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Ref No.

: AOT-C295-55-0002
Rev No.: 4 Rev Date: 27/03/2019

Pº John Lennon s/n
28906 Getafe, Madrid, SPAIN

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Alert Operators Transmission ATA Chapter: 55
Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area
Aircraft Type: C-295
Applicability: MSN001 to MSN182 both included
Referenced Documents:
Ref.01: AMM Task CA-A-55-22-11-00A-920A-A - TRIM TAB - Removal/Installation
Ref.02: AMM Task CA-A-55-23-11-00A-920A-A - SERVO TAB - Removal/Installation
Ref.04: DGAM 295/DA/IN/003/18
NOTE: This AOT is considered by Airbus DS as a Mandatory Action
Rev. No.1: - New Figures 02 and 03 added, old Figure 02 renamed as Figure 04
- Accomplishment timescale and Manpower (paragraphs 3.1.1 & 3.1.2) modified
- Access, Inspection Requirements, Findings and Spares and Tooling (paragraphs 3.2.1,
3.2.2, 3.2.3 & 3.3) modified.
Rev. No.2: - Applicability updated
- Consequences, Manpower and Spares and Tooling (paragraph 2.2, 3.1.2 and 3.3)
- Annex 2 (HFEC Inspection Requirements) added
- Annex 3 (Functional Test of Elevator Main Surfaces and Tabs) added.
Rev. No.3: - new revision of SB-295-55-0004 included (paragraph 4.1)
- New Ref.04 added to inform Operators about the release of Spanish Military
Airworthiness Authority AD DGAM 295/DA/IN/003/18 related to this subject. This new AD
requires the same actions as this AOT.
Rev. No.4: - Applicability updated
- Notes added for inspections on aircraft MSN155 to MSN182


During maintenance tasks, several CN-235 Operators reported Airbus Defence and Space about cracks
findings located in the Elevator Rear Spar. One C-295 Operator reported Airbus Defence and Space
cracks located in the same area.
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area

Each C-295 Elevator structure (RH and LH side) is a two-spar (Front and Rear) Torsion Box Structure.
The Rear Spar (RH and LH side) has several local reinforcements, to attach the corresponding Trim
Tabs (one at LH and one at RH side) and the Servo Tabs (one at LH and one at RH side), installed (see
Figure 01).

The cracks are located in the area around the Trim and Servo Tabs Hinge Fittings (see Figure 04), and
these cracks may degrade the structural integrity of the Elevator Torsion Box Structure.

The operation and structural integrity for both Elevators are fully independent. The damage of one of
the two will not affect the other.
2.3 AIM
The aim of this communication is to inform C-295 Operators about:

- The possibility of cracks in the Elevator Rear Spar (Trim and Servo Tabs Hinge Fittings areas)

- The instructions for a repetitive Inspection of the Elevator Rear Spar (Trim and Servo Tabs Hinge
Fittings areas).

DGAM Airworthiness Directive No.: 295/DA/IN/003/18 (Ref.04) has been published.




The inspection described in paragraph 3.2 has to be performed on all C-295 aircraft included in the
applicability with more than 1300 Flight Hours (FH) or 1300 Flight Cycles (FC), whichever occurs first,
before 50FH or 50FC, whichever occurs first, since AOT-C295-55-0002-I01 issuance date.


The estimated time to perform the Borescope inspection is 8 men hours per aircraft.

The estimated time to get access and perform the inspections described in paragraph 3.2.3 is 62 men
hours per aircraft.
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area


3.2.1 ACCESS

- The first SDET Visual Inspection (Borescope), described in paragraph 3.2.2, can be performed without
removing the two Trim Tabs (one at LH and one at RH side) and the two Servo Tabs (one at LH and
one at RH side), only the access panels of the Trim and Servo Tabs must be removed.

- To perform either the HFEC Inspection or the Detailed Visual Inspection both described in paragraph
3.2.3 remove:

o The two Trim Tabs (one at LH and one at RH side) and the two Servo Tabs (one at LH and
one at RH side) according to Ref. 01 and Ref. 02

o The four Hinge Fittings in the Actuator area (two at LH side and two at RH side) as shown in
Figure 02.


Perform Special Detailed Visual Inspection (SDET), with a borescope, around the area of the three LH
side Elevator Rear Spar Trim Tab Hinge Fittings, the three RH side Elevator Rear Spar Trim Tab Hinge
Fittings, the three LH side Elevator Rear Spar Servo Tab Hinge Fittings and the three RH side Elevator
Rear Spar Servo Tab Hinge Fittings (see Figure 01).

