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Introduction to Programming.
 What is a Program?
 Why we need to code computer?
 Various Level of Programming.
 Why we should Study C++ ?
 What is the difference between C & C++?
 Is C++ still valid in this new world of AI.
 What we can do with C++ else than passing Exam.
 Some real life examples of C++.
 Legacy of C++.
Distribution of Syllabus
FlowChart [Block Diagram].
Computer Code.
Digital Logic & Designing DLD.
Scratch Programming.

 Step by Step brain solution of the Problem.
For Example an Algorithm to add two numbers
Step – 1 . Start [Start the Code]
Step – 2. Declare Number1, Number2, Total [Declare variables]
Step – 3.1 . Write “Enter value for Number 1.” [Take first number as Input]
Step – 3.2 . Read Number1
Step – 4.1 . Write “Enter value for Number 2.” [Take second number as Input]
Step – 4.2 . Read Number2
Step – 5 . Total = Number1 + Number 2 [Addition of two Numbers]
Step – 6 . Write “ Total of Two Numbers is “, Total [Display Result]
Step – 7 . End [End the Code]

Three Level of Languages
 Low LEVEL Language (Machine Language)
There are two languages known to us as Low Level
Languages or Machine Languages
1. Binary Codes. 2. Assembly Language .
Both are highly manomic /symbolic and complicated.
But used to directly instruct a command to
Machine. Very fast and robust.
We can conclude it as difficult or human but very
easy/fast for Machine.
A  01000001  65 .

Binary Code Example
h: 01101000
e: 01100101
l: 01101100
l: 01101100
o: 01101111

Assembly Code Example
section .data
hello db 'Hello', 0 ; The string to be printed

section .text
global _start ; Entry point for the linker

; Write the string to stdout

mov eax, 001000 1000111 11100

mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, hello
mov edx, 5
int 0x80 ; Call the kernel

; Exit the program

mov eax, 1 ; System call number for sys_exit (1)
xor ebx, ebx ; Return code 0
int 0x80 ; Call the kernel

High Level Languages.
 BASIC - Beginners All Purposes Symbolic
Instructional Codes.
print “Hello”
Write “Hello”;
COBOL : Common Business Oriented Language
Display “Hello”.

Intermediate Language / Middle
Class Language
 BASIC  Beginners
 PASCAL  Physics
 FORTRAN  Chemistry
 GL  Graphics
 COBOL  Business Accounts
 -----65000 Languages = 01 Lang C
 C Language (Combination of all)
 C++ is en extension to C language.
 Easy and robust or machine as well as for human
Rules for Writing a C++ Program
1. Whole Program must be coded in lowercase.
2. Every program must be started from a special
function void main().
3. Every-line of the program must be ended on semi-
colon. (;)
4. Every block of the program must be coded in braces
5. It’s a freefall language so one can code as want to
rows and column rule.

Examples of C++
 void main()
cout <<“ I am here “;
cout<<“ working “;

 void main()
{cout <<“ I am here “;cout<<“ working


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