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Folding Back in Decision Tree Analysis

Rakesh Sarin • Peter Wakker

Anderson Graduate School of Management, University of California, 405 Hilgard Avenue,
Los Angeles, California 90024-1481
Medical Decision Making Unit, University of Leiden {AZL), Leiden, The Netherlands

his note demonstrates that two minimal requirements of decision tree analysis, the folding
T back procedure and the interchangeability of consecutive event nodes, imply independence.
(Decision Analysis; Dynamic Choice)

It is now well-known that under a set of decision tree analysis. The folding-back procedure need only calcu-
rationality assumptions expected utility (EU) is the only late certainty equivalents according to whatever pref-
appropriate model for evaluating alternatives in a de- erence model the decision-maker uses, ^ and does not
cision tree. Early discussions are found in Raiffa (1968) need given probabilities, or a multiplication rule for
and Burks (1977). Recently, Kami and Schmeidler those. Our result is therefore obtained with a weaker
(1991) formally showed that the reduction of compound set of assumptions.
lotteries axiom, consequentialism, and dynamic consis- A cardinal rule in the construction of decision trees
tency can only be simultaneously satisfied if EU holds. is that consecutive event nodes can be interchanged or
Surprisingly, a much weaker set of assumptions than combined. As an example, suppose the profits of an ice-
hitherto presented in the literature is required to justify cream vendor depend on whether the weather is warm
the use of EU in decision tree analysis. We shall show (W) or cold (C), and the size of the crowd, big (B) or
that a simple rule that is widely used in decision tree small (S). Three representations of this problem are
constructions, together with the usual folding back pro- given in Figure 1, This figure depicts alternative event
cedure, is sufficient to justify the independence prin- trees^ that emanate from a given act. The only difference
ciple, the critical condition for EU. Our conditions are between the representations in Tree 1 and Tree 3 is that
more basic than the ones used before in the literature. consecutive event nodes are interchanged. Regardless
Further, by invoking a theorem of Gorman (1968), we of the preference model employed, most people will
are able to derive independence from fewer structural agree that the three versions in the figure should give
assumptions. In particular, our analysis needs the avail- equivalent results. We further assume that the decision
ability of only a few uncertain events, and does not maker evaluates the decision trees by means of the
require the existence of extraneously specified proba- folding back technique. Thus, at nodes 2 and 3 in Tree
bihties. 1, he computes the certainty equivalent of the respective
LaValle and Wapman (1986) showed that consistency gambles, using any appropriate model of his choice. In
between results obtained by rolling back an extensive
tree and its probabilistically equivalent normal tree can ' We only require the standard assumptions of transitivity, complete-
only be achieved under independence. LaValle (1992) ness, strict monotonicity (any strict increase of a profit leads to a strict
increase in appreciation), and continuity. This permits a large class
reaches the same conclusion by requiring invariance and
of nonexpected utility models, such as Choquet expected utility, or,
horizon flexibility in alternative representations of de- if probabilities are given, rank-dependent utility, weighted utility, lot-
cision trees. We obtain Independence in a more general tery-dependent utility, or any Machina functional (see Fishbum,
context. We require only that the decision maker accept 1988),
interchangeability of consecutive event nodes and the ^ An event tree is a decision tree, or a subpart thereof, in which there
possibility of folding back as an appropriate method of are only event nodes and no decision nodes.

Copyright © 1994, Tlie Inititute of Management Sciences MANAGEMENT SciENCE/Vol. 40, No, 5, May 1994 625
Folding Back in Decision Tree Analysis

The Three Event Trees Emanating from the Same Act We note that we do not require that probabilities are
given for the events. For the special case in which prob-
abilities are given, we do not require that a reduction
of compound lotteries assumption holds. The latter as-
sumption was used by LaValle and Wapman (1986),
Hammond (1988), and Kami and Schmeidler (1991)
in their derivation of independence.

