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Our Heritage Georgian

Timeline VikIngs
793 - 1066 • L
1714 – 1837

 ocal Heroes:
William Wilberforce
PalAeolithic Neolithic • S
 axons and
450,000BC – 10,000BC 4,500BC – 2,300BC
bronze age Vikings: The
Battle for
• Enter the • E
 nter the 2,300BC – 700BC roman britain Britain
tudors EdwardIan
Stone Age! Stone Age! 43 – 410 1485 – 1603 1901 - 1910
• E
 nter the
Bronze Age! • Shocking Science
• H
 ands on Roman Evidence • T
 he Tudors: Painting the Past
• S
 hop ‘til You Drop: • T
 he Tudors: Age of Discovery
• H
 ull’s Hidden History Roman Style • K
 nowing Me, Knowing You • T
 ransport Through Time
• The Tudors: Henry’s Hull

100s Stone Age

450,000BC –

1485 – 1603

1714 – 1837

1837 – 1901
1066 – 1485
20th century

1603 - 1714

1901 - 1910
700BC – 43

410 – 1066
2,300BC –

43 – 410
of millions

of years ago!

Before • Enter the • E

 nter the • S
 axons & • T  our • Investigating • Send Them Down! • Fabulous Forces,

PEOPLE Stone Age! Iron Age! Vikings: The

Battle for
• C ivil War:
• T
 he Victorians: Painting
the Past
Fantastic Friction
• Sculpture: The Third

Mesolithic Iron age Britain (From

The Trial of
Sir John
• V
 ictorian School Days
• L
 ife in a Victorian Home
• The Triple Trawler Disaster
700BC – AD43
10,000BC – 4,500BC • Discover to Victorian) Hotham • Victorian
 Toys • Evacuation!
Egyptian Writing and Games • Food for Thought:
• Every Object
Tells a Story
• Mummification!
Saxons medIeval stuart • Food
 for Thought:
Victorian Grub
On the Ration
• Home Front
410 – 1066 1603 - 1714 • V
 ictorian Christmas • 1940s Christmas
1066 – 1485

• M
 apping Hull • Freedom and Fair Play
• B
 ridge Builders • Hull at War

Egypt 20th Century

3,100BC – 332BC Victorian
1837 – 1901

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