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SB Canto 1 Chapter 2

16 May 2024 15:09

1. From Verse 8 to 15 : - Ultimate Aim of Life is to remember Krishna

2. Different occupational activities in terms of man's different conceptions of life.
3. Concentrated and Extended Selfishness, still the gross materialists are not happy
4. Above Gross materialists there are Mental speculators but still they are also not happy.
5. Without knowing the needs of the soul one cannot be happy simply with emolument of the body and mind. (Cage and bird)
6. The need of the soul - want to get out of the limited sphere of material bondage and fulfill his desire for complete satisfaction. The complete freedom is achieved
when he meets the complete spirit the personality of Godhead.
7. Real affection and perverted affection.
8. We have to engage ourselves in occupational engagements that will evoke our divine consciousness. That is possible by hearing and chanting the divine activities of
the Lord and any activity which does not help one to achieve attachment for hearing and chanting is simply waste of time.

9. All occupational engagements are certainly meant for ultimate liberation, they should never be performed for material gain. So in the previous verse 6 also we have
learnt that devotional service must be pure free from unnecessary material desires, and here in this verse it is said that sometime people followed the path of
religious activities with an aim to get some material benefits, by such material benefits they can fulfill their desires (sense gratification). Here again it is said that
don’t be engaged in occupational duties for some material gain, if there be gain that should not be utilized for sense gratification.

10. Goal of life is not sense gratification, one should inquire about the absolute truth. But it also does not mean that one should not care for his health. Self-preservation
is needed but with an aim to inquire about absolute truth not for sense gratification.

11. In all spheres of life the end point is sense gratification. Leader and voters, So called salvationist (Spiritual suicide by becoming one with Absolute truth). No one is
serious about problems of life. Senses are not meant for unrestricted sense gratifications, it should be regulated (Marriage). Regulation automatically comes when
one seeking sincerely after absolute truth that seeker will not be allured by the temptations.

12. In the verse number 11, there is explanation about the absolute truth that it can be realized in three features Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagwan. Here one
important aspect is discussed about relative world and Absolute world. In absolute world there is no difference between knower and known in the terms of qualities.

13. So the goal of human form of life is to know absolute truth, and in the verse 12 Prabhupada explains that Absolute truth is realized in full by devotional service
followed by knowledge and detachment and it can be fixed up by aural reception of the Vedanta Sruti. "Devotional service which is based on the ground on the
foreground of full knowledge combined with detachment form material association and which is fixed by the aural reception of vedanta sruti is the only perfect
method to realize the absolute truth.

14. Three class of devotees, neophyte (material devotees) don’t have knowledge and detachment but simply attracted to preliminary process of worshipping, more after
material benefits. One should make definite progress atleast to the level of madhyama adhikari.

15. Neophyte devotee - Less taste for hearing from the authorities. Make show of hearing from the professional man to satisfy his senses. Don’t receive divine messages
from professional men.

16. Hear from authorities, without hearing such literatures one cannot make actual progress, without hearing and following the instructions the show of devotional
service becomes worthless and therefore sort of disturbance in the path of devotional service.

17. The only purpose of Varna ashrama is to please the supreme personality of godhead.

18. Four general occupations - glorifying, hearing, remembering and worshipping common in all divisions. False propaganda of glorification and real glorification of the
Supreme Lord. The actual object of glorification is the Supreme Lord that will bring happiness.

19. The liberation automatically follows for one who constantly remembers the transcendental pastimes of the Lord as these are transcendental to the modes of material
nature, therefore constant association with the spiritual activities of the Lord gradually spiritualizes the conditioned soul and ultimately severs the knot of material
bondage. Liberation is by product of devotional service.
20. Attainment of spiritual knowledge must be overcoated with devotional service.
21. Glorify, Remember, Worship, Hear without cessation.

Srimad Bhagavatam Study Page 1

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