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History term three.

Underline the correct answer.

The first European who came to Gold Coast were th....

A. Dutch
B. Danes
C. Portuguese
2. . in which year did the first Europeans arrive at our coast and named it the Gold Coast
b. 1450
c. 1471
A. 1976
B. 1988
3. The founder of PHC motors is called?
A. Mr. William ofori Atta
B. Mr. Kwabena peprah
C. Mr. B.A.mensah
4. Which of the following persons was a founding father of Ecobank?
A. Mr. William ofori Atta
B. Mr. Kwabena peprah
C. Mr. B.A. Mensah
5. Achimota Brewery company (ABC) was set up by
a. Mr. J.K.siaw
b. Mr. B. A. Mensah
c. Madam Esther Ocloo
6. How many times was Mr..J. k siaw 's applications to set up the Brewery rejected?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
7. PHC motors also Ghana
A. Dodge
B. Tata
C. Volvo

8. Alhaja Adam Iddrisu of Global Haulage started his business with..........vehicles.

a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
9. Which of the following persons won the district best farmer and regional best farmer in Accra?
A. Madam Esther Ocloo
B. Mr B. A. Mensah
C. Alhaja . Adam Iddrisu
10. Alhaji Adam Iddrisu of Global Haulage started his business with.....vehicles
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
11. Which person was the owner of the Royal Bank
a. Madam Esther Ocloo
b. Mr. B.A.mensah
c. Alhaji Adam Iddrisu
12. Who was the leader of the Portuguese who arrived in the Gold Coast in 1482?
a. Commander Hill
b. Don Diego d" Azambuja
c. Captain George Maclean
13. From whom did the Europeans ask permission to build the castle we now called Elmina castle?
A. King kwamina Ansah
B. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah ⁿ
14. Who did the London committee of merchant choose as their president to represent them in
the Gold Coast
a. Commander Hill
b. Captain George Maclean
c. Charles Mccarthy
15. Which governor was asked to bring peace to the Gold Coast and stop the slave trade?
A. Commander Hill
B. Captain George Maclean
C. Charles Mccarthy
Answer with true or false.
16. The local people gave power to the British to try cases and punish those found to be disturbing
the peace.........
17. One way Europeans managed to settle in the Gold Coast was to bring among rivals
18. The British also used force to settle in the Gold Coast..............
19. The British formed alliance with other states to defeat stronger states to become our colonial
20. Fort orange was built by the Dutch in 1670........
section B.
1. Give one reason why the slave trading was increasing
2. What did the Europeans need the slaves for
3. Why were the Akans buying slaves from the Portuguese?
4. State three coastal towns where the Europeans nation settled.
5. State one reason kwabena Ansah gave when he initially did not want to give the land to the
6. Briefly describe the meeting between kwabena Ansah and the Portuguese.

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