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rr i am/is/are A mz 2) Pim American, Pm from Chicago <4 CB (Zits favourite colouris blue) My Bivourke spore are yy aes football and swimming, My father doctor and B positive sigue 1 am (Pm) T am not (Pm not) he) (he's) he (he’s not or he isn’t) | is (he’s) sels not (she’smot or she isn’t) it} Ges it fiesnot or itisn’t) wey (we're) we (we're mot or we aren't) popes (you're) po} me not (you're not or you aren) they] (they're) they (they're not or they aren't) @1'm cold. Can you close the window, please? e'm 32 years old, My sister is 29. fy brother is very tall. He's a policeman. GED hn is affaid of dogs. Kase ’s ten o'clock. You're late again. A, ye Loc @ Ann and I are good friends @ Your keys are on the table wv ! fo1'm tired but "m not hungry ‘Tom isn’t interested in politics. He's interested in music. Jane isn’t at home at the moment. She's at work hose people aren't English. They're Australian felts sunny today butt isn’t warm. C tas itis there's = there is here's = here is Thank you. Thae’s very kind of you. ‘ook! There's Chris, 'Here’s your key’ “Thank you 10} am/is/are (questions) => EGE there is/are EOE] evan OED WW 12 13 14 15 unter EXERCISES 1 ‘Write the short form (she's / we aren’t et.) 1 sheis _.she’s 3 itisnot 5 Tam not 2 they are 4 thatis 6 you are not Putin am, is or are 1 The weather §§..nice today. 5 Look! There ..... Carol. 2 Tosco not tired 6 My brotherand I... good tennis players 3 This bag... heavy 7 Ann........athome. Her children .... at school 4 These bags... heavy. 8 Too ataxi driver, My sister... nurse. Write full sentences. Use is/isn'Vare/aren’t. 1 (your shoes very dirty) Your, shoes are very dirty. 2. (any brother a teacher) My 3 (this house not very big) 4 (¢he shops not open todzy) IB Hay Rey ay Bgl scomeeoncnsnteatalimmsacnse minndeanicicnanisaae 6 (Jenny 18 years old) 7 (you not very tll) ‘Look at Lisa's sentences (Unit 1A). Now write sentences about yoursel 1 (name?) My 6 (favourite colour or colours?) 2 (from?) I My 3 (age) 7 Ginterested in...2) 4 (job?) oT 1 5 (married?) I - ‘Write sentences forthe pictures. Use: afraid angry cold hot hungry thirsty 2 They Write true sentences, postive or negative, Use am /am nat is / isn't /are / aren’ (L/ interested in politics) lm interested. (OR lm nob interested) in politics (/hungry) 1 (ie / warm today) It (1 aftaid of dogs) (amy hands / cold) - a (Canada / a very big country) (diamonds / cheap) (/ interested in football) (Rome / in Spain) tu] am/is/are (questions) A positive question or) le an sei x Co Fag a How old'are you? a} on yor they oe e'Am Ihe?’ ‘No, you're on time! "Is your mother at home? ‘No, she’s out? "Are your parents at home?’ "No, they're out? ‘Is it cold in your room?” “Yes, alittle? fe Your shoes are nice. Are they new? We say: ‘els she at home? / Is your mother at home? (not‘Is at home your mothe?) ‘© Are they new? / Are your shoes new? (not ‘Are new your shoes?’) B Where ...? / What ...?/ Who... ?/ How ...?/ Why ...? ‘© Where is your mother? Is she at home? ©'What colour is your car?” ‘It's red. ‘eHow are your parents? Are they well? eHow much are these postcards?” ‘Fifty pence? Where are you from?” ‘Canada’ eHow old is Joe?” “Hes 24? @ Why are you angey? whatis _who's= whois how’s=howis where's = whereis, ‘© What's the time? © Who's chat man? © Where's jill? ‘eHow's your father? C shore answers Yes, Tam. No, Pm not bey he he's he ves se fi Naf as | ot. wo se jis . ie ith it } we we're we vf eof wa ste oe or Noy{ you | arene they they're they ‘Are you tired?” "Yes, Lam.’ @'Are you hungry? ‘No, I'm not but I'm thirsty’ els your friend English?” “Yes, he is.” ‘Are these your keys?” “Yes, they are.’ @'That’s my seat, ‘No, itisn’t! [12] amvisvare = questions => what/whieh/how => EOE EXERCISES 2 2.1 Find the right answers fr the questions. 1 Where’ the camera? ‘A London. 1G 2 Is your car blue? B No, I'mnot. 2 3 Is Linda from London? € Yes, youare. 3 4 Am Tate? D My sister. 4 5 Where's Ann from? E Black. Ben 6 What colour is your bag? |_| F_ No, its black. 6 7 Are you hungry? G In your bag 7 8 How is George? H_No, she’s American. | 8 9 Who's that woman? 1_Very well 9 2.2 Make questions with these words, Use Is or are. 1 (athome/ your mother?) 