Note-1: C-295 aircraft having accomplished AOT-C295-55-0002-I00 do not need to perform this Special
Detailed borescope Inspection. For all these aircraft the following actions to be performed are the
inspections described in paragraph 3.2.3.

Note-2: On aircraft MSN155 to MSN182 inspection of Trim Tab Hinge Fitting area is not necessary!

- In case cracks are found, contact Airbus Defence and Space with a detailed damage report to get
further instructions before next flight.

- If no cracks are detected, one of the two possible scenarios “A” or “B”, with different inspection
intervals, can be chosen. The selected inspection (A or B) must be performed after 300FH or 300FC,
whichever occurs first, of the SDET borescope Inspection:

A. Perform Special Detailed HFEC Inspection (see Annex 2) around the area of the LH side Elevator
Rear Spar Trim Tab Hinge Fitting in the Actuator area (see Figure 03), the RH side Elevator Rear
Spar Trim Tab Hinge Fitting in the Actuator area (see Figure 03), the LH side Elevator Rear Spar
Servo Tab Hinge Fitting in the actuator area (see Figure 03) and the RH side Elevator Rear Spar
Servo Tab Hinge Fitting in the actuator area (see Figure 03), these four Hinge Fittings in the
Actuator area (two at LH side and two at RH side) must be removed (see Figure 02).

Perform a Detailed Visual Inspection around the area of the other eight Elevator Rear Spar Trim
Tab and Servo Tab Hinge Fittings, four at LH side and four at RH side (see Figure 03).
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area

- In case cracks are found, contact Airbus Defence and Space with a detailed damage report to
get further instructions before next flight.

- If no cracks are detected repeat the Special Detailed HFEC Inspection every 850FH or 850FC,
whichever occurs first.

Note-3: On aircraft MSN155 to MSN182 inspection of Trim Tab Hinge Fitting area is not necessary!

B. Perform a Detailed Visual Inspection (DET) around the area of the three LH side Elevator Rear Spar
Trim Tab Hinge Fittings (see Figure 03), the three RH side Elevator Rear Spar Trim Tab Hinge
Fittings (see Figure 03), the three LH side Elevator Rear Spar Servo Tab Hinge Fittings (see Figure
03) and the three RH side Elevator Rear Spar Servo Tab Hinge Fittings (see Figure 03), only the
four Hinge Fittings in the Actuator area (two at LH side and two at RH side) must be removed (see
Figure 02).

- In case cracks are found, contact Airbus Defence and Space with a detailed damage report to
get further instructions before next flight.

- If no cracks are detected repeat the Detailed Visual Inspection (DET) every 450FH or 450FC,
whichever occurs first.

Note-4: On aircraft MSN155 to MSN182 inspection of Trim Tab Hinge Fitting area is not necessary!

- Report to Airbus Defence and Space the inspections results, whether with findings or not.
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area

AOT-C295-55-0002-I00 accomplished


Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area:

- SDET for cracks (Borescope)
(The Tabs must not be removed)


After 300FH or 300FC, whichever occurs first (A or B): Cracks found:

Contact Airbus Defence and Space before
- Perform SDET HFEC Inspection around Hinge Fittings area (A) next flight for Instructions or Repair
- Perform DET Visual Inspection around Hinge Fittings area (B)

(Only the Hinge Fittings in the Actuator area must be removed)


Repetitive Inspection (A or B): Cracks found:

Contact Airbus Defence and Space before
- Perform SDET HFEC Inspection next flight for Instructions or Repair
around Hinge Fittings area (A)
every 850FH or 850FC, whichever
occurs first.


- Perform DET Visual Inspection

around Hinge Fittings area (B)
every 450FH or 450FC, whichever
occurs first.

(Only the Hinge Fittings in the

Actuator area must be removed)
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area


3.3.1 Weight Balance: It is not necessary to perform the Weight Balance tasks (SRM: CA-A-51-60-20-
00A-271A-A), if during the inspections “A” or “B” the following requirements are met:

o The same Trim and Servo Tabs removed to perform the inspection are installed again without
any weight change or repair performed
o The Fittings removed to perform the inspection are installed again without any change or repair
o No structural change or weight change has been performed in the Elevator.

