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Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School

Fr. Barua Street, Tetuan Zamboanga City

Junior High School Department
S.Y. 2020-21

Student Activity Worksheet

Name: Alvincel G. Aragones Date: Feb. 24,2021

Grade Level: 10-St.Joseph Subject: Science

Worksheet No. 1 Activity Sheet No. 1.1-1.4

Topic / Content: Coordinated Functions of the Nervous, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems

Guided Instruction


Activity 1.2 Nervous System: Facts, Function & Diseases
Write at least 3 significant learnings after watching the video.

- The nervous system takes in signals from your senses and process the information, leading to

- The nervous system is made up of billion and billions of nerve cell.

- The brain is packed with 100 billion nerve cells called neurons.

Guided Practice

Activity 1.3 Break it Down! p.4

Central Nervous Peripheral

system Nervous system

Spinal Cord Autonomic

Cerebrum Cerebellum Brainstem

Sympathetic Parasympathetic
Spinal Nerves Cranial Nerves Division Division

Guide Questions:
Q1. How will you differentiate the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) in
terms of their functions?

- The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord, it controls most functions of the body
and mind while the peripheral nervous system includes all of the nerves that branch out from the brain and
spinal cord; it allows the brain and spinal cord to receive and send information to other areas of the body.

Q2. What might happen to the human body if one part of the nervous system fails to carry out its function

- If one of the nervous system fails it will make a domino effect on the body. Firstly, you may have
impaired concentration, confusion, or abnormal thinking. You may also experience a range of complications
like numbness, tingling, trouble talking, loss of vision, or inability to move a part of your body.

Independent Practice

Activity 1.4 The Nervous System p.5

Directions: Label the parts of a nerve cell and identify the function of each.

Axon Terminal
Node of Ranvier

Myelin Sheath
Cell Membrane

Parts of the nerve cell

Node of Ranvier- Allow diffusion of ions.

Dendrites- Receive signals from other cells.
Cell Membrane- Protects the cell.
Myelin Sheath- Increase the speed of the signal.
Axon Terminal- Forms junctions from other cells.
B. Processing Questions
1. How important are the roles of the divisions of the nervous system in appropriate control and quick

- These divisions are important in our daily lives. It helps us in so many ways, like there are some
division where controls our involuntary actions there is also a division where it keeps us safe from dangers. A
great example is the Sympathetic division or the “fight or flight’ response, it releases adrenaline when we are
faced a danger or fear.

2. How do you respond to stimuli?

- There are different receptors that responds to different stimuli; Thermoreceptors responds to
temperature, Photoreceptors responds to light, Chemoreceptors responds to chemicals, Mechanoreceptors
responds to pressure, touch, and vibration, and Nociceptors responds to pain. The best way to showcase our
respond to stimuli is when we touch a hot object, even though it still has not registered in our brain that it is hot,
we already move our hands away.

Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School
Fr. Barua Street, Tetuan Zamboanga City
Junior High School Department
S.Y. 2020-21

Student Activity Worksheet

Name: Alvincel G. Aragones Date: Feb. 24,2021

Grade Level: 10-St.Joseph Subject: Science

Worksheet No. 2 Activity Sheet No. 2.1-2.4

Topic / Content: Coordinated Functions of the Nervous, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems

Guided Instruction


Activity 2.2 Endocrine Glands and their Hormones p. 8

Directions: Read each statement below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the correct answer.

1) The main function of the endocrine system is to release hormones that work together to maintain proper

2) Hormones: chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands. Their job is to control and regulate the
activity of cells, organs, or both.

3) There are 8 major glands.

Guided Practice
Activity 2.3 Who’s in Control p.9

1. Ovaries- Influence female traits and support reproductive functions.

2. Adrenal- Prepares the body for actions, controls the heart rate and breathing in times of
3. Pituitary- Stimulates growth, and controls functions of other glands.
4. Thymus- Enables the body to produce certain antibodies.
5. Pancreas- Regulates blood sugar levels.

