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Passive Voice – Câu bị động

Active: S+V+O

Passive: S + to be + Vp2 + (by O)

Thì Chủ động Bị động

1. Hiện tại S + V(s/es) + O S+ am/is/are + Vp2 + (by O)
đơn Ex: Mary studies English every day. Ex: English is studied by Mary everyday.
2. Hiện tại S + is/am/are + V-ing + O S + am/is/are + being + Vp2+ (by O)
tiếp diễn Ex: He is planting some trees now. Ex: Some trees are being planted (by him)
3. Quá S + Ved/2 + O S + was/were + Vp2 + (by O)
khứ đơn Ex: She wrote a letter yesterday. Ex: A letter was written (by her) yesterday.
4. Quá S + was/were + V-ing + O S + was/were + being + Vp2 + (by O)
khứ tiếp Ex: They were buying a car at 9 am Ex: A car was being bought at 9 am yesterday.
diễn yesterday.
5. Hiện tại S + have/ has + pp + O S + have/ has + been + Vp2 + (by O)
hoàn Ex: My parents have given me a new Ex: A new bike has been given to me by my
thành bike on my birthday. parents on my birthday.
6. Quá S + had + pp + O S + had + been + Vp2 + (by O)
khứ hoàn Ex: He had finished his report before Ex: His report had been finished before 10 p.m
thành 10 p.m yesterday. yesterday.
7. Tương S + will + V + O S + will + be + Vp2 + (by O)
lai đơn Ex: She will do a lot of things Ex: A lot of things will be done tomorrow.
8. Modal S + modal verb + V + O S + modal verb + be + Vp2 + (by O)
Thể nhờ bảo
Khi diễn tả một hành động mà chúng ta không tự làm lấy, mà để người khác làm, chúng ta dùng
cấu trúc:
* Dạng chủ động: S + HAVE + SB + V(bare) or S + GET + SB + TO V(bare)
* Dạng bi đông: S + HAVE/GET + ST + VP2

2. Nếu chủ ngữ trong câu chủ động là I, you,we, they, he, she, everyone, someone, anyone,
no one,… thì có thể bỏ đi trong câu bị động.
3. Bị độg với câu hỏi
- Bước 1: Chuyển từ câu hỏi sang câu khẳng định.
Ví dụ:
Did you buy the shirt two days ago? -> You bought the shirt two days ago.
- Bước 2: Chuyển câu khẳng định trên sang câu bị động.
Ví dụ:
You bought the shirt two days ago. -> The shirt was bought two days ago.
- Bước 3: Chuyển câu bị động trên về dạng nghi vấn bằng cách chuyển từ ngay sau chủ ngữ
lên trước chủ ngữ.
Ví dụ:
The shirt was bought two days ago. -> Was the shirt bought two days ago?
4. Bị động với những động từ có 2 tân ngữ
Một số động từ được theo sau nó bởi hai tân ngữ như: give (đưa), lend (cho mượn), send
(gửi), show(chỉ), buy (mua), make (làm), get (cho),... thì ta sẽ có hai câu bị động.

Ví dụ: My mother gave me a bike on my last birthday.

-> I was given a bike by my mother on my last birthday.
-> A bike was given to me by my mother on my last birthday.
Lưu ý: Khi dùng câu bị động loại này, ta phải thêm giới từ ‘to” hoặc “for” trước tân ngữ chỉ
Trong đó:
* Dùng “to” khi các động từ là: give, lend, send, show,...
Ví dụ:
The boss sent his secretary an email last night.
-> An email was sent to his secretary by the boss last night.
* Dùng “for” khi các động từ là: buy, make, get,…
Ví dụ:
He bought her a rose.
A rose was bought for her.

1. Câu bị động ở hiện tại đơn
1. He opens the door.
2. We set the table.
3. She pays a lot of money.
4. I draw a picture.
5. They wear blue shoes.
6. They don't help you.
7. He doesn't open the book.
8. You don’t write the letter.
9. Somebody hit me.
10. John collects stamps.
11. We don’t clean our rooms.
12. My sister cooks meals every day.
13. People always admire this picture.
14. Mary types letters in the office.
15. People see the valley from the top of the hill.

2. Câu bị động ở quá khứ đơn

1. Peter broke this bottle.
2. They sent present last week.
3. She gave more information.
4. The children looked at the woman
5. The policeman kept me for an hour.
6. He spelt this word wrongly
7. They cleaned the floor.
 ……………………………………………………………
8. He picked up the gun.
9. We stopped the bus.
10. A thief stole my car.
11. She didn't win the prize.
12. They didn't make their beds.
13. My mother cleaned the floor yesterday.
14. My father watered these flowers.
15. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.

3. Câu bị động với modal verbs

1. Jane will buy a new computer.
2. He will not do it.
3. They will not show the new film.
4. They will not ask him.
5. William will not repair the car.
6. I will ask a question.
7. His father will help you tomorrow.
8. They will hold the meeting
9. You mustn’t use this machine
10. Tom will visit his parents next month.
12. We must finish the test before ten
13. They can’t make tea with cold water.
 ……………………………………………………………
14. We should clean our teeth twice a day.
15.The manager will phone the secretary this morning.

4. Câu bị động với thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. Nancy has paid the bill.
2. I have eaten a hamburger.
3. I have opened the present.
4. Ann had fed the cats
 ……………………………………………………………
5. They have not read the book.
6. You have not sent letter.
7. They have not caught the thieves.
8. We have done our homework.
9. My friend has written a emails for 2 hours.
10. They had finished their work
11. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.

5.Câu bị động với thì hiện tại tiếp diễn và quá khứ tiếp diễn
1. My brother is singing Duc Phuc's latest song.
2. At this time, Mr. Tom and his daughter are playing chess in the yard.
3. My brother is making a snowman.
4. The waiter is serving us food.
5. Now my brother is reading an autobiography by Nguyen Ngoc Anh.
6. We are selling paintings for charity.
7. We were eating a bowl of Pho. (A)
8. She was writing a letter to her pen pal. (A)
9. He was not playing chess in his room at 9 o’clock yesterday evening. (A)
10. Mr. Tai was watching the television. (A)
11. We were cleaning the floor when Ann called. (A)
12. The baby was being taken a bath when you came. (P)

Ex6. Change active to passive, paying close attention to special structures.

1. Parents always give me proper encouragement.
2. I remember someone giving me a toy drum on my fifth birthday.
4. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview.
5. Don’t touch this switch.
6. He won’t let you do that silly thing again.
7. I rarely hear her call her children bad names.
8. Someone seems to have made a terrible mistake.
9. I think they should have offered Tom the job.
10. People say that Arthur robbed a bank a long time ago.

Câu 4.
1.I had the gate painted last week.
2.She will have her car washed tomorrow.
3.They have the story told again.
4.John gets his shirt cleaned.
5.Anne has had her composition typed.
6.Rick will have his hair cut.
7.I will get a new dress made.
8.He had his car repaired.
9.She often gets the heater maintained.
10.They had the shoplifter arrested.
11.Are you going to have your shoes repaired?
12.I must have my teeth checked.
13.She will have her dog examined.
14.We had this photograph taken when we were on holiday last summer.
15.The Greens had their carpet cleaned.

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