
team members prefer precisely.

The Belbin test identifies the following roles that individuals adopt when working in teams:

• Shaper • Implementer

• Plant • Team Worker

• Coordinator • Specialist

• Monitor Evaluator • Completer-Finisher.

• Resource Investigator

Activity: Research and discuss

Visit the Belbin website to view the explanations for each role.
Research the various roles that team members take on. Which role are you likely
to be? Which role do you have in your current class team? Is it the same role?

Activity: Reflect

Complete the following quiz, which will help you to identify what type of
role your personality suits:
• Is this the same role that you specified earlier?

Supporting team members

By supporting the members of your team, a manager can ensure that goals are met. This can

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• explaining or clarifying policies, procedures, instructions standards, codes of conduct and
other organisational operations

• supporting team members to complete tasks on time

• helping others if you have completed your tasks ahead of schedule

• assisting with problem-solving

• providing encouragement

• providing constructive feedback to other team members when appropriate

• sharing and updating information

• allocating mentors or coaches for support and training if required

• using rewards such as positive praise, bonuses, vouchers or extra lunchtime break.

Activity: Research and discuss

In small groups, think about the rewards and recognitions that you may have
received in the past that they have found most beneficial. This could be either in
a work or non-work-related context.
Brainstorm ideas and create a list as a group.

Team performance and key performance indicators

As indicated previously, the team performance plan should include key performance indicators
that can then be used to measure performance.

The purpose of a KPI is to provide an objective performance measure is a crucial activity. This
enables managers to set and communicate their performance targets, and to measure whether or
not they are being achieved.

KPI's can vary. However, there are common ones that apply to all activities such as KPIs related to
timelines and budget.

When developing KPIs, it is essential to ensure they are SMART.

• S = Specific. They must state clearly what the organisation seeks to achieve.

• M = Measurable. The outcomes must be able to be measured so the business can calculate and
quantify its progress towards them.

• A =Achievable. The objectives must be realistic such that everyone feels there is a genuine
belief the outcomes can be attained.

• R = Relevant. The objectives have to relate to the direction the business wants to take in terms
of its organisational development.

• T = Timely. The objectives need to have a start and finish date attached to them.

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Activity: Read

Read more about KPIs for teams at:
Take any notes to summarise what you have read and keep for future reference.

Regardless of the KPIs that are set, it is also vital that all team members understand the KPIs. As a
team leader, it will be critical for you to communicate this.

Activity: Group work

Work in a group of four.

Research the job descriptions of an event coordinator, marketing person, office
administrator, and marketing manager. Study their position descriptions and use
the information to build a team performance plan for a product launch.
• Pretend that you are the marketing manager and your team consist of event
coordinator, graphic artist, office administrator. Your team needs to
organise an event to promote electric cars.
• Set objectives for the event, KPI's for the team, including the managers.
Note: stay focused on planning the event and not the car!
• Establish a performance plan for the launch. Your plan must represent a
simulation of a real work example. It must include goals, objectives, start
and completion dates, team members roles and names, etc.
Submit your professionally written work to your trainer for feedback.

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Trainer to discuss: Resources for your independent structured self-study

eBook – Leadership and Management: Theory and Practice – Read

• Chapter 13.1 Understanding teams

• Chapter 13.2 Fixing the goalposts
• Chapter 13.3 Getting the team and task process right
• Chapter 13.4 Building and maintaining your team

Activity - Discuss in the student forum

In the student forum, post your answer to the following:

Reflect on a team you are currently working with, or you worked with in the
past. Was the team effective? What made it effective or not effective?

Review the answers of other students and comment on at least two posts from
other students.