Guide Questions:
1. Which gland of the endocrine and nervous system controls the other glands in the body?
- The gland that controls other gland is the Pituitary gland.

2. How will you differentiate thyroid and parathyroid glands in terms of location and function?
- The Thyroid gland is located below the voice box and it regulates body metabolism, and causes storage of
calcium in bones.

3. If a person’s blood sugar level becomes unstable, what glands might be involved in the problem?
- If the person’s blood sugar is unstable the Pancreas might be involved.

4. How important is the thymus gland in keeping your body free from diseases?
- The Thymus gland is very important because it enables the body to produce certain antibodies.

5. How will you explain the sudden boost of energy, increased strength and extraordinary ability to lift very heavy
objects especially during emergency situations?
- It must the Adrenal gland as it prepares the body for actions, controls the heart rate and breathing in times of

6. Why is injecting insulin an essential part of the daily regime for most people with diabetes?
- It is essential as it works by helping sugar from the blood into other body tissues where it is used for energy.

7. Why does the menstrual cycle stop during menopause?

- It’s because ovaries make less of a hormone called estrogen. When decrease occurs, menstrual cycle tends to
change. Eventually it will stop.

Independent Practice

Activity 2.4 What Went Wrong p.10-11

1. The gland involved is the Pituitary gland, and dwarfism is the result of metabolic and
hormonal disorders such as growth hormone deficiency.

2. The gland involved is the Pituitary gland, and gigantism is the result of a pituitary gland
tumor, and the pituitary gland makes too much growth hormone, also called somatotropin.

3. The gland involved is the Thyroid gland, and goiter is the result of lack of iodine in the diet.

B. Write a one-paragraph essay about how one of these conditions will affect your life if you have dysfunction
due to the effect of hormonal imbalance.

- These conditions will greatly affect for how one will live his life, for they have to adjust themselves just fit in the
world of normal people.

Guide Questions:

1. What condition may arise if the pituitary gland is not producing enough growth hormones?

- If the pituitary gland is not producing enough growth hormones, Dwarfism may arise.

2. What will happen to a person with excessive secretion of growth hormones from the pituitary gland?

- If the pituitary gland is producing more growth hormones than the body needs, Gigantism may arise.

3. Why is there a noticeable swelling in the front part of the neck of a person who has goiter?

- There is a noticeable swelling in front of the neck because of the swelling of the Thyroid gland.

4. How does using iodized salt help in preventing thyroid problems?

- Iodine is an important mineral. It helps prevents thyroid problems as thyroid gland uses iodine to
produce thyroid hormones, which aid tissue repair, and regulate metabolism.

5. How does the medical condition of a person with endocrine dysfunction affect his or her way of life?

- An individual can develop certain diseases that involves endocrine systems as they are not capable of
producing and maintaining the normal levels of our body. It will greatly affect him as he may have life changing disorders
such as gigantism and dwarfism.

Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School

Fr. Barua Street, Tetuabn Zamboanga City
Junior High School Department
S.Y. 2020-21

Student Activity Worksheet

Name: Alvincel G. Aragones Date: Feb. 24,2021
Grade Level: 10-St.Joseph Subject: Science
Worksheet No. 3 Activity Sheet No. 3.1-3.4

Topic / Content: Coordinated Functions of the Nervous, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems

Guided Instruction


Activity 3.2 Human Reproductive System p.13

1. How do the parts of the male reproductive system work together?

- The male sex organs work together to produce sperm and deliver it to the female reproductive system.

2. How do the parts of the female reproductive system work together?

- The female reproductive system works together to produce eggs and to provide support and nourish a
developing human.

Guided Practice

Activity 3.3 Tell Me Now p.14

1. How do body systems interact with the reproductive system?

- Other body systems contribute for the reproductive systems. Like the endocrine gland Testes controls
maturation and male characteristics and Ovaries which influence traits and support reproductive function. While the
brain controls the development of sexual behavior.