Tree 2 Tree 3 OBSERVATION. Interchangeability of consecutive event

nodes, along with the folding back procedure, implies in-
the first stage the gamble over these certainty equiva-
lents is evaluated subsequently. This standard procedure PROOF. Consider the preferences in Tree 2, The
of folding back decision trees assumes that the evalu- possibility to employ folding back in Tree 1, together
ation at node 2 is independent of the evaluation at node with the possibility to combine the event nodes of Tree
3, and vice versa (consequentialism). It further assumes 1 into those of Tree 2, implies separability of the events
that the certainty equivalents, computed at nodes 2 and {WB, YiS] and {CB, CS} in Tree 2. The possibility to
3, are used in the evaluation at node 1 (dynamic con- employ folding back in Tree 3, together with the pos-
sistency). sibility to combine the event nodes of Tree 3 into those
The only structural assumption that we use in the of Tree 2, implies separability of the events {WB, CB}
result below is that the outcomes X],. . . ,Xi can be any and {WS, CS) in Tree 2. By the theorem of Gorman
real numbers,^ Note that the events in Figure 1 are kept (1968) all events must then be separable in Tree 2. This
fixed in our analysis, so that the result can be applied is equivalent to independence. •
to any fixed quadruple of disjoint events WB, WS, CB, We note that the equivalence between Tree 1 and
CS.'^ Formally, interchangeability means that the three Tree 2 alone can be preserved by a wide class of nonex-
trees in Figure 1 are equivalent in the sense that they pected utility models. To see this, suppose Vi, V2, V3
induce the same preference relation over quadruples are three arbitrary (nonexpected utility) functions from
(^1 Xi). Thus, only their "normal form" is essential, IR^ to IK, continuous and strictly increasing in both
and the timing and exact sequence of the consecutive variables. Suppose the decision maker uses V2 at node
events (with no intervening decision nodes) does not 2 to obtain Vi^XuXi). and similarly he uses V3 at node
matter. Independence in the context of decision making 3. Finally, at node 1 the evaluation V-i{V2{xuX2), 1/3(^:3,
under uncertainty is Savage's (1954) sure-thing prin- ^4)) is used. The consistency between Trees 1 and 2 is
ciple. It requires that every event is separable, i.e., pref- simply achieved by using the evaluation Vi(V2(:cw ^2).
erences between acts that coincide outside that event ^:i{X3, Xi)) in Tree 2. The only implication of folding
are independent of the particular outcomes of those acts back in Tree 1 is that in Tree 2, the events {}NB, WS}
outside the event. (associated with (x,, a:;)) and {CB, CS} (associated with
{x:i, X4)) must be separable. So the reducibility of the
' This can be greatly generalized. For instance the outcome set can be two-stage Tree 1 to the one-stage Tree 2 is not very
any nondegenerate interval, and outcomes may be state-dependent restrictive, and does not imply independence. For the
in the sense that different intervals are used for different events. Also, derivation of independence in the above observation,
the result extends directly to the case in which the outcome set is a
the equivalence with Tree 3 is essential.
convex set of any dimension. This includes the case in which outcomes
are probability distributions over a set of prizes, as considered in Let us comment on the special case of decision making
Hammond (1988), and Anscombe and Aumann (1963), under risk, in which probabilities are given. Segal (1990)
* The assumption that there are only twofirst-stageevents W, C, and argued for abandoning the reduction of compound lot-
only two second-stage events S, B, was only made for simplicity of teries assumption in the folding back of decision trees
presentation. The extension to the case of m first-stage events, and n
by means of nonexpected utility models, As our analysis
second-stage events, for any m ^ 2, n s 2, is immediate.
has shown, a requirement more basic than the reduction