3.3.2 Flight Test after Trim and Servo Tab removal: After the inspections “A” or “B”, the Flight Test that
is required in accordance with the instructions contained in the “Flight Test After Maintenance Actions
Instructions Handbook – paragraph 2.1”, can be replaced by the “Functional Test of Elevator main
Surfaces and Tabs” described in Annex 3, if no repair or modification (parts replacements and/or
reworks) is performed during this inspection.

“Flight Test After Maintenance Actions Instructions Handbook” will be updated accordingly.



Airbus Defence and Space has developed and published the Service Bulletin SB295-55-0004 revision
1, based on Design Modifications S33043B (Trim Tab Hinge Fitting area improvement), Point of
Embodiment MSN155, and S34187B (Servo Tab Hinge Fitting area improvement), Point of
Embodiment MSN183, to make the Rear Spar of the Elevator stronger at the Trim and Servo Tabs
Hinge Fittings areas.

The Service Bulletin SB295-55-0004 revision 1 implementation is the terminating action for those
Operators willing to eliminate the repetitive inspections of this AOT-C295-55-0002.


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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area

Questions about this AOT and inspection results with or without findings are to be sent to Airbus DS
Technical Assistance Center (AMTAC):
Telephone: (+34) 91 600 79 99

This AOT is or it is expected to be subject to an Airworthiness Directive or Airworthiness Directive

Recommendation Letter.

Released by

Yolanda Lara-Martin HO Engineering Support Transport

Electronically Validated

© AIRBUS DEFENCE AND SPACE. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.
This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of AIRBUS DEFENCE AND SPACE.
No intellectual property rights are granted by the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party
without the express written consent of AIRBUS DEFENCE AND SPACE.
This document and its content shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied.
© AIRBUS DEFENCE AND SPACE 2019 All right reserved
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area



Trim Tab

Servo Tab

Figure 01 – LH & RH Elevators Rear Spar Trim & Servo Tab Hinge Fittings
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area


Fittings to

Fittings to

LH & RH Elevator Rear Spar Trim & Servo Tab Hinge Fittings

SDET Inspection (HFEC)

Fittings to

Fittings to

LH & RH Elevator Rear Spar Trim & Servo Tab Hinge Fittings

Detailed Visual Inspection (DET)

Figure 02 – Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Affected

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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area


Hinge Fitting Elevator Rear


SDET Visual Inspection with Borescope (all Fittings) &

DET Inspection (Fittings to keep installed)

Elevator Rear

Hinge Fitting

Elevator Rear

SDET (HFEC) Inspection (Fittings to remove) &

DET Inspection (Fittings to remove)

Figure 03 – Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Areas Inspection

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Figure 04 – Elevators Rear Spar Trim & Servo Tab Cracks Location (only for reference)
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area


1. Component or Area to be Inspected (see Figures 05 and 06)

A. This procedure covers the inspection of the Elevator Rear Spar and attached reinforcements at the
Trim and Servo Tabs hinge Fitting positions below (see Figure 05):
C295: LH and RH fittings at STA2270 and 3090

B. Spar and reinforcement are to be inspected by HFEC after removal of the fittings, reinforcements
and shims

C. The Rear Spar is to be inspected around and as close as possible to the bolt holes and approx. 20
mm wide area covering the contour of the fittings, including the Spar bending radius, as shown in
Figure 06

D. The reinforcements are to be inspected around and as close as possible to the bolt holes and
approx. 20 mm wide area along the upper and lower contour of the fittings, including the
reinforcement bending radius, as shown in Figure 06.

2. Description of Possible Damage (see Figure 07)

A. Fatigue cracks in the Spar and the reinforcements starting from the bolt holes that propagate along
the Elevator spanwise. Cracks will be detectable when equal or greater than 2 mm (0.079 in) from
the edge of the holes

B. Fatigue cracks in the Spar and the reinforcements starting at or near the upper and lower fitting
edges propagating along or parallel to the bending radius. Cracks will be detectable when equal or
greater than 3 mm (0.118 in) in length

C. Fatigue cracks in the spar starting at or near the lateral fitting edges propagating in vertical direction
across the section of the Spar. Cracks will be detectable when equal or greater than 3 mm (0.118 in.)
in length.

