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IELTS Writing

General Writing Topics

For Writing Task 1 Letter Writing
IELTS general writing consists of 2 tasks of 150 and 250 words, respectively. Also, there
are only 60 minutes allotted for this section of the exam. In task 1, candidates have to
respond to a particular situation. But for task 2, candidates have to write by providing a
point of view, problem or argument. A writing task is marked based on 4 parameters –
Range of grammar and its accuracy 25%
Lexical resource 25%
Response to a task 25%
Cohesion and coherence 25%
 Informal letter.
 Formal letter.
 Semiformal letter.
These types of letters have certain differences, and the outlines given below will help a student
decide the right style of writing a letter. The outlines are described below –

Informal letter Formal letter Semiformal letter

A candidate knows the person,

The candidate knows The candidate doesn’t know the name
but they are not close to that
the person personally. of the person.

Ending with – Take

Ending with – Sincerely yours,
care, All the best, See Ending with – Yours faithfully.
Yours sincerely.
you soon etc.

Candidates name –
Candidates name – Mr Ravi Ray (with Candidates name – Ravi Ray
Ravi (without title and
title and family name). (without title).
family name).

Greetings – Dear Ram, Greetings – Respected Sir, Dear Sir

Greetings – Dear Mr Ray etc.
Dear Mom etc. etc.

The tone of this letter is formal. A The tone is mostly polite. A

The tone of this letter is candidate must remember that they primarily formal tone is used; a
informal. should be polite while writing this type few lines might be o the informal
of letter. side.
IELTS Writing

One of the primary ways to score in letter writing is by using the ODAC formula.
ODAC stands for
Action and

For a student, the first thing is to understand the type of letter he/she is asked to write. It is possible
that an applicant is asked to write a letter to a professor or a manager, or even a family member.
So, the tone and framing of each letter will be different.
Secondly, understanding the purpose of the letter is vital. The question a student needs to ask
themselves is why I am writing this letter? What does the question ask me to frame my letter
about? The given question might ask to write for an invitation, a complaint or even an apology
In formal letters, student must address the intention of the letter directly. For example, they can
directly start like ‘I would like to invite you…..’ or ‘I am writing to inform you about…..’ etc.
Examiners prefer students who write the purpose of the letter in the first paragraph of the letter.
Student should also use the appropriate tone while writing a letter.
In IELTS General training, a student is provided with 3 bullet points. It is mandatory for them to
address all these points. Also, it should be remembered that a candidate might have to write two
things under on bullet.
Furthermore, every bullet must have a dedicated paragraph to itself. The first line of this
paragraph should convey the primary idea of the letter and supporting ideas accompanied by a few
examples in the next few sentences. Also, the last line of each paragraph should have a transition
sentence for connecting with the next paragraph.
The final bullet that is mentioned in the question will specifically ask the student to provide any
suggestion or direction. More importantly, it is an action-oriented pointer. Hence, the last
paragraph of a letter must convey the message of what they are going to do or what the reader of
the letter should do.
Again, the tone of the letter should be noted. Whether it’s informal or formal, the tone should be
uniform throughout the letter. Additionally, being informal doesn’t synonymously means using
abbreviations in a letter or using SMS language.
IELTS Writing

After composing the letter is a vital part, and a student should give proper focus on that. For
formal letters, the closing styles are ‘Yours sincerely’ or ‘Yours faithfully’, but for informal letters,
candidates can use ‘Warm regards’ or ‘Best regards’.
Most importantly, a letter with an unconventional ending such as ‘Thanking you will fetch a
lower band score. So, it is important to use a conventional style of closing while composing a letter.

Sample Writing Task 1 Topic

IELTS general task 1 topics
For IELTS general training writing task 1, examiners might serve as candidates to write a letter
where they have to write a letter to a manager. For example, consider a topic like,
Topic no 1
‘Write a letter to a manager of a theatre about an overcoat you have left behind.