15 your. mother a home? 2 (your parents / well?) ‘Are your parents well? 3. Gnteresting / your job?) 4 Ghe shops / open today?) nvmwonennennnnnnnnn me 5 interested in sport / you?) 6 (near here / the post office?) 7 (at school / your children?) 8 (why / you / late?) 2.3 Complete the questions. Use What... /Who... / Where... /How.... Hon are your paca? ee bas sop? your children? ‘They're very well. At the end of the street. Five, six and ten. £1.20 a kilo Skiing. these oranges? your favourite sport? the man in chs photograph? your new shoes? ‘2.4 Write the questions. (Read the answers fist.) & (oame®) Whats your name? (married or single?) (American?) (how old?) ‘That's my father. Black. Mouse Paul. I'm married. No, I'm Australian V'm30 No, I'ma lawyer. No, she's a designer. She's Italian, ‘Anna. She's 27. (a teacher?) (wife a lawyer?) (from?) (her name?) how old?) 25 Write short answers (Yes, 1am, /No, he isn’t. et) 1 Are you married? .No,_{'m net. 4 Are your hands cold? 2 Ate you thirsty? 5 [si dark now? 3 Isic cold today? 6 Ate you teacher? nnn 13} (14) She's eating, Its raining. They're running. She isn’t reading, The sun isn’t shining, They aren’t walking. The present continuous is: am/is/are + doing/eating/running/writing et. Tam (not) -ing I'm working, Chris is writing a letter. she |is (not) ~ing She isn’t eating. (or She's not eating.) ‘The phone is ringing. we We're having dinner. are (no!) -ing You’ not listening to me. (er You aren't...) The children are doing their homework. am/is/are + ~ing = something is happening now: Pm working she’s wearing a hat they're playing football Tm not television past ——_— ow future Please be quiet. I'm working. (= I'm working now) Look at Sue! She’s wearing her new hat. (= she is wearing it now) ‘The weather is nice at the moment. It’s not raining, "Where are the children?’ “They're playing. in the park? (on the phone) We're having dinner now. Can you phone again later? f@ You can turn off the television. I'm not watching it. Spelling (=> Appendix 5): come coming write writing dance ~> dancing run running sit sitting swim — swimming lie — lying. you doing? (questions) => Tam ‘What are you doing tomorrow? => EET ing and do unr EXERCISES 3 3.1 Whatare these people doing? Use these verbs to complete the sentences: eat have lie play sit. wait 1 She's eating an apple. 4 on the floor. 2 He forabus. 5 breakfast 3 They football. 6 on the table. 3:2 Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs: build cook go_—have stand stay swim = work 1 Please be quiet I'm working 2. ‘Where’ John? “Het in the kitchen, He : 3 "You ‘on my foot? “Oh, Tm sorry? 4 Look! Somebody in the river. 5 Were here on holiday, We fa the Central Hotel 6 ‘Where's Ann?’ ‘She. ashower! 7 They ae dicate cy conus betha wana 81 now. Goodbye. 3.3 Lookat the picture. Write sentences about Jane, Use She's -ing or She isn't -ing 1 (have dinner) Jane ien’t naving dinner. (watch television) She's watching television, (icon the floor) She (read a book)... a (play the piano) (augh) (ovear a hat) (write a leter) 3.4 What’ happening atthe moment? Write true sentences, 1 (L/ wash / my hair) 1! not. washing my hair. 2 (it /snow) lt sroning. OR. It isn’t soning. (/ sit/ oma chain) / ex) aaa eee a _ Gie/ rain) (/ learn / English) (1/ listen / to music) (he sun / shine) / wear / shoes) - 10 (/ read / a newspaper) {15} A are you doing? (present continuous questions) positive question Tam am he doing he | doing? a i wwitlag w {se wrong? it going it | going? saying saying? we we ee jane a || are { =| « they they ‘Are you feeling OK? ‘Ist raining?” “Yes, I'm fine, thank you "Yes, take an umbrella? © Why are you wearing a coat? Irs not cold. “He's reading the newspaper: ‘What's Paul doing?” (© ‘What are the children doing?” “They're watching television? ‘© Look, there’ Sally! Where’s she going? © Who are you waiting for? Are you waiting for Sue? B Study the word onder: c fie} is/are + subject + -ing Is he working today? Is Paul working today? _ (not ‘Is working Paul today?’) Where are they going? Where are those people going? (not Where are going those people?’) short answers “(El ares Na Tin not be he's ie ves{ fa wa{ Jt or we | i i we're they're wo {re