626 MANAGEMENT SciENCE/VoI. 40, No, 5, May 1994

Foiding Back in Decision Tree Analysis

of compound lotteries must be abandoned to justify the sumptions in the above observation are not very re-
use of nonexpected utility models in the folding back strictive. As demonstrated by Gorman (1968), the con-
analysis. What is crucial here is not so much the mul- ditions in the proposition are necessary and sufficient
tiplication operation of probabilities, but, more elemen- for additive representability, i.e., the possibility to rep-
tarily, the very possibility of combining and inter- resent preferences by a function
changing consecutive event nodes. It may happen that
interchangeability is not reasonable in experimental
psychology where the order of the presentation of
events could indeed influence a subject's perception and where the 0, functions are continuous and strictly in-
evaluation. In the domain of decision analysis, however, creasing. This form can be interpreted as state-depen-
this condition seems eminently reasonable. This is be- dent expected utility, the model advanced by Kami
cause the difference between Trees 1 and 3 is not sub- (1985). To obtain expected utility maximization, in-
stantive with respect to the underlying decision problem, dependence must be slightly strengthened. One such
and arises as an arbitrary choice of problem represen- strengthening was proposed in Wakker (1984, 1989),
tation by the decision analyst. and an alternative strengthening was given in Gul
McClennen (1990) and Machina (1989) suggest a (1992), Under the assumption, customary in the liter-
way to achieve equivalence among decision trees such ature, that probabilities are available and that the usual
as those in Figure 1. They require that the evaluation symmetry conditions are satisfied,^ expected utility
at the second-stage node 2 be dependent on the gamble maximization follows straightforwardly. In our context,
in node 3, and vice versa. Thus they can keep dynamic EU follows if the decision maker accepts interchange-
consistency and reduction of compound lotteries, but ability of consecutive event nodes for all possible events,
they drop consequentialism. This relaxation of conse- and probabilities are given for all these events. Alter-
quentialism, however, precludes the folding back pro- natively, if outcomes are probability distributions over
cedure as described above, thus it complicates the anal- a set of prizes, then a simple monotonicity condition
ysis of extensive trees. suffices to give EU {see for instance Anscombe and Au-
In a seminal paper, Hammond (1988) provided re- mann, 1963).
sults similar to the above observation, His term "con- The point is that the hurdles along the road from
sequentialism" entails both dynamic consistency as de- independence to EU are relatively small, Nonexpected
scribed above and the equivalence of decision trees such utility models are designed primarily to permit nonsep-
as in Figure 1. Also he assumed our consequentialism, arability of preferences across mutually exclusive events.
named "consistency" in his paper. The main difference We have shown that such nonseparability cannot be
is that he assumes a rich model with many structural permitted in decision tree analysis if one accepts folding
assumptions, whereas our model is elementary and uses back and interchangeability of consecutive event nodes
minimal structure. Hammond assumes that all decision as two reasonable rules.
trees and all probability distributions are available, and In summary, the folding back process is a requirement
uses these in his derivations. For probabilities he as- for the standard decision technology that is used to
sumes reduction of compound lotteries, and he gives a evaluate decision trees. Interchangeability of consecu-
central role to stochastic independence. Our result has tive event nodes is a requirement for preserving equiv-
shown that independence can already be derived in the alence in alternative representations of the same prob-
simplest setup, a setup that can be found within small lem. It is remarkable that these two requirements are
subparts of decision trees. Thus, our paper has reduced sufficient to derive independence,*•
the derivation of independence to its bare essence.
Because of the mild structural restrictions that we in- , x,) , x,;
voked, our assumptions, while implying independence, * The support for this research was provided in part by the Decision,
have not entirely determined expected utility maximi- Risk, and Management Science branch of the National Science Foun-
zation. This finding shows additionally that the as- dation,

MANAGEMENT SCIENCE/Vol. 40, No. 5, May 1994 627

Folding Back in Decision Tree Analysis

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Accepted by Robert T. Clemen; received September 9, 1992. This paper has been with the authors 2 months for 1 revision.

628 MANAGEMENT SciENCE/Vol. 40, No. 5, May 1994

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