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SKILLS THAT MANAGER NEED  Should know how to make the product,

By Robert Katz how to operate the machine, know the

Top Conceptual ingredients of the products

Human Skills
Management Skills  Example of technical skills: Perform
Middle Surgery, Carpentry.
Human Skills
 Do you think the CEO of a hospital know
Lower-Level Technical how to perform Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Human Skills
Management Skills
Surgery? Probably, No.
 This procedure is technical that only
Human Skills - equally important across all
surgeons can know
three levels of management

 The ability to work with, understand and
 The ability to use the procedures,
motivate people, as individuals or in
techniques, expertise and knowledge of a
specialized field
 This skill is crucial as managers deal
 First line managers, as well as many
directly with people
middle managers, are heavily involved in
 Human Skill is just as important at the top
technical aspects of the organization’s
levels of management as it is at the lower
 Such skill, become less important as a
 Managers with good human skills are able
manager moves into higher levels of
to get the best out of their staff
 Many friends, super popular, love hanging
 These are skills that are specialized like
out with many people
you need to put in special efforts and time
 People with good human skills tend to
to learn
make good managers, generally
 Example: A McDonald’s Branch Manager
should be able to know how assemble a
Big Mac Meal in under 1 minute. Can she
 The ability to comprehend abstract or
do that? Does she know which sauce to
general ideas and apply them to specific
use, how long should she fry the patty, do
you put the cheese on top or the bottom,
 The mental ability to view organization as a
whole, to see how the parts relate to and
depend on one another
 Essential to effective decision making
 Become more important as managers ROLE OF MANAGERS
move into top management positions
 Ability to see the big picture, view things as Who is a Manager?
a whole and make effective decisions  A manager is responsible for planning and
 Managers should consider the whole directing the work of group of people
organization when making a decision working in an organization
 The Story of the Frog in the Well. The frog  A manager is a person responsible for
got stuck in a well for a very long time. supervising and motivating employees and
Inside the well are water and insects, for directing the progress of an
which means it doesn’t have much organization.
problem of staying alive. The problem is,  Manager have the power to hire, fire,
the only thing it sees is the small little hole discipline, do performance appraisals, and
at the top. No conceptual Skills monitor attendance.
 Viewing the world as a bigger picture,  They should also have the power to
there is conceptual skills approve overtime, and authorize vacations


1. Writing Monthly Report - TECHNICAL 1. Figurehead
2. Negotiating with union - HUMAN 2. Leader
3. Counselling - HUMAN 3. Liaison
4. Drafting Annual Work Plan - CONCEPTUAL 4. Monitor
5. Interview Staff - HUMAN 5. Disseminator
6. Creating Company New Policy - 6. Spokesperson
CONCEPTUAL 7. Entrepreneur
7. Conduct Training for Staff - HUMAN / 8. Disturbance Handler
TECHNICAL 9. Resource Allocator
10. Negotiator

