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Definitions of Education

1. A process of giving all the information in order to help themselves.

2. It is the process by which we develop the ability, attitudes and other forms of
behaviour that are of value to the society.

Importance Of Education

 It raises the social standards and political awareness of people making them
responsible citizens.
 It develops good character of the individual e.g. respect, punctuality, hard work
 It helps to develop hidden talents e.g. sports, academic, art, drama etc.
 It improves the social skills e.g. values, attitudes, behaviour etc.
 It helps to understand, appreciate and promote cultural heritage of the people in
any society.
 It develops people’s ability to think logically, that is decision making and coming
up with solutions for problems.
 It raises the skills and productivity of a nation because it trains people to manage
and administer technology.
 It produces a pool of skilled and professional labour for the country.
 It produces people who will take up leadership positions in society e.g. in politics,
business etc.
 It helps to reduce population growth rates because people become exposed to
contraception and family planning.

Traditional Education
It is the process of teaching people their culture, values and beliefs of a society.

Traditional education begins immediately after a child is born.


 Knowledge is passed on by word of mouth that is orally.

 All parents have the responsibility of teaching children the customs, values and
norms of the society.
 Education is gender based.
 Learning takes place everywhere.
 Most of the education is practically based, with the young copying from the old.


 Specialized skills are a closely guarded family secret with them being passed on
from parent to child, e.g. pottery, traditional medicine, blacksmithing, witchcraft
 Emphasis is on social responsibilities for both boys and girls:

For example:

Boys were expected to Girls were expected to

 Respect elders  Respect elders and their husbands

 Assist weaker members of  Look after crops
society  Perform domestic duties
 Provide for the family  Produce children for their
 Attend community meetings husband and the tribe
 Get married and produce children
 Plough fields and look after cattle
 Fight for the tribe (warriors)

In some societies the transition from childhood into adulthood was marked by attendance
of initiation schools, for example the BaKgatla.

Advantages of Traditional Education

 It produces full members of society in terms of productivity and responsibilities.

 It ensures continuity from one generation to another i.e. of customs, norms etc.
 Produces self-sufficient people because of its emphasis on practical skills.
 Produces people that are proud of their culture and full of humanity.

Disadvantages of Traditional Education

 It concentrates more on the past than the future.

 It does not teach people to change things or question/encourages technologies
 It does not prepare people on how to solve new problems.
 No records or literacy since everything is oral; hence a lot of knowledge is lost
over time.


It was brought to Africa by European colonialism. It is a very important element of

Characteristic of Modern Education

 It is based on reading and writing as a means of passing on information.

 It is a well-planned process with distinct stages e.g. primary, secondary etc.
 There are specially trained teachers for each stage.
 Learning takes place in institutions e.g. school, colleges.
 Pupils are taught both local and global issues.
 There are strict age requirements.
 Education is co-educational i.e. both boys and girls attend the same schools and
taught the same skills.
 The curriculum is wide i.e. many subjects are offered.

Advantages of Modern Education

 Produces logical and independent thinkers.

 It producers people who can develop or invent new technology.
 It trains people to solve problems peacefully.
 All information/knowledge is recorded and preserved for future generations.
 It produces responsible people that can take up leadership positions in society.
 It increases productivity through empowering people with skills.
 It produces people who keep themselves and others healthy.
 It creates awareness on local and global issues.
 It trains people to bring up their children well.
 It encourages people to use the environment in a sustainable way.

Disadvantages Of Modern Education

 It produces people who are mostly dependent on paid employment.

 It is very expensive.
 It disrupts /erodes local culture.
 It concentrates too much on theory.

Differences Between Traditional And Modern (European) Education

Traditional Education Modern Education

 Learning takes place everywhere.  Learning takes place in institutions.

 Knowledge is passed on orally.  Literacy skills used to impart
 Every adult is a teacher.  Specially trained teachers.
 Based on and concentrates on the past.  Trains people to change things for the

 Practically based.  Mostly theoretically.
 Gender based.  Co-educational
 Specialized skills were family based  Everybody is free to learn any skills.
 Learn only about their society and  Learn about their society and others.

This is the training of people to use their hands (practical skills) in order to produce
goods and services.

 Training takes place at Brigades and Vocational Training Centres.

 Also involves training of people on-the-job attached to a company/firm.
 After passing people obtain a trade certificate.
 Examples: plumbing, brick layering, dressmaking, welding, book keeping,
secretarial, electricians etc.