In your letter –

Describe your overcoat

Describe your seat
Explain what you want to be done. Write your answer in the Tutor Reference Form that I have sent
Another example would be –
Topic No. 2
‘You own an antique item that you think is valuable and would like to sell it. Write a letter to the
manager of an antique shop.’

In your letter –

Detail how you located the shop

Describe the item that you want to sell
Say the desired price of the item
Additionally, a topic might be given to a candidate who needs them to suggest a few pointers to
improve facilities in a library.
IELTS Writing

More Writing Task 1 Topics:

You have just read an article in a national newspaper which claims that town centers in your
country all look very similar to each don't fully agree with this opinion. Write a letter to
the editor of the newspaper in your letter •say which points in the article you agree with .explain
ways in which your town center is different from most other centers •offer to give a guided tour of
your town to the writer or f the article.
You live in a room in college which you share with another student. However, there are many
problems with this arrangement and you find it very difficult to study/work. Write a letter to the
accommodation officer at the college. In the letter: describe the situation explain your problems
and why it is difficult to study/work say what kind of accommodation you would prefer You should
write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:
Dear Sir or Madam,
You are the member of a sports centre and you have noticed a problem which has not been fixed
for some time. Write a letter to the manager of the gym. In your letter • tell the manager about the
problem • explain how this issue is affecting your experience at the gym • tell the manager what you
would like to happen.

A friend who lives in another country has invited you to come and stay with him on your next
holiday. You are too busy to accept the invitation. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:
Thank him for the invitation Explain why you cannot come Ask him about other times to visit.

You have seen an advertisement for an evening course to study a foreign language. Write a letter to
the institution offering the course. In your letter, – ask for details of the course – ask if the course
teachers are qualified native speakers – request that the institution sends you their brochure.
You recently noticed a local restaurant that was offering a part-time job. Write a letter to the
restaurant’s manager. In your letter, – explain that you would like to apply for the job – give some
details of any relevant experience that you have – specify the days and times that would suit you

An annual event was recently held in your area. Now you want to write to the organizers of this
event congratulating them on a successful production. Write a letter to the organizers. In your
IELTS Writing

letter, give - • the details of the event • what you most liked about the event • a polite criticism of
something you thought could be improved You should write at least 150 words.
You have seen an advertisement in an Australian magazine for someone to live with a family for six
months and look after their six-year-old child. Write a letter to the parents. In your letter • Explain
why you would like the job • Give details of why you would be a suitable person to employ • Say
how you would spend your free time while you are in Australia.

Also, for IELTS GT writing task 2, there is a huge genre of topics. Topics might include education,
equality, globalisation, technology, environment, law and order, travel and transport and others.

For a high score, it is important for all candidates to practice as much as they can to hit their
desired band. Also, noting IELTS general writing examples and practising by keeping the format
and pointers in mind can also fetch a high band score.

As it is no secret that rising competition in foreign universities makes students more aware
regarding the band scores. Also, hitting the minimum band score might not be enough for
admissions. Deserving candidates should be aware of the rising fee structure at foreign universities;
thus, many meritorious candidates give up the plan to study abroad. Here at Leap Scholar, we
assist students in fulfilling their dream to get selected to the most sorted universities throughout the
globe by providing financial assistance.

Task 2 Topics
Overview of writing task 2
For task 2, candidates are given a problem, point of view or an argument. Depending on the
question, the candidate has to write an essay with at least 250 words within 40 minutes. Usually,
there are 5 main types of essays –
 Discussion essays.
 Opinion essays.
 Advantage and disadvantage essays.
 Problem essays.
 Double question essays.

IELTS general essay writing tips

IELTS Writing

Discussion essays
In this type of essay, a candidate has to discuss both sides of an argument. Questions might also ask
the opinion of the examinee. The most fruitful way to approach this question is to choose a
particular point of view and disagree with the other side. Also, it is important to produce both sides
of an argument and to talk about the part a candidate disagrees with.