3. Equipment and Materials

A. Any equivalent eddy current equipment with scope display/probe combination which satisfies the
requirements of this procedure may be used
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area

B. The equipment used in the development of this procedure was as follows:

1. Instrument: NORTEC 600 from Olympus

2. Probe: Absolute shielded straight surface probe MP-30, 50 kHz-500 kHz, 3in
long and 0.125in shaft diameter, microdot connector from Olympus
3. Probe: Absolute shielded right angle surface probe MMP9003-40, 50 kHz-500
kHz, 4in long, 0.03in tip drop and 0.072 shaft diameter, microdot
connector from Olympus
Note: Small drop, thin shaft right angle probe is recommended to
facilitate the inspection of the Spar bending radius.
4. Cable: 9102894 (microdot to BNC) from Olympus
5. Calibration Standard: 2-164-551, NFe from Institut Dr. Foerster

4. Preparation for Inspection

WARNING: Make sure that all safety procedures are followed to prevent injury to person or damage to
the aircraft. Ensure that necessary warning notices are in position before you start the task.

A. Ensure that selected fittings, reinforcements and shims under them are removed (see Figure 05)

B. Identify the areas to be inspected

C. Ensure that there is no sealant on the inspection area

D. Mark out the area of the Spar web and the reinforcements to be inspected (see Figure 06). Use the
base of the fitting removed as template, if needed

E. Ensure that paint coating thickness does not excess 350 μm

1. If the paint thickness is greater than 350 μm, the inspection cannot be done. The paint must be
stripped or reduced in thickness to less than 350 μm
2. If the paint thickness is less than 350 μm, a plastic foils corresponding to the paint thickness (± 30
μm), must be placed on the surface of the calibration standard during calibration steps.

F. Make sure that the surface of the inspection area is clean and smooth

Note: The area to be inspected (see Figures 05 and 06) has to be visually checked for discontinuities
such as bulging, dents, peeled paint, visible corrosion or any other condition that may affect accuracy of
the eddy current inspection.
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5. Instrument Calibration (see Figure 08)

A. Select BNC probe connection

B. Set the instrument test parameters as indicated below:

1. Frequency: 500 kHz

2. H-Pos: 80
3. V-Pos: 20
4. Probe drive: Medium

C. Use calibration standard 2.164-551 to calibrate the instrument in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and repeat the process below when changing the probe

D. Position the probe on a slot-free area and press Null to adjust the zero of the instrument

E. Alternatively place and move the probe away from the calibration standard while adjusting phase
angle to get a horizontal lift-off response equivalent to that shown in Figure 08

F. Move the probe across the 0.5mm slot in the calibration standard and adjust the instrument
sensitivity (gain) to get a signal amplitude of 50% FSH and similar shape as that shown in Figure 08

G. Move the probe across the 0.2mm slot in the calibration standard and confirm that the indication on
the screen is greater than 10% of the screen height.

6. Instrument Calibration (see Figure 09)

A. Place the straight probe on a point of the rear spar near the inspection area (compensation point)
and press Null to adjust the zero of the instrument in the screen

B. Alternatively place and move the probe away from the compensation point while adjusting the phase
angle to get a horizontal lift-off response. Do not modify any other of the parameters got during

C. Inspect the Spar around the attachment holes sliding the probe close as possible to the hole edge

D. Scan the probe across the fitting contour marked out in the spar while sliding it by parallel paths of
approximately 1mm (0.039 in) pitch up to cover all the accessible inspection area, as indicated in
Figure 09

E. Select the right angle probe to perform the inspection of the spar bending radius by parallel paths of
approximately 1mm (0.039 in) pitch, as illustrated in Figure 09

F. Place the straight probe on a point of the reinforcement near the inspection area (compensation
point) and press Null to adjust the zero of the instrument in the screen
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area


G. Alternatively place and move the probe away from the compensation point while adjusting the phase
angle to get a horizontal lift-off response. Do not modify any other of the parameters got during

H. Inspect the reinforcement around the attachment holes sliding the probe close as possible to the
hole edge.

I. Scan the probe across the upper or lower fitting edge marked out in the reinforcement while sliding it
by parallel paths of approximately 1mm (0.039 in) pitch up to cover all the inspection area, as
indicated in Figure 09

Note: Inspection of the bending radius by its convex surface is recommended for accessibility reasons

F. Any screen indication similar to that shown in Figure 08 greater than 10% FSH not caused by edge
effect or any other geometrical effect shall be considered as a crack

G. Record position of any crack indication

H. Evaluate the length of any crack scanning from the point of maximum amplitude towards its side in
parallel scanning paths with 1 mm index up to the point where the amplitude reduces to 10% FSH.

