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Parlamentary procedure

1. Any delegate could reffers at comitee without being recognized by the


2. The president can, avoiding the discrimination, decide the limit time per
orator, and the number of times that one delegation can speak about any
committee item.

3. The Delegates must address the entire comittee the table, at no time may
they specifically address a delegate.

4. the delegates should talk always in third person in this way if the comitee
demand it, by the way, in specialized comitees in where they tepresent a
character, it could use of the first person. this means, in comitees of the
United Nations it could not reffer to the comitee with expressions as: "i think",
"what you said" or "we need"; instead of that it should said "the delegation of
thinks" and "the international community needs, or all the delegations present

5. The Rude language and Improper words are completly Prohibited and their
use merits, if the general Secretary Consider it, Immediate expulsion.

6. In the United Nations words like: Terrorism, Imperialism, “That is”, Silver or
lexically wrong words are completely out of order.

Voting rights
Each delegate shall have the right to vote. The delegation may abstain on
important issues such as a working paper where abstention will result in the
nullity of the vote. This is a right that only delegates have; other conference
participants may not vote on issues related to the development of the
commissions and must act at all times as impartial entities. During voting time,
no one shall enter or leave the room and the messenger service shall be

Delegates may vote: "For", "Against", "For with reasons", "Against with
reasons", "Abstention" or "Pass". Delegations voting "Abstention" will not be
counted when counting the votes, delegations that pass will be called to the
bottom of the list. Before the reconsideration of votes the table will give 1
minute to the delegations that voted in favor with reasons or against with
reasons to give the reasons for their opinion (it is worth clarifying that the
reasons must be unexpected and it is at the discretion of the table if it
considers granting the time or not), then the delegations that voted abstention
may vote in favor or against and the delegations that voted in this way may
abstain if they so wish.

Roll Call
At the beginning of the session, as well as after recesses and lunches, the
chairpersons shall call the roll. Delegations will be called in alphabetical order
and may respond "Present" or "Present and Voting", the latter meaning that
the delegation waives the right to abstain when voting on substantive matters
such as an amendment and/or a working paper.

The chairpersons must proceed to call the roll to verify the existence of a
quorum in each committee. A session may be opened as long as there is a
simple majority of delegates in each of the committees. Taking into account
the above, the work by committee will proceed, which begins with the reading
of the opening speeches. The presence of a simple majority of the members
in each of the committees is required for a vote to be taken on a substantive

Commencing the session

After the roll is called, a motion to open the session must be made and will
pass with a simple majority of the delegates present.

Opening Speeches
Once the session has been opened, the opening speeches should be read.
Each delegation will have one and a half minutes to read its opening speech,
which should refer to the topics proposed in the committees and explain the
position of the country being represented. The committee chairpersons will be
in charge of calling the delegates to read their speeches, as well as
recognizing the speaker and supervising the duration of the speeches. When
this process is completed, the agenda will be established.

Establishing the Agenda

After the reading of the opening speeches, the agenda of the committees
should be defined and a motion will be made to define the order in which the
topics will be discussed. If the motion does not pass, the other item will be
started. These motions will pass by simple majority.

Speaker list
Debate in which the officers establish the order of speaking, as they deem
pertinent. It has its limit at the end of the list, and if a time limit is established it
is to limit the speakers. That is, if there are time limits in this style of debate,
they are only to give a range of time to each speaker, not to limit the debate
itself. When this style of motion is proposed, the time each delegate has to
speak and the number of points of information to which he or she may be
open should be stated. Time may be yielded to the next speaker or to the
table and/or open to Points of Information (the latter will be explained in the
"requests" section). A simple majority is required to pass.

There are two types of speaker lists:

When this is on an issue under discussion: each delegate has a minimum and
maximum number of points of information, and a time limit for speaking.
When it is on a substantive issue: speaking time is set for only two factions,
for and against, along with limits on each faction's ability to open up points of
information. Each faction of the debate has a time limit, and is taken up by
delegations that wish to do so. That is, there is a time limit for speaking for or
against, and if the delegate who has been recognized wishes to do so, he or
she may take all the remaining time without objection.

Informal Debate (By Plates) (Moderated Caucus) the Bureau establishes the
order of speakers by recognizing the delegations that wish to speak.
Delegates must raise their badges to be recognized and to be able to address
the committee. There is no possibility of yielding time or opening up to Points
of Information. It makes the debate more agile and easier. A time limit, for the
length of debate, is established at the time the motion is made. To be
approved, a simple majority is necessary. To extend the time, the motion must
be made again.

Unmoderated Caucus:
Lobby time, must be opened through a motion recognized by the Board for
that purpose, and with the proposing delegation clearly explaining its duration
and the subject matter to be addressed in it. The Board has the power of
discretion to decide whether or not to accept this motion. Lobby time consists
of time in which delegations may stand from their seats and approach each
other to expedite debate, and should be used only in crisis or document
drafting situations. When the drafting delegations have finished their
document, they should submit it to the officers for approval, who will decide
whether it is in order before it is read.

A warning is a reprimand imposed by a member of the Presiding Officers or
the Secretaries General when a delegate has violated a rule of the Code of
Conduct or parliamentary procedure. Cautions will accumulate over the two
days of the conference. Three warnings will result in the presiding officers
requesting the delegate to leave the room for ten minutes. Five warnings will
result in the chairpersons requesting the delegate to leave the room for twenty
minutes. Seven admonishments result in expulsion from the Model United
Nations at La Enseñanza College.

The following will explain which situations warrant an immediate warning.

Immediate warnings:

● Tardiness to any session.

● Cell phone interruption.
● Chewing gum.
● Eating during sessions.
● Use of unreliable sources, such as Wikipedia and national media.
● Violating the dress code.
● Inappropriate use of floor messaging.
● Inappropriate use of the point of relevance or right of reply.
● Make improper use of the event material or facilities.
● Not wearing the badge.
● Laughing or talking interrupting a delegate, and/or in the voting process.
● Make inappropriate use of technological tools.
● Applauding at any time during committee work.
● Saying comments out of place in the development of the committee.
● Verbal or physical aggression to any member of the model, be it
president, delegate, floor secretary, etc.

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