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1. Crop production 8. YES

2. sugar-cane plantations 9. NO

3. three wells 10. YES

4. 1998 11. NO

5. roofs of houses 12. YES

6. rainwater storage tanks 13. NOT GIVEN



14. hunting 21. A

15. overkill model 22. B

16. disease/hyper disease 23. A

17. empirical evidence 24. B

18. climatic instability 25. B

19. geographical ranges 26. C

20. Younger Dryas event


Language Strategy in Multinational Company

27. B 34. luxury
28. F 35. model

29. A 36. strategic

30. C 37. 6

31. L 38. 90 hours

32. D 39. three years

33. personnel development 40. C

Section 2
Solution and Explanation

Question 1-6
Instructions: Fill in the blanks to complete the passage after reading the entire
passage. Below are given A to L options to choose from.
Write the appropriate option in your answer sheet in the specified box from 1-6.
MNCs much brush language barriers in their casual scheme, then they seek respective
approaches to solve such problems. First, native linguistic process gives them a
naturalistic base in a different language speak state, but problems turn up when they
deal with overseas 1.__________. For example, process on the translation of some key
2.__________, it is inevitable to generate differences by rules from unlike countries.
Another way is to rely on a combination of talk language and 3.__________ , yet a report
written that over one-tenth business 4. __________ processed in a party language setting.
third base way : hire translators. however, first it is 5.__________, besides if they are not
well-prepared, they have to resort to his/her own 6.__________ work .
A : gestures
B : clients
C : transaction
D : assumption
e : accurate
F : documents
G : managers
H : body language
I : long-run
J : effective
K : rivals
L : dearly-won
Answer 1: B : clients
Supporting Sentence: Another trouble is that unless there has been considerable pre-
explaining between the interpreter and his clients it is likely that there will be ambiguity
and cultural overtones in the source messages the spokesperson has to work with.
Keyword: interpreter, clients
Keyword Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: The above supporting conviction states about the considerable pre-
explaining between the interpreter and his clients .
Answer 2: F : documents
Supporting Sentence: Contracts, rules and legislation are constantly written in the local
linguistic process, and a ship’s company unable to operate in that terminology is
Keyword: Contracts, rules and legislation
Keyword Location: Paragraph B
Explanation: The above supporting sentence states about the reliance on a single
speech puts the english loudspeaker at risk in negotiations therefore contracts, rules
and legislation are constantly written in the local anesthetic speech .

Answer 3: A : gestures
Supporting Sentence: basically what this means is to muddle through, relying on a mix
of languages, pidgins and gestures to communicate by whatever means the parties have
at their disposal.
Keyword: languages, pidgins and gestures
Keyword Location: Paragraph C
Explanation: The above supporting conviction states about relying on a mix of
languages, pidgins and gestures for communication .

Answer 4: C : transaction
Supporting Sentence: there can be no doubt that there is a loss of rhetorical world
power when communications go through a one-third party.
Keyword: passing, rhetorical power
Keyword Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: The above supporting conviction states about how there is a personnel
casualty of rhetorical ability when communications go through a third base party .
Answer 5: L : dearly-won
Supporting Sentence: A more rational and obvious answer to the terminology barrier is to
employ external resources such as translators and interpreters.
Keyword: linguistic process barrier, external resources
Keyword Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: The above supporting sentence states about relying on external sources to remove
linguistic process barriers.

Answer 6: D : assumption

Supporting Sentence: They will of course attempt to provide a hifidelity translation but
in this circumstance the interpreter has to use inaugural and guess exploit.
Keyword: course enterprise
Keyword Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: The above supporting conviction states about course attempt to provide a
hifidelity translation .

Question 7 to 13
Instructions: Answer the following by reading the above-given passages. Fill the
blanks with NO MORE THAN THREE NUMBER OR WORDS. Write the answers in
specified boxes in your answer sheet.

7. What understandable reaction does Training pay attention to according to the


Answer: personnel development

Supporting Sentence: The immediate and apprehensible chemical reaction to any
skills-shortage in a clientele is to consider personnel development and surely, the
terminology aim industry is well developed.
Keywords: apprehensible reaction, lyric trail
Keyword Location: Section E, 1st agate line
Explanation: In incision E, the writer has brought the topic of discipline. You will find
how personnel department development is authoritative. In case, the caller is facing a
deficit in a business, so they should look forward to giving aim to employees for their
exploitation .

8. In what term does the writer describe training during the economic depression?

Answer: lavishness
Supporting Sentence: When belts get tighten coach is one of the first base “ luxuries ”
to be pared down.
Keyword: tightened train, pared down, luxuries
Keyword Location: Section E, 5th lineage
Explanation: It is said that when there is economic depression, pieces of training are
considered a luxury in such times .

9. What contribution does Volkswagen Group make to multinational companies?

Answer: model
Supporting Sentence: They have developed a language strategy over many years and
in many respects can be regarded as a model of how to manage lyric professionally.
Keyword: do linguistic process, many years, Volkswagen Group, model
Keyword Location: Section F, 2nd line
Explanation: In section F, Volkswagen Group ‘s contribution is mentioned. The writer
highlights Volkswagen as a exemplary, as it has developed its lyric strategy over many
years and is still looking forward to managing speech professionally .

10. What does Volkswagen Group consider language training as in their company?

Answer: strategic solution

Supporting Sentence: The Volkswagen approach underlines that language discipline
has to be considered a strategic quite than a tactical solution.
Keywords: speech train, tactical solution, strategic solution
Keyword Location: Section F, 4th line
Explanation: In this section, it is discussed that Volkswagen Group ‘s strategic solution
is better than a tactical solution in speech prepare .

11. How many stages are needed from the basic course to advanced in training?

Answer: 6

Supporting Sentence: Volkswagen ‘s approach underlines that lyric education has to be

considered a strategic quite than a tactical solution. In their arrangement to progress
from “ basics ” to “ communications competence ” in a language.
Keywords: basic, communication competence, strategic solution
Keyword Location: Section F, 4th occupation
Explanation: According to Volkswagen Group, the strategic solution helps one to clear
basic to the promote stage to get equipped with language .

12. How long does a refresher course need normally?

Answer: 90 hours
Supporting Sentence: From “ basics ” to “ communications competence ” in a language
requires the completion of 6 terminology stages each one demanding approximately 90
hours of a refresher course.
Keyword: refresher course, 6 languages, 90 hours
Keyword Location: Section F, 5th credit line
Explanation: In section F, the writer explains that you need at least 90 hours to
complete a refresher course. As there are 6 stages, each stage will require around 90

13. At least how long is needed for a specific professional to acquire a foreign

Answer: three years

Supporting Sentence: This professionally managed platform expects a minimal of three
years of fairly intensive analyze to produce an accountant.
Keyword: professionally managed, three years, intensive report
Keyword Location: Section F, 7th line
Explanation: In section F, you will find that to acquire a alien terminology you need at
least three years to become perfect in the lyric .
Question 14
Instruction: Answer with a suitable option. Write the appropriate option on your
answer sheet.

14. What is the main function of this passage?

1. to reveal all kinds of language problems that companies may encounter

2. to exhibits some well-known cases in dealing with language difficulties
3. to evaluate various approaches for language barrier in multinational companies
4. to testify that training is the only feasible approach to solve the language

Answer: C
Explanation: The integral passage focuses on the ways to deal with the terminology
barrier which is normally faced by people in multinational companies .

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