Watch the following YouTube video

5 Reasons Why Effective Teamwork is Important for all Organisations

Team Tip #3 - WHY? Finding Your Team Purpose

Setting Objectives and Key Results in your team

Read the following article/learning resource

The importance of Team Purpose and the Team Charter

How to write SMART goals

How To Define Your Team's Roles and Responsibilities

Activity - Discuss in the student forum

In the student forum, post your answer to the following:

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Develop the following for a team you are currently worked with, or you worked
with in the past:
• A team purpose statement
• 2 team objectives
• One KPI for each team objective

Review the answers of at least one other student and provide them with
feedback about their answers, for example: is the team purpose clear? Are the
objectives SMART? Do the KPIs measure progress towards the achievement of
the objectives?

Be constructive when providing feedback.

Read the following article/learning resource

Team performance plan

Watch the following YouTube video

The difference between Metrics, KPIs & Key Results

Watch the following YouTube video

The Official Guide to Belbin Team Roles from Belbin HQ - What is Belbin?

Activity - Reflection

Take the test ‘Team role test’ at .

Does it sound like you? Reflect on the outcome of the test.

Watch the following YouTube video

How to Challenge and Support Your Team - Leadership Training

Activity - Discuss in the student forum

Reflect on how good managers/leaders can best support team.

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In the student forum, post your answer to the following:
• Provide an example of a leader/manager you worked with and describe how
they supported the team effectively (or not). Do not mention names.

Review the answers of other students and comment on at least two posts from
other students.

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Topic 2: Develop team cohesion

Team cohesion is the extent to which each team members wishes to contribute to the group's
ability to continue as a functioning work unit. Cohesiveness develops over time. Cohesiveness is a
product of interpersonal and group-level attraction, collaboration, and a sense of belonging.

Activity: Watch

Watch the following videos on team dynamics.

Remember the titans Group v Team:
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning.
Video: (08:33)
Teamwork pays off – various clips.
Video: (01:22)

Strategies to achieve team

There are many ways to achieve team cohesion. For
example, promoting interaction between team
members increases cohesions as team members feel
more positive towards one another. This can be
achieved through regular meetings that are either
work-related or social.

Image by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

Activity: Research and discuss

Your team is falling apart! Tracy doesn't turn up to meetings, Dave doesn't seem to
trust anyone's input, and Navish seems to be doing all the work. The team's role is to
manage the integration of a new software program to be used by staff for diary
management. As a manager, you are finding it challenging to keep your team on
• List all the factors you would consider to create better team cohesion.
• Now compare your response with those of your team. Did you all have similar
• How did the rest of the class compare? Did their teams have the same response?

Group dynamics
Group dynamics play a significant role in teams. Review the following article about team dynamics:

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Decision making
Team leaders need to develop strategies to ensure that their team members have input into
planning, decision making and
operations relating to the team's work.

Strategies to facilitate the above could


• holding meetings regularly

• maintaining open communication

channels, e.g., having an open-door
policy where the team can approach
you at any time

• conducting surveys

• inviting feedback at any time. Image by Startup Stock Photos on Pexels

As a team leader, it will also be necessary to not only invite input into planning, decision making
and operations, but also to foster creative thinking:

Brainstorming sessions The Nominal Group technique

Activity: Research and discuss

Work in your teams to answer the following questions.

• Research The Nominal Group technique. Provide a brief overview of how it
• What other tools are available for decision-making? Provide a brief overview of
each one you find.

Team cohesion for remote teams

Sometimes teams have to overcome barriers to cohesion such as remote working arrangements.

Activity: Research and discuss

Consider teams that are located over some different areas, what online
collaboration tools could be used to keep your team cohesive?
• Research 2-3 software tools.
• Compare and contrast each one.
• Use the demo to see how each works.
• The team should decide on one of the collaboration software tools to use
based on their findings and a team discussion.
• Present your software to a group, showing how it works and why it would
work for your team.

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Policies and procedures
Team leaders may need to develop policies and procedures at work. It is essential to understand
the purpose of policy and procedures and what they include.

Policy and procedures ensure that:

• The same organisational values, goals and objectives are implemented across the RTO, for
example, Codes of Conduct.