facto ou fer they: ‘Are you going now?” ‘Ts Paul working today?” Is ic mining?” "Yes, Lam. “Yes, he “No, it isn’t.” ‘© ‘Are your friends staying at a hotel?” “No, they aren’t, They're staying with me! Tam doing = ogy What are you doing tomorrow? = mgr] questions => EXERCISES 4.1. Lookat the pictures and write the questions. ou7go7now?) (Yes, see you tomorrow. cao 5 ((chat clock/ work?) % we Yes, a very funny TE ‘No, it} broken, 4.2 Lookat the pictures and complete the questions. Use one ofthese: cry eat go laugh look at _— read. No,notat, ane moment. (it/rain?) (6 (Gouwrite/aleter?) Yes, to 4.3 Write questions from these words. Use is or are and put the words in order. 1 (working / Paul / today?) . 1 Paul working today? 2 what / doing / the children?) . What are. the children doing? 3. (you / listening / to me?) 4 (where / going / your friends?) 5. (your parents / television / watching?) 6 (what / cooking / Ann?) 7 (why / you / looking / at me?) 8 (coming / the bus?) 4.4 Writeshort answers (Yes, 1am. /No, he isn't. etc.) 1. Are you watching TV? ..Ne,,l'm.not 4 sie raining? 2. Are you wearing a watch? 5. Are you sitting on the hoor? 3 Are you eating something? 6 Are you feeling Wel? 17] 5 | do/work/like etc. (present simple) He’ eating an ice-cream, They read alot He likes ice-cream, ‘They read / he likes / I work etc, = the present simple: Wwe/you/they read like work live watch do have he/she/it reads likes works lives watches does has Remember: he works / she lives / it rains et © I work ina shop. My brother works ina bank. (not My brother work’) © Linda lives in London. Her parents live in Scotland, @ Te rains a lot in winter. Thave — he/she/it has: © John has a shower every day. Spelling (= Appendix 5): “es afier-s /-sh/-ch: pass —>passes finish finishes watch > watches -y-ies: study Sseudies wy aries also: do—does go> goes B We use the present simple for things that are true in general, or for things that happen sometimes or all the time: © Tike big cities The shops open at 9 o'clock and elose at 530. © Tim works very hard. He starts 2t 7.30 and finishes a 8 o'clock in the evening. © The Earth goes round the Sun, @ We do alot of different things in our fce time. © Iccosts alot of money to say at uxury hotels C_always/never/often/sometimes/usually + present simple © Sue always arrives at work arly. (not ‘Sue arrives always’) © usually go to work by car but sometimes I walk. (not"T go usually’) Julia never eats breakfast © Tom lives near us. We often see him. don’... (neexive) >I Do you...? (quesion) III] Lam doingand do NE [18] abways/asually/often ct. (word od) => TED] 51 52 53 54 55 uur EXERCISES 5 Write these vers + -s or-es. 1 (read) she ..reads, 3 (fy) it 5 (have) she 2 (think) he 4 (dance) he 6 (Gnish) ie ‘Complete the sentences about the people inthe pictures. Use these verbs: eat golive play play sleep 1 4 tennis 2 They ina very big house. 5 to the cinema a lot. 3 alotoffruit. 6 eight hours a night. Complete the sentences, Use these verbs: boil close cost cost. like like meet open speak teach wash 1 Margaret $P0KS. four languages. 2 In Britain the banks usually at 9.30 in the morning, 3 The City Museum at 5 o'clock in the evening, 4 Tina isateacher. She ‘mathematics to young children. 5 My job is very interesting. 1 alot of people. 6 Peter his hair ewice a week. 7 Food is expensive. It alot of money. 8 Shoes are expensive. They lot of money. 9 Water at 100 degrees Celsius, 10 Julia and I are good friends. 1 her and she me. Write sentences from these words. Put the ver inthe right form (arrive or arives etc.) 1 Galas / early /Sue / arrive) Sue. alaays, arrives. carty 2 (basketball /1/ play /ofen) 3 (work / Margaret / hard / usually) 4 (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear) 5 (dinner / we / have / always / 37.30) 6 (television / Tim / watch / never) 7 (like / chocolate / children / usually) 8 lia / parties / enjoy / always) ‘Write sentences about yourselt. Use always/never/often/sometimes/usually. 1 (watch television) never watch television. / usually wadeh television inthe evening. (eke.) 2 (read in bed) T 3 (getup before 7 o'clock) 4 (go. work/school by bus) - - 5 (drink coffee) 19]

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