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“Achieve your Dream Job – through THE TALENT SHINE”

1. The ages of A and B are in the ratio 6:5 and the sum of their ages is 44 years. What will
be the ratio of their ages after 8 years?
a. 7:6 b. 8:7 c. 9:8 d. 3:4
2. The average of the ages of a man and his daughter is 34 years. If the respective ratio of
their ages four years from now is 14:5, what is daughter’s present age?
a. 10 years b. 12 years c. 18 years d. 16 years
3. The sum of the ages of a man and his son is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of
their ages was 34. The man’s age is
a. 40 years b. 45years c. 50 years d. 39 years
4. Ram’s son’s age is 1/3 of Ram’s wife age. Ram’s wife’s age is 4/5 of Ram’s age and
Ram’s age is 3/5 of Ram’s father’s age. Find the age of Ram’s son, if Ram’s father is 50
years old
a. 6 b. 8 c. 10 d. 12
5. Four years ago, the father’s age was three times the age of his son. The total of the
ages of the father and the son after four years , will be 64 years. What is father’s age at
a. 32 years b. 36 years c. data inadequate d. none of these
6. Six years ago, the ratio of the ages of kunal and sagar was 6:5. Four years hence, the
ratio of their ages will be 11:10. What is sagar’s age at present
a. 16 years b. 18 years c. can’t be determined d. none of these
7. The ratio between the school age of Neelam and Shaan is 5:6 respectively. If the ratio
between the one-third age of Neelam and half of Shaan’s age is 5:9, then what is the
school age of Shaan?
a. 25 years b. 30 years c. can’t be determined d. none of these
8. The ratio between the present ages of A and B is 5:3 respectively. The ratio between A’s
age 4 years ago and B’s age 4 years hence 1:1. What is the ratio between A’s age 4
years hence and B’s age 4 years ago?
a. 1:3 b. 2:1 c. 3:1 d. 4:1
9. X’s age 3 years ago was three times the present age of Y. At present, Z’s age is twice
the age of Y. Also Z is 12 years younger than X. What is the present age of Z?
a. 15 years b. 24 years c. 12 years d. 18 years
10. A man was asked to state his age in years. His reply was, “Take my age 3 years hence,
multiply it by 3 and then subtract 3 times my age 3 years ago and you will know how old
I am”. What is the age of man?
a. 18 years b. 20 years c. 24 years d. 32 years

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