• Best practice in the organisation is understood and implemented, for example, confidentiality

• There is a shared understanding of particular terms or issues.

• There is a consistency of approach, i.e. work being performed to the same quality over a while,
or across some people.

It is essential to understand the difference between a policy and a procedure.

A policy is essentially a statement of principle that guides an organisation's decision-making and

service delivery. Procedures are nearly detailed instructions about how policies should be carried

Policy and procedures essentially provide a link between the organisation's plans and strategies
and day-to-day operations.

Policy and procedures should ideally be contained in the same document with a distinct section for
the policy section and a specific section for the procedural section.

It is imperative to understand this distinction and not to mix policy information with procedure

See the following link for an example:

You could also watch the following link that discusses this distinction too:

Characteristics of acceptable policy and procedure documents

Features of effective policy and procedure include:

• They address all aspects of operations.

• They reflect the culture, value and objectives of the organisation.

• They relate to logical business functions.

• They are easy to understand and follow.

Structure of policy and Description

Policy Purpose The purpose of the policy should be clearly stated. For
example, suppose the policy is about diversity. In that
case, the purpose of the policy and procedure could be

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Structure of policy and Description
'The purpose of this policy and practice is to outline our
approach to ensuring diversity within our organisation’.
Definitions A policy and procedure document should include
definitions partially to explain acronyms such as
government bodies but also to explain terms that a user
may need guidance.
Scope The policy and procedure document could also include
the scope of the policy, i.e. to whom it applies.
Policy The main policy section should express an RTO's
intentions, aspirations and expectations and can include
specific requirements to assist or direct decision-
Procedures The procedures included in the policy and practice is the
specific actions that are to be taken to achieve the
information in the policy and procedure. The procedure
should indicate who is responsible for carrying out the
activities, as well as be written in a logical sequence to
indicate the workflow.

Activity: Watch

Watch the following video about writing good policy and procedures. The video
provides a range of useful key and introductory information such as what should
be included within a policy and procedure and communicating policy and
procedures to staff.
Video: (07:07)

Activity: Research and discuss

Work in pairs for this activity and then present your findings to the
trainer/assessor and the group. There are many diversity policies on the Internet
that can be researched and used for this activity.
Research an existing policy and procedure of your choice from the Internet and
• note the name of the policy and procedure.
• list the objectives of the policy and procedures.
• list key inclusions of the policy and procedures.
• discuss the benefits of this organisation having this policy.

Activity: Group work

Work in your teams to undertake the following:

• Create an Internet Usage Policy.
• Create a procedure for sending emails to clients.

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Team feedback
It is vital to give feedback to the team. Feedback can support groups to maximise their
performance and enhance their professional development and growth.

Being honest and providing clear communication channels will encourage a team to recognise
issues, resolve problems and improve their performance to become a more effective team.

Being a good communicator is a vital characteristic of an effective manager.

Activity: Watch

It's Big Keith's appraisal, what will office manager David Brent make of his
strengths and weaknesses?
Video: (02:57)
Awkward Performance Review.
Video: (02:38)

Activity: Research and discuss

Consider how your team have performed so far. How could you provide feedback to
each team member?
Create a format that you could use to create feedback for each team member.
You will need to:
• List down their strengths and weaknesses.
• State if each team member has taken responsibility for their work roles and if
not, why not.
Write a paragraph for each team member that you can provide as feedback. It should:
• be encouraging
• show the team member is valued
• provide constructive feedback on their overall performance.
In your own words then describe how you would reward individual and team efforts
to encourage their progress.

Issues and concerns

Addressing issues and concerns within teams can involve team meetings, forums, problem-solving
process and grievance procedures to solve issues.

When problems or issues do occur, the policies and procedures set in place by the organisation will
provide a clear, defined process for all concerned.

