Practice assignment class VII

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SECTIONH (Imark each)

1. The multiplicative inverse of -8 is
2. Find the value of )
3 if Principal = Rs.500, amount = Rs.870 then S.l =
4. If S.Pof a toy is Rs.210 and profit is 5% then C.P is Rs
5. Solution of equation ax + b=0 is
6. If APQR AXYZ then ZQ=
7. Find the median of given Data.
4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 4, 3, 5
8. The observation that occurs maximum number of times in a data is
has no
9. The umberhas recipro cal'
10. Find the value o 2 4
Case study Questions C4 mark questions)

11. Samar bought a second hand scooter for Rs.

8000. He spent Rs. S00 on its
repairs and sold it to Manan at a profit of 10%. Manan sold
the scooter to Surai
at a loss of 10%. Based on the given
information answer the following questions.
(0) What is the total C.P of scooter for Samar?
(a) Rs.7500 (b) Rs.8000 (c) Rs.8500 (d) Rs.9350
(i) How mueh money did Manan paid to purchase the scooter? (
(a) Rs.8580 (b) Rs.9350 (c) Rs.7727.27 (d) Rs.8800
(ii) What is the cost price of scooter for Suraj? (2)

12. Mrs. Renu owns bakery stores in Mumbai and Delhi. She compares the sales of
both the stores and records the information in abar graph. According to the bar
graph answer the questions.

Baliny Rmi

() How many pies were sold by bakery store in Mumbai?

(a) 70 (b) 50 (c) 40 (d) 60
(ii) Which item was most popular among the customers?
(a) cupcakes (b)cheesecakes (e) cookies (d) pies
(ii) How many cheesecakes were sold by both the stores? (2)

SECTION-l| (2 mark each)
13. The product of two rational numbers is If one of the number is . find the
14.Subtract from

15. Evaluate: [(}) +(()5]+:

16. Simplify:(2+3)"+ (4-1 + 5-l)-1
17.Solve: 5x-2= 16
18. The sum of two numbers is 95. If one number exceeds the other by 3, find the
19. In figure, QX bisects zPQR as well as zPSR. Prove that AQRS AQPS

20. In figure, AB = CD and AD = BC


(i) Which congruence condition willbe used toprove that AADC ACBA
(ii) If AADC ACBA then C=
21 The mean oP 5 observationS is 23. One number s eccuded
Now the mean s 25. Find the exeluded observotion
SECTION-IV (3 mark each)
22. Find the value of x: -()-)
23. Verify that x +y =y+ x for x= -32 and y = -1

24. In what time will a sum of money double itself at 15% per annum?
25. Present age of Veena's mother is four times Veena's age. Five year
hence, her
age will be 21 years more than Veena's age. Find their present ages.
26. Show that the bisector of vertical angle of an isosceles triangle bisects
the base
at right angle.
27. The height (in cm) of ten boy were measured and results were as
143, 132, 149, 148, 152, 146, 135, 128, 139, 150
(i) What is the mean height?
(ii) What is the range of the data?
(i)What is the height of tallest boy?
28. Simputy
24.54 5-205- 5.5)t or6 x &.5
29. If APQR is an isosceles triangle such that PQ =PR then prove that the altitude PS
from P on QR bisects QR.
SECTION-V(5 nark cach)
3 2

30.(i)6) If -3 x ) find ()
()Find the reciprocal of(GTx
31. Rahul deposited Rs. 7000 at 7% p.a for 4 years and Raj deposited Rs.7000 at 6%
p.a for 5 years. Who will get more interest? What amount will each get?
6P+1 7P-3
32. Solve and check your answer: +1:
3 2
33. The results of pass %of class Xand XIl in C.B.S.E examination for 5 years are
given in the following table:
Year 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-1999
X 90 95 90 80 98
XII 95 80 85 90 95

Draw the double bar graph using above information.

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