7. Acceptance Criteria

All indication which cause screen deflection equal or greater than 10% FSH above the zero point,
clearly identified over the noise level and similar to that shown in Figure 08 not caused by any
geometrical effect shall be considered as a crack and must be recorded.
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Figure 05 – Component to be Inspected

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Figure 06 – Area to be Inspected

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Figure 07 – Possible Damage

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Figure 08 – Screen Indications of the Calibration Standard Slots

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Figure 09 – Inspection Way

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Perform the below test before removing the affected component. Write down the measured values in
each test.

1. Required conditions

1.1 The aircraft in safe conditions for maintenance tasks in accordance with AMM CA-A-12-00-00-00A-

1.2 The servicing platform in the correct position under the elevators.

WARNING: Make sure that warning notices are in the correct position before you start the maintenance
work on or near:
- The flight control surfaces.
- This will prevent the accidental operation of the flight controls.

WARNING: Make sure that you isolate all the circuits in maintenance before you supply electrical power
to the aircraft.

WARNING: Be careful when you operate the flight controls. Make sure that flight controls travel has no
blockage. Injury to persons or damage to the equipment can occur.

WARNING: Before you move the flight controls, make sure that:
- the full travel of the flight controls and control surfaces are clear of loose objects
- you remove the gust lock and the related rigging pins.
- personnel are aware that flight controls are under test and will be moved.

2. Support equipment

Material Qty Identification number

Servicing platform, 3,5m (11.5ft) 1 N/A
Protractors Pantograph 1 CA-A-AH-27-10-00A-066A-A
Zero setting gauge, RH Elevator 1 CA-A-GH-27-21-00A-066A-A (P/N 95-92071-0002)
Zero setting gauge, LH Elevator 1 CA-A-GH-27-22-00A-066A-A (P/N 95-92071-0001)
CA-A-GH-27-24-00A-066A-A (P/N 35-92178-0001
Protractor, LH Elevator Tab 1
or CLRE-02-35-32000-0005)
CA-A-GH-27-25-00A-066A-A (P/N 35-92178-0002
Protractor, RH Elevator Tab 1
or CLRE-02-35-32001-0005)

3. Functional test of the elevators and servo tabs

3.1 LHS elevator and servo tab

3.1.1 Set the GUST LOCK in unlocked position in accordance with AMM CA-A-27-71-00-00A-040A-A.
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area


3.1.2 Install the zero setting gage of the LH elevator, CA-A-GH-27-22-00A-066A-A, in the elevators
alignment points, located in the horizontal stabilizer. To get the zero setting it is necessary ensure
that the zero setting gage is aligned with the horizontal stabilizer and the elevator surfaces.

3.1.3 Install a protractor pantograph CA-A-AH-27-10-00A-066A-A between the horizontal stabilizer and
LHS elevator top surfaces.

NOTE: It is necessary to make sure that the turn axis of the pantograph is parallel to the hinge axis of
the surfaces on which it is installed.

3.1.4 In elevator zero position, ensuring its zero position through the zero setting gage CA-A-GH-27-22-
00A-066A-A, set to zero the protractor pantograph.

3.1.5 Install the elevator tab protractor CA-A-GH-27-24-00A-066A-A on the elevator surface in order to
get the neutral position of the servo tab surface related to the LHS elevator surface.
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3.1.6 In elevator zero position, note the measured angle of the servo tab using the elevator tab
protractor CA-A-GH-27-24-00A-066A-A. Note the measured angle of the servo tab in the elevator
tab protractor CA-A-GH-27-24-00A-066A-A in table 1.

3.1.7 Remove the zero setting gage of the LH elevator, CA-A-GH-27-22-00A-066A-A.

3.1.8 Smoothly, move the pilot control column forward until it reaches the stop. Measure the elevator
and servo tab angles with the two protractors. Note the measured angles of both protractors in
table 1.

3.1.9 Smoothly, move the pilot control column rearward until it reaches the stop. Measure the elevator
and servo tab angles with the protractors. Note the measured angles of both protractors in table

NOTE: Ensure that the control column, elevator and elevator servo tab move smoothly and freely along
the full range.

