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Addiction and Substance Abuse

-Substance use disorder (SUD) is a very The World's First The story of the psychology symbol involves some
Wilhelm Wundt
German mental
physician, disorder affecting around
physiologist, Psychology Lab mythology and the strange evolution of the term
35 million
philosopher and people worldwide while only
professor (1832-1920) 1
-Wilhelm Wundt, a German doctor, “psi” (Ψ). It’s the twenty-third letter in the Greek
in 7 receive treatment. alphabet, and at some point, the Romans
-Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt SUDwas a is definedand
as psychologist
a (seated in photo)
transliterated it to form the word psyche. It meant
chemical imbalance in your brain leading to
German physiologist, philosopher, was responsible for creating the
butterfly in Latin, but it went on to mean things
and professor,
intense known for
cravings todaya as one
particular world's first experimental psychology
lab.1 This lab was established in 1879 like breeze, breath, energy, and finally soul.
of the fathers of modern
psychology. Schizophrenia
at the University of Leipzig in
Germany. By creating Anyone
an academic is relatively rare who’s studied
compared psychology
to others on thiswilllist,
laboratory devoted to the study of how when they got to college, this strange symbol
affecting roughly 20 million would people worldwide.
show The
up just about condition
everywhere. Books,
experimental psychology, Wundt ability to think, feel,
affects people's and behave clearly. notes… Anyone
officially took psychology from a professor’s offices, informational
Borderline Personality Disorder sub-discipline of philosophy and curious about this branch of science will recognize
Essentially, schizophrenia is ita too, because it’sdisorder
dissociative become part thatofleads
a culture of
-Borderline personality disorder (BPD) biology to a unique scientific
is often Autism
that’s common
in a lot of
discipline. people to feel out of touch with reality. Unfortunately, this leads
disciplines, like philosophy and “phi” (Φ). is a
-Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
confused or used interchangeably with bipolar
people to make decisions based on an
group of alternate sense of
developmental reality, that
disorder, even though the two are entirely
which can be very dangerous.can In severe
cause cases, untreated
significant social,
unrelated. BDP is
psychology, characterized
scientific by unstable
discipline that studies mental states will
and result in hallucinations, both auditory and visual.
schizophrenia communicative, and behavioral
moods, behaviour,
processes and relationships,
and behavior in humansandandthe other animals.
instability tends to be greater than patients with challenges from childhood through
bipolar disorder. of psychology is broadly divisible into two parts: adulthood. The keyword to understand is
The discipline "spectrum", as ASD is a large umbrella
a large profession of practitioners and a smaller but growing term used for plenty of different
science of mind, brain, and social behavior. The two have developmental challenges that are often
distinctive goals, training, and practices, but some psychologists unique to the individual.
integrate the two.
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Insomnia
Disorder (ADHD) -Insomnia is a common sleep
-ADHD is a very common mental disorder that makes it difficult for
disorder that was discovered in the late people to fall asleep, stay asleep, or
18th century but has only been used in feel restless overnight. The disorder
Bipolar Disorder
general health practices since 1980 could be caused by a number of
throughout the US and Canada. -Bipolar disorder comes
different issues, including a lack of
However, it's a very common disorder with many misconceptions
exercise, a side effect of medication,
characterized by impulsiveness, among the general public,
or a chronic illness (including
hyperactivity, and attention although it is one of the
mental disorders)
difficulties. Eating Disorders most common mental
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder -Whether it involves eating illnesses. The symptoms of
(OCD) too little or overeating, it will Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
bipolar disorder are not
-Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) (PTSD) simply "mood swings", but
be classified as an eating
is another mental disorder riddled with disorder, nonetheless. Two of -PTSDinstead
is a very common
long episodesdisorder,
misconceptions. OCD does not require the most common examples affecting millions worldwide,
mania and severe that
someone to be overly clean, require include anorexia; when people is brought on after experiencing a
specific organization, or be otherwise severely undereat, and traumatic event. To clear up some
concerned with specific organizational bulimia; when people misconceptions, not everybody
details. intentionally regurgitate their who experiences trauma will
food to avoid gaining weight. experience PTSD, it is not a sign
of weakness, and military
personnel are not the only ones
who experience it.

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