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Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers are used to talk about quantity. Numbers such as one,
five, twelve, and two hundred are cardinal numbers. They can be used to
refer to anything, including people. Check out some examples:



Bob owns two companies.

Bob tem duas empresas.

Lisa works forty-four hours a week.

Lisa trabalha quarenta e quatro horas por semana.

There were about thirty thousand people at the stadium.

Havia aproximadamente trinta mil pessoas no estádio.

Here is a list with some common cardinal numbers:


0 – Zero 10 – Ten 20 – Twenty

1 – One 11 – Eleven 21 – Twenty-one
2 – Two 12 – Twelve 22 – Twenty-two
3 – Three 13 – Thirteen 30 – Thirty
4 – Four 14 – Fourteen 40 – Forty
5 – Five 15 – Fifteen 50 – Fifty
6 – Six 16 – Sixteen 60 - Sixty
7 – Seven 17 – Seventeen 70 – Seventy
8 – Eight 18 – Eighteen 80 – Eighty
9 – Nine 19 – Nineteen 90 – Ninety

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como escrevemos as centenas e o milhares to spell=soletrar, escrever
Now check how we spell the hundreds and thousands:


Hundreds Thousands/Millions/Billions
100 – One hundred 1,000 – one thousand
A hundred
1,500 – o
 ne thousand five hundred
200 – Two hundred fifteen hundred
300 – Three hundred 1,800 – o
 ne thousand eight hundred
400 – Four hundred eighteen hundred

500 – Five hundred 100,000 – one hundred thousand

600 – Six hundred 1,000,000 – one million

700 – Seven hundred 100,000,000 – one hundred million

800 – Eight hundred 1,000,000,000 – one billion

900 – Nine hundred 10,000,000,000 – ten billion

Notice that in English, the thousands, millions, and billions are usually separated by commas.
numeros redondos
Round numbers between 1,100 and 1,900 can be spoken in two different ways. For example, the
number 1,500 can be pronounced as fifteen hundred or one thousand five hundred. It’s common
in informal contexts.
geralmente usaamos "a" em vez de ONE
We generally use a instead of one to say a hundred, a thousand, and a million. We will use one
hundred, one thousand, or one million when we want to give emphasis to the exact quantity.

A or One

What would you do if you had a billion dollars? (Neutral)

O que você faria se tivesse um bilhão de dólares? (Neutro)

One billion dollars? I have no idea! (Emphasizing)

Um bilhão de dólares? Eu não tenho ideia. (Enfático)

The next gas station is about a hundred miles from here. (Neutral)
O próximo posto de gasolina fica a mais ou menos cem milhas daqui. (Neutro)

Do we really have to drive one hundred miles up to the next gas station? (Emphasizing)
A gente tem mesmo que dirigir cem milhas até o próximo posto de gasolina? (Enfático)

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Já que
Since cardinal numbers are used to specify quantities, it is very common to use them when we talk about
prices and values. For example:

Prices and Values

I bought an airline ticket from New York to Sydney for twelve hundred dollars (U$ 1,200).
Eu comprei uma passagem de Nova York a Sydney por mil e duzentos dólares.

We went to a store where everything was three dollars ninety-nine cents (U$ 3.99).
Fomos a uma loja em que tudo custava três dólares e noventa e nove centavos.

We will also use cardinal numbers to talk about years and decades.
When we talk about years, there are some variations in the spoken language. Years are usually pronounced
in two blocks. For instance, 1776 is pronounced as seventeen (17) seventy-six (76).
But years can also be pronounced as one block, especially the years after the year two thousand, 2000.
"mei hiar"
For instance, the year 2016 is commonly pronounced as two thousand sixteen, but you may hear people
saying twenty (20) sixteen (16).


Cabral arrived in Brazil in 1500 (fifteen hundred).

Cabral chegou ao Brasil em 1500.

"DÉklareishan "IndePÉndenss"
The United States declaration of independence was in July 1776 (seventeen seventy-six).
A declaração de independência dos Estados Unidos foi em julho de 1776.

Os jogos Olímpicos de Verão no Rio foram

The Summer Olympic Games in Rio were in 2016 (two thousand sixteen / twenty sixteen).
Os Jogos Olímpicos de verão no Rio foram em 2016.

In 2018 (two thousand eighteen / twenty eighteen), the World Cup was in Russia.
Em 2018, a Copa do Mundo foi na Rússia.

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Precede=preceder "preCÍd" "RÍten"
Preceded=precedido "preCÍdd"
When we want to refer to a whole decade in the written language,
seguida de "S" precedida ou não de...
we will normally use the decade followed by S preceded or not by an
apostrophe. Check it out:


My mother met my father in the 70’s (seventies).

Minha mãe conheceu meu pai nos anos 70.

I was born at the end of the 50s. I was born in the 80s (eighties).
Eu nasci nos anos 80.

And now you know how to read and use cardinal numbers.

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