For example, read the following information about best practice dispute resolution that can be
followed to sort out issues in the most effective way:

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Activity: Research

There are many models available to support the problem-solving process. Use the
Internet to search for a problem-solving approach that you could use to address the
concerns you have with your team.
Complete this activity in small groups and then report back to the whole group in the
form of a short presentation.

Activity: Group work

Work in the same group that established a performance plan for the launch of
electric cars at the end of topic 1.
One of the team members who work remotely has complained that they are not
receiving the necessary information on time. Due to the delays in obtaining the
information, this person is unable to meet their KPI's, and it is beginning to affect
the entire team's performance.
• Hold a meeting and take turns to role-play the manager's role. Since the
person is working remotely, you will need to hold a virtual team meeting to:
o address the problem by providing feedback to the team.
o make decisions on how to resolve the issues: Make reference to any
company policy, procedures, team KPI's, etc. that is being
o action items to resolve the problem.
o make the necessary changes and communicate changes to the team.
• Discuss which feedback and decision-making approaches were productive
and why.
• Reflect on how you can improve on your feedback and decision-making

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Trainer to discuss: Resources for your independent structured self-study

eBook – Leadership and Management: Theory and Practice – Read

• Chapter 14.1 Developing productive merged and mixed teams

Watch the following YouTube video

Developing team cohesion

How to turn a group of strangers into a team

Decision-Making Strategies

Read the following article/learning resource

Understanding Team Dynamics

Scenario - Assume that you are are working in a group to complete a class

In the student forum, post your answer to the following:

• Develop strategies for facilitating group member input into planning,
decision making and operational aspects of group work.

Review the answers of at least one other student and provide them with
feedback about their answers, for example: would the strategies be effective?
Why? Who is making decisions? Were all possible issues or needs be

Be constructive when providing feedback.

Activity - Individual

Reflect on a decision you made.

Map out the decision-making process.

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Team leaders may need to develop policies and procedures at work. It is essential
to understand the purpose of policy and procedures and what they include.

Watch the following YouTube video

Writing Instructions and Procedures

Scenario - Assume that you are working in a group to complete a class project.

In the student forum, post your answer to the following:

• Develop a policy (with procedures) to manage group work.

Review the answers of at least one other student and provide them with
feedback about their answers, for example: is the purpose of the policy clear?
Can you follow the procedures?

Be constructive when providing feedback.

Watch the following YouTube video

The secret to giving great feedback

Read the following article/learning resource

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Activity - Reflection

Think about a time when you received feedback.

What was good about the way the feedback was given? What could be

Watch the following YouTube video

Team Leadership: Handling Team Problems

Teamwork: Problem Solving with Your Team

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Scenario - Assume that you are working in a group to complete a class project.

In the student forum, post your answer to the following:

• Develop a process to identify issues and concerns.
• Develop a process to resolve conflicts in the group.

Review the answers of at least one other student and provide them with
feedback about their answers, for example: are the processes effective? Are
there missing steps in the process? What would you improve?

Be constructive when providing feedback.

True or False?

1. A group of people working together in the same area or for the same
leader-manager is always a team.

2. To be an effective team leader or member of any type of team, you need

sound communication and interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence (EI)
and self-awareness as well as training to work well together as a unit.

3. The way the team approaches its task is referred to as its KRA.

Match the definition with its explanation

Types of teams

Functional This team is a workplace format in

which employees report to two or
more managers rather than one
Management A group of individuals who work
together from different geographic
Matrix They are composed of organisaational
members from several vertical levels
of the organizational hierarchy who

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perform specific organizational
Cross-functional A group of people responsible for
executing the tasks and producing
deliverables outlined in the project
plan and schedule, as directed by the
project manager, at whatever level of
effort or participation defined for
Project A group of people with different
functional expertise working toward a
common goal. It may include people
from finance, marketing, operations,
and human resources departments.
Virtual They are a collection of top managers
who set the strategy and run the
operations of an organisation together
with its top leader.

