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Affirmative Form

The basic affirmative sentence structure in English is the subject, depending

on the verb form, an auxiliary verb, the main verb, and the complement, if


Subject + (Auxiliary Verb) + Main Verb + (Complement)

Sujeito + (Verbo Auxiliar) + Verbo Principal + Complemento

In English, all verb forms will take a subject that cannot be omitted from the
sentence. The only verb form in which the subject is usually omitted is the
The subject may be omitted in the imperative form in English because it is
always used to refer to the person or people we are talking to.


Affirmative Structure:
Main Verb + Complement

Open your books.

Abram seus livros.
(Main Verb: open; Complement: your books)

Speak slowly, please.

Fale pausadamente, por favor.
(Main Verb: speak; Complement: slowly, please)

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In the affirmative of the simple forms, that is, the simple present and simple
past, the auxiliary verb is generally not used. Thus, the structure for the
affirmative form is:

Subject + Main Verb + Complement (if necessary)

We go to work at 7 a.m.
Nós vamos para o trabalho às 7h da manhã.
(Subject: we; Main Verb: go; Complement: to work at 7 a.m.)

I went to the movies yesterday.

Eu fui ao cinema ontem.
(Subject: I; Main Verb: went; Complement: to the movies yesterday)

Apart from the imperative and the simple forms, every other verb form will take one or more
auxiliary verbs in the affirmative.
The auxiliary will vary according to the verb form. Modal verbs and the verbs be, have, or do can
function as auxiliaries. In the affirmative form, they will always be placed in between the subject
and the main verb. Some verb forms require more than one auxiliary verb.
Check it out:

Subject + Auxiliary Verb(s) + Main Verb + (Complement)

I’m reading an excellent book.

Eu estou lendo um livro excelente.
(Subject: I; Auxiliary Verb: am; Main Verb: reading; Complement: an excellent book)

You should travel with us.

Você deveria viajar conosco.
(Subject: You; Auxiliary Verb: should; Main Verb: travel; Complement: with us)

Julia has been working hard this month.

Julia vem trabalhando duro neste mês.
(Subject: Julia; Auxiliary Verbs: has been; Main Verb: working; Complement: hard this month)

And now you know the basic sentence structure of the affirmative form in English.

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