2. Explain the role of nervous and Endocrine systems in the Reproductive System.
- Specific endocrine organs of the body-the hypothalamus help orchestrate virtually all reproductive
functions. Without them, the gonads would never mature to adult functional status during adolescence, gamete would
not be formed. Reproductive hormones also affect brain and development and sexual behavior.

Independent Practice
Activity 3.4 Exit Card p.14

Instruction: Answer the following questions:

1. How did you respond emotionally to something you struggled about the topic today?

- I did face some difficulty on understanding how all the systems work together, but I just remained calm
and composed so I can fully maximize my capability to digest information.

2. What did you find most surprising about the topic _____?

- The most surprising in the topic is the Endocrine system, because I never knew such systems exists. I’m
just grateful to know such vital system in our everyday lives.

4. How did your understanding of the lesson change today?

- Now I understood that all the systems in the human body work together. I never once taught of that,
but because of this lesson my knowledge and understanding about the human body has grew wider and so
is my curiosity.

5. What about part of the lesson that still confuses you or makes your curious?
- The part of the lesson that makes my curiosity go up is on how does all the systems work
together and how does one system help other systems. I am also curious about the diseases that
can happen in those systems.

Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School

Fr. Barua Street, Tetuabn Zamboanga City
Junior High School Department
S.Y. 2020-21

Student Activity Worksheet

Name: Alvincel G. Aragones Date: Feb. 24,2021
Grade Level: 10-St.Joseph Subject: Science
Worksheet No. 4 Activity Sheet No. 4.1-4.4

Topic / Content: Coordinated Functions of the Nervous, Endocrine, and Reproductive Systems

Guided Instruction


Activity 4.2 Interaction of Glands p.15-16

This really fascinates me on how amazing our human body is, in the way the different systems
cooperate with each other, to the domino effect when one gland releases a hormone. I now
understood that the interaction of the glands is necessary for our daily lives, and the hemostasis is
crucial for us to live a healthy life. This lesson made answered some of my curiosity and also has
sparked more question in my mind.

Guided Practice

Activity 4.3 Feedback Mechanisms p.17

1. An example of feedback is body temperature regulation. If blood temperature rises too high, this is sensed by
specialized neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain. They signal other nerve centers, which in turn send signals to the
blood vessels of the skin. As these blood vessels dilate, more blood flows close to the body surface and excess heat
radiates from the body. If this is not enough to cool the body back to its set point, the brain activates sweating.
Evaporation of sweat from the skin has a strong cooling effect, as we feel when we are sweaty and stand in front of a
- This is an example of a negative feedback. I can say that this is a negative feedback because it creates
counteracting response to keep and maintain Hemostasis. The variable is the rise of temperature, when the brain
notices this, it sends hormones to counteract and maintain the appropriate temperature of the body.

2. An example of feedback is seen in blood clotting. Part of the complex biochemical pathway of clotting is the
production of an enzyme that forms the matrix of the blood clot, but also speeds up the production of still more
thrombin. That is, it has a self- catalytic, self-accelerating effect, so that once the clotting process begins, it runs faster
and faster until, ideally, bleeding stops.

- This is an example of a positive feedback, as it accelerates the process of clotting until the cloth is
large enough to stop the bleeding. When wound causes bleeding, the body responds with a positive feedback loop to
clot the blood and stop blood loss.

Independent Practice
Activity 4.4 Reflection Writing p.17

Reflect on how these feedback mechanisms help the organism maintain homeostasis to reproduce and survive.

- Our bodies experience constant change in our everyday lives and these feedback mechanisms help our
bodies counteract with these changes to maintain hemostasis. We experience these feedback mechanisms in our daily
lives, to when you’re feeling hot or cold to when you are eating a chocolate cake. The best example is when there is a
change in temperature, if the body senses that you’re getting hot, it signals different part of our bodies to do
countermeasure for the body to regulate the body temperature. Another example is at birth, when it feels a pressure in
the cervix it releases hormones, that makes the cervix contract and help the child’s birth.

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