Stages of team growth

Forming In this stage, your team performance

is at an all-time high. This high-
performance level means all team
members are self-reliant and
confident enough in their own
problem-solving skills that they can
function without oversight from the
Storming Project teams only exist for a set
period of time; once the team’s
mission is accomplished, the team
itself dissolves.
Norming For teams, the conflict often arises
due to clashing working styles
between team members. Some people
may start to even doubt the team’s
goals discussed in the earlier stage
and will stop performing their
necessary jobs altogether. This has a
negative and stressful effect on those
who keep up the hard work since the
pre-established group processes no
longer function smoothly.
Performing In this phase, most group members
are overly polite and are still extremely
excited about what their future may
hold. Since the group dynamics and
team roles aren’t yet established, the
team leader will often take charge to
direct the individual members.
Adjourning This is when the team moves past
their previous quarrels and begins to
recognize and value their teammates’

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strengths. During this stage, team
members increasingly respect those
who are in leadership roles. Now that
everyone has begun to bond and
familiarize themselves with the team
processes, teammates feel
comfortable giving each other
constructive feedback as they work
toward accomplishing new tasks.
Short Answers

1. What is the ideal size of an effective team?

2. What is a team purpose statement?

3. What does KRA stand for?

4. What is a team process?

5. What are the characteristics of the

communication of successful teams? (Hint –
the three Es)

6. Define the three areas of team needs:

Individual needs, task needs, team needs.

7. How can teams grow and keep growing? List

three (3) ways.

8. Today’s teams are made up of a variety of

groups of employees.
Mention three (3) groups.

9. Name three (3) difficulties with teleworking.

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10. What is the role of policies and procedures?
Name three (3) roles/function.

11. Number each step from 1 to 4 in the order you

would follow to provide positive and negative

The process for giving positive The process for giving negative
feedback feedback
Look for ways to build on the Describe the behaviour’s negative
behaviour impact on performance

Encourage the employee to share Look for ways to correct the

his/her views behaviour or improve
Identify the specific behaviour 4Encourage the employee to
share his/her views

Describe the behaviour’s positive 1Identify the specific behaviour

impact on performance

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Topic 3: Facilitate teamwork and liaise with stakeholders

The success of a business depends on the contributions of every member of the team. However,
some teams work together better than others. There is a sense of personal ownership of all
activities, believing that their contributions are valued and feeling that work is equally shared.

Activity: Watch

Watch the video on being a role model.

Video: (01:41)

Encouraging team members to participate

A team leader or manager can use several strategies to encourage team members to participate.
For example:

• Encouraging ownership

• Making everyone a leader

• Setting a good example

• Giving everyone the chance to input into decisions.

The following diagram show strategies for developing strategies for facilitating team member input
into planning, decision making and operational aspects of team tasks:

Problem resolution process

3. Be respectful to
1. Be direct and ask for 2. Set ground rules to
everyone and welcome
participation encourage participation
all ideas/suggestions

4. Push for active

5. Facilitate creative 6. Thank everyone for
participation throughout
thinking their contributions
the session


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Activity: Read

Read more about encouraging team members to participate at:
Take any notes to summarise what you have read and keep for future reference.

Competencies refer to the collective knowledge, skills, experience, and attributes of teams
required to perform work successfully. Team members’ roles must be defined in terms of the types
of attitude, behaviours and skills the organisation values and requires to achieve its objectives.

Linking personal and team competencies to organisation goals has many benefits. One of the key
benefits is that it helps team members work more effectively and achieve their potential.

Defining which competencies are necessary can help managers:

• select appropriate team members

• ensure that the team demonstrates sufficient expertise

• effectively evaluate performance

• identify skill and competency gaps more efficiently

• provide relevant or appropriate training and professional development

• allocate secondments

• provide mentoring or coaching

• recognise and reward achievements.

Monitoring performance
Monitoring work performance will help identify how a team is managing. It helps to keep track of
what's going on and allows for modification of work activities or roles.