Interpersonal Leader
Informational Disseminator
Entrepreneur department, coordinates the work of others
Distruace Handler
Decisional and leads his subordinates.
Resource Allocator
Negotiator  This role includes hiring, training,
motivating and disciplining employees.
 Formal authority and functional authority
INTERPERSONAL ROLE OF A MANAGER provides greater potential power to
 The roles in this category involve providing exercise and get the things done.
information and ideas  This is where manager provides leadership
to his team, his department or his entire
Figurehead Role of a Manager organization
 Managers perform the duties of a  This is where a manager manages
ceremonial and symbolic in nature such as performance and responsibilities of
welcoming official visitors, signing legal everyone in the group
documents etc as head of the organization
or strategic business unit or department. Liaison Role of a Manager
 Duties of interpersonal roles include  As a leader of the organization or unit, the
routine, involving little serious manager has to perform the functions of
communication and less important motivation, communication, encouraging
decisions. However, they are important for team spirit and the like. Further, he has to
the smooth functioning of an organization coordinate the activities of all his
or department subordinates, which involves the activity of
 Managers have social, occasional, and liaison.
legal responsibilities  This role also requires the manager to
 Expected to be a source of inspiration. interact with other managers outside the
People, whenever they face problem, they organization to secure favours and
look up to them as a person of authority information. In this role, the manager
and as a figurehead. If they have any represents his organization in all matters of
question, queries, they directly go and ask formality
from their manager, in the hope to get  Managers must communicate with internal
certain answer and in the hope of resolving and external contacts. He needs to be able
their issues to network effectively on behalf of his
Leadership Role of Manager
 All managers have a leadership role. The INFORMATIONAL ROLE OF A MANAGER
manager, as in charge of the organization/
 The roles in this category involve information is gathered by him from his
processing information environments and from his own equals in
the organization.
Monitor Role of a Manager  The manager will play an important role in
 As a result of the network of contacts, the disseminating the information to his
manager gets the information by scanning subordinates, when they don't have
his environment, subordinates, peers and contact with one another.
superiors.  Managers communicate potentially useful
 The manager seeks and receives information to his colleagues and his team,
information concerning internal and where he provide information related to
external events so as to gain how they can perform the work easily, if
understanding of the organization and its there is any new rules, new policies
environment.  He provide them the information if he have
 Typically this is done through reading new strategy, he shares with his
magazines and talking with others to learn teammates
the changes in the public's tastes, what
competitors may be planning, and the like. Spokesperson Role of a Manager
 Managers, mostly collect information in  Managers also perform a spokesperson
verbal form often as gossip, hearsay, role when they represent the organization
speculation and through grapevine to outsiders. Manager is required to speak
channels. on behalf of the organization and transmit
 Managers regularly seek out information information on organization's plan, policies
related to his organization and industry. and actions.
Looking for relevant changes in the  The manager has to keep his superior
environment. informed of every development in his unit,
 He also monitors his team in terms of who in turn inform the insiders and
productivity and well-being outsiders. Directors and shareholders must
be informed about the financial
Disseminator Role of a Manager performance, customers must be informed
 Manager disseminates the information, he about the new product developments,
collects from different sources and through quality maintenance, government officials
various means. He passes some of the about implementation of law etc.
privileged information directly to his  Managers represents and speak for his
subordinates, peers and superiors who organization
otherwise have no access to it. This
 He is responsible for transmitting of the manager and as such the manager
information about his organization and its cannot ignore the situation.
goal to the people outside it  For example, worker strike, declining sales,
 A manager act as a spokesperson in bankruptcy of a major customer etc.
behalf of his team, if there is any output or  The manager should have enough time in
if there is any query, he raised voice, he handling disturbance carefully, skilfully and
put his words near the head-on of effectively.
authorities in behalf of his teammates  Whenever there is any conflict, or problem,
a manager must resolve them, must take
DECISIONAL ROLE OF A MANAGER the charge to solve the problem and
 The roles in this category involve using conflict if there is any issues.
information  It’s the duty of manager to provide
information to overcome those problems
Entrepreneurial Role of a Manager so that work could continue without any
 As an entrepreneur, the manager is a problem
creator and innovator. He initiates and
oversee new products that will improve Resource Allocator Role of a Manager
their organization's performance.  The most important resource that a
 He seeks to improve his department, adapt manager allocates to his subordinates is
to the changing environmental factors. The his time. As a resource allocator,
manager would like to have new ideas, managers are responsible for allocating
initiates new projects and initiates the human, physical and monetary resources.
developmental projects Accordingly, setting up of a time schedule
 A manager creates and control changes for the completion of an operation or
within the organization. This means solving approval of expenditure on a particular
problems, generating new ideas and project, etc., are the functions which the
implementing them managers perform in the role of a resource
Disturbance Handler Role of a Manager  The manager should have an open-door
 As a disturbance handler, managers take policy and allow the subordinates to
corrective action to response to previously express their opinions and share their
unforeseen problems. Disturbance handler experiences. This process helps both the
role presents the manager as the manager and his subordinates in making
involuntarily responding to pressures. effective decisions. In addition, the
Pressures of the situation require attention
manager should empower his subordinates
by delegating his authority and power
 A manager also needs to determine where
organizational resources are best applied.
This involves allocating funding, as well as
assigning, staff, and other organizational
resources .
 If there is any need of a more resources, if
there is a shortage of resources, it is a
manager who keeps the updates if there is
any shortage then manager provide
resources to their teammates so that the
work can continue without any shortage or

Negotiator Role of a Manager

 In this role, the manager represents the
organization in bargaining and negotiations
with outsiders and insiders, in order to gain
advantages for his own unit. He negotiates
with the subordinates for improved work,
commitment and loyalty, with the peers for
cooperation, coordination and integration,
with workers and their unions regarding
conditions of employment, commitment,
productivity, with the government about
providing facilities for business expansion
 These negotiations are integral part of the
manager's job for only he has authority to
commit organizational resources and has
nerve centre of information.

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