Opinion essays
Opinion essays are also called ‘argumentative’ or ‘agree – disagree’ essays. In the question, a
statement will be given in the first part, and the examinee will have to give an opinion about that
statement. Note that some key tips for scoring high are is to choose one side of an argument.
Additionally, they have to state their opinion clearly on the introduction and will have to maintain
it throughout the essay. Also, adding sufficient reasons for the view is beneficial.

Advantage and disadvantage essays

In this type of question, the first part will be a statement. Then the candidate will have to answer
both sides of the statement. While answering these questions, candidates can make 4 paragraphs,
where the first and the last paragraph will be the introduction and the conclusion. But, the middle
two paragraphs will be the advantages and disadvantages.

Problem essays
These essays are also called ‘problem – solution’ or ’causes – solution’ essays. To write these, a
candidate must remember that they shouldn’t list cause and solution in galore. They are advised to
from two or three causes and then to list the solutions.

Also, it is important to note that most candidates make a full list of causes/solutions they can think of.
This is a trap an examinee should avoid. Rather a candidate should focus on making make a list of two or
three and interlinking those pointers.

Double question essays

This ‘direct question’ or ‘two questions’ essay has one given statement followed by ‘two questions’.
Candidates have to answer both questions, and they should be cautious not to write a lot of ideas about
the questions.

Sample Writing Task 2 Topic for Exercises:

Topic 1
IELTS Writing

Nowadays, people buy more goods that are better advertised than products they
actually need.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Topic 2
Professional athletes earn a lot more money, in comparison to people who have other
significant jobs. Some people think that athletes deserve to be paid more. Others argue
that it is unfair towards people who have no less important jobs.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 3
Nowadays, people travel a lot more than in the past. Some people think that tourists
should follow the cultural and religious traditions of the country they are visiting.
Others argue that it is not required for the tourist to do so.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 4
Some people do not like changes and prefer to do things they are good at, while other
people like taking risks and trying new things.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 5
Some people think that to succeed, the only thing one needs is talent. Others disagree,
saying that hard work is more important than talent.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 6
Some people think that there should be only one type of punishment for each crime
regardless of the circumstances. Others believe that the motivation behind the crime,
IELTS Writing

matters, and therefore, punishments should not be fixed and should vary depending on
the situation.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People work a lot more nowadays. How important, in your opinion, is to provide
employees with job satisfaction? Do you think how satisfied the workers are can
affect their performance?

Topic 7
Some people believe that universities should allow their students to choose what they
want to study besides their majoring subjects. Others argue that students’ choice
should be limited, and they should exclusively study what they are required to know
for their future careers.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 8
Some people think that parents have the most impact on children. Others believe that
schools influence kids more.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 9
With the advances in science and technology, people from different ends of the world
can communicate with each other. What is your opinion on the impact of technologies
on our lives? Do you think that these advances only result in positive outcomes?

Topic 10
Each year the prices of petrol increase all over the world. What kind of impact does
this have on traffic and environmental pollution? What else do you think the petrol
price influences?

Topic 11
IELTS Writing

More and more people nowadays have overweight problems, and this seems to be the
case for the entire world. What do you think causes this trend? Could you suggest
some solutions to this problem?

Topic 12
Some people think that it is better to learn new languages from an early age.

Do you agree or disagree? What could be the advantages or disadvantages of learning

foreign languages as a child?

Topic 13
Some people think that people have to start contributing to their society from their
teenage years and that it should be mandatory in schools.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Topic 14
Some people claim that if the number of sports clubs increases in a certain
community, its health will also increase. Others believe that sports clubs have next to
nothing to do with public health.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 15
Many languages disappear every year. Some people think this is for the best, and it
would be easier to communicate if there are fewer languages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Topic 16
Some people think that children should be punished if they do something wrong.
Others believe that there are better ways for kids to learn what is right and what is
IELTS Writing

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Topic 17
Globalization is one of the results of the advances in technology and science.

Do you think that globalization has a positive or negative influence?

Topic 18
Many museums are not free to enter, while some are.

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of charging people to enter
IELTS Writing

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