Steps can include:

identification measures comparison action

For effective monitoring, the information gathered or obtained should be accurate, timely and
cost-effective. The processes should also meet the needs of the organisation.

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Open communication processes
It is essential to have a good communication process to communicate with all stakeholders,
whether that is the team, others in the organisation or even customers or suppliers.

Communication should be active, regular, collaborative and ongoing.

Formal methods could include:

• meetings, either face to face online or teleconferencing

• online collaboration

• email, telephone or letters

• newsletters/discussion forums

• project communication either by a progress report or email update.

Informal methods could include:

• elevator conversations

• lunch meetings

• events.

It is important to constantly monitor the communication channels to ensure that it is being used

Management communication
This can be verbal or written communication to the team leader or members of the team. Effective
interpersonal communication processes are essential to the establishment and maintenance of
effective teams. Communication should be continuous, relevant and appropriate to the team.

Team members must also be able to communicate effectively so that:

• information required to perform tasks is available

• each team member collaborates to achieve results

• each member can support one another.

Activity: Watch

Watch these video about open communication and communications and

Video: (03:01)
Video: (05:48)

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Organisational procedures, systems, policies, codes of conduct, documentation and processes
ensure that correct steps are taken if a conflict arises. Managers must try to resolve any issues,
but unresolved issues must also be addressed so that team morale and work activities can
continue. Any problems that do arise should be communicated to all stakeholders professionally
and confidentially.

The following diagram shows the process for identifying and resolving issues, problems, concerns,
determined by the team members.

Problem resolution process

2. Use company
1. Identify and record the 3. Determine the impact
document to record the
problem clearly of every single problem

4. Prioritise problems
5. Review all problems
based on the level of 6. Resolve problems as
and decide on the course
impact or risks to linked to effectively as possible
of action

Activity: Research and discuss

In the group teams, search on the Internet for conflict resolution strategies.
Brainstorm with the team to create a comprehensive list to help resolve
problems within the team.

Address unresolved problems

Conflicts are not bad if they are resolved quickly and as effectively as possible. Resolving conflicts
can have negative or positive outcomes. The gist of addressing any conflict is to hope that ideas,
opinions and thoughts are discussed as openly or honestly as possible as long as it is done with
respect and integrity.

Key benefits of resolving conflicts include:

• Increase in understanding of parties’ expectations

• Great opportunity to work on new or improved ideas

• Increase team cohesion

• Improves self-awareness and knowledge

• Opportunity to address issues before it has snowballing effect.

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Activity: Read

Read the following articles on strategies for gaining team consensus and
issues/conflict resolution.
Conflict Resolution, Using the "Interest-Based Relational" Approach:
3 Techniques for Building Consensus:
Take any notes to summarise what you have read and keep for future reference.

Activity: Brainstorm

Brainstorm the process, strategies and workplace situation you learnt in this
unit. Use the information to complete the following table to demonstrate your
understanding of how you will manage team effectiveness. For each task
identify which business policies and procedures or relevant document you will
use. Also, determine three strategies of how you will manage the task.
Manages team effectiveness
Task Company policies & Strategies you will use to manage the
procedures, any relevant tasks effectively
1. Provide feedback 1.
to the team


2. Reward others 1.



3. Model desired 1.


4. Establish an 1.
understanding of
roles, 2.
and purpose

5. Support with 1.
teams meet KPIs

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6. Provide informal 1.
opportunities 2.


7. Provide formal 1.
opportunities 2.


8. Develop 1.
plans 2.


9. Update 1.
stakeholders on
team 2.


10. Resolve conflict 1.



11. Gain team 1.



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Trainer to discuss: Resources for your independent structured self-study

eBook – Leadership and Management: Theory and Practice – Read

• Chapter 13.5 Supporting your team

• Chapter 15.1 Understanding the benefits, drawbacks and types of formal
performance review systems

Activity - Bring Back to Class

Reflect on the following:

• What was the most enjoyable team you have ever been a part of? Describe
the team’s characteristics.
• What did the supervisor/manager did to facilitate teamwork?