3.1.10 Repeat the steps 3.1.8 and 3.1.9 five times with the pilot control column.

3.1.11 Repeat the steps 3.1.8 and 3.1.9 again five times with the copilot control column.

INITIAL VALUES. Left Hand Side Elevator and Servo

Servo- Column
Neutral position Pilot side (CM1) Copilot side (CM2)
position [average] [average]
Elevator Servo Elevator Servo
Full FWD
Full AFT

Table 1. LHS elevator and servo angles from CM1 and CM2 positions.

3.1.12 Set the GUST LOCK in locked position in accordance with AMM CA-A-27-71-00-00A-040A-A
and pull on the control column until it is made sure that the elevators are indeed locked.

3.1.13 Remove the protractor pantographs.

3.2 RHS elevator and servo tab

3.2.1 Set the GUST LOCK in unlocked position in accordance with AMM CA-A-27-71-00-00A-040A-A.

3.2.2 Install the zero setting gage of the RH elevator, CA-A-GH-27-21-00A-066A-A, in the elevators
alignment points, located in the horizontal stabilizer. To get the zero setting it is necessary ensure
that the zero setting gage is aligned with the horizontal stabilizer and the elevator surfaces.
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3.2.3 Install a protractor pantograph CA-A-AH-27-10-00A-066A-A between the horizontal stabilizer and
LHS elevator top surfaces.

NOTE: It is necessary to make sure that the turn axis of the pantograph is parallel to the hinge axis of
the surfaces on which it is installed.

3.2.4 In elevator zero position, ensuring its zero position through the zero setting gage CA-A-GH-27-21-
00A-066A-A, set to zero the protractor pantograph.

3.2.5 Install the elevator tab protractor CA-A-GH-27-25-00A-066A-A on the elevator surface in order to
get the neutral position of the servo tab surface related to the RHS elevator surface.

3.2.6 In elevator zero position, note the measured angle of the servo tab using the elevator tab
protractor CA-A-GH-27-25-00A-066A-A. Note the measured angle of the servo tab in the elevator
tab protractor CA-A-GH-27-25-00A-066A-A in table 2.

3.2.7 Remove the zero setting gage of the RH elevator, CA-A-GH-27-21-00A-066A-A.

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3.2.8 Smoothly, move the pilot control column forward until it reaches the stop. Measure the elevator
and servo tab angles with the two protractors. Note the measured angles of both protractors in
table 2.

3.2.9 Smoothly, move the pilot control column rearward until it reaches the stop. Measure the elevator
and servo tab angles with the protractors. Note the measured angles of both protractors in table

NOTE: Ensure that the control column, elevator and elevator servo tab move smoothly and freely along
the full range.

3.2.10 Repeat the steps 3.2.8 and 3.2.9 five times with the pilot control column.

3.2.11 Repeat the steps 3.2.8 and 3.2.9 again five times with the copilot control column.

INITIAL VALUES. Right Hand Side Elevator and Servo

Servo- Column
Neutral position Pilot side (CM1) Copilot side (CM2)
position [average] [average]
Elevator Servo Elevator Servo
Full FWD
Full AFT

Table 2. RHS elevator and servo angles from CM1 and CM2 positions.

3.2.12 Set the GUST LOCK in locked position in accordance with AMM CA-A-27-71-00-00A-040A-A
and pull on the control column until it is made sure that the elevators are indeed locked.

3.2.13 Remove the protractor pantographs.

4. Functional test of the elevator trim tabs

4.1 LHS elevator trim tab

4.1.1 Connect the GPU and put the aircraft electrical system set to ON according to AMM CA-A-24-40-

4.1.2 Set the GUST LOCK lever to the locked position in accordance with AMM CA-A-27-71-00-00A-

4.1.3 Install the elevator tab protractor CA-A-GH-27-24-00A-066A-A on the elevator surface in order to
measure the position of the trim tab surface related to the LHS elevator surface.
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4.1.4 Disconnect the servo tab surface from their control rods, ensuring that that the control rods are
safety-wired and that it is not possible for them to get loose and modify their length.

4.1.5 Connect the servo tab surface to trim tab surface (for example with RH elevator tab protractor CA-
A-GH-27-25-00A-066A-A) in order to measure the trim tab movement in the LH elevator tab
protractor CA-A-GH-27-24-00A-066A-A.