Importance of Vocational Education

 It improves the productivity of labour.

 Trains people to solve problems e.g. repairs.
 People can become self-employed with these skills.
 Enables the country to be self sufficient in semi-skilled labour.


 It involves teaching people the designing, making and maintenance of technology.

 Technicians are professionals who obtain a certificate or diploma.
 Training occurs at Technical or Polytechnic colleges or Institutes of technology.
 The candidates have to do very in maths and sciences.
 After qualifying they are known as artisans or journeymen.

Importance of Technical Education

 They form the basis of a skilled labour force.

 They adapt and are innovative.
 They can solve technological problems.
 They increase productivity in industry.

Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Education

(a) Formal Education

This is the learning process that takes place on a full time basis in an organized
school system e.g. primary school.

Characteristics of Formal Education

 Takes place in institutions e.g. schools.

 Full time classes.
 Specially trained teachers.
 Mainly theoretically based.
 Examinations are necessary for determining successes or failure.
 Very expensive to implement.

(b) Non-Formal Education

This is the learning process that takes place outside the school system.

Characteristics Non-Formal Education

 Can take place anywhere and at any age.

 Participation is deemed to be very important.
 Emphasis is on giving people skills e.g. literacy, cooking, sewing etc.
 Teachers may be volunteers from society.
 Learning is on a part-time basis.
 Relatively cheap to implement.

 Adult literacy classes:
The teaching of people who are over 18 years and above how to read and write.

 Numeracy classes:
Teaching adults basic arithmetic skills such as counting, adding, subtraction,
multiplication and division.

 Agricultural extension:
Teaching farmers new and better methods of farming.

 Correspondence education:
This is learning at home on you own using modules or lectures.
E.g. Botswana College Of Distance and Open Learning

 Learning circles:
When people meet and share skills or teach one another e.g. inviting experts to
give demonstrations in cooking, sewing, cleaning, weaving etc.

 Health education:
That involves imparting knowledge on hygiene, baby care, family planning and

contraception, nutrition etc.

(c) Informal education

This is learning process that takes place through social contacts or interaction on a
daily basis.

 This is how people learn about social skills, norms and values in society.
 It has no age restrictions.
 There is no prescribed syllabus.

Advantages of Education in Botswana

 It is universal i.e. free and accessible to everyone for 10 years.

 There are adequate and well equipped schools up to form three.
 There are trained teachers.

The pupils are fed at school by the government thus making them healthy and
 There is a relatively wide curriculum.
 It produces people that are trainable for either professions or technical jobs.
 The education is internationally recognized.

Disadvantages of Education in Botswana

 Automatic promotion of pupils from one level to another leads to high failure
 Free education makes students not to take their studies seriously. Even parents are
not very concerned.
 High pupil/teacher ratio (1:35) makes effective learning difficult.
 There is too much emphasis on academic on theoretical subjects at the expense of
 It does not cater for the academically weak students since it concentrates only on
academic subjects.
 Bottle-neck education that sees numbers decrease dramatically with increasing
levels of education.
 Graduates from the education system are overly dependent on paid employment
i.e. It does not produce innovative persons who can stand on their own.
 Not based on local culture.

Role Of Information Technology Education On The Development Of Botswana

 More efficient storage of information in computers.

 Easier and faster methods of communication e.g. digitalized telecommunications,
Internet, mobile phones etc.
 Improved service in the retail sector e.g. stock control, computerized cash tills etc.
 Revolutionized the banking sector e.g. electronic banking, automatic teller
machines etc.

 High quality service and products in information and broadcasting e.g.
newspapers, digital TV and radio etc.
 Automated machines have improved productivity and products quality e.g.
 Computers have made the designing of products easier and faster e.g. architecture,
graphics, clothes etc.
 Improved security systems e.g. alarms, closed circuit TV etc.
 Employment creation for technicians and computer operators on a very large scale
since most of modern equipment is computerized.

The Role Of Education In The Fight Against H.I.V./A.I.D.D.S In Botswana

 Imparts knowledge that creates awareness among the young generation.

 Empowers people with preventive measures.
 It trains health workers who help in the fight against the disease e.g. nurses,
doctors etc.
 It is involved in the research for a cure e.g. UB
 Develops literacy among the people that helps them follow instructions regarding
the use of anti-retroviral drugs.
 Replaces those that are lost to the disease, especially professionals and skilled

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