Bring your reflection back to class and discuss with your classmates.

Watch the following YouTube video

Collaborating at work: The collaboration skills you need to succeed

Leadership - Engage your Team - Create a Culture of Engagement

Read the following article/learning resource

22 innovative ways to improve teamwork in the workplace.

Activity - Reflection

Reflect on the article ‘22 innovative ways to improve teamwork in the


What method/technique/suggestion did you see applied in the workplace? Was

it successful? Is there any method/technique/suggestion you would like to
use? Why?

Watch the following YouTube video

Dealing with Poor Performance at Work - What you Need to Know

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Think about a time when you had to manage poor work performance, or you
have seen poor work performance managed at work.

In the student forum, post your answer to the following:

• What was well done and what could have been improved? Based on this
reflection, list two (2) characteristics of good work performance
management, and two (2) characteristics of bad performance

Review the answers of other students and comment on at least two posts from
other students.

Read the following article/learning resource

The Importance of Leading by Example

eBook – Leadership and Management: Theory and Practice – Read

• Chapter 2.3 The six stakeholders

• Chapter 6.1 Overcoming communication barriers
• Chapter 6.2 Gathering good information
• Chapter 6.3 Giving good information
• Chapter 6.4 Managing your metacommunications

Watch the following YouTube video

Downward and Upward Communication: Workplace Communication Skills

Lesson 20: Working with Stakeholders

Activity - Bring Back to Class

Reflect on downward and upward communication in the workplace.

Identify two examples of each and bring them back to class for discussion.

Read the following article/learning resource

Why employees don’t share knowledge with each other

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6 Ways Successful Teams Are Built To Last

Watch the following YouTube video

How to Solve a Problem in Four Steps

Read the following article/learning resource

Problem solving

Activity - Discuss in the student forum

Scenario – Pricing are rising at the supermarket.

In the student forum, post your answer to the following:

• Apply the 5Whys technique to find the root cause of the problem
• Outline a solution for the problem using the problem-solving process

Review the answers of at least one other student and provide them with
feedback about their answers, for example: was the 5whys technique applied
correctly? Would the solution work?

Be constructive when providing feedback.

Activity - Discuss in the student forum

Watch the video ‘First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy’.

In the student forum, post your answer to the following:

• How could you apply the lessons from the video to teamwork?

Review the answers of other students and comment on at least two posts from
other students.

True or False?

1. Formal performance reviews and planning are part of the ongoing workplace
communication that helps employees perform well and keep improving and
keep learning.

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2. Performance management does not align individual employees’ goals and
measures of success with the organisation’s strategic and business plan.


Number each step from 1 to 9 in the order you would follow address
performance issues.

Addressing performance issues

Select the most appropriate solution
Implement the solution
Evaluate the solution
Identity and familiarise yourself with the performance issue
Break down the problem to be able to understand it better
Evaluate those ideas and solutions
Search for ideas and solutions
Define it (identify the root cause and the type of underperformance)
Gather information and collate the data

Number each step from 1 to 6 in the order you would follow address issues.

Addressing performance issues

Narrow alternatives down to the best ones

Identify the issue, problem or concern

Select the best solution

Plan to make it happen
Find and explore alternatives to solve it, consult others for ideas

Analyse it to understand it

Short Answers

1. The ten managerial roles are divided into three groups. What are they?

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2. What are the three main uses for performance reviews?

3. List three (3) groups of stakeholders.

4. List three (3) barriers to effective communication.

5. List three (3) tips for better communication.

6. What are the three broad styles of communication?

7. How can you encourage team participation? List two (2) ways.

8. Defining which competencies are necessary can help managers do what? List
three (3).

9. What are the key steps for monitoring performance?

10. Why should team members be able to communicate effectively?

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