4.1.6 Check that the appropriate circuit breakers are closed:

Panel Service FIN

Systems 1 TRIM ARTCU CB1
Systems 2 TRIM ARTCU CB2
Systems 2 TRIM STBY CB44
Systems 2 TRIM IND DF1

4.1.7 On the pilot or copilot control wheel (ZD7), move the trim until the LHS and RHS pointers are
perfectly aligned with the 2 mark in the pitch trim indicator.
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4.1.8 With gust lock activated, note the measured angle of the trim tab using the elevator tab protractor
CA-A-GH-27-24-00A-066A-A. Note the measured angle of the LH trim tab in the elevator tab
protractor CA-A-GH-27-24-00A-066A-A in table 3.

4.1.9 On the pilot control wheel (ZD7), operate the pitch trim switch (CB3) to the DN position until the
actuator reaches its travel stop. Note the measured angle of the RH trim tab of the protractor and
the ELEV NORM trim position indicator in table 3.

4.1.10 On the pilot control wheel (ZD7), operate the pitch trim switch (CB3) to the UP position until the
actuator reaches its travel stop. Note the measured angle of the RH trim tab of the protractor and
the ELEV NORM trim position indicator in table 3.

INITIAL VALUES. Left Hand Side Trim

LH trim -Neutral ELEV
position LHS Trim NORM
Trim Switch
[average] [average] Indicator
Full DN
Full UP

Table 3. LHS trim tab angles and trim indication.

4.1.11 Repeat the steps 4.1.9 and 4.1.10 three times with pilot control wheel.

4.1.12 Repeat the steps 4.1.9 and 4.1.10 three times with copilot control wheel.

4.1.13 Connect the servo tab surface, ensuring that the control rods are safety-wired and that it is not
possible for them to get loose and modify their length.

4.1.14 Set the aircraft electrical system to OFF. Disconnect the GPU according to AMM CA-A-24-40-00-

4.1.15 Remove the protractor pantographs.

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4.2 RHS elevator trim tab

4.2.1 Connect the GPU and put the aircraft electrical system set to ON according to AMM CA-A-24-40-

4.2.2 Set the GUST LOCK lever to the locked position in accordance with AMM CA-A-27-71-00-00A-

4.2.3 Install the elevator tab protractor CA-A-GH-27-25-00A-066A-A on the elevator surface in order to
measure the position of the trim tab surface related to the RHS elevator surface.

4.2.4 Disconnect the servo tab surface from their control rods, ensuring that that the control rods are
safety-wired and that it is not possible for them to get loose and modify their length.

4.2.5 Connect the servo tab surface to trim tab surface (for example with LH elevator tab protractor CA-
A-GH-27-24-00A-066A-A) in order to measure the trim tab movement in the RH elevator tab
protractor CA-A-GH-27-25-00A-066A-A.

4.2.6 Check that the appropriate circuit breakers are closed:

Panel Service FIN

Systems 1 TRIM ARTCU CB1
Systems 2 TRIM ARTCU CB2
Systems 2 TRIM STBY CB44
Systems 2 TRIM IND DF1

4.2.7 On the pilot or copilot control wheel (ZD7), move the trim until the LHS and RHS pointers are
perfectly aligned with the 2 mark in the pitch trim indicator.
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4.2.8 With gust lock activated, note the measured angle of the trim tab using the elevator tab protractor
CA-A-GH-27-25-00A-066A-A. Note the measured angle of the RH trim tab in the elevator tab
protractor CA-A-GH-27-25-00A-066A-A in table 4.

4.2.9 Remove the zero setting gage of the RH elevator, CA-A-GH-27-21-00A-066A-A.

4.2.10 On the pilot control wheel (ZD7), operate the pitch trim switch (CB3) to the DN position until the
actuator reaches its travel stop. Note the measured angle of the RH trim tab of the protractor and
the ELEV NORM trim position indicator in table 4.

4.2.11 On the pilot control wheel (ZD7), operate the pitch trim switch (CB3) to the UP position until the
actuator reaches its travel stop. Note the measured angle of the RH trim tab of the protractor and
the ELEV NORM trim position indicator in table 4.

INITIAL VALUES. Left Hand Side Trim

RH trim -Neutral ELEV
position RHS Trim NORM
Trim Switch
[average] [average] Indicator
Full DN
Full UP

Table 4. RHS trim tab angles and trim indication.

