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TOU 058: Tour Guiding

Module #3


Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________Class number: _______


Lesson title: Do’s and Don’ts in Tour Guiding Materials:


Lesson Objectives: References:

At the end of this module, I should be able to: Principles of Tour Guiding ,Zenaida
1. Enumerate the do’s and don’ts in tour guiding L. Cruz,College Book series of 2014
2. Identify the importance of applying the do’s and don’ts in
tour guiding. and-dont-s-of-tour-guiding-and-

Productivity Tip: After finishing this module, explain quickly what you’ve learned to your parents /
friend / pet. Check your module materials again if your explanation is accurate.


1) Introduction
How are you going to achieve an effective tour
guiding service? Of course, you have to inform
yourself with the do’s and don’ts before taking the
steps in guiding service. This chapter prepares you to
keep abreast with important matters or to answer the
question: what are the things to do or not to do during
guiding or escorting?

Applying the do’s and don’ts in tour guiding, there

will be an outcome of satisfactory and successful

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

Do you know anything about tour guiding? Try answering the questions below by writing your ideas
under the first column What I Know. It’s okay if you write key words or phrases that you think are
related to the questions.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

What should you do as a tour

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TOU 058: Tour Guiding
Module #3


Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________Class number: _______

What shouldn’t you do as a tour


1. Activity 1: Content Notes

The Do’s and Don’ts in Tour Guiding

Avoid guess work and propaganda- Avoid using “I think”, “I

guess”, “probably”. A tour guide must always be prepared in terms of
commentaries or information to be shared to guests. To achieve this, one

Avoid memorizing commentaries-Guide must develop enthusiasm;

select carefully the materials to be used. Guide must refrain from
memorizing commentaries, since this can lead to monotonous
presentation and guests might get bored.

Be honest and sincere- guide must impost trust and confidence, to

deliver this well – information should have reliable source or references.

Be positive and patriotic- Avoid using harsh words that might hurt
your guests. Show them positive environment and lift up the patriotism.

Be sensitive in operating environment- Guide must sensitive

enough to the needs of the guests. At times of needs, guide should be
able to deliver the proper approach and response to the emergency. Take

Encourage responsible and sensitive behavior from the clients-

Encourage the clients or guests to observe proper approach within the
fragile environment or environment with indigenous people,inform the
group before proceeding to this place about its rules.
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
TOU 058: Tour Guiding
Module #3


Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________Class number: _______


Establish Rapport from the clients-Working with the traveler,

guide must have sense of humor, this means that he/ she is able to gather
the whole group with harmony.

Never ask for tips- Guide should never solicit tips. Asking for tips is
humiliating to the tour company, the guides themselves, the travelers, and
to the professional reputation of guides.

Establish rapport with the suppliers-In Tourism Industry, it is

linked with the suppliers or circuits of accommodation, food and
beverage, travel and transportation and the like. This means that a tour
guide doesn’t work all by himself/ herself. These suppliers and the travel
agency should have good communication and working environment to
each other to deliver a successful to be presented to the guests or traveler.

2. Activity 2: Skill-building Activities

Let’s practice! After completing each exercise, you may refer to the Key to Corrections for feedback. Try
to complete each exercise before looking at the feedback.

Exercise 1: Below are descriptions or actions that a tour guide must have. Evaluate each item whether it is
under DO’S or DON’TS. Use check mark.
Do’s Don’ts

1. A tour guide must always be prepared in terms of

commentaries or information to be shared to guests. To achieve
this, one should be updated with the information.
2.Guide must memorize commentaries, to have monotonous
presentation towards the guests.

3. Guide must foster trust and confidence, to deliver this well –

information should have reliable source or references.

4. Use harsh words that might hurt your guests.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

TOU 058: Tour Guiding
Module #3


Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________Class number: _______

5. Guide must sensitive enough to the needs of the guests.

6. Encourage the clients or guests to observe proper approach

within the fragile environment or environment with indigenous
people, inform the group before proceeding to this place about
its rules.
7.Working with the traveler, guide must have sense of humor,
this means that he/ she is able to gather the whole group with

8. Guide should solicit tips

9.Show them positive environment and lift up the patriotism.

10. Guide should be able to deliver the proper approach and

response to the emergency.

Exercise 2: Write short responses for the questions:

1. Explain how to establish rapport with the suppliers in tour guiding?


2. Give examples of do’s in tour guiding?


This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

TOU 058: Tour Guiding
Module #3


Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________Class number: _______

3. Give examples of don’ts in tour guiding?


Exercise 3: LITERAL COMPREHENSION: What are the do’s and don’ts in tour guiding?
From the given concept notes, the do’s and don’ts are presented. For this activity, write all the do’s and don’ts
inside the box. Choose and underline which among them you prefer to answer the following questions.

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins.)

This time answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Write your answers to the questions
based on what you now know in the third column of the table.

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins.)

The Muddiest Point

In today’s session, what was least clear to you?

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
TOU 058: Tour Guiding
Module #3


Section: ____________ Schedule:________________________________________Class number: _______


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

A. Work Tracker
Good job! You are done with this lesson! To track your progress, shade the session number you have

B. Think about your Learning

Answer this table to know what have you learned in the module. You’re learning targets, your score, and what
contributed you to the quality of your performance in this module.

Date Learning Target/Topic Scores Action Plan

What’s the What module# did you do? What What were your What contributed to the quality
date today? were the learning targets? What scores in the of your performance today?
activities did you do? activities? What will you do next session
to maintain your performance
or improve it?

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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