4.2.12 Repeat the steps 4.1.10 and 4.1.11 three times with pilot control wheel.

4.2.13 Repeat the steps 4.1.10 and 4.1.11 three times with copilot control wheel.

4.2.14 Connect the servo tab surface, ensuring that the control rods are safety-wired and that it is not
possible for them to get loose and modify their length.

4.2.15 Set the aircraft electrical system to OFF. Disconnect the GPU according to AMM CA-A-24-40-00-

4.2.16 Remove the protractor pantographs.

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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area


5. Job close up

5.1 Move the flight controls in its full range and ensure that the movement is smooth. Do a range of
movement and move the flight controls to make sure that there is not any stiffness.

5.2 Set the flight controls to the center position. Set the gust lock lever to the correct position to lock the
flight controls according to AMM CA-A-27-71-00-00A-040A-A.

5.3 Remove the servicing platform.

5.4 If applicable, do the operations necessary to put the aircraft in the configuration before the start of
the maintenance tasks according to AMM CA-A-12-00-00-00A-010A-A.

5.5 Remove all tools and equipment from the work area. Make sure that the work area is clean.
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After performing the inspections and reinstalling the affected components, repeat the above
measurements and write down the values in the following tables:

FINAL VALUES. Left Hand Side Elevator

Column Pilot side (CM1) Copilot side (CM2)
position [average] [average]
Elevator Elevator
Full FWD
Full AFT

Table 5. LHS elevator angle from CM1 and CM2 positions

FINAL VALUES. Right Hand Side Elevator and Servo

Servo- Column
Neutral position Pilot side (CM1) Copilot side (CM2)
position [average] [average]
Elevator Servo Elevator Servo
Full FWD
Full AFT

Table 6. RHS elevator and servo angles from CM1 and CM2 positions.

FINAL VALUES. Left Hand Side Trim

LH trim -Neutral ELEV
position LHS Trim NORM
Trim Switch
[average] [average] Indicator
Full DN
Full UP

Table 7. LHS trim tab angles and trim indication

FINAL VALUES. Right Hand Side Trim

RH trim -Neutral ELEV
position RHS Trim NORM
Trim Switch
[average] [average] Indicator
Full DN
Full UP

Table 8. RHS trim tab angles and trim indication

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A comparison between the both sets of values must be performed to check whether the Flight Test
After Maintenance Actions can be waived based on these results. These results must be included in
Tables 9, 10, 11 and 12.

WARNING: all deltas (Δ) in all tables must be correct for waiving the Flight Test.

Comparison Between Both Sets of Values. LHS Elevator and Servo

Column position
Elevator Δ Servo Δ Elevator Δ Servo Δ
Full FWD (initial)
Full FWD (final)
Full AFT (initial)
Full AFT (final)
Validation criteria All deltas (Δ) must be less than 0.5º to justify the Flight Test Waiving criteria

Table 9. Comparison of values and validation criteria, LHS elevator and servo

Comparison Between Both Sets of Values. RHS Elevator and Servo

Pilot side (CM1) Copilot side (CM2)
Column position
Elevator Δ Servo Δ Elevator Δ Servo Δ
Full FWD (initial)
Full FWD (final)
Full AFT (initial)
Full AFT (final)
Validation criteria All deltas (Δ) must be less than 0.5º to justify the Flight Test Waiving criteria

Table 10. Comparison of values and validation criteria, RHS elevator and servo.

Trim Switch LHS Trim
Full DN (initial)
Full DN (final)
Full UP (initial)
Full UP (final)
LH Trim – Neutral
position (initial)
LH Trim – Neutral
position (final)
All deltas (Δ) must be less than
Validation criteria 0.5º to justify the Flight Test
Waiving criteria

Table 11. Comparison of values and validation criteria, LHS and RHS trim.
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Subject: Inspection of Elevator Rear Spar Hinge Fitting Area


Trim Switch RHS Trim
Full DN (initial)
Full DN (final)
Full UP (initial)
Full UP (final)
RH Trim – Neutral
position (initial)
RH Trim – Neutral
position (final)
All deltas (Δ) must be less than
Validation criteria 0.5º to justify the Flight Test
Waiving criteria

Table 12. Comparison of values and validation criteria, LHS and RHS trim.

If the values are not the same, perform the adjustment tests AMM CA-A- 27-31-00-00A-340A-and AMM
CA-A-27-33-00-00A-340A-A and perform the Flight Test in accordance with the Flight Test after
Maintenance Actions Instructions Handbook.

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